Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2024

Taking the Best Steps for Healthy Veins

Ensuring your veins are in good health is a crucial component of overall wellness. When it comes to vein disease, particularly varicose veins, early diagnosis and expert care are essential. 

This blog post will provide health-conscious individuals with key insights into why understanding vein disease is important and the critical benefits of visiting a specialized vein disease clinic.

The Importance of Vein Health

Veins are essential for circulating blood throughout our bodies, making their health paramount. When veins aren't functioning properly, it can lead to uncomfortable and sometimes severe health issues. Understanding vein health ensures you can take proactive steps towards maintaining it.

Symptoms to Watch For

Recognizing the symptoms of vein disease is the first step towards seeking appropriate care. Varicose veins may present as swollen, twisted veins visible just under the surface of the skin, predominantly in the legs. Other symptoms include leg pain, heaviness, cramping, and itching around the affected veins.

Potential Complications

If left untreated, varicose veins can lead to more serious complications. These include chronic venous insufficiency, where blood flow in the veins is inadequate, leading to skin changes, ulcers, and even blood clots. Early detection and treatment can prevent these more severe outcomes.

Impact on Quality of Life

Living with varicose veins can impact your daily life significantly. The discomfort and pain associated with this condition can limit physical activity and affect mental well-being. 

Addressing vein health can improve both physical and emotional quality of life, making it an essential aspect of overall health.

Why Seek Expert Care

When dealing with vein disease, professional expertise is invaluable. Specialized clinics like Valley Surgical, Aesthetics & Vein Care offer comprehensive care that goes beyond what general practitioners can provide.

Specialized Diagnostics

Vein disease clinics utilize advanced diagnostic tools to accurately assess the condition of your veins. Techniques such as duplex ultrasound allow for detailed visualization of vein structures and blood flow, ensuring precise diagnosis and tailored treatment plans.

Expert Treatment Options

Professional clinics offer a range of treatment options tailored to the severity and specifics of your vein disease. These include minimally invasive procedures like sclerotherapy, endovenous laser treatment (EVLT), and radiofrequency ablation, all designed to effectively treat varicose veins with minimal downtime.

Holistic Care Approach

Expert clinics adopt a holistic approach to vein health, focusing not only on immediate treatment but also on long-term management and prevention. This comprehensive care strategy includes lifestyle advice, follow-up care, and ongoing monitoring to ensure sustained vein health.

Benefits of Visiting a Vein Disease Clinic

Choosing a specialized clinic for vein health issues offers numerous advantages that contribute to better outcomes and overall well-being.

Personalized Care Plans

Each patient's condition is unique, and vein disease clinics offer personalized care plans that consider individual needs and circumstances. This tailored approach ensures that you receive the most effective treatment for your specific condition.

Advanced Technology

Professional clinics are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and tools that enhance the accuracy of diagnosis and effectiveness of treatments. This technological edge means better results and a more comfortable experience for patients.

Experienced Specialists

Clinics specializing in vein health employ experienced specialists who focus solely on vein disease. Their expertise and depth of knowledge ensure that you receive the highest standard of care, contributing to better treatment outcomes.

Steps for Maintaining Vein Health

Beyond seeking expert care, there are steps you can take to support your vein health and prevent the progression of vein disease.

Regular Exercise

Engaging in regular physical activity promotes healthy blood circulation, which is crucial for vein health. Activities such as walking, swimming, and cycling help keep your veins in top shape.

Healthy Diet

A balanced diet rich in fiber, antioxidants, and hydration supports vein health. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins contribute to maintaining healthy veins and preventing varicose veins.

Avoid Prolonged Sitting or Standing

Avoiding long periods of sitting or standing can reduce the risk of developing varicose veins. If your job requires prolonged sitting or standing, take regular breaks to move around and stimulate blood flow.

Understanding the importance of vein health and seeking expert care at specialized clinics can make a significant difference in managing and preventing vein disease. 

With the right knowledge and professional support, health-conscious individuals can take proactive steps towards maintaining healthy veins and enhancing overall well-being.

For those looking to optimize their vein health and seek expert care, consider visiting a vein disease clinic. Their specialized expertise, advanced technology, and personalized care plans provide the comprehensive support needed for maintaining healthy veins.

Explore more about vein health and find a clinic near you to take the best steps towards healthier veins today.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

How Dental Implants Can Restore Your Oral Health

One of the most common services offered by dentists is dental implants. A dental implant is a prosthetic device that replaces missing teeth and helps restore your oral health. 

This article will explore how dental implants work, the benefits they offer, and who is a good candidate for this procedure.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial teeth that are surgically placed into your jawbone. These implants act like roots, securing the artificial teeth in place while also stimulating your jawbone to keep it strong and healthy. 

The implants are made from titanium, which has been tested to be safe for use in the body and has been found to bond well with bone tissue.

What Are the Benefits?

There are several benefits that come with getting dental implants to replace missing teeth. Dental implants look natural and can last for many years when properly cared for. 

They also help maintain the shape of your face, keeping it looking young and healthy. Additionally, because they’re rooted in your jawbone, they provide a stable foundation for chewing food, resulting in improved digestion and overall health. 

They also help preserve bone mass in your jawbone by stimulating it when you chew or talk.

Are You a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

The best way to determine if you’re a good candidate for dental implants is to visit your dentist for an evaluation. Generally speaking, you must have good oral health before undergoing any kind of dental surgery—this includes having healthy gums with no signs of infection or disease. 

If you smoke cigarettes or have diabetes, these factors may also affect whether you’re eligible for dental implant surgery. 

Your dentist will be able to evaluate your individual situation and make recommendations about whether or not getting dental implants is right for you.

Dental implants are an excellent option if you want to restore your oral health after losing one or more teeth due to injury or disease. 

Not only do they look natural and last long-term when cared for properly, but they also help preserve bone mass in your jawbone while providing improved chewing ability that can boost digestion and overall health. 

If you think you might be a good candidate for dental implant surgery, try speaking with your dentist to get an individualized evaluation to make an informed decision about what’s best for your long-term oral health needs!

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

What Causes Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common condition affecting millions worldwide. It is characterized by the loss of bladder control, causing the sufferer to involuntarily leak urine.

There are several different types of UI and the causes vary depending on the type. Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes of urinary incontinence.

Weak Bladder Muscles

The most common cause of UI is weak bladder muscles, which can be caused by aging, childbirth, or prostate surgery in men. The weakening of these muscles can lead to unintentional leakage when coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising, or lifting something heavy. 

In some cases, strengthening these muscles with targeted exercises can help manage UI symptoms and reduce accidental leakage.

Neurological Conditions

Certain neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS) or Parkinson’s disease can also cause urinary incontinence. This type of UI is a result of nerve damage that disrupts communication between the brain and bladder muscles. 

Treatment for neurological-related UI typically involves medications to relax the bladder muscles and reduce involuntary spasms as well as physical therapy to strengthen weakened pelvic floor muscles.

Bladder Stones

Bladder stones are hard deposits that form in the bladder and can cause irritation in the lining of the organ. If left untreated, these stones can increase pressure on the bladder wall leading to an overactive bladder which causes frequent urination as well as unintentional leakage due to an inability to control urination impulses. 

Surgery may be required to remove large stones from the bladder while smaller stones may dissolve on their own with appropriate treatment.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by bacteria entering into any part of your urinary tract system including your kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra. 

This infection can lead to inflammation and irritation in your urinary tract which can weaken or damage muscle fibers resulting in loss of control over urination impulses leading to accidental urine leakage. 

Treatment usually involves antibiotics and home remedies such as drinking plenty of fluids and using heat pads/warm baths for relief from pain and discomfort associated with UTIs.

Urinary incontinence is a common condition that affects millions worldwide but it doesn't have to define you! Knowing what causes it is key in managing symptoms so that you don't have to live with this condition forever! 

There are various treatments available depending on what's causing your UI, including lifestyle changes like drinking plenty of water or Kegel exercises for strengthening weakened pelvic floor muscles. 

However, if your symptoms persist after trying these methods then it's best to consult your doctor for further advice on how best to manage your condition effectively! Thanks for reading!

Monday, May 16, 2022

5 Necessities You Need for Your Home Gym

A home gym is essential for anyone who wants to have full control over their fitness routine, from the busiest of people to those interested in boosting overall wellness.

Having this type of space allows you a greater degree of privacy and flexibility, making it the ideal place to exercise without missing out on other parts of life. 

Nonetheless, you need to get the right equipment for your home gym. Here are five necessities you need for your home gym.

Fitness Mat

Fitness mats from places like Sandhill Plastics are great for Pilates and yoga because they add comfort to your practice. Mats are also great for core training, stretching or any other activity performed on the floor. 

When using the floor for core training, it's important to have a barrier between the floor and your back, as this will help you focus on performing the exercise correctly and prevent injuries.

Exercise Ball

Exercise balls, also known as stability balls or Swiss balls, are a great resource for your home gym. They come in a range of sizes, designed for different heights and weights. 

The best way to figure out which size you need is to sit on the ball and ensure that your knees are at a 90-degree angle when your feet are flat on the floor. 

If you have knee problems, it's probably best to get a slightly bigger ball so that you can maintain that 90-degree angle without straining your knees.

Kettle Bells

Kettlebells can be used in multiple ways and provide an excellent workout. Unlike other weightlifting exercises, they are designed to build strength and endurance while keeping your heart rate up. This makes them great for interval training, which means they can help you burn more calories faster than many other kinds of workouts.

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are an affordable, versatile, and portable fitness tool that offers resistance training for all fitness levels, from beginner to advanced. 

They come in different levels of resistance and can be used in various exercises to help build strength and flexibility, improve balance, and increase core stability.

Resistance bands are considered a "must-have" because they provide a great amount of versatility when it comes to working out at home.

Yoga Strap

Yoga straps are long, tightly woven belts made of cotton or nylon. They're used to help you reach your toes in standing forward bends and to deepen stretches in seated poses. The best straps are made from D-ring buckles, which allow you to adjust the strap's length easily.

If you're new to yoga, a strap can help you get into some poses you might not be able to do yet. It can also deepen stretches by allowing you to pull your body parts closer together.

Your home gym doesn't need to be some huge, elaborate space. In fact, with a little creative planning and a dedicated area, you can effectively outfit your home with the perfect home gym.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

A Guide to Diabetes Warning Signs for Seniors

Diabetes refers to a type of illness where the body does not create or utilize insulin properly. Insulin is vital in helping the body convert glucose into energy needed by cells. This article will help you identify early warning signs of diabetes and ways to manage it in older people. Some symptoms to look out for include;

Frequent Feeling of Thirst

Due to the body's inability to absorb and utilize glucose, the body tends to get rid of excess glucose in the blood through frequent urination. This causes the body to lose water, making one feel thirsty more often than expected.

Routine visits to the restroom should range between four to seven times a day. More visits may be an early sign that a physician should look into. One can also change their diet and focus on healthy portioned meals to ensure the body receives needed energy in bits it can process.

Prolonged Episodes of Fatigue and Tiredness

Most people tend to assume this sign as fatigue is attached to old age. While this may be relatively true, a continued feeling of fatigue even after eating is alarming. It may mean the body is not getting enough glucose due to insulin malfunction. To remedy this, one can utilize prescribed doses of insulin.

Slow Wound Healing

Having wounds that take longer to heal or progress faster is a sign that the cells are not getting enough glucose to accelerate healing. 

Such wounds may begin as minor cuts but progress faster and often takes weeks or months to heal. One can remedy this by paying attention to injuries and ensuring they are properly cleaned and well dressed.

Dry, Itchy Skin

Unexplained dry, itchy skin is another example of a symptom of diabetes as your cells continually lose water due to your kidney's inability to reabsorb it and adequately utilize glucose.

One thus tends to have dry and cracking skin. One way to remedy this is by frequently moisturizing your skin with products intended to keep your skin moisturized.

Gradual Unaccounted Weight Loss or Weight Gain

Unaccounted weight loss or gain may be due to the body's inability to utilize glucose. Weight loss is caused by the body storing this glucose as fat, while weight gain is where the body is not absorbing energy provided by food, thus burning its fats. This can be controlled by prescribed dieting.

By working with a physician and having a lifestyle change, one can appropriately manage the early signs of diabetes. One needs to be keen to identify them and ensure they are getting the proper care. 

If you are looking for more information on how to properly care for seniors, then consider training classes like these aged care courses in Sydney.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Suffered an Injury? Here's What You Will Need to Recover Physically and Financially

Injuries can happen anywhere, place of work, on the road, or during medical malpractice. Whichever the cause of the injury, you need to get to your original physical, mental, and financial position. 

It would mean that you undergo various treatment plans and a good representation from a lawyer if the responsible party is not responding. Therefore, below is a list of what you need to recover physically and financially when you suffer an injury.

Diagnostic Tests

It is important to know the extent of the injury so that the doctor can implement the ideal treatment plan. Therefore, you are supposed to look for diagnostic tests like CT scans and X-rays. The diagnostic test performed on you will depend on the type of injury that you acquire.

Treatment from Medical Professionals

Once you have figured out the scope of the injury, it is time to get the necessary treatments. Comprehensive treatment will guarantee quick and efficient recovery. Also, you will need to consider different specialists to help you recover from the injury. 

For instance, immediately you experience the injury, you will need an ER to nurse the wound before heading to the doctor. At the treatment center, you will need access to various specialists, depending on the type and extent of the injury.

Medication and Prescription

An injury can have varied effects on your body. It can lead to severe pain and permanent injuries when it is chronic. Medication and prescription will help you in the healing process and return you to your initial physical condition. 

For instance, you will need access to pain medication to help you relieve pain. Also, some antibiotics will help you ward off infections as fast as possible. Both short-term and long-term prescriptions are ideal for dealing with minor and long-term injuries, respectively.

Physical Therapy

The injury can cause permanent malefactions on your body parts. However, with effective physical therapy, you can gain these functionalities. Therefore, it would be ideal to consider physical therapy and chiropractic care to aid your healing process.

Personal Injury Lawyer

Treatment plans can be expensive, and you would want to be compensated. However, the company you are working for or the responsible party for your medical malpractice may not be willing to compensate you for the medical expenses. 

Therefore, you will need the services of a personal injury lawyer who would calculate the amount you need to be compensated. Also, a lawyer would help you get funds to make up for the lost income and benefits.

Recovering from an injury can be a painful and long journey. Special medical cover and representation from a qualified personal injury lawyer will help you recover financially and physically.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Medical Issues You'll Need Health Insurance Coverage for as You Age

As you age, the reality of biology indicates that you are at greater risk of developing certain medical conditions. Unfortunately, in addition to challenging your health, age-related medical conditions can also be a significant financial burden to those who develop them and their families.

Medicare covers many routine healthcare procedures for seniors, but not all of them. This article will discuss some of the most common age-related medical issues that you will need health insurance coverage in case you or a loved one ever experiences them.

Dental Issues

Unfortunately, anything involving work to your teeth is unlikely to be covered by Medicare. According to the Medicare website, the government service does not cover dental procedures or supplies. 

This even includes the most basic procedures like your annual teeth cleaning. That means that you are on your own when it comes to paying for the care that your teeth require, so you’ll want to look at having good dental insurance.


Millions of Americans develop cancer each year. Most people know at least one person, perhaps even in their own family, that has had one form of cancer or another. Unfortunately, old age is one of the most common risk factors for developing cancer.

Treating cancer is extremely expensive. Cancer insurance coverage can cover any medical expenses that result from cancer diagnosis and treatment. By looking online, you can find instant insurance cost calculators to help you get a cancer insurance quote.

Hearing Problems

Hearing loss is common as people age. Once again, hearing-related healthcare is not covered by Medicare or most private providers.

If you require a hearing aid or other medical devices to maintain your ability to function independently, then you might want to consider hearing aid insurance. With a small monthly premium, you can make sure that you will have access to hearing devices when you need them without breaking the bank.

Mobility Issues

Seniors are often at risk of losing their mobility. Luckily, certain pieces of medical equipment, personalized therapies, and other medical interventions can help a senior maintain their independence and remain in their own home.

However, the price tag attached to scooters, stairlifts, and other mobility boosters can be high. Supplemental healthcare insurance agreements often include provisions for these much-needed medical supplies.

530,000 Americans go bankrupt each year due to unpaid medical bills. If you have no health insurance at all, even a single hour-long visit to the local emergency room could be enough to sink your finances. Plan ahead with health insurance coverage.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Should You Be Concerned With Your Oxygen Blood Levels

Your blood oxygen reading is a measure of how much oxygen your red blood cells bring throughout your body. Your body very closely manages your blood oxygen levels. Maintaining the precise balance of oxygen-saturated blood is crucial to your wellness.

The majority of youngsters and adults do not need to check their blood oxygen levels. As a matter of fact, lots of medical professionals will not check it unless you're showing indicators of an issue, like lack of breath or upper body pain.

Nevertheless, individuals with persistent health and wellness conditions need to monitor their blood oxygen levels. This consists of asthma, cardiovascular disease, and also chronic obstructive pulmonary illness (COPD).

In these situations, monitoring your blood oxygen level can help identify if treatments are functioning, or if they ought to be adjusted.

Maintain checking to discover where your blood oxygen level needs to be, what signs you may experience if your level is off, as well as what occurs following.

How your blood oxygen level is determined

Your blood oxygen degree can be measured with two various examinations:

Arterial blood gas

An arterial blood gas (ABG) level is a blood test. It determines your blood's oxygen level. It additionally can discover the degree of other gases in your blood, in addition to the pH (acid/base level). An ABG is very accurate, but it's intrusive.

To obtain an ABG level, your medical professional will take from an artery rather than a vein. Unlike veins, arteries have a pulse that can be really felt. Additionally, blood drawn from arteries is oxygenated. Blood in your veins is not.

Your artery in your wrist is used because it's easily tested in contrast to others in your body.

The wrist is a delicate area, taking blood there is much more painful contrasted to a vein near your elbow. Arteries are also much deeper and add to the discomfort.

Pulse oximeter

The pulse oximeter (pulse ox) is a noninvasive tool that estimates the quantity of oxygen in your blood. It does so by sending out infrared light into blood vessels in your earlobe, toe, or finger. Then it indicates how much light is reflected off the gases.

An analysis indicates what percent of your blood is saturated, known as the SpO2 level. This examination has a 2 percent error window. That implies the reading may be as much as 2 percent higher or lower than your actual blood oxygen level.

This test might be slightly less precise, but it's extremely easy for doctors to carry out. So physicians depend on it for quick readings.

Things like dark nail gloss or chilly extremities can create the pulse ox to check out lower than regular. Your medical professional might eliminate any kind of polish from your nails prior to utilizing the machine or if your reading seems extraordinarily reduced.

A pulse ox is not invasive, you can execute this test yourself. You can acquire pulse ox testers at most shops that carry health-related products or online. Meet with your medical professional prior to making use of a residential device to ensure that you learn how to analyze the results.

What should your blood oxygen reading be?

A test of your blood oxygen is called your oxygen saturation reading. It's called a PaO2 when utilizing a blood gas as well as an O2 sat (SpO2) when utilizing a pulse ox. These guidelines will certainly help you recognize what your outcome might suggest:

Normal: A normal ABG oxygen level for healthy lungs falls between 80 and also 100 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). If a pulse ox determined your blood oxygen degree (SpO2), a normal reading is usually between 95 and 100 percent.

Nevertheless, in COPD or other lung diseases, these ranges may not apply. Your doctor will tell you what's normal for your specific condition. As an example, it isn't unusual for people with extreme COPD to maintain their pulse ox degrees (SpO2) in between 88 to 92 percent.

Below normal: A below-normal blood oxygen level is called hypoxemia. Hypoxemia is frequently cause for worry. The lower the oxygen level, the extra serious the hypoxemia. This can bring about difficulties in body cells and also body organs.

Usually, a PaO2 reading below 80 mm Hg or a pulse ox (SpO2) below 95 percent is considered too low. It's important to understand what's regular for you, specifically if you have a chronic lung illness.

Your doctor can offer recommendations regarding what is the proper ranges of oxygen levels that are right for you.

Above normal: If your breathing is unassisted, it's tough for your oxygen levels to be too high. For the most part, high oxygen levels occur in individuals that utilize additional oxygen. This can be detected on an ABG.

What happens if your oxygen degree is too reduced.

When your blood oxygen degree goes outside the normal array, you might begin experiencing symptoms.

This consists of:

  • shortness of breath
  • upper body discomfort
  • confusion
  • migraine
  • fast heart beat
If low blood oxygen levels persist, you might be showing symptoms of cyanosis. The characteristic indications of this condition are a blue discoloration of your nail beds, skin, and mucus membrane layers. Have this checked by your doctor immediately

Cyanosis is considered an emergency situation. If you're experiencing symptoms, you ought to seek instant clinical attention. Cyanosis can bring about respiratory system failure, which can be life-threatening.


Most of the population will never have to monitor their oxygen levels at home. Only those with help problems will have to use this device at home. If you do need to monitor at home you can purchase your own monitor and always be safe knowing what your oxygen levels are.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

5 Ways to Reverse The Signs of Aging

Aging is a normal part of, well, aging. When people hear the term “aging”, they usually associate it with wrinkles, sagging, and slowing down. Aging doesn’t have to be those things, though. It can simply be just getting older. 

You know those people that you come across, like Jennifer Aniston, and you’re shocked to hear how old they actually are? We all want to age as gracefully as someone like Jennifer Aniston. 

So, how can you reverse the signs of aging without having to have a team of professionals and thousands of dollars keeping you looking young?

Don’t underestimate a good skincare routine

One of the fastest ways to get wrinkles, is to ignore your skin. A proper skincare routine can do wonders for both reversing aging and for preventing any signs of aging you are currently dealing with. If your wrinkles and crow's feet are really bad, scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist for specialized recommendations is a great idea. 

This way, you get a personalized skin care regime for your specific issues. If you don’t want to see a dermatologist, there are still some great ways to find anti aging products for you. 

It will probably take some trial and error to find what works for you, but you’ll want a product that has lactic acid(helps with skin elasticity), hyaluronic acid(helps retain moisture), and a really good spf(to prevent sun damage).

You are what you eat

Your diet has a much bigger effect on aging than what you’d think. Just like eating a lot of highly processed and sugary foods can cause you to break out, not maintaining a well balanced diet can accelerate aging. To prevent aging, you want to eat a diet that is high in greens. 

The more vegetables and fruits you can incorporate into your diet, the better. You should also add a collagen supplement into your daily diet. Collagen promotes the regrowth of skin cells, so having a collagen supplement in your diet will help your skin appear younger.

Drink more water

Your body is 70% water, and being dehydrated is a one way track to wrinkle town. Work on increasing your daily water intake. Carry a water bottle around with you all day, set reminders in your phone to drink water every 30 minutes, whatever it takes. The more water you drink, the less wrinkles you’ll have, because your skin will be plump and elasticized.

Tone and tighten your skin

Wrinkles are caused when your skin gets loose. To get rid of these wrinkles, and prevent new ones, it’s important to tone up and tighten your skin. And not just on your face. Regular exercise will help tighten the skin all over your body, since we know that the skin on your face isn’t the only place to experience wrinkles and sagging skin. 

You don’t have to do anything incredibly intense, but a weekly workout routine will keep your skin tight. For your face, a great way to tighten your skin is to invest in a few different skin rollers. An ice roller is great for smoothing wrinkles as well as depuffing. 

A jade roller is great for tightening your skin. If you get a jade roller and store it in the freezer, it will do double duty and act as both a jade roller and an ice roller, leaving you with smooth, tight skin, if used regularly. 

Alternative and preventative methods of anti aging

In this age of body positivity, we want to make sure you know that there is nothing wrong with embracing your wrinkles and not minding what your body looks like as it ages. It’s beautiful no matter what! But it’s also okay to want to change the way your body looks if it makes you happy and feel more confident in yourself. 

For some people, that looks like embracing their natural body. And for other people, that may look like getting preventative plastic surgery, such as botox, to decrease the chances of wrinkles. However you choose to embrace your body, we just hope that you embrace it and know that there is no shame either way as you learn to love and accept your body. 

Plastic surgery has done wonders to help many people feel more confident in their skin and with their physical appearance. Never feel like you have to “fix” your body to conform to the nations standards of beauty. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

6 Unexpected Stresses of Retirement

Many of us paint this idealistic picture of retirement in our minds, where retirement is a beautiful place untouched by the everyday stresses of life. 

Unfortunately, retirement isn’t quite as idealistic as this, and people who are retired face just as many stresses as working individuals—but different stresses. Here is a brief look at some of the most common unexpected stresses of retirement.

Financial concerns

Though retirement is ideally a time for you to enjoy a lifetime’s worth of invested savings, financial concerns remain a top stressor for retired individuals. 

Retirees must adjust to living on a fixed income, and oftentimes that adjustment is more dramatic than expected. Unexpected expenses may drain your retirement fund more quickly than anticipated, for example, or lack of portfolio diversification (a concept discussed in this article) might have undermined the wealth of your retirement account. 

Because financial concerns are so prevalent in retirement, it’s important to remain in close contact with a financial adviser to ensure you will be taken care of once you retire.

Health problems

Many of us expect to encounter health issues as we get older, but we still get this idea in our minds that old age happens to everyone other than ourselves. 

Age-related health problems develop in even the most active adults, however, so it’s important to approach retirement with the mindset that you are going to do what you can to preserve your health. 

Experts suggest regular exercise for retirement-age individuals—even if that is simply light stretching, walking, or yoga. The CDC, in particular, recommends engaging in at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week.


Perhaps you expect to encounter more personal health issues as you get older, but what you might forget to consider is having to take care of a spouse, parent, or other relative once you’re retired. 

Caring for a loved one, particularly from an illness involving cognitive impairment such as Alzheimer’s disease, can become very stressful. Experts suggest that the best way to cope with this unexpected stress of retirement is to seek help from others, including family members, friends, and professionals.

Relationship issues

Retirement is a major lifestyle change, and as such it can change the dynamic of a relationship—be it marriage or a family relationship. 

A newly retired spouse, for example, might suddenly feel isolated and lonely once they are not spending as much time with their colleagues. The changing dynamic that comes with retirement can easily result in relationship issues. 

Experts say that the best way to cope with relationship issues brought on by retirement is to appreciate retirement as a time to nurture relationships, and to seek counseling if necessary.

Identity loss

Many who are newly retired experience stress from suddenly not having something to work for. These individuals feel less valuable and struggle to maintain a firm grasp on their personal identity. 

These types of feelings are perfectly natural as, again, retirement is a major life adjustment. To maintain a strong sense of value and identity during retirement, it’s important to seek new pursuits and to use your time to nurture cherished relationships. 

Experts suggest picking up an old hobby to occupy your newfound time, finding a new hobby, joining a local organization, or getting a low-stress part-time job.

Substance abuse

Did you know that the elderly are at especially high risk for substance abuse? According to this article, rates of alcohol abuse actually spike at retirement age. The reasons for this are several. 

First, retirement itself is a major life adjustment, and it can leave one feeling useless or without identity. Alcohol abuse becomes a coping mechanism for these negative emotions. 

In addition, those at retirement age tend to start experiencing more physical pain, which can also lead to alcohol use as a coping mechanism.

Alcohol isn’t the only substance that sees high abuse rates among retired individuals, either. Prescription painkiller abuse is also remarkably high, as the elderly are prescribed relatively more painkillers than other demographics.

Substance abuse is highly dangerous for a person’s health and finances, so if you or a loved one begin to develop substance abuse after retirement, it’s vitally important to seek professional help as soon as possible.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Healthy and Alert: 5 Benefits Coffee Can Offer for Your Well-Being

Are you one of those people who need the smell of coffee to wake you up in the morning and the taste of caffeine to warm your bellies? Is a good cup of coffee enough to rouse you up and start you going? It’s not surprising, because millions of Americans are like you.

Many researchers have proven that coffee is good for you if consumed in moderation (less than 6 cups a day). Aside from the satisfaction you get from its invigorating aroma and distinctive flavor, there are many ways that coffee offer to your health and well-being.


Recent studies show that those who drink at least 6 cups of coffee on a daily basis have a lower risk of developing cancers like prostate, melanoma, cirrhosis, and breast cancer.

Studies show that a cup of coffee has more antioxidants than a serving of blueberries or orange. Antioxidants help protect cells from oxidation and shields coffee drinkers from diseases like diseases of the heart, type II diabetes, Parkinson’s and many more. Coffee contains minerals like chromium and magnesium, which improve heart health and lowers the risk of infections.


Drinking coffee can improve memory and brain health. Several studies report that coffee drinkers showed a significantly lower incidence of Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline compared to those who did not drink coffee or drank only small amounts.

One study found that caffeine all by itself may be sufficient to protect against the
development of Alzheimer’s disease. This may be due to caffeine’s antioxidants, which reduce inflammation.


The caffeine not only stimulates the nervous system but may also function as a mild antidepressant. A research conducted showed that this may be linked to a lower risk of depression and lower incidence of suicide in people who are avid coffee drinkers.


Research shows that coffee can help relieve migraine symptoms and can even stop it by consuming a cup before the situation occurs. Dilation of the blood vessels leads to vascular headaches. Caffeine constricts blood vessels by acting much like low-dose aspirin thus countering the headaches.


Coffee is non-fattening! There are 0 calories in every cup of black coffee. What you will add to your coffee (cream, sugar, caramel) will add to the calorie count. The majority of popular K-Cups from places like 11th Street Coffee aren’t only free of sugar or fat, but they are also calorie free. 

Studies also show that caffeine in our coffee can increase our metabolism by about 8% which actually helps with burning fat, suppressing fat accumulation and body weight gain.

Nothing beats having coffee together with friends and family! Bonding and sharing conversations will relieve our stress and allow us to enjoy life more. We can enjoy many cups of coffee together. 

But if we start getting anxiety and headaches after missing some cups, we may have been drinking too much, we just need to slow down and limit our coffee intake.

CAUTION: Don’t use coffee as a medication for your illnesses, pains or depression. Consult a professional, who can give you the efficient medical support and care that you need.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Take Control of your Finances: Six Ideas that Will Help You Save Money on Health Care

Unexpected, or even expected medical bills, can wreak havoc on your finances. It is a little known fact that the average American spent $6815 on treatments in 2013 alone. Research also suggests that if you are financially struggling, you are much more prone to problems that affect your physical health. Below, we show you six ideas in which you can save on your health care costs:

More is less

It is a good idea to schedule regular check ups with your family physician, as it is much better to nip any potential health problems in the bud. That pain in your knee that you are experiencing right now could turn into something much more difficult and costly to manage later on. Go to more regular check ups instead of waiting until the last minute to get treatment. 

Invest in your company health savings plan

If you work at a company that offers a health savings plan, use it. The dollars that you invest are pre-tax, meaning that you aren’t paying for any medical care in after tax salary. You should also take advantage of any health perks your company offers, like insurance or dental care. 

Take care of yourself

You will save a lot of your future income, if you take care of yourself over the course of your life. Face facts and stop smoking and excessively drinking. Likewise, ditch the junk food and go for the healthy option. Your body, and your finances, will thank you in the long run.

Get regular dental checks

Regularly visiting your dentist can save you serious money. An innocent, yet neglected, cavity can lead to root canals or worse later on. Regular cleaning can prevent peritonitis, which, in turn, can prevent tooth loss, which is costly to fix. Going to your regular dentist appointments and keeping up with good oral hygiene can help prevent costly dental work, say the experts at Midtown Dental Centre.

Shop around

There are drastic differences in the cost of medical treatment. More and more walk-in centers are competing for your medical dollars. Find out if there is an alternative health center that can meet your needs for less. Also, many pharmacies are now also offering routine allergy treatments and flu shots for much less than it would cost if you visited a private practitioner. 

Buy generic

The differences in the cost of branded medication can be startling. A 2008 Survey, conducted by the National Association of Chain Drug Stores found that the average price of a name brand drug was one $137, compared to the generic prescription price of just $35. For most prescriptions, the generic brand will be just effective.

Implementing these six simple ideas will certainly help your financial health, and eradicate that pain in the wallet. Take control of your finances by being more proactive with your health care.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

More Than You Can Chew: Tips for Paying Medical Bills

A large medical or dental bill that is more than you can chew is so discouraging. When presented with a super-sized medical bill, it is possible to negotiate with the hospital, doctor, or dentist providing services. The results may be instant, or take some time to achieve, but do not despair. Here are tips for paying medical bills and keeping on top of your finances when the unexpected occurs.

Ask for a Discount Before Receiving a Medical Bill

Ask the doctor, hospital, dentist, or oral surgeon for a discount prior to the service if possible. Tell the provider that you do not have health or dental insurance, or any relevant financial circumstances. For example, if unemployed, living on a small fixed income, or anything else that affects the ability to pay, discuss this before services are rendered. Many providers and health care facilities offer financial services assistance to those in need. Unfortunately, unless the patient informs his or her doctor or institution about financial circumstances, the provider bills without consideration.

Offer to Settle the Outstanding Bill Immediately

When requesting a discount for services, do not accept the provider's initial rejection as the final word. The doctor or dentist needs office cash flow. Offer to pay the debt in full, at the reduced price offered, immediately. Pay the bill with a cashier's check or in cash, immediately after offering to pay the discounted rate. Write “paid in full” on a cashier's check and request a receive stating that the debt is paid when settling in cash.

How to Pay Older Medical Bills

Sometimes the patient's financial condition changes quickly, and he or she may become unemployed shortly after receiving expensive medical or dental services. It is still possible to ask the provider or hospital for a discount. In this instance, contact the doctor, dentist, hospital, or medical facility as quickly as possible to discuss the circumstances. If months have passed since the services were provided, look up the fair price for the services received. Use this information to negotiate a discount. Insurance companies use similar information to negotiate a better price on their subscribers' services.

Arrange a Payment Plan

Occasionally, a doctor, dentist, or hospital will demand payment in full. In this scenario, politely explain your financial circumstances, and request a payment plan. Never provide a credit card or offer to pay the amount owed on a credit card. This action subjects the financially-strapped individual to interest charges required to finance the medical bill. Instead, offer an affordable payment amount. Then, make the payments as agreed.

Pay as Agreed

When offering the provider a discount, or requesting a payment plan over a certain period of months or years, keep your word. Never offer a payment plan that is more than you can afford because this puts personal credit and ultimate settlement of the debt at risk. To make payments on a payment plan as agreed, consider writing checks for each month's payment in advance. Place each check into an addressed envelope, then place each ready to send payment in a calendar file.

Emergency Medical Bills

In some situations, such as an emergency, it is impossible to ask for discounted services. For example, an individual is in a car accident, and an emergency vehicle or ambulance takes him to the hospital to receive urgent care. In such an instance, the individual or his family should contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Jeffery C. Metler, who has had experience in the field says medical bills, rehabilitation services, lost wages, and the cost to repair a vehicle can all be payed with the help of a personal injury attorney. Never interact with the at-fault driver's insurance company without the benefit of a personal injury attorney on your side.

When it comes to your health, you need the best care possible, and often it comes at a steep price. Don't let your current situation dictate your health. Take action and come up with a way to pay off the debt yourself. Use these tips to get started and improve your situation today.

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