Friday, March 8, 2013

Guide for Freelancers: Working with Difficult People while Avoiding Problematic Scenarios

Facing daily challenges is not as difficult as dealing with people with problems. This article will help in explaining how to deal with difficult clients and how to handle their questions and reactions. 

Difficulty in Dealing:

Following are explained some reasons of why the freelancers perceive some clients as difficult:
  • Communication Style Differences. Communication is the medium through which the complexity of any client can be predicted. Some people feel more comfortable in any type of communication medium. Some uses email, phone calls, chat or face to face meeting. The difficult people find a way in any type of medium to irritate the employer. 
  • Knowledge Based Differences. Not everyone can understand everything and not everyone knows everything. Freelancers have to guide the client with proper knowledge and make him understand things he does not perceive correctly. Sometimes the client offers low price for large amount of work, for this freelancer have to elaborate the price scheme so that he understands the amount of efforts required. 
  • Life Experiences’ Differences. It’s virtually impossible for a person to acknowledge what the other person has in mind and what he/she is going through unless he/she share. It’s an important note to memorize that mostly people have diverse behaviors in the stressed situations. 

Salvage Relationships:

The first choice for a freelancer should be to salvage the relationship if the client is difficult. If the reasons have been identified of client being difficult, proper steps should be taken in dealing and correcting the relationship. It can either be adjusting the way freelancers operate or by swallowing their pride. Below are various specific steps which could be taken for resolving the specific problems:
  • Communication Style Differences. Communication is the medium through which the complexity of any client can be predicted. 
  • Knowledge Based Differences. Not everyone can understand everything and not everyone knows everything. Freelancers have to guide the client with proper knowledge and make him understand things he does not perceive correctly. 
  • Life Experiences’ Differences. It’s virtually impossible to acknowledge what other people are going through unless they speak of their problems. It’s an important note to remember that most of the people have diverse behavior in stressed out situations. 

Time of Ignoring People with Problems:

Salvaging the relationship with a difficult person is generally considered as best option. There might come some times when it’s best to ignore difficult person. Usually it’s preferable to ignore difficult people to avoid any irritation in work. For instance, if the client is asking for status reports on daily basis, it must be annoying but providing them with the reports. 

Last Resort:

Last resort for a freelancer is to cut off the difficult person from the work entirely. One should go for such act after much thinking because one it is done, it can’t be undone. Ending the relationship should be made if there is not step or chance of reconciliation left.

Author Bio:

Austin Richard is an IT professional from prepnerds. Are you really looking for Assistance? Take the benefit of Apple Certification Exams and pass your exam easily.

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