Image by Christopher Chan via Flickr
When reading a good book on investing you try to find some thing new you didn't know or understand before. Many of us that read a lot of person finance or investing books find the information repetitive. So finding these treasures, is the fun of reading, to find that little jewel that makes you look up and take notice. For me I have gotten a lot of info and enjoyment from reading a book called "The Elements Of Investing" by Dr. Burton Malkiel and Charles Ellis.
They have written other books on investing notably "A Random Walk Down Wall Street". That book was a hefty read at 400-500 pages. They have written this new book, which is a boiled down version of just the best stuff. In 176 pages they give just the best advice on investing, saving and how to do it. They write about the different types of investing accounts and what type of investments to put in them.
They describe a wide variety of scenarios and stories of investing and how it works into your life. One of the jewels of this book is their discussion on Asset Allocation. It's explained in a clear and concise way. They write how it's not just important but it's importance is paramount to your success in investing.
What they write about in asset allocation is that whatever your ratio of equities to bonds are, it must be one that you will be able to live with when the market is volatile. If it is wrong you may sell at the wrong time totally destroying your hopes for making a growing portfolio.
Another key technique of good investing is re-balancing your account every year. The first of the year would be a good time to do this. The importance of this is if your 50/50, 60/40 or whatever your equities to bond ratio is, if it goes out of balance, you should sell and buy to get it back in balance. The jewel in this strategy is your selling an asset that has appreciated and buying one that is at a low price. Selling high and buying low at a predetermined time. This technique forces you to take profits and buy low. It restricts you to never buy at the top. It makes a contrarian out of you and increases you rate of return.
Malkiel and Ellis take on the prognosticators who make a living telling us what to do. They denounce the nonsense they try to tell us. While saying they all get it wrong, in fairness they write about a few who called it right. They go on to say there were a few to get it right but so far in advance that following their advice would have been counter productive.
The good advice kept coming when they said that it was important to have some fixed income in your portfolio to see you through the time of equity turmoil. It will keep you calm until the roller coaster slows down.
Many times they told how diversity was key to long term profits. Investing in value and growth equities was important for for a well rounded portfolio. Broad diversity also abroad with investing in fast growing economy's like China, India and Brazil.
They don't recommend SPDR's or Large-Cap funds, they suggest Total Stock Market Funds that include broad array of stocks like one that follows the Wilshire 5000. Large, Mid and Small-Cap stocks all together. Of course they recommend you do all this investing using only Index funds.
I really enjoyed this book. Its a quick read with a good conversational style. I know I'll keep it and reference again.