Loan modifications are typically done when a borrower is struggling to make their current payments but still has the ability to pay back the loan over time.
Talk to Your Lender
The first step in getting a commercial loan modification is to talk to your lender. You'll need to explain your financial situation and why you're struggling to make your payments.
Be honest and upfront about your situation, and be prepared to provide supporting documentation. Your lender may be willing to work with you if they believe you have a good chance of eventually catching up on your payments.
Submit an Application
If your lender is willing to consider loan modifications, they'll likely have you complete an extensive application. This will include information about your business, your financial situation, and why you're requesting a modification.
You'll also need to provide documentation supporting your claims. Be as thorough as possible in completing the application and include all requested documentation.
Negotiate Terms
Once your application has been reviewed, your lender will decide whether or not they're willing to modify your loan. If they are, they'll present you with a modified payment plan outlining your loan's new terms.
This will include things like a lower interest rate, extended repayment period, or both. It's important to review the modified terms carefully before agreeing to them.
Before making a decision, you should also compare the modified terms with other options, such as refinancing.
Get Approval and Sign Documents
After you've agreed to the modified terms of your loan, you'll need to sign some new paperwork formalizing the agreement. Once everything is signed and approved, your new payment plan will go into effect, and you'll start making lower monthly payments according to the new terms of your loan agreement.
Monitor Your Progress
Even after you've successfully obtained a commercial loan modification, it's important to stay on top of things and monitor your progress. This means making all of your modified payments on time and in full each month.
If you stay caught up, it could put your modification at risk. So, staying on top of things and keeping up with those modified payments is important.
The process of getting a commercial loan modification can be long and complicated, but it's worth it if it means being able to keep your business afloat. ,
The process of getting a commercial loan modification can be long and complicated, but it's worth it if it means being able to keep your business afloat. ,
If you need help to make ends meet, talk to your lender about the possibility of modifying your existing loan today!