Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Medical Negligence - What You Need to Know

The need for medical attention leaves everyone vulnerable. The public must be able to trust the healthcare community and must have confidence that when something goes wrong, there will be accountability. Claims of negligence in the healthcare industry should never be made lightly as they are taken seriously by the medical field and the legal system. However, when negligence does happen, patients should fully understand their rights under the law and should know how best to have their case represented. 

An attorney’s role in medical negligence 

A claim for this kind of negligence must first be investigated by an attorney. While many claims are fairly straightforward, it is important to establish the type of negligence as well as to work to determine who is negligent. In some cases, it is a member of the direct care staff (doctors, nurses, surgeons) but in other cases, a healthcare organisation such as a hospital or nursing home may be the negligent party. Establishing the time line for events as well as understanding the claim inside and out allows an attorney to assess the case and develop a strategy for the legal claim. 

Quite often, lawyers who specialise in medical negligence cases work on a “No Win No Fee” basis. This works to the advantage of the claimant as they incur no out-of-pocket expenses before or during the trial. If the claim is rejected, the claimant loses nothing. The lawyer and their office only get paid when the claim itself is paid by the negligent party. This system also gives a level of confidence to the clients as they know the legal office will be working hard to win, and would not take on a case they felt could not win at trial. 

Although these legal professionals work with a trial in mind, they also make every attempt to have the case settled as quickly as possible. Lawyers and legal teams for doctors, surgeons, other healthcare professionals and hospitals are typically willing to discuss settlement options in order to avoid a lengthy trial. Again, this willingness to cooperate works to the advantage of the injured party. Achieving a fair settlement shortens the overall time for the claim and makes it easier for the injured party to get on with their own life. 

Easy resolutions and just compensation are entirely possible with the right strategy

Because of the negotiation involved with settlements as well as the legal challenges which must be met, cases concerning medical malpractice or negligence are best handled by qualified legal teams. The stress of a trial can be difficult for victims, and these legal teams are prepared to take the stress and worry off of the victim's shoulders. They can handle initial interviews, research, investigations and preliminary work before the trial. 

As they prepare the case, they can engage in settlement negotiations with the negligent party which can help to avoid trial. Should the case go to trial, this same team of legal professionals can navigate their way through the court system and, of course, strive for a positive outcome. People who feel they have a valid claim for this kind of negligence should always consult with an attorney so they understand their rights and how best to achieve justice. 

Nina has written on a number of different topics as a freelance writer. She has written on various aspects of consumer right and patient advocacy, including issues revolving around medical negligence. Kelly conducts her own research and writes freelance web content for a wide variety of clients.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Instant Access Savings Accounts – A Better Way to Manage Your Savings

If you are living in Britain, it won't take you long to appreciate the fact that money slips out of your pocket earlier than you can imagine. Expenses from all corners seem to be attacking and making you cough up your hard-earned money. No wonder that the Pound seems to be a Monopoly currency. Fortunately, there are savings accounts to help people to save some money for their future. However, you should be very careful in choosing your savings account and take the following factors very seriously for the purpose. 

Interest Rates:

Whenever selecting a bank for a savings account, the first thing you should look to is the interest rate. There is simply no use of opening a bank account which does not offer handsome interest on your savings. 

Withdrawal Process:

Most banks won't let you simply withdraw money from your savings account. In fact, this is what savings account for: They keep you from instantly accessing your money. Many banks also impose penalty on each withdrawal. However, some banks also offer instant access saving accounts. Basically, these are savings accounts that do not impose any penalty on withdrawal. Instant access savings accounts could be either online or otherwise. The online ones could take relatively longer to process withdrawals.

However, some instant access savings accounts offer only a limited number of penalty-free withdrawals. 

Initial Deposit and Minimum Amount Required for Account Maintenance:

Different banks have different requirements for opening savings accounts. Some ask you to deposit at least a specified amount, which is in some cases a huge amount, whereas others may ask you to make sure that there is always a specified amount available in your account. Since banks differ remarkably on this front, you may choose from a wide range of options on your initial deposit amount and minimum maintenance amount. But you should note that most banks offer higher interest rates against accounts which require a reasonable initial deposit and minimum maintenance amount. You shall have to balance interest rates against the amount you can easily put in your savings account. 

Is There Any Bonus? 

Some banks offer bonus interest on their savings account. The result of this is that you get a decent amount of extra money in form of these bonuses. The effect of these bonus-interest awards becomes more noticeable after compounding over years. 

Is There Any Complicated Documentation Required?

Most banks have simplified their account-opening procedures and have done away with the need for any complicated documentation procedure. However, there are some banks that still require you to fill in a good number of forms for opening an account. You need to understand that it is now obsolete to treat the future clients as the clerks in your office. Therefore, there is nothing extraordinary if your bank asks you to tell them just a few details and they shall have your account opened. In fact, this is how most online bank accounts work. All you need to do to open these is to provide just a few details and that’s it.

To conclude, choosing the right savings account is one of the most important decisions for you to make. If you make a mistake at this front, you shall put yourself in a position where you will keep losing interest money over your savings. Therefore, be most careful when choosing a bank to open your savings account with!

Denzel Zurich studies microeconomics and helps people to make better choices to save and spend their money. He has also written on the utility of instant access savings accounts.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Car Loans Were Never Easy – Until Now

Most people would imagine that given the current economic scenario, car loans would be difficult to come by. But that is not the case at all. With car loans becoming available online, there has been a big change in the way people approach car loans. First of all, the amount of choices has gone up manifold. Secondly, people can compare the different offers and see which one suits them the most. While they do that, they can also choose from the many thousands of car models that these car loan websites have. What’s more, they can do it conveniently at home or at the office, without having to visit the offices of the car loan company itself. 

Do some research – you never know what you might find

So the next time you are browsing the Internet and are advised to click here for guaranteed car loans and finance deals, go ahead and do it. Now while you may be tempted to avail of the first offer that comes your way, you should try and exercise caution. You have to go through each of the offers carefully and see where you get the best deal. The rate of interest, the tenure of the loan, and more importantly, the total outgo are important factors to be mulled over before a decision is taken. 

Online loans give tremendous advantages to a prospective car buyer. First of all, there is the whole thing about how they save time by allowing the person to go through the various options, do a comparative analysis, and make the right choice. Secondly, the sheer diversity of choices ensures that you get a good price. Thirdly, because you can get a pre approved loan online, you are more confident in negotiating a good deal with a car dealer. 

Guaranteed car loans are yours for the taking 

The Internet is a wonderful tool for enabling commerce. It not only lets buyers exercise great choices; it also lets them get great prices. In effect, the Internet makes the playing field level in one fell swoop. This is a very empowering phenomenon, and it imparts great bargaining power to the consumer. Something that he or she has never had before! To the seller it provides access to a huge market at practically no price at all. This is just as true of car loans. 

At a time when the economy is sluggish, the Internet ensures that people’s credit lines don’t dry up. Anybody who wants to buy a car can do so. The car loan is just a click of the computer mouse away. 

Not only does the Internet get you access to more car loans than before, it also allows you to make an informed decision about things like the interest cost, and the model of car to be purchased. So if you never ever wanted to avail of a car loan the traditional way, could you be faulted for it? Online car loans have made possible a paradigm shift in the way people buy their cars now. People have taken to what may be called smart car buying practices. And that is all thanks to online car loans.
John Law is a car buff who likes to write. His recent article has become quite popular in various consumer blogs and automobile blogs.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

How Seniors Can Learn to Cope with Debt

Money (Photo credit: 401(K) 2012)
Seniors can get themselves into debt for various reasons — cars, homes, schooling for kids or grandkids, and large purchases — and all of that debt creates a burden. In some cases, a senior’s debt can even affect his or her retirement savings or Social Security. 

When you have too much debt, though, it requires a lifestyle change to cope with it. The best bit of advice you can take is to avoid purchasing items on credit, but here are some ways to help you cope with the debt you already have. 

Start Looking for Deals

Before making any purchase, ask yourself, “Is this item a “need” or a “want”? If you don’t “need” the item, consider delaying the purchase until the item is on sale. Haven’t you ever heard someone bragging that he or she never buys anything unless it is on sale? This actually is totally possible. Almost every item goes on sale at some point or another, especially after the holidays. 

Here are some other ways to look for good deals: 

  • Price Checking: You can use a cellphone bar code scanner to quickly check the price of similar items at several stores. This way you can be sure you are getting the best deal. 
  • Shopping Clearance Racks: When items are out of season, you can buy them for a discount on the clearance racks. It’s a great way to save money on clothing. 
  • Use two-for-one deals: Of course, everyone still needs to have fun, so you can do things like have a night on the town with entertainment deals

Save Money on Groceries 

You have to eat so you can’t save money by not buying groceries, but you can be more conscious of the things you do buy and look for ways to save money at the grocery store. 

Here are a couple of ways: 

  • Clip Coupons: Most grocery stores run their own ads, and many will accept competitor coupons. It does take some planning ahead, but the savings are worth the effort. 
  • Buy in Bulk: You can save quite a bit of money by purchasing items in bulk that your family uses on a regular basis, like toilet paper, cereal, and many non-perishable items. 

Earn Extra Money

Of course, making more money is the best way to cope with debt. If you’re retired and can’t pick up a part-time job, here are a few ways to make some extra money on the side: 

  • Take Online Surveys: There are several market research companies that need people’s opinions. You can earn a little extra money by participating in these quick surveys. 
  • Sell Items on auction sites: If you have items lying around that you no longer use, try making a quick buck by selling them online. 
  • Host a Yard Sale: This is one of the quickest ways to make some money. Plus, it helps you get rid of clutter in your home. 

Look for Other Ways to Save Money

Some people cope with debt better than others simply because of the lifestyle they choose. Here are some simple changes you can make in your lifestyle to save some money and manage your debt better: 

  • Carpool or ride your bike to work. 
  • Take a vacation closer to home. 
  • Take advantage of matinee senior prices at the movies instead of paying full price at night. 
  • Purchase gifts at the RewardIt store
  • Use your developed skills to make money, like teaching piano or guitar. 

If you implement even one or two of the ideas mentioned above, you’ll be better off financially, which will help you start to cope with your debt. Of course, the more proactive you are about managing your finances, the better off you’ll be.

Natalie Bracco is a freelance financial writer and an amateur baker. When she's not busy in the kitchen, you can find her contributing to sites like caregivers.com.

Friday, November 2, 2012

10 Ways To Increase The Value of Your Home

English: Today, if everyone lives eco-friendly...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Increasing the value of your home is essential to improving its resale chances, and can help to beat the mortgage crunch and the current housing market. Moreover, by increasing the value of your house, you can get on top of maintenance demands, and ease any long term problems associated with property selling. This can be achieved in a number of ways, from making your home more eco friendly, through to adapting bathrooms, investing in new blinds, and decluttering. These tips, and more, can be found below:

1 - Make Your Home More Eco Friendly

An eco friendly home can stand out in a housing market as the result of its lower energy bills, and long term sustainability. You can make your home more eco friendly by switching white goods for eco saver appliances which use less energy, as well as by installing solar panels as an alternative energy source.

2 - Deep Clean

An occasional deep clean by a professional company can improve your home’s value by removing built up grime, and by resolving hard to reach areas. A deep clean can pressure wash carpets, and get in behind kitchen and bathroom fixtures.

3 - Adapt Bathrooms

If you have two bathrooms, then it is worth considering the conversion of one into a wet room. A waterproofed wet room adds more space than a conventional bathroom by using a walk in shower, and is particularly ideal for disabled and elderly users.

4 - Invest in New Blinds

New blinds with UV resistance and black out coverings can create more flexible options for rooms. Moreover, conservatory blinds can be installed to give new owners the benefit of privacy or natural light.

5 - Improve Your Garden

It shouldn’t cost too much to improve your garden and raise its value. This can be achieved by cutting back weeds, planting flowers and a vegetable garden, and by painting fences and repairing sheds.

6 - Replace Windows

Any leaking or drafty windows will lower the value of a property. Invest in double glazing, or replace older windows with hard wearing vinyl and wood.

7 - Declutter

Removing your personal items can make a home more attractive to a potential buyer, and will make more use of available space. Decluttering will also give you the chance to be ruthless about throwing away anything that you’ve been hoarding.

8 - Make the Most of Natural Light

Open out rooms with natural light, which can be achieved by installing roller blinds, or leaving open skylights in attics and bedrooms. Alternatively, you can improve the atmosphere of a room just by cleaning windows.

9 - Extensions

Adding an extension that’s suitable to your home will boost its value. Possible examples might include a conservatory, or the conversion of a space to become a new bedroom.

10 - Make Neutral Renovations

When remodelling and renovating for a future sale, don’t do anything too unusual, and focus on neutral colours and fixtures that will appeal to buyers who want to make a property their own. Similarly, avoid adding energy hungry installations like jacuzzis or outdoor pools.

Author Bio: Liam Ohm is a regular blogger on all aspects of finance. From GBP guarantor loans to how to your home can save you money – he has a passion for passing his knowledge onto others.

Aircraft Management - A Growing Industry

Executive aircraft are an essential part of any growing corporation. They are a complex and expensive asset, and even mid-sized companies find them necessary to do business in the 21st century. No longer is the corporate jet thought of as a luxury. In the national and global world, a jet is a necessary expense.

After a company has made the initial purchase of the aircraft, the proper storage and maintenance decisions for the plane need to make. Does the company hire personnel to manage the maintenance, scheduling, and administrative tasks for your aircraft? Or does it find a company that provides aircraft management?

Individuals who may fly more frequently and seek reliability in their travel will lean towards considering jet travel membership, which has a prepaid balance of flight hours they can use when needed. 

The programs and cards offer savings and excellent benefits that create a seamless flying experience for all individuals and business teams. 

If considering an aircraft management company, they can provide all the services needed depending on the type of certificate you want the aircraft to place with. Part-91 certificates are exclusively for aircraft owner operations, prohibiting lease or charter usage.

Part-135 certificates allow for a management company to use your aircraft for charter at your permission when not in use by your company. If you do not expect to use your aircraft full time, using a management company charter is a great way to subsidize the costs of plane ownership.

There are two ways you can have your aircraft managed.

A Charter Aircraft Management program is designed primarily for corporations that have an existing flight department but want to have an Executive Jet Management's base of charter customers who want private jet travel.

This program allows the corporate jet's owner to subsidize some of the maintenance expenses by leasing the plane out to individuals for short periods.

A Turnkey Aircraft Management program is your own flight department. The plane's maintenance, flight operations, and accounting services are managed by specialized personnel who know your aircraft completely.

Your Owners Services Manager is charged with knowing your schedule and coordinating with our Flight Center to verify your aircraft is ready for your itinerary. And your Client Relations VP is aware of all areas of your aircraft's operation and stays current on your needs as an aircraft owner.

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