Saturday, January 26, 2013

Use It or Lose It: Spending Suggestions for Your FSA

High! - Year 2 - 285/365
 (Photo credit: Amarand Agasi)
Unlike funds from Health Savings Accounts, or HSAs, which can be rolled over into the following year, funds from Flexible Savings Accounts or FSAs are forfeited if they’re not spent by the end of the calendar year. The Internal Revenue Service has also imposed new limits on FSA funds beginning in 2013. At present, there are no limits on how much money each person can put aside in an FSA. However, as of 2013, the maximum amount of funds allowed in an individual FSA will be limited to only $2,500 

If you’ve collected funds in an FSA, now is the time to begin considering how you will spend those funds to avoid losing them. Whether you have a few hundred dollars or thousands set aside, you don’t want to forfeit what is, after all, your own money.

Extra Eyewear and Supplies

If you wear contacts, glasses, or both, consider stocking up on extra eyewear and eyewear care equipment as a means of exhausting leftover FSA funds. Purchase contact lens solution in bulk or look ahead and purchase a year’s worth of disposable lenses, like Acuvue Moist. Splurge on an extra pair of eyeglasses so that you won’t be left fumbling around if you lose or break your main pair of eyeglasses. Splash out on a great pair of prescription sunglasses and your eyes will thank you on every summer day. 

Expensive Medical Procedures 

Are you overdue for an overall physical examination, oral examination or immunizations? Are you thinking of getting braces or having other dental work done? Has your doctor advised you to obtain physical therapy for acute or chronic pain? If you have accumulated several thousand dollars in your FSA account, you should seriously consider going ahead with those procedures this year. Many medical professionals will allow you to set up payment plans that will allow you to pay for ongoing treatment from your present FSA even after the beginning of 2013, Smart Money reports. 

Prescription Refills

FSA funds can be used to purchase prescription medications for which you must pay out of pocket. If you are running low on prescription medications, now is the time to restock them. If you have the funds available, ask your physician to supply you with a prescription that would allow you to purchase several months worth of prescriptions at a time, which may also allow you to save money. Having extra medication on hand can be helpful when you travel or if you’re facing a budget shortfall. 

Replenish Your First Aid Kit

As of January 1, 2011, funds from an FSA could no longer be used to buy over the counter medications, except for insulin. However, over the counter first aid supplies are still a valid FSA expenditure. Non-drug items such as bandages, sterile gauze, tweezers, gloves, scissors and blankets are useful items to have on hand in your home, your car and in your office, and all are allowable. Accidents can happen anywhere, and having a well stocked first aid kit can mean the difference between saving a life and life tragically lost.

Richard Harrelson is a personal finance researcher. He is constantly looking at ways people can adapt to a changing economy and end up in front. His articles mainly appear on personal finance blogs.

For Further Reading

Benefits Pro: 2013 HSA and FSA Cheat Sheet
Investopedia: Seven Last-Minute Ways to Spend Your FSA Dollars
Kids Health from Nemours: First Aid Kit
Smart Money: Last-Minute FSA Moves

Friday, January 25, 2013

Health Scares to Watch For When Your Over 50

A medical student checking blood pressure usin...
A medical student checking blood pressure using a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
As you get older there are more and more health concerns that you need to be aware of. It seems that the magic age averages out around the fifty year mark somehow. One minute you do not have a care in the world and the next thing you know you are getting warnings on just about every possible catastrophic event that you can think of. 

I remember when the doctor started telling me I had to get a flu shot. In prior years it was offered to me and a suggestion was made but then one day it was not an offer but a very strong insistence. When you are younger and visit the doctor they get your height, weight, and check your blood pressure. But when you get to be fifty and over they demand much more at your early checkup as well. I get chest x-rays, bone density tests, a full blood work screening, and an EKG. I am instructed to get my eyes examined, my mammogram, well woman check up, and if I actually have an ailment at this time I am sent to whatever specialist is called for

I am very thankful that my doctor is so thorough, do not get me wrong. I would rather be safe than sorry. It sure changes the way you look at life and suddenly you become your Great-Aunt Tilly who discusses every possible complication of every possible ailment. I have decided I do not want to be my Great-Aunt Tilly but I also do not want to be in the dark about possible symptoms and what they mean either. 

Visión y embarazo - Hospital Oftalmológico USP...
 (Photo credit: USP Hospitales)

All of us over fifty should be aware of the signs of more serious conditions without living in fear and having it be the predominant topic at the dinner table as well. Some of the things that I am acutely aware of just because they run in my family are diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and high blood pressure. There are other risks such as cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, and Alzheimer’s. All these things I have just listed are at the top of the charts for those over fifty and all of them are things we should all be taking precautions about in our lives. 

Diabetes is a real concern for those of us who are older since even if it does not run in your family you are still at risk. If your diet is poor and you are over weight then you are at risk. Staying slim, not eating too many sweets, and exercising are excellent ways to prevent getting diabetes 2. Two close family members have diabetes 2, one of them has taken steps to lose weight and eat right and is being treated predominantly by pills. The other family member is over weight and does not eat like they should and have to use insulin. My understanding about this disease is that it is no respecter of persons. It deteriorates everything in your body much quicker than before and it cuts your life expectancy down quite a bit. 

Blood Pressure 365.364
Blood Pressure  (Photo credit: loonyhiker)

Blood pressure is another one that I have had a lot of experience with as well. I myself have started to have high blood pressure in the past few years. They are not even sure what causes high blood pressure. Being over-weight, being under a great deal of stress, certain medications, and heredity are a few ideas but the main thing you can do is to stay in the best shape you can and keep your blood pressure under control. Monitoring your blood pressure is very important. Some of the signs are headaches, getting flushed and feeling extremely hot, a rapid or slower heart beat can also be a sign that something is wrong. The main thing is to monitor your blood pressure, not just when you go to the doctor once a year either. If it gets out of control it can kill you, this is where heart attacks and strokes come in to play. 

My family has a history of blocked arteries or “hardening of the arteries” as it used to be called. Thus the blood flow is cut off from going in or coming out of your heart and creating a heart attack scenario. Because I know the family history of this disease I started early having stress tests and going to my mother’s cardiologist. I have seen so much suffering and surgery related to this disease that I definitely wanted to stay ahead of this one. If you have a family history or have any unusual shortness of breath, chest pains, or neck pain then you need to go have it checked out. They have so many wonderful procedures today to get the arteries unblocked before it leads to a heart attack that it is not worth waiting. This is another disease that calls for right eating and exercise. I am pretty sure that is a big key in the prevention of most diseases! 

English: Pensacola, FL, July 13, 2005 - A memb...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Strokes are something that everyone over fifty should be very aware of, even when you live through one it is often so very difficult to ever get back to a completely normal life. Often you can be left without your speech, ability to walk, and the use of a whole side of your body. I read an article the other day that if someone starts talking crazy you should have them repeat a simple sentence, lift their arms over their head, or simply stick out their tongue. If you are alone and you are feeling strange then try sticking out your own tongue or lifting your arms, if you cannot do these simple things then you need to seek help right away. If you feel confused or disoriented then let someone know! A stroke is nothing to play around with. 

Cancer is not often diagnosed quickly enough but there are precautions you can take. For women the simplest step to take is having yearly mammograms and well women exams. For men it is prostrate exams. Those things we can all do with ease. I have a friend who is adamant about yearly exams now because she skipped one year in getting hers and now she has breast cancer. Just one year can make a big difference. It is not painful and it could save your life. Do what you can to ensure that you do not have to go through the chemo, radiation, medications, and even the possible event of death. Keeping on top of your yearly exams and taking care of yourself is the greatest gift you can give to your family. 

Dreary Doctor's Office
Doctor's Office (Photo credit: TimmyGUNZ)

Alzheimer’s is another big killer that seems to be on the rise in these past few years. This is another one that they are not certain about the cause. It was said to be hereditary but lately I have seen that this is not always the case. Many people are advocating keeping active physically and mentally, others talk about diet and packaged foods and preservatives. They are finding out new things in research as we speak but none to date that tell us how to fight this terrifying villain that is Alzheimer’s. I have seen those I knew seem to vanish right before my eyes. It is not just the memory loss but their bodies begin to deteriorate as well. The brain is not communicating with the body correctly and things begin to fail. This is a frightening disease not only because of what it can do but because we do not know much about it. We need to learn so much more about Alzheimer’s and I hope it is soon. 

The best thing you can do for yourself and your family is to take preventative steps and be aggressive in that prevention. Go for your annual physicals, eat right, exercise, get into less stressful environments, and know your family history so that you can inform your doctor so that they can be looking for possible problems. Do not just sit in the dark and wait for something to happen but be alert and aware and on top of your health. 

Author Bio: 

Ken Myers is the founder of & has learned over the years the importance of focusing on what the customer is looking for and literally serving it to them. He doesn't try to create a need, instead he tries to satisfy the existing demand for information on products and services.

How to Get a Financier/Investor for your Business

To kick start a business, the most essential thing you need is money. You can call it finance, investment, capital or whatever you like but money is the base rule of starting a business. With the storm of poverty levels and financial crisis brewing above our heads as we head into 2013, everyone is looking to establish a stable and well-earning business. Money is the bond between you and your business and the more money you invest the better outcome you’ll get. To start your business in a rocking fashion, you need to invest a rocking amount of money which, most people cannot do so the best thing to do is to find an investor/financier or even accounts receivable lenders who will invest the money and you’ll do all the work.

How it works

How the whole aspect works is that when you need or want to start a business, you need an investment for which you need to ask others. People who have a whole lot of money but don’t like to work will answer your calls and provide you with an investment so that you can start your business. Now, there are many ways to settle your debt, either you pay the total amount of the person’s investment back to them, pay them monthly, or give them their share out of all the profit every month. 

What type of people to target?

First of all, you will need to find a perfect target for your advertisement. This target varies from business to business but there is one type of target similar to all businesses: People that have a lot of money but don’t like to work. 

How to find an investor

There are numerous ways to find an investor which include advertising but the most effective way of finding an investor or financier is to rely on your personal relations and social networks. This means that you would have to talk to the people you know who meet your requirements and you consider them potential investors. 

How to know if they are the perfect investor for you

How to know if they are the perfect investor you ask? Well, first of all they are perfect if they have a mutual understanding with you and are willing to work side by side. They are also the perfect investor for you if they have the ability to co operate with you in tough times, provided any arrive. 

How to convince your potential investor

After you have found your perfect potential investor, the next step is to convince them into investing in your business. You must be very effective and convincing in this particular part of getting an investor so that you win the heart of your potential investor and gain their trust. You must be very precise in convincing them and see to it that you do not lose their interest but only gain it.

This was a brief explanation and step by step guide on how to get an investor for your business and make sure they’re the right one. This guide also tells you the basic information you need to know about getting the perfect investor and working side by side with them so that it benefits both of you.

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3 Ways to Create a Highly Secure Garage for Your Home

Photograph of a chain-drive garage door opener...
Photograph of a chain-drive garage door opener. This residential unit is manufactured by The Chamberlain Group, Inc. under the LiftMaster brand name. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Improving the level of security of your garage is one of the most effective ways to keep everyone and everything inside your home safe. The garage is considered by many as one of the weakest points when someone examines the level of security in one’s home. Because of this, it is no longer surprising to see thieves who view it as an easy target. Aside from being a weakness when it comes to improving the security of your home, your garage may also offer a shelter to criminals once they get inside your home. This is the main reason why you should consider investing in items that can boost your garage’s level of security. It is important for you to build it in such a way that it no longer becomes vulnerable to thieves and other heinous criminals. You should also consider keeping in mind the following tips as these work in securing your garage: 

1. Install sturdy locks in your garage’s entryways. Thousands of homeowners believe that a simple padlock is already enough to secure their garage from dangerous people. While a simple padlock is already sufficient if you do not store valuable items in your garage, it is advisable for you to invest in additional protection if you store items that are of great value in the space. If possible, reinforce your locks as this works in providing additional security. It is also advisable for you to regularly check if the door is closed. Keep in mind that if you leave your garage door open, then you will be inviting a lot of thieves and criminals to come in. You should also consider making the act of checking your garage door and locking it up a part of your routine before sleeping at night.

2. Install an alarm system. This is one of the most effective ways to protect your garage. Investing in a reliable alarm system will protect your home, the items that you store inside your home and the people staying in it whether you are inside or outside your home. An alarm system is a huge help if you want to receive instant alerts in case an intruder gets in. The noise produced by this system also works in driving off burglars. If you do not have enough funds to purchase those high tech alarm systems installed in expensive houses, then rest assured that the inexpensive ones that are already capable of producing a lot of noise in case someone breaches the system are already sufficient.

3. Install huge floodlights. Installing these items on the front part of your garage is a huge help in driving a thief away from your home. This item works by lighting up whenever someone tries to sneak inside your garage. Aside from driving harmful people away from your home, the floodlights also serve as safe entries and exits for you and your entire family after dark. 

Mentioned above are just three of the most effective ways that will definitely help you in boosting the level of security in your garage. By following these tips, you will feel more at ease knowing that burglars and harmful people cannot just easily sneak inside your home. 

Author Bio: 

I am Aaron Lerner and my team and I write about the Garage Door Industry! We help expose all the Garage Door Hardware companies to give you the TRUTH! We provide extremely relevant information about all Garage Door Openers, Remotes, Parts, and more through our blog. Our experience of 20 years in the garage doors industry makes us an authority to provide you FREE and IMPORTANT information

Tips for Investing in Real Estate

Polski: Punta Cana beach, Dominicana
Polski: Punta Cana beach, Dominicana (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We all know that in times like these real estate investments can be the best bet for future gains. After all, how much money can you put up for equity or solid precious metals like gold and silver? If you have disposable income that you want to keep rolling, real estate is the sector you should be looking at. In case the real estate market in your resident country does not seem promising enough, there are foreign real estate investment options to explore. India can be a likely choice, considering the real estate sector is booming in most parts of the country. You can consider buying properties in Boisar or Pune, if you don’t have enough capital to buy a lavish apartment in Mumbai. India welcomes foreign investment and the investment laws here are pretty straightforward as compared to some Western countries. Another apt option may be the Dominican Republic. Places like Punta Cana in the country are making their mark on the investment map lately. 

Regardless of where you decide on investing your hard-earned cash, we can safely presume that you are either going to hold on to the property for some years after which you can put it on sale for a substantial profit margin, or instantly put it on the rental market to earn a parallel income. In both cases, the investment is not going to be used personally. This is where most investors make a mistake. They buy the property that they would want to stay in, rather than concentrating on a property that their target market requires. For example, if you have always lived in a house, that’s what you would gravitate towards investing in, forgetting that today the economical situation makes it hard for a majority of the population to buy big homes. Most buyers are looking for apartments or condos that offer security, maintenance and other perks without having to bear the expenses of everything single-handedly.

Studying the market is essential before any real estate investment. Decide on a target buyer market and take things further, as this will give you a clear idea about what neighborhoods to look at, the rough budget figure, etc. The kind of investment you are considering should be looked at as a business plan. You may want to plan out a three year or five year investment strategy. This will give you an idea about where to invest, your financial liabilities after investment, and the future profit prospects. Location is one of the key ingredients for a profitable real estate investment. For instance, if you are buying properties in Boisar, your target market is single families that work in the industries nearby or in Mumbai. This means that your priority should be to invest in 2 bedroom apartments that can be rented out. Also, these apartments should ideally be close to the train or bus stations for easy commute and better connectivity.

While in many cases simply letting some real estate agencies know that you are interested in renting the property out to individuals or families is enough, there are times when the investor needs to advertise to get the right tenants. In case you do not believe in having a middleman take away a percentage of your profit, placing advertisements in local newspapers may be a good available option. Most newspapers carry such ads for nominal charges, although we suggest employing a good real estate agency especially if you are a non-resident of the State. Many smart investors believe in furnishing the properties with basic necessities to ensure good rent. While this is not a compulsion, it may be a good strategy to adapt. 

Jeffery G. Thacker is a freelance writer for the . Being an American he often concentrates on blogs and articles about the real estate market in the US, however recently he has written quite a few informative pieces about properties in Boisar and other localities in India. Jeffery is a sportsman at heart and enjoys playing lawn tennis, billiards, soccer and baseball.

The ABCs of Property Buying

Property market
Property market (Photo credit: Alan Cleaver)
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to invest in your dream home and then about the whole process of making it from an unfurnished flat to a living space of your dreams? Ever calculated the hours of sweat that would go into making your apartment into a space that reflects who you are? Or have you probably wondered about the most basic questions as to what is the most basic step into entering the field of property buying? Or what are the steps that lead you to transform your mental image of the perfect house into concrete reality? These are the questions that probably are the most popular on online real estate sites and construction blogs. 

Firstly, to buy any good property, be it residential or commercial, it is fundamentally important that you span through every option available in your budget. The estate market has become so vast that it can cater to any kind of property whims and fancies that its customers harbor in their hearts. So you could choose from a luscious apartment, to a grand flooring duplex that could be the perfect medium to share those beautiful life time memories with your loved ones. If you are a simple bee that go for the ultra modern and chic homes that are made up of the warm feel of teak wood under the soles of your feet. If you are in the mood to splurge look at those wonders that are termed as indoor swimming pools, on a less grand scale, maybe a Jacuzzi might suffice.

Secondly, after deciding on the most ideal space according to your convenience, make sure you are surrounded by a locale that has the most basic features in it. These include hospitals, grocery marts, libraries, the police stations, subways or bus stops. Make sure that your surroundings are as favorable to you as the space that you have picked up to compose into the house of your dreams. It is very essential that all these basic amenities are now located in your area of residency since they form a very important part and parcel of your day-to-day living.

Some of the best leading real estate companies are now focusing on advancing the options available on the residential market. They want to make living a one of a kind experience and they want to do with style. Their clientele has become much more choosy and individualistic in their preferences, demanding for spaces that reflect their own perspectives of modern life. This group of consumers is the one that have transformed the living space from a mere four wall phenomena to a much more complex notion of luxury and style, also of personalized reflections of memories that are converted into state-of- the art pieces which are timeless in their creations.

Whatever you need to make that space your dream home, at every step there is too much that is offered as help. Sift through your options wisely. Make the most of whatever is laid before you as your eyes feast through the perfection combinations of interiors that will match that ideal mental image of a home. The property world is no longer a short walk down the lane, rather it has become one those long strolls into the woods that is made up of so much variety. Invest your capital very carefully and if you are indulgent, indulge in some of the best. Your dream home will occur every two years, so this once in a lifetime opportunity should not slip by without its festive commemoration.

Bio: Roy is a free lancer writer of and currently he is doing online research on the projects in Mumbai.

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