Thursday, January 16, 2014

How to Attract Top Talent to Your Company

Companies that are looking to hire top talent need to come up with clever ways to add that talent to their teams. While hiring an executive is more complicated than hiring a cashier or another low level employee, there are several sensible steps that companies can take to get the executives that they are after.

Allow Your New Executive to Make Mistakes

There is a good reason why your company is looking for new leadership. Most likely, your company has been in a rut or suffering from customer or regulatory backlash. This means that there is a lot that needs to be changed or scrapped before the company can compete and thrive.

When a new executive comes in, he or she is going to have to take distinct action as soon as he or she starts. Therefore, mistakes are most likely going to be made and will need to be ironed out as time goes on.

If the executive doesn't have the support of those around him or her, that person probably won't want to take the job. When someone is in a bad situation without any support to help fix the problem, that position is going to be seen as toxic and not worth touching.

Allow That Person to Bring in His or Her People

The typical executive has spent years or decades working up to the executive level. Along the way, he or she has developed many connections and business relationships. Allowing your new leader to bring in people that he or she is comfortable with can be a great way to entice that person to come join your company.

When your executive has people that he or she can trust, it makes it a lot easier for that person to lead. It is also in the best interest of the company to bring in as much talent as possible. Those who have a proven track record aren't easy to acquire in today's business world.

Give That Person Ownership of the Company

To get the right person, you may need to cede a large part of the company to that person. While this may be scary to some shareholders, it means that the new executive has an incentive to do well. If compensation is tied to the performance of the company, that executive has to make moves that benefit the company. This presents an opportunity for everyone from the CEO to the person stocking shelves in the store to benefit from the success of the company.

Offer the Opportunity to Cement the Executive's Legacy

Those who are stepping into a new position for the first time want to be able to take credit for something. This helps to cement their legacy and gives that person credibility. If your company is looking to roll out a new product or wants to completely change company culture, allowing the new executive to take charge of that could entice him or her to want to be with your company. In some cases, merely allowing an executive to take credit for something that may have been in place before he or she came on board could do the job.

There is a lot that has to be done to attract a top executive. For companies that are eager to get the search underway, it may be a good idea to partner with an executive recruitment agency. The recruitment agency can help your company find the right people with the right skills to lead your company into the future. It could be the difference between taking the company to the next level and shutting down operations for good.

1 comment:

  1. It's so important to secure the best talent. I know with my company, I try to go over every applicant and find the diamond in the rough, but getting help from a recruitment firm can do wonders.


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