Monday, August 12, 2013

What Type of Retirement Account is Right for Me?

When starting their careers after school, new members of the “real world” are likely given some options to invest their money. This can be multiple different avenues, and many of them can help prepare for the future. If retirement is on a person's mind, they may want to look at a couple of choices to help strengthen their financial strategy.

We at World Financial Group know that individuals need to think about retirement starting at an early age. This can be a tricky process, but there are many options available to help people achieve their goals. Starting early is important, and it can prevent delays in a person's fiscal plan later on.

Planning for retirement necessary from the get-go

Everyone wants to retire comfortably, but there may be some issues on how a person will accomplish those goals. By setting a strict plan from the time a person is getting into the working world, it can improve the chances of retiring on time.

  • Start saving now – There is never a point where it is too early to start putting money away for retirement, and delaying this process can hurt the chances of getting it done. 
  • Know what is needed – Having set goals are only as good as the likelihood an individual can reach them. Saving a set amount and working to increase that level gradually may put the person in a better spot later on. 

Not all retirement accounts made equal

Young people need to look at a variety of retirement options, and considering these choices should be a long process. When finding the right type of plan, a person can adjust their strategy to ensure they are in the best position to save a sizable amount of money.

  • Roth IRA – One of the best aspects of having a Roth IRA is that all withdrawals of the account are without any tax penalty. There are still some tax contributions, but the money taken out belongs to the person who owns the policy. This policy also allows for withdrawals before a person retires without a penalty, which can be beneficial if the account holder needs the money. 
  • 401(k) – This policy allows for an individual to work with their employer in order to build their retirement savings. If account holders put a certain amount of their paychecks toward this account, they may be able to get their employers to match their contributions – thus providing a nice boost to their savings. 

These available options can help a person get the tools they need to retire successfully. However, these may be even better if a person combines them with other diversified savings plans such as a nest egg account and a college fun for any children they may have.

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