Builders and home owners are also suffering from having homes that have Chinese drywall. Chinese drywall is drywall shipped from China that has containment's that give off toxic, high levels of sulfur gas. The gases cause copper components to corrode and fail. The air conditioners, wiring, and copper plumbing corrode and fail. It also causes the occupants of the homes to become ill.
The only remedy to the problem is to gut the house. Remove all drywall, copper pipes, all wiring, and any metal studs. It must be done down to the block outer walls. This remedy is very expensive to say the least. Costs to do exceed $100,000.
In our state the insurance companies won't touch the claims. Saying it's not part of their coverage. Even insurer of last resort, Citizens Insurance, the state run insurance agency won't have anything to do with the claims. So everyone sits waiting for the lawsuits and the goodwill of the manufacturer to step up.
The IRS has stepped up and allowed a deduction of 75% of expenses for the repairs. If at a later time the home owner is compensated from a insurer or lawsuit, the tax relief must be paid back. Also Broward County has stepped up and will not charge a property tax on the home if it is not livable. Check your own county if similar relief is available.
This has been a terrible blow to many homeowners. But some relief is available. If you know of any other kinds of relief, drop me a line.