Since you're going to need a substantial loan to make your purchase a reality, it is important you do your homework beforehand to ensure the loan process goes as smooth as possible.
As you're preparing to seek a loan to buy a home, here are some things you'll need to get approved by your lender.
Proof of Income
Before any bank or other lender gives you a loan to buy a home, they want to make sure you are actually making enough money to pay back the loan.
Therefore, you will need to produce proof of your income prior to getting loan approval. In most cases, this means recent pay stubs, W-2 forms from the past two years, and possibly tax returns from the previous two years as well.
Good Credit
While in some circumstances it is possible to obtain a home loan with less than perfect credit, the majority of lenders require loan applicants to have good credit.
While you should be able to get a loan with a credit score of at least 620, the lowest interest rates often go to those applicants whose credit scores are 760 or higher.
Employment Verification
While your pay stubs and W-2 forms may show you are employed, many lenders take things a step further to verify your employment status. Therefore, expect your lender to call your employer to verify your employment and the amount of your salary.
If you have changed jobs just prior to applying for your loan, the lender will likely call both your previous and current employer to get the information they need.
Driver's License and Social Security Number
Even if you tell your lender your credit rating is good, they won't simply take your word for it. Instead, they will want to pull a credit report on their own so they can look it over before deciding the fate of your loan request.
To do this, the lender will need to copy your driver's license and have your Social Security number. If you object to providing this information, chances are your loan application will be denied.
Since you want to do all you can to make sure your loan application is approved, taking the time to gather together the paperwork required by your lender may pay off in you soon moving into your dream home.
Since you want to do all you can to make sure your loan application is approved, taking the time to gather together the paperwork required by your lender may pay off in you soon moving into your dream home.
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