Friday, January 10, 2014

Money Management Tips for Seniors

When it comes to senor money management, there are a few important aspects to keep in mind, since older individuals often have to have a different approach to spending and managing money. While some people start saving for their retirement immediately after they start their first job, others wait until they only have a few years left before they start saving for their retirement.

In order to have enough for your retirement you need to calculate your current lifestyle requirements; you need to maintain at least 70% to 80% of your current working income. However, you might outlive your income or you might not have time to save enough to maintain your lifestyle. Retirement experts believe that you should not use more than 5% of your savings every year, should you need it, so that you don’t run into trouble when it comes to retirement time.

Consider Health Care Expenses

Healthcare expenses can make out a huge part of your retirement savings, especially if you have a chronic illness or an unforeseen accident. Ensuring that you have a proper medical aid plan can make this much easier to manage, which is why you need to consider medical coverage early on in your career.

Consider things like Medicare Savings Programs where you can reduce your co-payments and save money in the process. There are four different programs to read about, so you can choose the one that suits you best. Each of these programs has different income limits so you can compare them to see which one will suit you. 

Daily Money Management

Senior citizens can benefit from daily money management (DMM) services as this will allow them to have someone take care of their bookkeeping requirements. This can include writing checks for bills to be paid, keeping records of all payments made and received. This will give the individual, as well as their families, peace of mind, knowing that bills are paid and that money is not wasted on unnecessary purchases.

Money management and retirement savings don’t have to be difficult to manage. You can get help from a licensed financial advisor to guide you throughout this process, which is a great help for many individuals. Always make sure that you verify these individuals, though, to ensure that they have the skills and experience necessary to handle your finances and give you professional, practical advice. 

There are a few other aspects to consider:

  • Senior discounts. Many retailers are happy to offer senior discounts on specific days of the week or month.
  • Community service. Some senior programs provide payment for services, so you can get paid for giving back.
  • Stay at home. If you own a home, it’s a huge asset. Stay there and save money on old age homes where possible. 

Saving for your retirement is just as important as properly managing your finances when you are retired. With a few tips and clever choices you can make sure that you live a comfortable life after retirement. It’s a good idea to work with a financial planner if you are still in the early stages of saving for retirement, making it easier to make the right decisions and know how much money to save.

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