Thursday, November 14, 2013

3 Tips to Simplifying Your Business's Payroll

Managing a business is never simple, especially when you begin to employ other individuals who work for you. When you want to run your business properly, having a clear grasp on your financial situation is essential at all times. Knowing how to simplify your company's payroll can help rid the stress of worrying about taxes and fees you may owe in the future. The more actively involved you become with your company's financial status, the easier it is to achieve success in any industry.

Work With a Professional

Working together with a professional CPA (Certified Public Accountant) or a business accountant is ideal whether you have just recently launched a startup company or if you want to manage a larger corporation responsibly. Professional accountants are capable of gaining insight into your financial picture quickly, giving you different options and routes to take to ensure you continue to profit and maintain stability. Utilizing the services of an online payroll provider provides many advantages, such as:

Use Software Regularly

Installing your own software to track payroll expenses as well as other financial investments or expenses can help you to stay in control of your business in all areas, including finances. There are many different programs that allow you to easily keep track of your investments as well as taxes that are due based on your employees' earnings or salaries. Using software regularly on a daily basis not only allows you to monitor sales and profit, but it also gives you more knowledge of the financial overview of all areas of your business. Just be sure to invest in software that provides quick input of required information (such as employee address, salary, deductions, marital status, etc.) and automatically totals taxes and withholding. 

Research the Affordable Care Act

You can also research the affordable care act to compare all of the options you have when it comes to your employees and their healthcare. By choosing a new healthcare plan to help cover your employees, you may need to re-configure the amount of payroll taxes you owe quarterly or annually, depending on the size of your business and the number of employees you have hired. To learn more about the affordable care act and how it can influence you personally and your business, click here.

Learning how to simplify your business's payroll can ultimately help to relieve you from stress and worry while ensuring all taxes and fees are always paid on time. The more engaged and involved you are with handling the finances of your company, the easier it is to build a successful business regardless of whether you are trying to launch an online eCommerce store or if you have a local business you plan to open.

Following these tips will result in significantly less stress as you prepare to tackle your businesses’ payroll.

Author Bio
Karleia is a freelance blogger. Away from the office and doing business she enjoys spending time with her two young daughters and husband.


  1. Thanks for these tips, they were really too helpful to me, I would say Sage 50 Pro is also a good payroll software as of now, you can check review on Sage 50 Pro here

  2. Outsourced business payroll reduce the amount of money and workforces and stress that is always associated with managing payrolls. Payroll needs a good knowledge on tax legislation as well as experience to complete the process fast and without any mistake. Expert always updates with everything concerning rules and regulation set by government agencies. It’s very important because it protects your business from cost penalties.


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