According to the Software Association Group (SAG), as of 2012, 30 percent of adults over the age of 55 play video and online games. This is up from the reported 10 percent in 2011. Either playing on their Phones, computers, or gaming consoles, many 50 Plus adults have made video games a part of their everyday lives.
A study by Arthur Wiggins at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, entitled “Baby Boomer Gamers Scoring with Online Gaming”, shows that Baby Boomers delight in the various facets of gaming. According to this study, “Players love the challenge (89%), followed by Social interaction (77%), problem-solving (76%), Adventure (66%) and Using organization skills (64%).” When it comes to "First Person Shooters"(FPS), 55 percent of participants said they liked shooting while 35% said they didn't.
Nintendo was the first game provider to take advantage of gamers of all ages when they brought out the Wii console. Games attract new players, families, and also veteran players. Wii computer games tried to make gaming a part of everyday life by adding exercises to the gaming experience, but one of the Wii’s greatest attractions is its social aspect.
Social interaction is an crucial part of gaming for participants across an assortment of gaming platforms. Online games such as World Of Warcraft or EverQuest, allow participants to play in a virtual world where they can encounter new people or play with their current friends and family. In Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games, (MORPGs), it’s common to find guilds and tribes comprised of adolescents, Baby Boomers, and every other age imagined.
While a lot of boomers do enjoy gaming online, they frequently would like to game with participants close to their own age. Internet communities geared towards elder gamers offer boomers a place to gather and play collectively. One great site, GalaBingo Online is a great gaming site where you not only play online games but also participate for great offers and promotions. At this site, active adult gamers can meet and find community with other gamers, and much more.
Older adult communities are beginning to come in on the gaming movement in addition to clubs devoted to video games, a few communities with clubs or game rooms include some that can be found in the U.S., U.K. and around the world. With online games national borders fall away and you play online with people from across the globe.