Sunday, February 13, 2022

How to Get Out of Medical Debt

Medical debt is a major financial burden that millions of people are currently struggling with. While you might feel overwhelmed by your medical bills, there are a few steps that you can take to reduce your debt, lower your payments, or even have your debt wiped out entirely.

Collect and Review Paperwork

It is an unfortunate fact that a relatively large percentage of medical bills have errors, and some studies have shown that as many as 75 percent of patients aren’t being billed correctly. 

That is just one of the many reasons why you should always review all of the paperwork that you receive from the hospital. You must also ask the hospital for an itemized list of all the charges so that you can dispute any errors.

Contact the Hospital

The next step in the process is contacting the hospital directly to discuss your bills. As long as your bills haven’t been sent to collections, you might be able to negotiate new terms with the hospital’s billing department. 

Most hospitals want to retain the debt so that they profit from it, and they could help you come up with a more affordable payment plan that doesn’t destroy your finances.

Apply for a Medical Credit Card

Acquiring a medical credit card is another option that you should consider if you can’t negotiate with the hospital. Medical credit cards tend to have very low interest rates and much lower requirements for applying. 

Some medical credit cards even offer zero percent APR for upwards of two years, and that will give you plenty of time to focus on your finances and rebuild your credit.

Consider Bankruptcy

While these other options can be very useful for some patients, there may come a point when it is time to consider bankruptcy. Filing for bankruptcy will allow you to restructure your debt or even wipe it out entirely, and that process should be off your record in a matter of years. 

To read more about your bankruptcy options, you should head to a reputable legal site that will allow you to learn about the pros and cons of each chapter of bankruptcy.

Ongoing debt can become a life-altering burden, and that is why many people will ignore it for years as it spirals out of control. If you have been struggling with medical debt, then it is time to come up with a long-term plan for getting out of debt and rebuilding your finances.

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