Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Get Noticed in 2014 - 4 Marketing Techniques to Try in the Coming Year

Running a business is a rewarding venture, but it is also one that poses new challenges each day. Even companies with undeniably intelligent business plans, high-quality products and competitive prices can find it difficult to stay ahead. One of the biggest challenges for businesses is simply getting noticed. In a crowded marketplace — particularly one in which technological advances have lowered the barrier to entry — it can be quite difficult to produce a steady stream of interest. 

Get Social

If you're not already embracing multiple social media platforms, now is the time to do so. Different demographic groups use different platforms, so concentrating all of your efforts on just one site means you will risk missing out on a large chunk of potential consumers. Social media offers an attractive option because you can reach an audience whether they are at home or mobile, and it doesn't cost anything to send out messages. Additionally, it is easy for people to copy your messages and pass them on, allowing you to expand your audience effortlessly.

Promotional Products

Getting your name out is essential if you want to keep expanding your business. And, just as in movies and television, product placement can be a very effective strategy for doing so. Getting custom-made promotional products, such as promotional zipper pulls or custom carabiners by HALO will dramatically increase exposure to your brand, which is crucial if you want it to become a household name. These small, utilitarian products are items that customers can use every day, encouraging repeat exposure. Promotional products are inexpensive to make but can make a significant impression on your target audience, making them a great marketing investment. These promotional products can be imprinted with your company’s logo and contact details so every time they are used by current and potential customers, you gain marketing exposure.

Get Involved

Don't be afraid to think outside of the box when it comes to marketing; you don't have to restrict yourself to traditional advertisements or commercials. You can also get exposure for your business by volunteering in the community or sponsoring an event related to your products or services. These strategies can help you gain vast new audiences and have your business be seen in a positive light.

Get Personal

People are more likely to interact with and support a brand with personality, so make sure your target audience knows that there are people behind the products. Starting a blog can help you show your human side and will also give people more insight into how your business operates and witness your passions. Getting on the same level as your audience will make your business more appealing so that consumers see you, not a faceless corporation.

Cutting through the barrage of marketing messages that consumers receive every day is no easy task, and it requires strategic planning. Luckily, altering your approach to marketing is much easier than changing a product's design or chain of distribution. If you want to get noticed in 2014, consider adopting some of these marketing techniques that will get you noticed in your chosen field.

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