Showing posts with label Financial Services. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Financial Services. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2024

Choosing Wisely: Bank or Credit Union?

When it comes to managing your finances, one of the first decisions you'll need to make is where to keep your money. Two popular options are a bank or a credit union. 

While both institutions offer similar services, such as checking and savings accounts, loans, and investment opportunities, there are some key differences between them that can impact your financial well-being. 

Let's explore the benefits and drawbacks of each so you can choose wisely between a bank or credit union for your financial needs.

Basics of Banking

A bank is a for-profit financial institution that offers services to customers. Banks are typically larger and have more branches and ATMs than credit unions, making them easily accessible to customers. 

They also tend to offer a wider range of financial products and technology-based services such as online banking and mobile apps. Banks are regulated by federal agencies like the Federal Reserve, FDIC, and OCC.

This means that your deposits are insured up to $250,000 per account in case the bank fails or goes bankrupt.

Pros of Choosing a Bank


With more branches and ATMs, it's easier to access your money. Banks also offer more advanced technology, making it easier to manage your accounts remotely.

Variety of Products

Banks offer a wide range of financial products such as mortgages, credit cards, and investment opportunities. This can be beneficial for those looking for a one-stop shop for their financial needs.

Technology-Based Services

Banks typically have more advanced technology that allows for convenient banking anytime, anywhere. This includes online banking, mobile apps, and even virtual assistants like chatbots.

Cons of Choosing a Bank

Higher Fees

Banks may charge higher fees for services like ATM withdrawals, account maintenance, and overdrafts. This can significantly impact your savings over time.

Lower Interest Rates

Due to their for-profit nature, banks tend to offer lower interest rates on savings and checking accounts. This means you may not earn as much on your money compared to a credit union.

Focus on Profit

Banks are focused on making a profit, which can lead to less personalized customer service and potentially risky financial investments. This can also result in higher interest rates on loans and credit cards.

All About Credit Unions

A credit union is a not-for-profit financial institution owned by its members. Unlike banks, credit unions operate with the goal of serving their members, rather than making a profit. 

This can lead to higher interest rates on savings and checking accounts, lower loan rates, and fewer fees. Credit unions are also regulated by different agencies.

Pros of Choosing a Credit Union

Lower Fees

Credit unions often have lower or no fees for services such as ATM withdrawals, account maintenance, and overdrafts. This can save you money in the long run.

Higher Interest Rates

As not-for-profit institutions, credit unions tend to offer higher interest rates on savings and checking accounts. This means you can earn more on your money over time.

Personalized Service

Credit unions are often more community-oriented and may provide personalized customer service, just as Family Trust Federal Credit Union does. This can be beneficial for those who prefer a more personalized banking experience.

Cons of Choosing a Credit Union

Limited Accessibility

Credit unions typically have fewer branches and ATMs, making it less convenient to access your money. They may also have less advanced technology, which can make it more difficult to manage your accounts remotely.

Fewer Products

Credit unions may have a more limited range of financial products compared to banks. This means you may need to look elsewhere for certain financial services.

Membership Requirements

In order to join a credit union, you must meet certain eligibility requirements such as living in a specific area or working for a certain employer. This may limit your options for choosing a credit union.

Which One is Right for You?

Ultimately, the decision between a bank and credit union comes down to your personal preferences and financial needs. If convenience and a wide range of products are important to you, a bank may be the better option. 

However, if you value personalized service and potentially better interest rates, a credit union may be the way to go.

It's also worth considering using both institutions for different purposes—for example, keeping your checking account at a bank for easy access to ATMs, but opening a savings account at a credit union for higher interest rates. 

No matter which option you choose, be sure to do your research and compare the specific offerings of different banks and credit unions before deciding where to keep your money.

Additional Tips

Compare Fees and Interest Rates

Be sure to compare the fees and interest rates of different banks and credit unions to find the best deal for your financial needs.

Consider Your Location

If you live in a rural area, a bank may be more accessible than a credit union. On the other hand, if you live in a larger city with multiple credit unions, you may have more options to choose from.

Think Long-Term

While convenience and accessibility may be important in the short term, consider your long-term financial goals and which institution can help you achieve them.

Ask for Recommendations

Talk to friends and family members who have accounts at banks or credit unions to get their insights and recommendations. They may have firsthand experience with different institutions that can help inform your decision.

Final Thoughts

Choosing between a bank or credit union is a personal decision that depends on your individual financial needs and preferences. Both institutions offer similar services but with different approaches and benefits. 

Consider your options carefully, and don't be afraid to switch between the two if your needs change over time. Whichever you choose, remember to always stay informed and make educated decisions about your finances.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Why You Should Consult a Financial Advisor

These days, the internet is flooded with financial influencers offering tips, tricks, and advice on how to increase or take advantage of your wealth.

While some of the information out there is good, it can't take the place of a bona fide financial professional. Here are four reasons you should consult a financial advisor in order to take control of your money.

You'll Get Comprehensive Financial Services

Most financial advisors can advise you on a wide variety of financial matters. These can include retirement savings, investment, debt management, taxes, and even planning for your estate. 

The right advisor can help you navigate almost every aspect of your financial life. As a result, you'll be given a full and comprehensive idea of just where to focus the financial planning that is unique to you and your situation, as well as receive a perfect picture of where to improve to increase your finances.

Your Advisor Can Create a Plan With Your Goals in Mind

One of the biggest downfalls of internet finance information is that it has to be very general in order to appeal to a wider audience. Although that may work well for some people, it won't take your unique goals or problems into account. 

A financial advisor, on the other hand, can get to know you and your situation in order to create a personalized plan that will help you achieve the financial goals you have in your life.

You'll Receive Credible Investment Advice

Investing is a complicated matter, and a great deal of the investment advice floating around online is either incorrect or incomplete. A trained financial advisor can help you cut through the noise and educate you on the right ways to invest for your goals. 

This doesn't mean, of course, that investing won't still be risky. The right advisor can help you manage risks, but there will always be a risk of loss when investing in securities.

Your Finances Will Actually Get Simpler

One of the most important yet least appreciated services a financial advisor provides is streamlining your finances. With a professional to manage your money for you, you'll have less hassle to deal with. 

This is especially true at tax time when your financial advisor can help you get everything in order to properly report your taxes.

As you can see, hiring a financial advisor is still a good idea for anyone who wants to build wealth, save and achieve a better overall financial picture. 

Be sure to find an advisor who is a good fit for you, though, since you'll need someone that you can put your complete trust in.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

What are Non-Bank Consumer Financial Services?

Not all consumers use banks for their financial transactions. Non-bank consumer financial services are available for people to cash checks, pay bills, get free money orders and more. 

Entrepreneurs such as ian mackechnie saw the need for services that help people handle their money without using a bank, so they set up companies to offer these services.

Some of the services available are:

Check cashing – consumers can get personal checks, payroll checks, insurance, cashier and governments checks cashed as well as international checks, out-of-state checks and money orders. The consumer needs to produce a valid, government photo ID such as driver’s license or passport. In some cases, there is a fee for cashing these checks because the financial company needs to cover its risk. The state government regulates the amount the company can charge as a fee, and many services have lower fees than are allowed.

Money orders – consumers can purchase a money order for free, and pay only the face value of the money order at some financial service companies.

Cash advance – with proof of income, a bank account or a valid government photo ID, consumers can get a cash advance on their salary. The amount given is usually determined on the amount of the consumer’s income and the frequency they are paid. There is no credit check performed for this cash advance.

Prepaid Money card – consumers get an FDIC insured debit card for making purchases anywhere in the world that the card is accepted. They just make deposits into the card account and have the safety and freedom of a debit card. The card can be used for shopping online, paying bills and everyday purchases.

Western Union Money Transfer – consumers can send money to pay bills or to send money to a family member. The consumer will need to give his or her name, address, date of birth and telephone number as well as show a valid, government photo ID. The fees are determined by Western Union.

Other services many consumers need to have documents notarized, and the best financial non-bank financial services offer Notary services. There is a small fee, and the consumer needs to show a valid, government photo ID. 

There also have a photocopier and sell stamps and envelopes. Customers can write a letter, put it in an envelope, buy a stamp and mail it right at the service center.

Consumers can also pay their utility bills. If their utility company is not listed by the financial service company, they will usually be happy to add a new utility to the list in order to make life more convenient for their customers. 

The same can be said for cell phone bills, if the cell phone provider is on their list.

A high-quality financial service company is like a personal office for people who are looking for non-bank financial services. They can cash checks, send money, pay bills and have postal services all in the same place. 

Many of these companies participate in local, community organizations and develop a working relationship with the people in their neighborhood. It is not necessary for consumers to deal with the high costs and inconvenience of using banks.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Jack Comeau on How Community Involvement Helps a Financial Planner

Finance (Photo credit: Tax Credits)
Undoubtedly, the responsibility of a financial planner, which is to provide sound, accurate financial advise to his or her clients in the goal of protecting and creating wealth for that client, is not a simple or easy thing. It takes years of experience in working in the financial markets; it takes acute people skills; and perhaps above all, it takes a real love for delivering quality client service.

The mentioning of this second requirement – people skills – touches on a point that I would like to write about. I think there sometimes exists among financial planners the erroneous idea that, in order to gather and deliver accurate financial recommendations to clients, knowledge of the client’s financial portfolio and the trends of the markets is the only thing needs to be known.

However, I think this is a real misperception in the financial planning industry and one that can lead to real consequences. I would argue that in order for a financial planner to be truly effective in their role, that is, in order for the advisor to be truly effective in sustaining and building their client’s wealth, an advisor needs to build profiles of his or her clients that go beyond simply including the client’s financial background and data. Questions need to be answered like, where is this client in life? Is the client close to retirement? Are they just beginning to set aside money? Does the client have any major short-term or long-term goals in mind? These types of questions are what I call “key life facts” and I would put my name, Jack Comeau, beside the argument that a financial planner’s knowledge of them is equally as important as his or her knowledge of the client’s financial facts.

But, how can a financial planner go about learning some of these key life facts about their client? Well, naturally, the first and easiest opportunity to do so comes when a financial planner first meets a new client and engages with him or her in an in-depth introductory conversation. Topics obvious to this conversation include how you, the financial planner, can best serve the client’s financial goals; a description of what the client’s financial goals are; and an introductory explanation of how you will go about achieving the client’s goals.

Needless to say, having this kind of introductory engagement with the client is paramount to creating a healthy, productive relationship between client and financial planner, and no relationship should go without it. However, what this sort of formal or informal meet-and-greet also provides is the perfect opportunity for the financial planner to ask the client about key life facts that, although fall outside of the direct sphere of the client’s finances, play a definite part in helping the financial planner get a more useful and more well-rounded idea of the client’s financial picture.

I would also argue that there is another way for a financial planner to gain a more well-rounded perspective of the client and his financial picture, and that’s through active community involvement. The benefits for a financial planner of community involvement I think are often overlooked, but I know from personal experience just how important it can be. I’ve been living in the Saskatoon area now for many years now and community involvement has always been a priority of mine. I’m a member of the Saskatoon Estate Planning Council, the Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce and my area’s CLU Chapter, among other community organizations. Now, yes, taking an active role in my community means that I have the opportunity of meeting more potential clients and, thus, expanding the business of Comeau Financial and advertising my name, Jack Comeau, to more people.

However, business interests set aside, I have come to find that networking and regularly connecting with members of my community does something far more vital for my role as a financial planner – since many of my clients are also members of my community, associating with them outside of my office yields a much better and much more intimate understanding of such things as their values, where they are in the path of life and what kind of short-term and long-term goals they may have. This in turn provides me a much stronger base of understanding for my responsibility of delivering financially sound advice to them.

In the end, we as financial planners must realize that making financial recommendations for a client is not something that happens in a vacuum. Our recommendations to our clients both affect and are affected by a client’s values and the milestones in their lives, two “key life facts” that we must continually strive to gain a better understanding of.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What Does a Wealth Management Company Do?

Focus on wealth management and money investing
Wealth comes in many different forms, and wealth does not necessarily mean having a large amount of money sitting in your bank account, and people with wealth and disposable income usually have complex financial arrangements. Generally, wealthy people have ‘assets’ that diversify their wealth and this is where wealth management companies come in. 

What Is Their Job?

The job of a wealth management company is to make these assets work efficiently and productively. People employ wealth management companies because of the complexity of the markets; as an in depth knowledge of both financial markets and investment opportunities required.

A wealth management company manages the wealth of its clients. People with a high net worth or HNW as it is known by people in the financial sector, are generally people who have financial assets that are valued at around $1 million.

There’s no set type of client eligible for wealth management, however. Although many people who employ wealth management companies come from the financial sector, business owners, celebrities, entrepreneurs and people who have acquired their wealth through inheritance also use them widely. 

What’s On Offer?

What a wealth management company offer is completely dependent on the individual’s assets. It is incredibly common for a client to have a diverse portfolio of assets rather than a cash lump sum in a bank account and, as a result, wealth management companies provide comprehensive financial support.

Advice offered is wide ranging, covering a number of different strategies such as taxes and asset protection, investments and property advice. Due to the fact that a wealth management company cannot be experts in all of these fields, they will act as a front for other parts of the bank or for other institutions that have a more in depth knowledge of how to invest. These other sectors or companies, however, will always be trusted partners.

Employing a wealth management company is a long-term strategy and, as such, you should not expect to make a quick buck. As a result, wealth management companies such as Sanlam Private Investors will touch upon many aspects of their clients’ lives in order to build a solid client-business relationship. This is vital to create trust between the two parties; especially with the size of the money that could be gained or lost.

Discretionary vs. Non-Discretionary

Wealth management is available at a discretionary and non-discretionary basis. If a client opts for a discretionary service, they effectively hand their assets over to the bank and the bank will invest on their behalf; assuming responsibility for protecting and growing the wealth of the client. On the other hand, non-discretionary means that, although the client receives advice from the bank, ultimate decision-making still lies with the client.

So, if you’ve got a wide range of assets and want to expand your wealth, try giving a wealth management company a try.

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

3 Tips to Simplifying Your Business's Payroll

Managing a business is never simple, especially when you begin to employ other individuals who work for you. When you want to run your business properly, having a clear grasp on your financial situation is essential at all times. Knowing how to simplify your company's payroll can help rid the stress of worrying about taxes and fees you may owe in the future. The more actively involved you become with your company's financial status, the easier it is to achieve success in any industry.

Work With a Professional

Working together with a professional CPA (Certified Public Accountant) or a business accountant is ideal whether you have just recently launched a startup company or if you want to manage a larger corporation responsibly. Professional accountants are capable of gaining insight into your financial picture quickly, giving you different options and routes to take to ensure you continue to profit and maintain stability. Utilizing the services of an online payroll provider provides many advantages, such as:

Use Software Regularly

Installing your own software to track payroll expenses as well as other financial investments or expenses can help you to stay in control of your business in all areas, including finances. There are many different programs that allow you to easily keep track of your investments as well as taxes that are due based on your employees' earnings or salaries. Using software regularly on a daily basis not only allows you to monitor sales and profit, but it also gives you more knowledge of the financial overview of all areas of your business. Just be sure to invest in software that provides quick input of required information (such as employee address, salary, deductions, marital status, etc.) and automatically totals taxes and withholding. 

Research the Affordable Care Act

You can also research the affordable care act to compare all of the options you have when it comes to your employees and their healthcare. By choosing a new healthcare plan to help cover your employees, you may need to re-configure the amount of payroll taxes you owe quarterly or annually, depending on the size of your business and the number of employees you have hired. To learn more about the affordable care act and how it can influence you personally and your business, click here.

Learning how to simplify your business's payroll can ultimately help to relieve you from stress and worry while ensuring all taxes and fees are always paid on time. The more engaged and involved you are with handling the finances of your company, the easier it is to build a successful business regardless of whether you are trying to launch an online eCommerce store or if you have a local business you plan to open.

Following these tips will result in significantly less stress as you prepare to tackle your businesses’ payroll.

Author Bio
Karleia is a freelance blogger. Away from the office and doing business she enjoys spending time with her two young daughters and husband.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

How to Manage Your Money Effectively With the Right Financial Planner?

Financial planners do help their clients in saving their money, making smart investments, and ultimately growing their money tree. They help in reaching a specific goal and assist in purchasing assets like a house, stocks, and ETFs.
Few financial planners are specialized in giving smart estate or retirement planning advice, while others consult for a wide range of economic and financial matters. It is always recommended to seek advice of the expertise financial planners, if you are planning your future at a young age.

How to Make Use of Planners in Reaching Your Goals?

The initial step you need to take is to note all your realistic goals. You need to list the short term, long term, and mid-term goals. You need to map up the objectives and the duration required for accomplishing them.

Short term goals include saving for buying expensive furniture, gadgets, honeymoon, car, and things that you can buy within 1 to 3 years of time. If you have children, tuition fee would be considered as mid-term goal and travel and retirement plans fall under the long-term goals.

You need to understand how to handle all the expenses as early as possible. Make sure that you do not spend almost all your earnings. Keep in mind that it is discipline, and you should practice this daily in order to reach your goals. 

Avoiding Debts

Avoiding debts is a part of budgeting. Avoid using more credit cards, which can increase the debts steeply. It could be pretty simple to swipe the card, and shortly we lose the hard earned money in the whole process. If we do not pay them on time, the debt could increase and you may finally end up clearing more debts.

However, you wouldn’t want to spend your hard-earned money unnecessarily right? So, financial planners will help you with great ideas when it comes to things like spending money via credit cards.

Financial planners help you in making decisions, which can benefit you more when it comes to the economic status. Hiring someone who’s expert in this arena will help you in avoiding killing what you saved. In this case, you need to choose the best planner to save yourself from unnecessary expenses. 

Hiring Honest Financial Planners

The person that you hire should be honest and trustworthy; since the planner deals with your money, make sure that you can trust him well. It does cause troubles if you have any concerns or doubts about the person you hire.

Finding someone who is proficient in this particular arena is pretty important. You need to browse through their portfolio and make sure that the concerned person has extensive experience the profession. Finally, make sure that you can afford their personal finance planning services, and that you’re not overpaying and putting a big dent on your budget as such, otherwise the whole point of hiring a financial planner would be defeated!


Learn how to negotiate before hiring him and don’t blurt out everything before finalizing things. If the planner has a personal website, you can always read though the information posted on the website, and get a pulse of his/her experience.

You can also read user comments in blog and then come to a conclusion whether to hire him/her or not. Taking a deeper look into the background of the planner will certainly help you in understanding more about the person, and making a smart decision.

Author Bio:
Steve Martin is a personal finance planner who has been working at a reputed bank for past 8 years. Follow him on Twitter, or connect with Steve by dropping him a message through the comment box here.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Understanding Annuities: Fixed Annuities vs. Variable Annuities

With annuities, it's important to know what you're getting into. This is a huge decision that'll determine how much and how often you get paid during your retirement years. Should you go with a fixed annuity or a variable annuity? Let's take a look at some of the differences between fixed annuities and variable annuities, and you can decide which one sounds more along the lines of what you're looking to do with your money.

What Are They?

First things first, let's define them. A fixed annuity is a contract offered by an insurance company. You deposit money and the insurer agrees to pay a certain interest rate over a specified period of time. A variable annuity is an insurance contract that, at the end of the accumulation stage, the insurance company guarantees a minimum payment. The rest of the income payments can vary depending on the performance of the managed portfolio.

Essentially, variable accounts are similar to mutual funds. You can invest in one or more accounts, and those accounts can own stocks, bonds, or a combination of both. Variable annuities have more fees than mutual funds, though, which leads to them having a higher annual operating expense than mutual funds.

The Tax Differences

One important difference between fixed annuities and variable annuities is the way that they're taxed. With both fixed and variable annuities, any earnings remain untaxed as long as they within their annuity. However, if they're withdrawn, the earnings are taxed like normal income. If you draw before the age of 59, you'll pay a 10 percent penalty.

The earnings in your variable annuity are taxed at ordinary income rates instead of long-term capital gains rates. This essentially converts all long-term capital gains to ordinary income, which is a definite disadvantage for variable annuities because it boosts the share of your gains that go to the government. If you pull your money out within the first seven to 10 years, you'll have to pay an early withdrawal penalty. You may need to calculate different types of annuities to see which one works best for you.

The Safety Difference

A fixed annuity offers more security than a variable annuity, but the upside potential is very limited. With variable annuities, you accept more short-term volatility because the value of your investment will fluctuate with the value of the stock and bond markets. You're essentially looking at risk versus return.

With a variable annuity, if the market goes up, you're golden; if it goes down, you lose money. Fixed annuities are also based on the market, but they don't directly participate in it. The interest is paid out at certain intervals based on how well a specific measure of the market is performing.

Rather than just offering a guarantee, variable annuities provide the opportunity for growth. Your return will depend entirely on how well the investment you select does, and may be greater or less than that of a fixed annuity. If you die before you begin receiving annuity payments, your heirs will receive at least as much as the total of your premium payments.

The Hidden Costs

Fixed annuities don't usually have hidden fees. If they do have a fee, it'll be an annual policy fee, which could run $25 to $50 annually, which can be waived if your investment meets a minimum specified amount. Variable annuities, however, have a ton of hidden fees and charges. They have mortality and expense risk charges, administrative fees, sales and surrender charges, and charges for optional benefits and riders.

It basically comes down to risk tolerance and how much control you want over the investment decisions. Fixed annuities have very little risk, but there's no growth potential. Variable annuities provide a much greater potential for growth, but there's a huge risk involved. Your investment decisions can impact the growth of the annuity. There's a lot of management involved with a variable annuity as well.

For a steady stream of income after retirement, a fixed annuity is the way to go. With little risk and a guaranteed minimum return, you know exactly how much you're getting. Variable returns are much riskier and nothing is really guaranteed; you shouldn't rely on variable annuities as a source of income. Sure, your investment could pay off big time, but you could be left without a retirement fund. If you've got the extra money, a variable annuity might be a fun venture, but otherwise, a fixed annuity seems like a much safer option.

Have an annuity tips from first-hand experience? Leave a comment below.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Different Ways to Sell My Structured Settlement for Cash

Selling your structured settlement isn’t exactly brain surgery. Many people believe there is an exact science to it, that there is a formula that you have to follow in order for your sale to be successful. That is not true. Selling structured settlements is not a complex process nor is it something that makes you want to pull your hair out before it is even over. It is actually quite simple. It simply comes down to two things: how much do you want to sell for and how much you want left over in your savings. That is it. However, there are different ways that you can sell your structured settlement for especially for cash and in this article I will explain all the different ways you can do this in detail. 

Before you sit there and ask yourself, “How can I sell my structured settlement?” there are a couple of things that you need to do first. The very first thing you need to do is figure out exactly how much cash you need. I know that this may seem obvious, but it is nonetheless important for you to do. Sit down and ask yourself, “What do I need the money for?” Do you need money to pay off some medical bills that you recently received? Do you have some debt that you need to get rid of? If so, how much do you need? Do you feel like you want to go on a vacation? If so, figure out how much you will need in order to pay for it. This step is all about budgeting. Never take more than you actually need.

The next thing you need to do is figure out every little detail of your structured settlement. From which insurance company did you purchase your annuity from? When did you win your lawsuit? When does your first payment begin? How much is it? How much is your total settlement? Finding out these details is crucial because whether you use a private investor or company to sell your annuity, they will need to know these details before they can even start the selling process.

The last thing for you to do is to figure out your payment options. The private investor or company that you hire to help you sell your annuity will tell you what options you have available. You are usually left with only two options: cashing your annuity for one large lump sum or receiving a little bit at a time in the form of monthly payments. With whatever option you choose always choose the one you are most comfortable with and whichever one will make you happy.

The whole process of selling your structured settlements may seem like a daunting prospect. Do not let your fear control you. It is a rather simple process and usually only takes little more than a week to complete. If you follow the steps I have outlined in this article you should be able to sell your structured settlement for cash in no time at all.

Author Bio:
Mark Long has very much experience and is a leading expert in selling structured settlements payments. If you ever find yourself asking, “how long does it take to sell a structured settlement?” you can always ask Mark for some guidance which he is more than happy and willing to give.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Life Insurance is Cooked Separately.

Universal Life Insurance Company
Universal Life Insurance Company (Photo credit: Thomas Hawk)
Buying and / or selling individual life insurance can be relatively simple or can become very complicated. It depends on the agent that attempts to explain it and this is the result of the type of training received and of the seriousness with which the agent took this training. There is the assumption that training life insurance agents and sales generic training is the same which is why life insurance is cooked separately. Many times it turns out that people say another agent explained it to them or they read about life insurance for 50 plus and they do not care. We identified that this type of response is given by people who have already been vaccinated against life insurance agents.

What life insurance does is pay the Sum Insured to the beneficiaries for the death of the insured. We conclude that any person who has dependents needs life insurance or rather he does not need life insurance. Dependents are those who need him to have a life insurance because if he died they shall receive that money. So the life insurance agent is at this point in the interview. As in most cases the dependents are the spouse and children who remain as beneficiaries.

Due to many rumors we need to clarify some things as it is worth to also check cancer insurance by PINNACLE LIFE NZ. Life insurance is intended to replace the economic value of the person and this is the basis for that, once the prospect accepts the need for life insurance to make money after his death for his beneficiaries. Determining how much assured sum should he hire is the second step. Now we have to make some simple numbers to establish together with the prospectus, the appropriate amount required for the insured sum. Let’s suppose that you’re the prospect and for work purposes have to leave home for a month. How much money would you leave your wife to meet the expenses of your family during that month?

Now, suppose you have sufficient resources to be out for not a month, but for a year. If you have sufficient resources how much money would you have to leave your wife to make the necessary payments during that year? What if you do not come back? How much money will your wife need to bring up the family? We call this prospectus kill slowly. Not done yet. To this must be added the cost of a funeral and any other debts that have not been settled before the death. Well you also have to consider that family expenses are going to be growing every year, not only because of inflation but as your children grow older costs rise such as education, food, clothing, medicine, automobile, services, etc.

Based on the above it is natural that more money will be needed to address this contingency and without life insurance it would be a catastrophic situation for the widow and orphans. It is now necessary to consider the cost of meeting this need and there are two options; Buy temporary insurance or endowment insurance. There are only two types of life insurance. The Temporary only covers death and the endowment covers survival besides death. In both there are different terms or duration of insurance. The Temporary advantage is that it is cheaper. The advantage of the Endowment is that over the years not only will you recover the amount paid but will make even more than what was provided and then it is used as a savings plan.

Finally there is the alternative management type insurance reserves if warranted where everything is fixed, nothing changes and no surprises which is the same as investment funds that are used in the management of reservation but this is more an investment than savings. To conclude the beneficiary designation is where alternatives are considered to leave payment in a single installment or include a trust that is the administration of the sum insured.

Take A Second And Just Breathe: What To Do During A Financial Emergency

Finance (Photo credit: Tax Credits)
Financial emergencies happen everyday, and not every family is prepared to handle the emergency when it happens. Sometimes you will find that you need help to get through the rough patch and you might feel a little overwhelmed. 

 When you face financial difficulties, the best thing that you can do is take your time, breathe, and approach the problem methodically. When you do that, you will be able to limit the damage and move forward without mortgaging your future.

Step One: Calm Down

The first reaction that you might have when you get into an unexpected emergency is panic. You want to take care of things right away and get on with your life, but the more stressed you get, the more likely you are to make bad decisions. Take an hour or so and just sit back and assess the situation critically. 

 What is the emergency? How long do you have to take care of it? Is it just a monetary issue or are there other things that you need to do as well? Once you know what the situation is, you will be able to make decisions with a clear head and move quickly to the right solution.

Step Two: Communicate

The next thing that you need to do is communicate your issue. If you are married, make sure that you and your spouse are on the same page. If it is something that affects roommates, call a house meeting and let everyone know what is going on. 

 The other person that you need to communicate with is the person who is asking for the money. Utility companies are often willing to work with customers who need an extra day or two to get payments in, and landlords would much rather keep a renter than try to find someone new. 

 Make sure that you let the person know that you are doing what you can to make payment and give them a timetable for when you will be able to get them their money. Do not be vague, or else they might think that you are just trying to stall; the more concrete details that you can provide, the more likely it is that the person you owe money too will work with you.

Step Three: Solve The Problem

The last thing that you need to work on is solving the problem. There are several different ways for you to get the money that you need to take care of a financial emergency. 

 You can go a traditional route and try to get the money from the bank, but if you have poor credit, this is probably not going to work out. If you have some things of value that you can live without for a short period of time, then you can always go to a pawn shop and get a pawn loan for those items. 

 The problem is that you will not get anywhere near what the items are worth in return, and if you cannot pick up your items when the pawn period is over, you will lose them. The best solution is probably going to be a payday loan. With a payday loan you can get a short term cash infusion that will not wreck your future financial security. You will be able to get money based on the amount of money that you can afford to repay on your next payday, and then your commitment is over.

Getting through a financial emergency takes time and patience. You need to approach the situation with a clear head, so that you make the best decisions and you will be able to move forward once the emergency is over. With the right approach, you will be back on track in no time at all.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Eight Tactics to Increase Millennial Productivity at your Business

With each business that we have today, a merchant account is required to get the debit/credit card processed. Once the six month trial period is over a reserve amount is returned to the business owner and they transition into what is known as a merchant account with no reserve. Congratulations on making it past the six month trial time. 

Like all businesses, we all transition day in and day out, and in order to do that, we have to adapt. Some of the most intelligent kids of this generation are facing challenges with business and personal issues, and in order to move forward to accommodate this challenge, eight tactics to increase Millennial productivity at your business must come into play. (A millennial is a person born sometime between 1982 and 2000 or there about. They have been dubbed some of the most productive of any generation, but only because of the machines they have had in their upbringing and adult life. Most face many challenges balancing their social media life, family life, and keeping healthy lifestyles.)

Here are some things to help businesses with their millennial generation.

1. Nose to the grind stone. Keep this generation busy and teach them the techniques that will help them become stronger intelligent adults that have a wonderful work ethic.

2. Have their job lined out for them. Give them assignments and their requirements for the job. If they know what is expected of them, likely they will have no issue getting the job done.

3. Have creative projects for them. More than any other generation, the Millennial’s know how to express themselves. Better to help them release their creative energy, than to read about it on Facebook with a negative review of your workplace.

4. Don’t punish them. Find a reward system that will increase their productivity and get them goal oriented. The more they reach their goals, the more you get done.

5. Reward them for their work. As stated above, they are more likely to increase their work if they love what they are doing. If it’s not fun anymore, they have no problem moving on to the next job.

6. Training. Make sure that when you train them, you get them to understand that they represent you on the job and they need to be polite and courteous.

7. Remind them to say thank you. A lot of this generation has forgotten their manners. As a constant reminder, say ‘thank you’ and ‘you’re welcome’. Remind them it’s quite alright to have a pleasant demeanor.

8. Gadgets. Have the most advanced gadgets available to them. They will love you for it, and their productivity will continue to soar, as they are the ones that integrate with this kind of technology.

So, now that you have grown your business beyond the probation period, it means you survived the six month period and your company is growing. You have the new generation to train with their hyper and super brains, let’s hope the list helps out a bit and great things are to come your way.

About the Author:

Blair Thomas is an electronic payment expert, who loves all things finance and planning. He is also the co-founder of, the #1 bad credit merchant account company in the country. But when he’s not running his business he’s more than likely exploring his other passions; music, mountain biking and camping. If you would like to see what he's up to, check him out on Facebook.

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Friday, October 11, 2013

Some of the best Bicycle Insurance coverage Ideas

English: Photo of a criterium road bicycle rac...
Do you want to spend much less for the bicycle insurance coverage? Possibly, you've simply purchased the Harley or even Ducati as well as require insurance coverage to safeguard your motorcycle. The actual beneath top ten bicycle insurance coverage ideas may stage a person within the correct path as well as ideally save you some cash.

Don't let yourself be punished with regard to devotion. Even though your own bicycle insurance carrier offers provided a low cost you might have to pay an excessive amount of. It is best to evaluate bicycle quotes whenever your plan is actually upward with regard to restoration. 

Sophisticated motorcycle using programs through Bike safe will save you in your insurance coverage as well as remain secure on the highway. Many people realize that including overall performance adjustments to some bicycle may improve the price of include. This is also true should you personal a good currently effective motorcycle like a Ducati. 

Nevertheless, actually aesthetic adjustments that significantly improve the bicycles worth can impact the buying price of your own include. Before you decide to help to make any kind of modifications get in touch with your own insurance carrier to see just how much additional you'll have to spend.

The greater costly as well as effective the actual bicycle the larger the price of insurance coverage. If you're a brand new driver or perhaps a coming back motorcycle fanatic you can purchase the motorcycle that is much less effective as well as old. The advantage of this really is your own include is going to be less expensive and you will provide yourself period to develop a few constant bicycle using encounter with no statements. 

As a result you can buy less expensive insurance coverage whenever you perform wish to update. Completely thorough include is generally more costly compared to 3rd party. Should you choose personal the motorcycle that is lower in worth, you might want to think about purchasing 3rd party insurance coverage? 

Nevertheless this can imply decreasing the quantity of include that can lead to severe consequences for those who have any sort of accident. Optionally available insurance coverage extra supplies for example lawful include good manners vehicles as well as break down include are helpful if you're able to pay for all of them. If you wish to immediately decrease the price of your own include you don't have to buy all of them
You should just make use of your own bicycle from time to time as well as your yearly usage is actually beneath 3, 000 kilometers you are able to acquire much less expensive insurance coverage compared to somebody that utilizes their own bicycle with regard to function reasons. Be sure you think about just how much you want upon using your own bicycle and become because precise as possible whenever receiving a bicycle insurance coverage quotation. 

Exactly where you retain your own bicycle through the night might have impact upon the buying price of your own include, for those who have the storage or perhaps a backyard be sure you inform your own insurance carrier. 

Acquiring bicycle quotes through professional companies like Protect Your Bubble often means a person spend much less. These days you are able to conserve period as well as cash through evaluating bicycle quotes on the internet. This can help you saving a lot of money by finding the best bike insurance policy at the cheapest possible rates.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

4 Advantages of Outsourcing Your Payroll Services

Outsourcing your payroll duties in the UK has become an easy task that can be handled by qualified professionals who use the latest technology. Thankfully, there are plenty of accountants out there who can help you get the service you need from the comfort of your own home or office. This is a great way to save money and use your own free time to grow your business or launch new products and services for your client base. With that in mind, let’s take a look at just a few of the advantages of working with a quality payroll service provider.

The payroll service professionals at Berkeley Hamilton can handle all of your payroll needs quickly and efficiently

  • You’ll save money. Because you will be able to allow the professionals to use the current software and technology that they have available in their office, you won’t have to spend money to make this available to your office staff. You can also free up employees who customarily perform this task on site for other duties to make your company even more efficient.
  • You’ll receive quality services and work with courteous professionals. The professionals will provide services for you that are error-free and that you can depend on for reliability. If you have a team working on your behalf, you can trust their work with confidence and enjoy peace of mind on payday.
  • You can take advantage of their experience and skills. If you outsource your payroll duties, you will be taking full advantage of the experience that they have garnered over the years and the skills with which they perform accounting procedures. They will be up to date with all of the laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to tax issues so that your company will be in compliance at all times.
  • Your deadlines will be met efficiently. When professionals who are committed to performing a first-class job for you are hired, you will receive payrolls that are acceptable to your employees and that promote job satisfaction amongst your staff. They will be flexible and change according to your individual needs and free you up to concentrate on tasks that require immediate attention. You will see overall productivity rise when pay cheques arrive on time and without errors. 
You can find exceptional payroll services around the UK that can fully manage all of your payroll needs from start to finish. The firm Berkeley Hamilton is an excellent example of the professionalism that you will receive from experienced specialists who are committed to excellence, working diligently on your behalf, and providing you with work of which you can be proud. You can finally be stress-free when reports are due and pay cheques are to be distributed. Instead, you can work to grow your company and reach the goals and objectives that you have set in place. Be sure to select your payroll service team with care so that you can enjoy all of the benefits that they have in store for you.

Monday, October 7, 2013

4 Tips for Managing Your Cash Flow

Learning to effectively manage your cash flow is the first lesson most entrepreneurs learn after they put their business plan in place and open the doors to their business. In the article, “How to Better Manage Your Cash Flow”, written for, you learn that, “the lag time between the time you have to pay your suppliers and employees and the time you collect from your customers is the problem, and the solution is cash flow management.” If you follow some basic, common sense tips, you'll find that you can better manage your cash flow and meet your financial obligations in a timely fashion.

By considering recruitment factoring as a solution to your cash flow problems your business can continue to operate on a normal basis.

Tip #1-Try to measure your cash flow to prepare for the upcoming period. You’ll need to consider a variety of factors that contribute to your company’s income. Think about what you have on hand, your client’s payment history, any upcoming costs that you know you’ll have, and the amount of outlays that are coming up in your budget. This includes rent, payroll, benefits, any equipment that you need to buy, utility and fuel bills, and any loans that you have to make payment on. This is not an easy task and requires careful thought and planning but it must be done to run a successful business.

Tip #2-Try to create a plan to improve your receivables. This can include offering a discount to clients who meet their financial obligations to you quickly, asking for a deposit on orders made, and developing a cash-on-delivery plan for customers who don’t pay in a timely fashion. You’ll want your staff to issue invoices promptly and note on the documentation that payment is expected upon receipt of this bill. Another way to avoid problems with your account receivable clients is to do a credit check on them before merchandise is exchanged.

Tip #3-You need to effectively manage your payables. Don’t allow your expenses to expand faster than your sales; you must watch your expenses so that you don’t mismanage the funds that you have coming into your company. Use a variety of means to work with your vendors so that you can take advantage of discounts, flexible terms, and electronic payments that can be made on the final day that they are due.

Tip #4-You must manage your shortfalls quickly and efficiently. The wise entrepreneur will be aware of the shortfall early and take steps to remedy the situation. Whether you approach a bank, your suppliers, or a recruitment factoring programme for assistance, you will have a plan in place to help meet your financial obligations and preserve your company’s good credit rating and reputation. If you have experienced this shortfall in funds because of poor planning, you should obtain help with managing your cash flow so that you won’t have this experience in the future.

Keeping your business reputation and honouring your financial obligations are two of the most important aspects of running a successful company.


Friday, September 27, 2013

Barclaycard® Rewards MasterCard® Review for 2013

The best-selling credit card is the Barclaycard® Rewards MasterCard®, which provides a 0% opening APR on balance transfers and purchases. 

It also provides speedy collection of points with bonus points after the cardholder’s 1st purchase or balance transfer, and double points while utilising the card for the grocery store*, gas, and utilities.

The Barclaycard® Rewards MasterCard® offers 3 other variations, depending on your credit rating:

Note: all the "Apply Now" buttons and other BarclayCard® links on this page take you to the good credit version.

APR for Purchases

The Barclaycard® Rewards MasterCard® comes with a 0% introductory APR that's in effect for the 1st six months (12 months for excellent credit version) the account is open. After that period, the rate adjusts to a variable APR that is presently tiered at 14.99%, 17.99%, or 24.99% depending on creditworthiness & reward benefits. When the introductory APR expires, the minimum interest payment on cards carrying a balance is $2.00.

The opening APR can be eliminated early in the event from a late payment, in which case a penalty APR of up to 30.24% may be applied. Even during the introductory period, it’s important to make all payments promptly.

Balance Transfers

For balance transfers, it's 0% APR for the first 6 months. Likewise, after six months, the interest on balance transfers moves to the same three levels as for purchases: 14.99%, 17.99%, or 24.99%. 


This card has no yearly fee. It does charge a fee for balance transfers: the greater of $10 or 3% for the first 15 months, and the greater of $10 or 4% after that. Cash advances come with a fee equivalent to the greater of $10 or 5%, along with an APR of 25.24% on that portion of the balance.

Either a late payment or a returned payment brings a fee of “up to” $35.

Reward Points

Barclaycard® Rewards MasterCard® offers two Rewards points for every dollar spent on “day-to-day purchases,” such as gas, groceries, and utilities*. It also offers one point per dollar on everything else, and 5,000 bonus points awarded after the first purchase or balance transfer. Points can be saved for statement credits; they're applied to any purchase on the previous statement of $25 or more, at a rate of 100 points per dollar redemption. The bonus 5,000 points are worth a statement credit of $50. Rewards points don't expire, so long as the account remains active and in good standing.

My Take

The Barclaycard® Rewards MasterCard® provides a fantastic 0% APR opening period of a full year on purchases and 15 months on balance transfers. The reward redemption choice is limited to purchase reimbursement, and the interest after the opening period is rather high, but the card remains a good option for consumers who want to use the introductory period to pay down balances and can pay off the balance in full every month after the first year.

Apply for Barclaycard Rewards MasterCard

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