Thursday, August 30, 2012

5 iPhone Apps to Help Manage Your Spending

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBaseDigital technology has changed the way people think about their finances. Instead of paper and coins, money is now little more than a number, a running tally that can't reach zero. Unfortunately, this fundamental shift in personal finances has led many individuals into greater debt and even bankruptcy. There are, however, ways to keep track of your spending on the go. These five iPhone apps will help you manage your budget and organize your finances like never before.

Ace Budget 2
The sequel to the popular budgeting application is packed with brand new features and a more intuitive user interface. Ace Budget 2 is a sleek and powerful all-around financial tool. It allows you to set your budget for anything from one day to one year. Then, Ace Budget 2 keeps track of your expenditures and organizes the information into a variety of printable graphs that present your spending habits in an easy-to-understand format.

Grocery Gadget
Nearly everyone overspends at the grocery store. No matter how determined a person is to stick to a list and come in under budget, there's always something extra thrown in or, even worse, something forgotten. Grocery Gadget seeks to make shopping a less stressful experience. Users create shopping lists, which can be shared with others, and are then able to note prices and locations for future reference. After a few trips to the store, Grocery Gadget makes it possible to predict your final cost down to the dollar.

My Weekly Budget
Sometimes it's easiest to focus on your income one week at a time. My Weekly Budget is the simplest app on this list, but it is nevertheless a powerful tool. My Weekly Budget lets its user set a goal, and then keeps a running tally throughout the week. Its uncomplicated layout makes keeping up with recording purchases easier than more intimidating applications, and it may be all that the average person needs.

HomeBudget consolidates all of a household's finances into one application. Like Ace Budget 2, it factors in monthly bills, income and expenses to present a clear picture of a family's overall monetary health. The paid version has a sync feature that updates the application almost instantly. This means that multiple people can edit the same household at once to present more accurate and comprehensive information.

Mint is a popular website that has translated its most important services over to a mobile app. Mint securely connects to your bank accounts to provide up-to-date numbers no matter how far you are from a computer. It shows recent withdrawals and deposits, monitors budgets and even tracks stocks. All information gathered on your iPhone appears on the desktop version, making this an easy way to accurately check and update the powerful online service.

Dan is a financial blogger who has recently learned how to make an iPhone app to help him manage his money more efficiently.


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