Showing posts with label Loan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loan. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

5 Strategies to Make the Most of Your Personal Loan


Securing a personal loan can be a pivotal step towards achieving financial goals, offering flexibility and immediate access to funds. However, to truly maximize its benefits, strategic planning and thoughtful management are essential. 

Below are five strategies designed to help you make the most of your personal loan.

Define Clear Objectives for Your Loan

Understanding why you need a personal loan is the first step towards effective use. Whether it's consolidating debt, financing a major purchase, or covering emergency expenses, having a clear objective helps in aligning the loan terms with your financial goals. 

By defining specific purposes, repayment plans can also be structured more effectively, ensuring the loan serves its intended purpose without unnecessary expenditure.

Choose the Right Loan Terms

Selecting the right loan terms involves balancing the interest rate, repayment period, and monthly installments. Opting for a shorter repayment period may lead to higher monthly payments but will save on interest in the long run. 

Conversely, a longer term reduces monthly payments but increases the total interest paid. Evaluating different loan offers and considering your financial capacity helps in choosing terms that align with your budget and long-term financial plans.

Create a Detailed Repayment Plan

A well-defined repayment plan is crucial for managing a personal loan efficiently. Establish a budget that incorporates monthly installments, ensuring that repayments are timely and consistent. Automate payments where possible to avoid missed deadlines, which can negatively impact credit scores. 

Regularly reviewing your repayment progress also helps in making necessary adjustments, maintaining financial stability throughout the loan period.

Use Funds Wisely and Prudently

The usage of loan funds significantly impacts overall financial health. Prioritize high-impact expenditures that align with your initial objectives. Avoid using loan money for depreciating assets or non-essential purchases, as this can lead to financial strain

Instead, direct funds towards investments or necessary expenses that provide long-term value and financial growth, ensuring the loan contributes positively to your financial well-being.

Monitor and Adjust Financial Strategies

Managing a personal loan doesn’t end with securing the funds; continuous monitoring and adjustment of financial strategies are pivotal. Keep track of interest rates, market conditions, and any changes in personal financial status. 

Refinancing options may become available, offering better terms that can reduce costs. Being proactive in adapting to changes ensures the loan remains beneficial and aligned with your evolving financial landscape.

Final Thoughts

By following these strategies, personal loans can be effectively managed and leveraged to achieve financial goals. Strategic planning, disciplined management, and continuous monitoring are key to making the most of your personal loan, turning what could be a financial burden into a powerful tool for growth and stability.

Friday, March 22, 2024

When is it Appropriate to Take Out a Loan?

Taking out a loan is a decision that should not be taken lightly. It can have long-term consequences on your financial health, so it's important to carefully consider when it is appropriate to take out a loan. 

In this blog post, we will discuss the situations in which taking out a loan may be necessary and beneficial, as well as when it might not be the best option for you.


No one ever wants to find themselves in an emergency, but unfortunately, it can happen to anyone at any time. It could be a sudden medical issue that needs immediate attention, a car that breaks down unexpectedly, or a home repair that can't wait.

Regardless of the reason, emergencies can be stressful and financially draining. Luckily, taking out a loan can be a helpful solution.

It may not be ideal, but it can provide quick access to the funds you need to handle the situation without adding more stress to your life. Just remember to carefully consider the terms of the loan and have a plan for repaying it.


Investments can be a great way to grow your wealth over time, but sometimes, you need a little help to get started. That's where loans can come in handy. 

Taking out a loan to invest in something like starting a business or investing in real estate can be a smart move, but it's important to evaluate the potential returns carefully. 

You want to make sure that the investment will pay off in the long run and that you will be able to repay the loan on time. 

With a little bit of planning and research, a loan could be just the boost you need to take your investment portfolio to the next level.


Education is a valuable asset, but it can come with a hefty price tag. That's why many people turn to student loans to help finance their educational pursuits. 

While borrowing money may seem like the only option, it's important to consider all the available alternatives. Scholarships, grants, and work-study programs are great ways to offset the cost of education without having to take on debt. 

Before making any decisions, take the time to research and explore all potential avenues for financial assistance. With some effort and a bit of luck, you may be able to acquire the funds you need to invest in your future without the added burden of student loans.

Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation may seem like a daunting task, but it could actually make your life a lot easier! If you have multiple high-interest debts, consolidating them into one lower-interest loan could save you a lot of money on interest payments and simplify your finances. 

Of course, it's important to have a solid plan in place for repaying this new loan and avoiding falling back into debt. But don't let that discourage you. 

By consolidating your debt, you'll have more control over your finances and be able to breathe a little easier.

Avoid Unnecessary Debt

It's no secret that money can be a stressful topic, but it doesn't have to be. When it comes to finances, keeping things simple and clear is always the best approach. One thing to remember is the possibility of taking on unnecessary debt. 

While it may be tempting to borrow money for things like lavish vacations or high-end clothing, the reality is that these purchases could do more harm than good in the long run. 

Instead, take a step back and consider whether these expenditures align with your financial goals and priorities. 

By making thoughtful and intentional choices, you can avoid unnecessary debt and protect your financial well-being.

Final Thoughts

Taking out a loan can be a useful tool in certain circumstances, but it should be approached with caution and careful consideration of your financial situation. 

Before borrowing money, assess whether the expense is necessary or if there are alternative ways to finance it without going into debt. Remember that responsible borrowing involves understanding the terms of the loan agreement and having a realistic plan for repayment. 

By making informed decisions about when it is appropriate to take out a loan, you can avoid unnecessary financial stress and maintain control over your finances.

Friday, April 21, 2023

What is a DSCR Loan and How Can It Benefit You?

Have you heard the term “DSCR Loan” but are not quite sure what it means? If so, you’ve come to the right place. A Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) loan is a type of loan that many businesses use to finance their operations.

It allows them to borrow money based on their ability to repay the loan using their existing revenue. This blog post will discuss what DSCR loans are, how they work, and how they can benefit your business.

What Is A DSCR Loan?

A DSCR loan is a type of financing in which lenders use the business's cash flow as the basis for approving or denying a loan. 

Specifically, lenders look at the debt service coverage ratio (the ratio between income and expenses) of the business when determining whether or not to approve a loan. Generally speaking, if a business has high debt service coverage ratios, then it is more likely that its loan will be approved. 

The higher the ratio, the more confident lenders are that your business can repay its debt obligations on time and in full.

How Does A DSCR Loan Work?

In order for lenders to grant you a loan based on your debt service coverage ratio (DSCR), they will need to review your financials. This includes looking at your cash flow statements, balance sheets, income statements and any other documents related to your financials. 

Once they have reviewed these documents, lenders will determine if your business has enough income to cover its debts based on its current operating environment. 

If it does, then you may be granted a DSCR loan. You can discuss this process further with a professional lender, like those at NewFi Lending.

What are the Benefits of a DSCR Loan?

A major benefit of taking out a DSCR loan is that it can help businesses access capital quickly and easily without having to go through lengthy application processes or wait long periods of time for approval from traditional banks or other lending institutions. 

Additionally, since these loans require minimal documentation and collateral compared with traditional banking products like lines of credit or term loans, businesses can often get approved quickly—in some cases within 24 hours—and start using their borrowed funds sooner rather than later. 

Finally, since these loans are typically backed by existing revenue streams rather than collateral such as real estate or other assets, there is less risk involved for both borrowers and lenders alike.

In conclusion, understanding how DSCR loans work can be beneficial for many businesses that may need quick access to capital without having to wait an extended period of time for approval from traditional banking institutions. 

These types of loans allow businesses to borrow money based on their current revenues instead of requiring them to put up large amounts of collateral or undergo lengthy application processes in order to access capital quickly and efficiently. 

For many small businesses that do not have large amounts of assets but need quick access to funds in order to grow their operations further down the line, taking out a DSCR loan could be an excellent option worth considering!

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

A Beginner's Guide to Asset-Based Lending

Asset-based lending (ABL) is a type of loan that uses the value of a borrower's assets as collateral. This type of loan can be quickly accessible for borrowers who have poor credit or who lack the financial qualifications for traditional loans. 

In this beginner's guide, we will explain asset-based lending in terms of how it works, its advantages, and disadvantages, among other perimeters. But first, let's take a look at how asset-based lending works.

How Asset-Based Lending Works

When a borrower makes an application for an ABL, the lender will start by analyzing the value of their assets. Once the valuation is done, the lender will use this value as collateral to fund the loan. 

Usually, lenders will be willing to loan borrowers up to about 90% of the value of their collateral. The terms and conditions of these loans, however, do vary based on the value and type of the security. 

In most cases, lenders will prefer high liquid assets that can easily be converted into cash in case of a default. These assets include accounts receivable, inventory, real estate, equipment, and machinery.

The Advantages of Asset-Based Lending

You may be wondering if this type of loan is right for you. There are several advantages to using asset-based lending to consider in regard to your current situation.

Faster Approval Times

Asset-based lending is quicker and easier to process than a traditional loan. This is because the borrower's assets are used as security to fund the loan. So, there is no need for a third-party guarantor for the loans. 

Therefore, the process of approving such loans will take less time compared to traditional loans. This also makes it a practical option for those in urgent need of cash.

Suitable for Bad Credit Borrowers

Since asset-based transactions are covered by security, lenders will be less concerned about how good a borrower's credit history is.

Relatively Low Interest

The other advantage of ABL is that they charge lower interest rates than other types of loans. This is because lenders are not concerned about the creditworthiness of their customers. 

Whether you need staff agency business financing, want a loan for expansion, or for any other reasons, the ABL will offer the best financing rates. It can be particularly helpful for business financing if you need a quick cash boost to get your business up and running.

The Disadvantages of Asset-Based Lending

While asset-based lending has its strengths, like all financial decisions, it has its risks and drawbacks as well. Here are a few to watch out for.

Asset Seizure

One of the main disadvantages of asset-based lending is asset seizure. As we already discussed, ABL is secured by collateral. Therefore, if the borrower defaults on the loan, the lender can seize the collateral to cover a default.

Not All Assets Qualify For ABL

It is important to note that not every asset qualifies to be used as collateral. Most lenders do focus on high-value assets, and this can be limiting for some borrowers.

Final Thoughts

Asset-based lending is a good loan option for borrowers who need urgent cash and those with bad credit history. So long as you are willing to respect the terms and conditions, you will easily manage the demerits of this type of loan. 

As a beginner, we hope this post has given you enough information and insight about ABL to make more of an informed decision.

Friday, May 4, 2018

What is the Difference Between a Loan Against Property, Mortgage Loan and Home Loan?

When you find yourself in need of a loan, it is important to assess all the options available to you. This will allow you to choose a loan variant that caters to your needs adequately. 

One such consideration is choosing between a loan against property, mortgage loan and a home loan. While all three terms seem similar at first, there are differences that set them apart. Take a look at what these differences are.

Based on collateral

Home loan: When you take a home loan, the home that you are about to buy acts as the collateral for the loan. You have to pledge it to the lender until you repay the loan amount.

Mortgage loan: This loan simply means that you can get access to funds by mortgaging an asset. Here, it is important to remember that the asset may be property, but it can also be gold, investments such as securities, etc.

Loan against property: As the name suggests, when you opt for this loan offering, you must pledge a property that you own in exchange for funds. You can pledge either a residential property or a commercial property as collateral.

Based on purpose

Home loan: When you take a home loan, you can only use the funds from it to purchase a residential property. You can then stay in this property (self-occupy) or rent it out if you’re purchasing a home as in investment. You can’t use it for any other purpose.

Mortgage loan: Mortgage loans are of various kinds, and in fact, the term is used to define a category of loans rather than one particular loan. For example, a home loan is a mortgage loan, as is a loan against property, or a loan against insurance. 

Depending on the variant of the mortgage loan, the end use will vary. While a home loan offers limited flexibility in terms of what you can use the funds for, a loan against insurance allows you to use the funds for any purpose that you deem fit.

Loan against property: This diverse loan offering allows you to use funds for a variety of purposes. You can use the money to buy commercial property or a home for your family. You can also avail the loan for lease rent discounting. 

Whether you require substantial funds to start a business, pay for your child’s overseas education, pay for wedding expenses or invest in an asset, you can take a loan against property to meet any of these needs.

Besides this, if you need a large amount of money and you anticipate unpredictable or periodic need for finance, you can avail the sanction as a Flexi Loan. When you take a Loan Against Property from Bajaj Finserv, for example, you can choose to take the amount as a Flexi Loan and use funds from the total sanction as per your needs. 

You only have to pay interest on the amount that you use, and you have the option to pay interest-only EMIs through the tenor. Once the loan repayment period comes to a close, you can repay the principal. You can withdraw, repay and redraw funds as many times as you want to. 

More importantly, you don’t have to file a new loan application each time you need funds. Simply make a request to access the amount.

Here’s a look at a few benefits that this Bajaj Finserv loan offers.

  • This loan gives you a high-value loan that you can use for both professional and personal purposes. As a salaried individual, you can access Rs.1 crore, while if you are a self-employed individual, you can get up to Rs.3.5 crore.
  • A loan against property’s interest rates are low, and you can use a loan against property EMI calculator to determine what you monthly outflow will be with ease.
  • The documents required for a loan against property are minimal, as is loan against property eligibility. You can apply in a matter of minutes and receive the loan amount within 72 hours.
  • You have the choice of a long tenor to make repayment easy. Choose from a repayment period spanning 2–20 years if you are salaried, and up to 18 years if you are self-employed. 
  • You can also make use of prepayment or foreclose options at a minimal charge to repay the loan quickly.
  • If you already have a loan against property, transfer it to Bajaj Finserv to enjoy fast processing, and add-on benefits such as a high-value top-up loan.
  • Manage your loan online with ease via a secure customer portal. Get all loan-related information at your fingertips, as per your convenience. 
  • With complete understanding about the difference between the three loans and the benefits of a loan against property, you’re sure to be able to make the right choice for your needs. Before you submit your application, be sure to check the eligibility criteria to see if you qualify.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

How A Bad CIBIL Score Can Ruin Your Chance Of Getting Doctor Loan

You heard of an opportunity to take over a polyclinic facility nearby. Sadly, you have to give it a miss. You realise that you do not have enough resources and lenders are hesitant to offer loans since you have a poor credit score.

Your CIBIL score is what speaks of your creditworthiness in front of banks or other financial institutions when you apply for a loan. An individual with low or bad CIBIL score is usually denied loan sanctions. Having a bad CIBIL score can hinder your chances of availing a doctor loan.

Why Is CIBIL Score Important to a Doctor?

To expand their practice and business, you as a doctor might need financial help for it. A CIBIL score can help you get the finances you need. Having a good credit score can fast-peddle your loan application for further formalities. 

But, seeing a bad credit score, banks or other financial institutions are known to reject applications.

What Will Affect Your CIBIL Score?

● Payment dues

Lenders need to know that their money is returned to them in the time given. If you have a payment dues on your credit card, or have ongoing loans, it will tend on influencing your credit history. The CIBIL score helps lenders know how credible you are for a loan. A bad CIBIL score will lessen your chances of getting credit without any hassles.

Amount of utilization

Having many loans and credit cards reflect that you have pending dues to pay. The amounts of those also matter. It is commonly known that the amount of credit you use from what is available to you shows how you manage your funds. It is advisable that you use only 30% of the total credit available to you and pay the bill on time.

Healthy mix of credits (secured and unsecured)

Availing too many unsecured loans reflect bad credit score. There should be a healthy balance between secured and unsecured loans in your name. This shows the lender that you have securities that you have given for a loan. It holds up your CIBIL score and assures the lenders about your credibility.

● Infrequently checked credit report

Going a long while without checking your credit scores can land you in trouble. It is possible that you may have missed some information. Checking your credit score regularly will ensure that you have no wrongly put information or any technical error. It helps in keeping your credit history clean.

● Too many debts

If you have too many debts, lenders will be hesitant about lending you money. More so, if the debts have bad repayment history. Keeping your records clean, paying your EMIs regularly and keeping a track of your credit are all ways of avoiding too many debts.

● Many recent accounts

Availing a loan when you have recently applied for credit cards or other loans reflect badly on you. It may also give the lender the impression that you are greedy. Your CIBIL score is, hence, affected and it lessens the chances of you getting a loan when you actually need one.

How To Improve Your CIBIL Score

  • Pay your dues on time
  • Fasten your debt repayments
  • Don’t have too many unsecured loans
  • Monitor your finances
  • Keep your credit history clean


To get a doctor’s loan, your best bet is to always maintain a good CIBIL score. It is certainly a boon. Having a healthy score not only improves your chances of being approved for a loan easily but also helps you earn lower rates of interest. Bajaj Finserv offers a range of doctor loans at affordable rate of interest. You can use the credit given to you on a flexi-loan basis that saves you interest. The doctor’s loan from Bajaj Finserv comes to you in times of need.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

What is an Installment Loan and How Does It Work?

When you need to make a large purchase and do not have the cash on hand or a line of credit to do so, an installment loan is a financing option to consider. 

An installment loan may be offered through a credit union, bank or a private lender. Understanding what an installment loan is and how it works can help you to decide if this type of financing is right for your situation.

Fixed Payments

When you take an installment loan, you are agreeing to make fixed payments for a specific period of time. Each of the payments is due on a specific date, such as the first Monday of the month or the 15th day of the month. 

The fixed payment includes the portion of the principal of the loan and the interest that you have accrued on the principal. Each payment that you make on an installment loan reduces the amount that you owe on the principal.

Interest Rates

Interest rates on installment loans are usually fixed at the point in time that you take the loan. Some companies, such as Las Vegas Finance, know that the interest rate that you get may differ from what another applicant would get even on the same principal. 

Your interest rate will be calculated based upon your credit score. If you have a low credit score, you may have a high interest rate.

Secured Versus Unsecured Installment Loans

A secured installment loan is tied to a piece of property as collateral. One example is a mortgage loan. A fixed mortgage is an installment loan that uses the house as the collateral. An unsecured installment loan does not use any collateral. 

These loans are sometimes called personal loans and could be used for a leisure or personal purchase, such as buying a diamond engagement ring.

Benefits of Getting an Installment Loan

An installment loan makes it easy for you to plan your monthly expenses. With excellent credit and property to secure the loan, you may enjoy a low interest rate. 

ome installment loans, such as mortgages, have tax-deductible interest. On-time payments on an installment loan can also help you to build your credit score.

An installment loan provides you with a set amount of debt to repay each month. The predictability of the loan's payments makes this a convenient choice for many people. 

Before signing your name on the dotted line, be sure that you understand all of your obligations as the borrower on an installment loan.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Why Your Credit Score Matters When It's Time to Take Out a Loan

A credit score is a numerical representation of an individual's ability to handle debt. The number is calculated as new information comes in from creditors. 

If you miss a payment, your score is likely to drop. If you pay off a credit card debt, your score is likely to increase. What impact does your credit score have when it comes to taking out a loan?

Those with Higher Scores Tend to Get Better Rates

Individuals with a credit score of more than 700 generally get the best available rates on the market. Those who have a credit score of between 650 and 699 typically get affordable rates that are slightly higher while those with a score of 600 to 649 may pay rates of 15 percent or more. 

If your credit score is below 600, you may be considered a subprime borrower, which means that you may not qualify for a loan at all. If you do qualify for a loan, it may come at an interest rate of over 20 percent, and you may need to get a cosigner as well. 

Borrowers with Good Credit May Be Entitled to Higher Loan Amounts

Let's say that you asked a bank for a loan to buy a car. Those with good credit may be given a blank check to buy whatever they want because the bank knows it will get its money back. 

However, if you have a poor credit score, you could be limited to a loan of $10,000 or less because the bank wants to limit its risk.

While the small loan may provide you with an opportunity to rebuild your credit, it hinders your ability to buy the vehicle that you want. 

Instead of a new vehicle with top safety features, you may be forced to drive something with 100,000 miles on it because you can't afford anything else.

Good Credit May Shorten the Loan Approval Process

One of the benefits of a same day loan is the ability to get money quickly. Loans can be processed and proceeds disbursed in hours because there is no credit check required. 

If you have good credit, you may have your application approved quickly without the need for a lot of supplemental information. If credit is an issue for you, though, you should know that you can get payday loans in El Paso, TX, and some other cities throughout the US without having to get credit approval. 

Either way, this means that you can get the money necessary to buy a house before someone puts in a better offer or buy goods for your business that you need to fulfill a large order in a timely manner. 

Just make sure that you are careful and only take this type of loan out if you know you have money coming in pretty soon to pay it off with. Doing so will help improve your credit and make it easier for you to apply for other loans later on.

Having Good Credit Makes It Easier to Get Unsecured Loans

When a loan is unsecured, it means that a borrower didn't put up collateral as a condition of approval. This means that the bank has nothing other than your word that you will repay what you borrowed. 

Those who have a good track record of paying their debts generally have an easier time getting unsecured financing at low interest rates and other favorable terms.

However, it doesn't mean that you don't benefit from securing a loan with collateral even if you do have good credit. In some cases, you may be able to get a loan without interest or at a rate close to 0 percent by securing it with your home or some other property.

Before applying for a loan, take a minute to check your credit score and credit report. Doing so could make it easier to determine what type of loan you may be eligible for and how much you may be eligible to borrow. 

If your score is lower than you would like, it may be a good idea to take steps to increase it before applying for financing.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Why Refinancing your Home can be Beneficial to your Financial Health

When executed correctly, refinancing a home mortgage can save families significant amounts of money over many years by cutting sharply their interest expense. Of course, understanding if refinancing is the right path to take depends upon a borrower's specific situation. 

Generally speaking, refinance mortgage rates make sense when a family can reduce its interest costs enough to more than offset a new loan's settlement costs.

Closing Costs and Expenses

Refinancing a mortgage with an above market interest rate can yield instant benefits for your family's financial well-being. Refinancing too frequently or without consideration of associated settlement costs can have the opposite effect. 

Ideally, refinancing should be undertaken when it is abundantly clear that sufficient interest savings can be realized over the life of the loan. Other good reasons for refinancing include debt consolidation and the funding of important financial obligations such as a child's education or tax payments. 

These important things cannot be done by the average homeowner with most bank loans or credit products because the interest rates, terms and tax-treatment can never be so favorable.

Managing you Credit

If you are having problems with debt and bad credit, then this is another reason why you might want to refinance. However, this is kind of contingent upon whether or not you have been able to keep up on your mortgage payments. If you have, this helps improve your credit score. This might help you refinance into a loan with a much lower interest rates and decreased payments. 

Government Agency Mortgage Programs

Today, the U.S. government through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides the mortgage money market with significant amounts of liquidity with the goal of promoting home ownership. The government does this through two agencies, the FHA, and the VA (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs). 

The mandate of the VA is to guarantee repayment of mortgage loans granted to U.S. service men and women. These loans are issued by qualified lenders such as Low VA Rates, one of the many lenders that active and retired members of the service rely on for VA home loan financing.

The Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM)

An adjustable rate mortgage may be exactly what your family needs if you plan to sell your house within in the next few years. ARM loans will commonly provide the borrower with a significantly lower start rate than what they currently have. 

If a new ARM loan's accumulated savings surpass the total closing costs by the time your house needs to sell, then refinancing with an ARM can be beneficial to your family's present financial position.

Fixed-Rate Mortgage

For some people refinancing into a fixed-rate mortgage is the better way to go. The reason for this, is that if you are already struggling financially, a fixed-rate mortgage takes away of any risk of your mortgage going up and making you more financially unstable. It will stay at the same rate the entire life of the mortgage.

Before refinancing your home, you must make sure that it is right for you. You only want to do it if it is actually going to save you money in the end. Refinancing without proper consideration of the long-term costs and effects can be an expensive mistake. 

So can cashing out home equity for the sake of financing consumer spending that does nothing to enhance one's personal balance sheet. On the other hand, saving tens of thousands of dollars over the life of a twenty or thirty-year loan by replacing it with a new loan makes all the sense in the world if it can be justified after examining the economics of the situation.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

5 Tips to Pay Your Mortgage Off Fast

For many people, the biggest financial commitment they will ever make is the mortgage on their home. Most of the time, that commitment lasts for 25 years, but many of us

just aren’t comfortable taking it that far. Not only are you in debt for a quarter century, but the interest you pay along the way is ridiculous.

And so, strategies and plans to pay off mortgages fast and avoid these pitfalls were born, and scores of homeowners have benefited. Here are 5 tips that can help get your mortgage out of the way a lot faster than normal.

1. Accelerated Bi-weekly

It stands to reason that paying off your mortgage is all about making the payments, and the difference between monthly and accelerated bi-weekly payments can make a big difference. With monthly payments, you’ll make 12 payments per year, and on the accelerated bi-weekly plan you’ll make 26 payments.

The exact numbers will vary depending on the amount of your mortgage, the amortization and interest rate, but by switching it isn’t unusual to shave a few years off the amortization and up to $20,000 off the amount of interest you pay.

2. Don’t Get Too Comfortable

It’s easy to sit back and get comfortable after you have set up all the details of your mortgage, but that isn’t always a good idea if paying it off early is your goal. This is especially true if the mortgage payment is an automatic withdrawal, because you don’t even have to think about it.

Even if you are in a fixed-rate term, if the rates have dropped significantly, you might be able to save thousands and shorten your amortization even with the penalty you have to pay for breaking the mortgage. Of course, the only way to know this is to stay informed and pay attention to what is going on “out there” in the mortgage world.

3. Boost Payments Whenever Possible

If you anticipate times during your life where you’ll have extra money, or even if you don’t, arrange your mortgage so you can make payments that come off the principal, whenever you like. This might refer to bonuses at work, inheritances, or even increasing your average payments when you get raises at work.

Whenever you get your hands on money that you weren’t expecting, dumping it into your mortgage won’t affect your budget because you weren’t expecting it anyway. Tax refunds and lottery winnings are some other sources or money you probably hadn’t factored into your budget. You certainly don’t have to put every cent you get on the mortgage, but adding different amounts over the course of the loan can make a big difference in the amount you spend and how quickly you pay it off. 

4. Take Advantage of Pre-Payments

Pre-payment privileges are another opportunity to make a lump sum payment and knock a few years off your amortization period. Depending on how much you have available and how much you’re willing to give, you could end up saving the price of a brand new car just in interest. Not to mention, the mortgage-burning ceremony will be sooner. Ask about this option when you are working out your mortgage details, to see if it’s one that applies to you. Even a relatively small sum can make a difference.

5. Knock Some Off at Renewal Time

If you have a 25-year amortization period like so many other homeowners, you will encounter several renewal times during the course of the mortgage. If you saved your money and made a lump sum payment before you renewed the term every five years, you could own the house several years sooner and save yourself thousands in interest, too.

Owning a house is a huge deal for most people, and even though you might feel like you have no choice but to accept whatever terms are laid in front of you, that isn’t always true. You can negotiate and you can shop around and you can knock years off the amount of time it takes for you to own the home outright.

It’s important to keep in mind that lenders all have competition, and even though they seem intimidating and have the power of yes or no over you, they still rely on the business of people like you to survive. If you pass the basic criteria and you know that you qualify for a mortgage, consider some of the above tips when thinking of ways to knock time off your mortgage rate. Not every method is right for every homeowner, but with some creative thinking and some sacrifice, you’ll find one that’s right for you.

Venetia Rose has been a freelance writer and blogger. She loves to share and keep herself updated with the latest tips in mortgage and financial consulting. Her interests are cooking, photography, craft and painting. Follow her on Face book

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Why is It Necessary for Every Borrower to Know Everything About Unsecured Personal Loans

Whether you believe or realize it or not, loans of all kinds are financial burdens that every borrower is required to bear after getting them. In the opinion of all the real life borrowers and financial experts, getting loans is easy but repaying them is extremely difficult. The situation becomes extremely difficult for the people who cannot maintain a healthy credit score. They find both approval and repayment of the loans extremely difficult for them. Though bad credit personal loans are especially meant for them, they must be very careful about knowing everything about them so that they can repay the loans easily.

Beside bad credit personal loans, people should also think about unsecured personal loans that good for them. These loans are available with almost all the leading online lenders. These lenders also work under the influence of the governments, as the traditional lenders do. However, their strategies are slightly different from them. The first priority for them is to help the needy people and for that they design and develop special policies for unsecured loans. You must understand that these unsecured loans are free from all collaterals and that is why they are quite different by nature as well.

The first thing that you should try to know is the terms and conditions of these loans that can make all the difference for you. You must be very careful about knowing the rate of interest and the terms of repayment. You should look for the official documents that has everything written on them. You should not pay attention towards verbal information at all as they can be manipulated at any point of time. To be more conscious about the right information, you should talk directly to the bank officials and not the agents or mediators. However, you must make some personal efforts as well and make some online research about unsecured personal loans. You must know that these loans are not covered by any mortgage or collateral and that is why the rate of interests are slightly higher than the secured loans.

The terms of repayment must be very clear to you so that you can use them to repay your loan without burdening you. It is true that the duration of repayment is smaller here and that is why the monthly installments for repaying these loans can cause you some anxieties. You are bound to follow this schedule of repayment making sure that no date of repaying the installments gets failed. It can make your credit status go worse.

However, if you are a victim of bad credit score or status, then you must be very positive about repaying the installments on or before their due dates. This can leave a positive impression on the credit score and it can get better till you repay the loans totally. With the help of this better credit status, you can capitalize on your future loan requirements. You need to be very serious about the repayment so that you can get rid of both, the loan and the bad credit status.

Author Bio:
Anna Smith has been an experienced blogger who has a very good knowledge about online loans. She writes regularly for quite a few popular blog sites. Here, she tells teaches her readers about the serious concerns about loans online that they should always consider before getting online personal loans.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Have Bad Credit? Here's How to Apply and Get Approved for a Loan

Many of us have incurred bad credit, i.e. a poor credit rating/score and have consequently found applying for financial products – credit cards, personal and home loans, etc. – tough going.

That’s rapidly changing and many banks and lenders are now far more willing to work with people with bad credit than in the past.

If you’ve incurred a poor credit rating there’s still a good chance that you’ll be able to successfully apply for financial products again the future, though you might have to improve your credit rating beforehand in order to access financial products on competitive terms once again.

Improve your credit rating

Do you know your credit rating? If not, how do you know you’ve incurred a poor credit rating or are you just making an educated guess based on your adverse borrowing history?

Many borrowers have no idea of their credit rating before applying and they’re putting themselves at a disadvantage straight away because knowing your credit score enables you to leverage your borrowing options.

You can obtain a copy of your credit report once per year and under various circumstances from any of the national CRBs – D&B, Experian and Veda – for free; however, if you’ve already obtained a copy within the last year you’ll need to pay a small fee.

To obtain a copy, contact one of the national CRBs and provide the following details:

  • a. Full name
  • b. Date of birth
  • c. Current and previous addresses
  • d. Driver’s licence details
Obtain a copy before applying for credit – you’ll better understand the options available to you.

If you still have a credit card, use it to make small purchases on a regular basis and pay the outstanding amount in full each month in a timely manner. This will help to repair your credit rating, though bear in mind it takes time. 

Bad credit loans – An option to consider

Bad credit loans are loans made available to people with poor credit ratings – including those who’ve really made a mess of their borrowing history.

These loans generally come with a high APR and are hardly competitive with regard to interest rates or terms and conditions, but if you’re really stuck they’re an option you may need to consider. 

Apply to your bank

After you’ve obtained a copy of your credit report and you know your credit score, contact your regular bank and discuss your situation with them, preferably informally, i.e. without making a formal loan application.

The reason for this is that every time you apply for credit you’re triggering an enquiry into your credit history which has the effect of lowering your credit score slightly.

By enquiring informally and informing them of your credit rating you’ll be able to avoid this and you might also be able to successfully apply for a personal loan through you regular bank, though this will naturally depend on your banking history with them.

However, if they knock you back because of your credit score you’ll need to look at other alternatives, many of which like bad credit loans, instant payday loans and similar loans are often, though not always, hardly competitive though they may be the only options available to you.

There are an increasing number of reputable online lenders, some of which actually offer competitive rates, terms and conditions in addition to quick and easy online application processes.

Nonetheless, double-check lenders’ backgrounds you consider applying to before applying and bear in mind the importance of limiting the number of applications you make.

There are a number of options available to those ‘bad credit’ – ensure you know what to make of them.

About the Author:
Get Approval is a finance company in Australia that seeks to assist individuals in applying for a business or personal loan. They have devised a simple process for loan applications so eligible applicants can receive their needed funds quickly and with less hassle.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Examples of When to and Not to Get a Loan

A loan can be a good tool to help people make a purchase when they do not have the necessary funds available. While a loan is great for some reasons, no loan, including credit cards, should be obtained hastily. It is important to remember that when you take out a loan, you are still responsible for repaying the loan, plus any additional amount for interest. It is vital that you carefully consider any loan that you may want to take out to determine if it is the right solution for you or not.

Below is a look at three great reasons for taking out a loan, as well as, three reasons not to take out a loan. Lying in between these two choices are non-loan options which can include alternative money help. Below are some examples of when and when not to take out a loan. 

Reasons to Take Out a Loan

1. Home. The majority of homeowners cannot afford to purchase their home with cash. Instead, they take out a mortgage to cover the cost and then repay the mortgage over the course of ten, twenty or thirty years. This is a good reason to take out a loan because purchasing a home is a sound investment. Just be sure to shop around to find the best mortgage options for you.

2. Education. You may also need to take out a loan to complete your education. Unfortunately, you may not make enough money right now to cover the costs of higher education, but without a proper education, you cannot get a higher paying job. Before taking out a loan for your education be sure to apply for all the governmental benefits available to you because this may reduce the loan amount you have to take out. Also, look for low-interest loans that are specifically designed for students.

3. Car. Whenever possible, it is best to pay for a car with cash instead of taking out an auto loan. However, there are times when you may not have an option and you must take out a car loan in order to purchase a vehicle. This is true if you live in a rural area where public transportation is not available, or you need a vehicle to get back and forth to work. Be sure to keep your car loan payments within your budget limits.

Reasons Not to Take Out a Loan

1. Holiday. A holiday is not a good reason to take out a loan because it is not something you need, but rather something you want. If you want to take a special holiday, create a short-term financial goal for yourself and readjust your budget to help you put some money aside each week or month to go towards you holiday. Before you know it, you will have enough money saved and you will not have to pay any additional money for interest.

2. Gifts. A lot of people make the mistake of pulling out their credit cards or taking out a loan to cover the costs of purchasing gifts especially at Christmas time. Many times they do not even realize how much they spent until the bills start coming in. You should set a budget for purchasing gifts and make a commitment to not go over budget. Try making homemade gifts or only shop when things are on sale.

3. New Furniture. Many furniture dealers offer their customers loans in order to buy the furniture they want. This is not a good enough reason to take out a loan, even if they claim to offer an interest-free loan for a set period of time. Instead, save up your money and only purchase new furniture when you have enough saved.

This list of good and bad reasons to take out a loan, may help you determine when it is a good time to take out a loan of your own or not. Remember that taking out a loan requires a long-term commitment and you will have to make the payments on a regular basis until the loan is paid off. Make sure that you take everything into consideration before making this vital decision.

Try looking at borrowing through an advantage and disadvantage point of view. Reasons for borrowing that are positive include purchasing assets or items that will benefit you in a positive way – education, vehicle to get to and from work or as part of a business, etc.. Examples of a disadvantage is purchasing items/services which will lose value and do not provide any real benefit outside of short-term gain.

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