Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ways Your House Can Earn You Money

Housing (Photo credit: james.thompson)
When financial times are tough, we have to make our assets work for us. A house is a large investment and it is important to ensure that the money that has been invested in it is working as hard as it can. Of course, we invest a lot emotionally into our homes as well, but sometimes it helps to view the house from a different perspective, and think of the fiscal benefits our homes could provide. 
By viewing a house as a moneymaking machine as well as a home, ideas for generating extra cash will soon come flooding in. Here are a few to start off with: 

Almost everything is rentable 

Perhaps the most familiar moneymaking scenario is renting out the spare room to a lodger. There are many types of lodgers out there looking for a room. Whether it is a student during the current college term, out-of-town workers looking for Monday to Friday accommodations, or tourists seeking somewhere to spend a few days or even a single night, there is plenty of flexibility in the room rental model. 
It may seem hard to believe, but the rental concept can be extended to cover many other things related to the home. There are people out there willing to pay good money to rent the driveway (for parking), the garage space, and even the back yard of a house (to pitch a tent for a party). Websites exist that can help hook up homeowners with people looking to rent various parts of the house or property. There are even people who will be looking to rent the lawnmower or gardening equipment for a couple of hours. If you are looking to generate some income, take another look at your home and its contents with fresh eyes - instead of being a money pit, it could be making money. 

Buy another house 

We have established that houses can often be efficient moneymaking vehicles, so if there is room in the budget, why not buy another? Admittedly, not many people have spare cash around these days, but those who do are certainly not getting great returns from savings accounts or CDs. It will usually be a far better idea to put any extra money into investments that pay good returns. With property prices at historic lows in many areas and rentals in high demand, becoming a landlord is increasingly popular for those with money to invest. Choose property in attractive areas where rental demand outstrips supply. There are many US houses for sale in premium locations that would make prime vacation rentals and yield a healthy return on investment. 

Film star homes 

Spectacular, unique, well located, or just plain quirky homes are always in demand as film locations. TV and film companies are willing to pay good money in return for the use of a home as a film set. Registering with a locations agency can be a relatively simple process and if your home has that ‘star quality’, the house could be earning hundreds of dollars a day just for looking good.

Remodel for great returns 

Another sure-fire way of making money from a home is by increasing its value through remodeling. Home improvements such as unique designer kitchens, luxury bathrooms, extra bedrooms, new flooring, garden rooms and conservatories, landscaped gardens and driveways will all help to boost resale profits. This long-term route may take time to reap rewards, but can be very financially beneficial. 
So remember, home is where the heart is, but when money is tight, home can also be where the cash is. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How to select the best car insurance for luxury car?

Automobiles are among the most commonly used e...
Automobiles are among the most commonly used engine-powered vehicles (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Many of us would envy and dream to own a luxury car such as Audi, Benz, and Porsche in our life time. People who opt for a luxury is the one who do not want to compromise on the ride, handling and comfort of their travel. So, when it comes to car insurance these cars should also have an insurance policy that covers the cost of the repair adequately.
A car accident can never be planned and no one knows when it is bound to occur. As a luxury car owner one should have necessary coverage with the insurance so that the cost of the accident does not have a catastrophic effect on your finance. 

These are the few points you should consider when going for a luxury car insurance

Be ready to pay higher premium – As we all know luxury cars tend to cost more than the regular cars. And the costs to keep up the luxury cars are also higher than the regular cars. Therefore, insurance company does charge a high premium for the top end cars. Therefore, when you plan to buy a luxury car, be ready to pay higher premium.

Make sure it covers all the spare parts – Luxury cars when met with a accident is going to be a costly affair to get repaired. Many insurance companies do have restrictions on percentage of claims you can make on the specific parts of a car. Some companies only offer 50% of claim on spare parts that is made of plastic. Therefore, before signing a luxury car insurance you should make sure it is always a bumper to bumper insurance.

Your insurance should cover theft – Luxury cars and vintage cars are rare in numbers, therefore they are always the target for people who steal luxury and vintage cars and ship it to other countries. I believe many would have seen the movie “Gone in 60 Seconds” where Nicolas Cage steals 50 luxury vintage cars in one night. That movie is a good reminder for people to have theft insurance on their luxury car.

Research and analyze – Even though a luxury car owner is not a price conscious person it is always advisable to shop deep to get the better insurance coverage for your luxury car. To get the best plan collect all the available plans, analyze each every minute details like premium, coverage and No claim bonus to select the best plan for your needs

Always go with company offered insurance – Many car manufacturers like Porsche, Mercedes and Audi tie up with insurance companies and offer their own insurance plan. In case if you come across such plan, never leave the opportunity to go. In experience, a luxury car is easy to maintain when the car has the insurance plan from the insurance company that has a tie-up with the manufacturer.

When you are in the market for an insurance policy for your luxury car, you should make sure that the insurance policy fulfills the above points. An insurance policy that compiles with the above points will give you peace of mind while driving your luxury car.

Philip is a guest blogger interested in writing informative contents related to Auto insurance. To know more on being familiar with car insurance please go through his page at

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

7 Ways Seniors Can Keep Their Car Insurance Affordable

With the cost of car insurance rising each and every year, it is no wonder that car owners have been looking for ways to make their insurance more affordable. No group of car owners, however, has been hit by rising insurance premiums as much as seniors. 

This sector of the population generally has low incomes but high car insurance costs, especially if one has not built up a good driving record over the years. Follow these tips to keep your car insurance premiums as low as possible for years to come. 

1) Keep out of trouble! 

The best way for anybody, not just seniors, to keep car insurance premiums low is to ensure that your driving record is clean and you never get into any at-fault accidents. Your insurance company is bound to get wind of any problems with your driving record at some point, so keeping out of trouble is the best policy. 

2) Take a defensive driving course

Aside from the obvious benefits of showing you how to control your car effectively, many insurance companies provide discounts to drivers who take defensive driving courses. 

3) Find a senior citizen insurer 

Some insurance companies specialize in providing cover to senior citizens, and these companies might be a little more forgiving of previous misdeeds on the road, especially if such incidents occurred decades ago. 

4) Drive less and ask your insurer for a discount 

Many seniors do not use their cars very much. Often, a senior citizen's car is only used for short drives down to the shops or to visit family. Some insurance companies provide discounts to people who use their car very little, as a reflection of the sharply decreased risk involved by driving occasionally. 

It is well worth speaking to your current insurer to see whether any such offers exist, and if not, consider switching insurance companies.

5) Keep up to date with medical checks

Insurance companies just love to see medical reports come in outlining issues with vision, as this is a great excuse for them to hike their premiums. If you detect issues with your vision, it may be worth your while to visit an optometrist to see whether corrective lenses can be worn to ensure that while on the road, these vision problems will have no impact on your ability to drive safely. 

This not only looks good to an insurance company, but it also helps to keep you safe while on the road. 

6) Switch insurance companies

Many seniors do not have access to the Internet, and hence do not 'shop around' to get the best rates on their car insurance. It is a good idea to shop around, so if you do not know anybody willing to source quotations for you, get out your copy of the White Pages and start calling around. 

7) Stop driving.

Many seniors use their cars so infrequently that it may be cheaper to get rid of the car altogether and just take cabs whenever transport is needed. Often, the cost in cab fares that will be incurred by not driving will be less than the yearly insurance premium. 

Author Bio: Anna Peterson works for a company that provides numerous quotes to compare. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

4 Ways to Make Money with Certificates Of Deposit

Certificate of Deposit is the safest and the surest way to earn money by way of investment. It offers you more interest than the savings account and is devoid of the risks involved in stocks. You can open the Certificate of Deposit in any bank or financial institution of your choice. Given below are 4 ways in which you can earn money with Certificates of Deposit -
Invest In A Long Term CD

The easiest way to ensure that you earn money from your certificate of deposit is to invest in a long term CD than a short term one. CDs will require you to keep your money for certain duration before you can withdraw from it. This period can vary between six months to five years. It is known that the CD, which is valid for a longer period of time, earns you high CD interest rates than a CD that is valid for a few days or months. For example, a six-month CD can give you 3% interest as compared to a 5 year CD that gives you 5% interest.
High Yield CDs Are Not Always Beneficial

The U.S Exchange Commission warns investors from being influenced by CDs that have a high yield. Also, be wary of CDs that have variable interest rates. These CDs usually depend on the stock market and this can affect how much you earn from the Certificate of Deposit. CDs with low rates of interest usually have less risk since they do not depend on the financial market.

You should also make sure if your CD has a call feature. The banks terminate CDs with call features when the financial market dips and this can stop you from earning the full potential of the CD. This feature is usually present in high yielding CDs.
Let Your CD Mature

You should never withdraw from your CD before it matures if you want to earn from it. Access it only to withdraw money after its maturity. If you withdraw money from the CD before it matures, you may end up losing interest earned in the prior months. If you haven’t earned enough interest to pay the penalty, the bank will then deduct the amount from your principal. Thus, you end up losing more than what you would have earned.
Be Clear About How You Will Earn The Interest

When you open a certificate of deposit, the bank will give you a disclosure document that will state the features of your CD, the rate of interest that you would earn and how you will receive the payment. It is better to have the interest amount electronically transferred to your bank account rather than opting to receive a cheque.

If you want to earn money from the CD, keep in mind that it is best to invest in long-term schemes and not to touch your CD before it matures. Be clear about the rates you earn and the mode of payment.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

5 Ways to Make Money Online

Computer feestje
Computer feestje (Photo credit: arneheijenga)
Being older and on a fixed income is no fun. These are difficult economic times for everyone, but it is possible for industrious people to make money right from their own homes through the Internet. 

A computer and a connection are the only required tools to get started, and you may even be able to manage without those if you can start small at a local library or a friend's house. All you need to do is think about the opportunities available to you online and decide which is best for you.

1. Writing - One of the most common ways to make money online is to write for a site that offers compensation for its writers. Some pay per articles, while others pay a share of advertising revenue. If you can find several sites that pay, you will have a place to write for even if one of them goes dry.

2. Editing - With all the writing online, many sites are in need of good editors. If you have a strong grasp of grammar, your services could be valuable and compensated as such.

3. Selling - If you have old items lying around the house collecting dust, you could make money off them by selling them at an online auction site or used goods store. Moreover, if you have artistic talent, you can make crafts and artwork and sell them online.

4. Services - If you have a special skill that you can offer, why not advertise it online and see if people might have a need for it? You can restrict yourself to local parties if you are doing something like yard work; if it's something that can be done from a distance, you have countless potential clients to choose from.

5. Blog - You don't have to be a writer to blog. You can show off photography, artwork or music, whatever it is that you enjoy. Once you put ads alongside your entries, you will be able to earn money on every one of them if enough people click through.

As you can see, the Internet is full of ways to earn some extra cash. While making a boatload of money online is difficult, you can always get a little extra in to supplement your income. With enough hard work and some time invested wisely, anyone can make a significant amount of money online.

Author Bio:
Paul and his wife Julie both spend quite a bit of time coming up with ideas, blogging, and researching all things related to childcare. They take care of all the necessary information related to “”. He personally thinks his blog will help finding information on all things related to a babysitter.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Guiding your Recently Graduated Kids through Debt Management

Source: Personal Trainer Pioneer
If there's one thing that we adults have learned as we approach retirement is that the world is not a secure place, no matter how hard you've tried to make it so. 

Living a debt-free life in America is though not impossible very difficult, and more and more people have realized that their debts can seriously hamper their ability to get what they want in life. Debt can make it difficult to have a stable marriage, to buy a house, or to relocate. Debt can also stop you from retiring when you are ready, and it can keep you from pursuing more education. 

Even if you've handled your debts wisely, it's very important to pass this knowledge on to our children. If you have children who are now adults and out on their own, here's how to guide them through a financially responsible life:

1. Encourage them to pay back their student loans as aggressively as they are able.

Hopefully, your children's only debts after graduating from college are student loans. While this was the case with me and my siblings, many of my recently graduated friends had mountains of credit debt as well. 

Regardless of your child's debts after graduating, it's important to emphasize to your children the need to start paying loans back as soon as they find work. 

Most young professionals will only pay monthly minimums for years before they realize that they could have paid much of their debt off a lot faster had they simply pitched in a little more every month.

2. Help them develop a budget for living expenses.

While budgeting may come second nature to you, it's often tough for young adults who are doing it for the first time. Sit down with your adult children and talk about ways that they can implement a reasonable budget on their expenses, including separate budgets for food, rent, entertainment, and savings.

3. Do not pay back their loans for them, especially if it means sacrificing your retirement savings.

One of the most tempting things parents usually want to do for their children is to pay back their loans. Of course, if, like many young adults in America, your child cannot find a job and is completely unable to pay back their debts, there's nothing wrong with stepping in and helping a little bit. 

At the same time, however, it's important to understand that we much continue to teach our children lessons even as adults. And one of the most important lessons that many people take their entire lifetimes to learn is a personal responsibility. 

Of course, advise them on how they should manage their debt, but leave the actual repayment up to them. Don’t risk your retirement savings just to coddle your kids.

4. Talk to them about the importance of starting an emergency fund.

It's quite astounding to read the statistics concerning the percentage of people who have absolutely no emergency fund. A serious accident on the highway can happen at any time, and recovering can be difficult. While legal aid like a Tampa truck accident lawyer can help with the recovery, it can still be difficult to recover from the mounting expenses.

Of course, it's hard to establish an emergency fund when you're busy paying off debts. Still, once your child has learned to manage her debt and budget correctly, encourage her to start an emergency fund that can pay for six months' worth of living expenses. 

Most financial advisers recommend having a fund that covers at least six months and as much as a year, especially in an uncertain economic climate.

It's quite astounding to read the statistics concerning the percentage of people who have absolutely no emergency fund. A serious accident on the highway can happen at any time, and recovering can be difficult. 

While legal aid like a Tampa truck accident lawyer can help with the recovery, it can still be difficult to recover from the mounting expenses. Of course, it's hard to establish an emergency fund when you're busy paying off debts. 

Still, once your child has learned to manage her debt and budget correctly, encourage her to start an emergency fund that can pay for six months' worth of living expenses. 

Most financial advisers recommend having a fund that covers at least six months and as much as a year, especially in an uncertain economic climate.

Still, once your child has learned to manage her debt and budget correctly, encourage her to start an emergency fund that can pay for six months' worth of living expenses. Most financial advisers recommend having a fund that covers at least six months and as much as a year, especially in an uncertain economic climate.

At some point, of course, there isn't much that we can do when our kids are all grown up. At the same time, however, you'll be their parents forever, and they still will look to you for advice. Offering sound financial advice is perhaps the most important advice we can give. Good luck!

Mariana Ashley is a freelance education writer who also writes about parenting, personal finance, and small business strategies. She has an especial interest in online education, particularly online colleges in Arkansas. Please feel free to contact Mariana at

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