When it comes to property, most people want to be able to make some kind of investment. Some people end up using a system known as “flipping” which causes the property to pass from one owner to another within a very short space of time. As a result, it is important to take a look at the different requirements that banks will give you if you want to take out a loan for a specific property. It is interesting to note that there are a lot of people who end up artificially inflating the prices of houses. As a result, this can end up causing a lot of problems within a local area’s property market. This is sometimes viewed as fraud and therefore banks and lenders will usually require what is known as a chain of title report.
A chain of title report is also a document that many would like to view as part of the purchasing process to know the history of the property. This is especially true with businesses. property owners need to know how the property was used in the past for historical accuracy as well as for environmental purposes. With this report, you will know exactly what the property was used for and if you need to go ahead with further testing on the property such as an environmental data assessment.
What is a Chain of Title Report?
In essence, a chain of title report is simply a report on all of the people who have owned the property within a certain period of time. Depending on the bank or lender you get, you will usually have to have a report that stretches back at least two years. This tends to be one of the more standard requirements, so it is usually nothing to worry about. Of course, there are some banks that will only allow one person to have owned a property within at least the last year. This is where the bank decides to take a close look at fraud and makes sure that prices are not being inflated artificially.

When it comes to a chain of title report, you need to make sure that you get all of the necessary information. A lot of people may be concerned when it comes to buying a house, or even if they are just investing in the property. You therefore end to take a look around at the different banks in order to see what they will accept. Some banks can be a lot stricter than others and this can end up causing people to run into problems.
When getting a chain of title report, always make sure to tell the truth to your lender. The last thing you want is to be done for fraud. It may be nerve-wracking especially when you feel that there are not many lenders out there who will be happy to lend you money. What you need to do is make sure that you keep an eye on the property’s value and make sure that you speak to a lawyer if you happen to have any concerns. This will allow you to find out what can be done when it comes to getting a loan for your property.
To obtain this report, you will need to visit local government offices such as the Courthouse in the county in which the property resides. The courthouse will be home to the information and records you need to begin your search. Speak with employees of the Title Department to be able to learn how to begin your search. You may be given access to a computer database and can simply use the address to find the previous owners of the property. every search will be different based on where the property is located but with a friendly nature and a little investigating, you will be able to determine who owned the property before you and how it was used.
Author Bio:
Ashley is a freelance writer and blogger. She writes for a wide range of different companies and creates website content for different websites. She has found that Chain of Title Report are essential to investment success.