Friday, November 23, 2012

Saving Money and Getting your Personal Finances in Order

Budget (Photo credit: Tax Credits)
At this time of year with Christmas on the horizon, every penny counts. Kids are demanding all kinds of expensive gifts and you’re trying to save money for next year’s summer holiday, as well as needing a new coat before the weather takes a turn for the (even) worse this winter. 

The main issue that people have when it comes to getting their finances in order is budgeting, especially when you have to factor in how much you’re going to spend on Christmas presents. One of the best methods of budgeting is to sit down at the start of each month, when you’re fully aware of what expenses you’re going to have and roughly when they’ll be, allowing you to establish a rough figure as to how much you can spend each week until the next glorious pay day. 

If you can establish just how much you have available as what is effectively “disposable income”, then you can work out whether or not you can afford to go out and buy that new winter coat you need, or the pair of football boots your son wants or maybe even the One Direction tickets for your daughter, (secretly you – admit it). 
To make this even easier on the wallet there are a number of online discount sites on the Internet that can provide you with some substantial savings. For example, search for specific promotional codes and you’ll be presented with a series of discounts ranging from free delivery to 10% off the final bill. 

These discounts will prove to be extremely beneficial in the long run – especially in the run up to Christmas – allowing you to save up money for presents and the all-important dinner! 

If you can learn to budget, you’ll soon find that you’re much better off financially. It’s amazing how just sitting down and working out how much you NEED to spend each month, and how much “disposable income” you have can help to keep funds in the bank. You’re never too old to learn either, you just need a pad, a pen, all of your bills and a calculator. 

This article was written by UK-based author Matt Rawlings. With more than ten years of freelance writing experience, Matt is an expert in consumer advice content, providing details on how to use KGB promo codes to make significant savings on your online purchases.

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