Tuesday, October 20, 2015

How to Work More Productively at Home

Whether you telecommute for work, or you have a part-time job that operates from your home, you could probably stand to boost your at-home productivity some. Increased productivity means less time working, and more time bonding with your family, pursuing hobbies, developing new skills, and more. 

So what are you waiting for? 

Here are some tips on working more productively, even while you’re in the comfort of your own home.

Separate your work life and home life.

As tempting as it is to multi-task by completing work assignments and home-related tasks simultaneously, maintaining a strict separation between the two will allow you to give your full, undivided attention to whatever it is that you are working on. 

Separate your work life from your home life by designating a particular space for work (and only work), defining precise work hours, or even using a different cell phone for your work purposes.

Set up an at-home office.

The ultimate way to separate work life from home life is to set up an at-home office. As this article about highly practical furniture details, investing in the right furniture can make all the difference in your everyday life. 

Creating an at-home office grants you the luxury of having a space that you love working in, that is tailored to the particular work you do, and that eliminates as much distraction as possible. You can set up a home office in a spare room in your home, in the space underneath your stairs, or in just about any nook you can find in your home. 

Just be sure that the space you choose primarily remains a work-space and doesn’t evolve into a personal space.

Schedule out what you plan to accomplish.

Don’t simply write down what you plan to accomplish at the beginning of each day; schedule it out. Writing out the tasks you hope to accomplish each day, and assigning an allotted time to each of these tasks, will motivate you more deeply to actually complete the tasks you’ve set for yourself—on time. 

You’ll become better and better at this with practice. Remember when scheduling out your tasks that you should base allotted time on the time you actually spend working, therefore eliminating time for breakfast and lunch, relaxation, etc.

Plan out your breaks.

It’s important to plan out some down time throughout your day as well, as your mind will need time to rejuvenate after extensive periods of heavy thinking. Plan on setting aside a small pocket of time every hour or so, when you can take a quick walk away from your work area, have a snack, check your email, check social media, etc.

Monitor ambient noise levels.

Sure, you probably already knew that excessive noise coming from other areas of the home is sure to be a major hindrance in your workday. But did you know that an adequate level of ambient noise can actually help you to be more productive? 

This is the premise that sites like Coffitivity work on, providing site visitors with an endless stream of ambient, coffee shop style noise to work to. Hey, you might even find that it’s useful to visit your local coffee shop once or week or so to draw from the natural ambient noise there.

Remove your distractions.

Of course, there are some distractions that you can and should eliminate as you work from home. If you have a home office, keep your door shut as you work, which will alert others in the home to how you are working and cannot afford distraction (not to mention keep pets out). 

If you’re often guilty of spending extended periods of time looking out the window, make sure your desk isn’t oriented in such a way that the window is in your immediate view. If hunger is a major distraction, keep a small arsenal of wholesome snacks on hand that will keep you satiated until lunchtime or quitting time. 

Learn to recognize what distracts you from work, and develop your workday routine around eliminating those distractions.

Act like you are going to work.

As the tips you have read thus far suggest, one major key to working productively while at home is this: act as though you are going to work when you work from home. If you need to dress up for at-home work to get yourself in the right mindset, do it. 

If you need to maintain a separate laptop and phone for work-related things while leaving your personal electronics out of the home office, do that too. Find what gets you in the right mindset for getting work done, and make it a regular part of your workday routine.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this article is similar to the article I have recently read. Here it's "10 Time-Saving Tools That Will Make You More Productive". I think it'll be also very interesting and useful.


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