Showing posts with label Aging Parents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aging Parents. Show all posts

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Home Care or Assisted Living? How to Best Help Aging Parents

One of the toughest things to see as an adult is seeing your parents age. At some point or another, they are simply not going to be able to take care of themselves, and that's a reality. 

As much as you may want to, the fact is that you won't have the time nor experience to be there for them. This is why so many choose to either place their parents into home care or assisted living, but what's the best route?

When it comes to finding an assisted living community or a home care agency in Philadelphia (or one wherever necessary), it's essential to take the time to explore your options and select a provider that aligns with your loved one's needs and preferences.

By conducting thorough research and considering factors such as the agency's reputation, services offered, and caregiver qualifications, you can make an informed decision about the best fit for your family. 

With a variety of reputable agencies dedicated to providing personalized care and support, you can rest assured that your loved ones will receive the assistance they need to maintain their independence and quality of life in the familiar surroundings of their own home.

Determine What They Need

To choose the proper route, you first need to make a list of all their needs. This includes everything from moving around the home to making their food. Remember, simply because they can do something doesn't mean they should. 

For example, they may be able to gather ingredients for a meal, but handling large and heavy pots may be out of the realm of possibility. However, if they can do almost everything else on their own, your parents may simply need home care from time to time. 

Home care companies such as Quality First Health Care Services offer a wide array of services to help seniors live safe and fulfilling life. These services include but are not limited to personal care and companionship, skilled nursing, and medication administration, to name a few.

Consider Health Issues

One of the most common causes of injury and death amongst seniors is falling down within their own homes. It's an unfortunate situation that happens way too often, and because seniors are often living alone, they may not have someone there to call an ambulance. 

Therefore, if your parent(s) are dealing with a health issue that prevents them from properly walking, you may want to think about including them in an assisted living program. 

Assisted living usually involves placing your parents into a caring community that often takes the form of an apartment building. 

However, the staff who run these assisted living communities are much more hands-on with their residents while allowing them to live independent lives. Many adult children like the concept because they know that their parents are surrounded by medical professionals and staff 24/7.

It's never an easy thing to place your parent's life in the hands of others. That is why it is so important to carefully research each and every option that you are presented with during the process. You must also communicate with your parents to see what they would prefer.

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