Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Different Financial Risk Types Explained

In an uncertain financial market, people with money to spare are always looking for investments with the perfect combination of low risks and high returns. 

Although no investment type is entirely without risk, by doing your research and trading wisely, you can still see big returns on your money. 

But which investment type is right for you? Here’s a quick guide to help you decide how to get the most out of your money. 

Share investment 

Investing in shares in generally seen as a long-term investment. It is extremely popular as the growth of shares normally out-performs inflation, giving you a greater return for your investment than a bank could.

When you buy shares in a company, you become a partial owner of that company. Depending on how many shares you have, you can vote in shareholder meetings and have a certain amount of say in the running of the company. 

If the value of that company goes up over time, so do the value of your shares. Therefore giving you a profit on your initial investment when it comes time to sell. 

Historically, investing in shares has produced some of the strongest after-tax investment returns over long periods of time. So if you’re looking for somewhere to put your money, this could be a great option. 

Two approaches can be taken when dealing with shares. You can either buy into a company and then hold on to your shares for many years. Or you can actively trade between companies, buying and selling shares as values fluctuate. 

Before you buy any shares, research potential investments as thoroughly as you can. Invest in the right company, and your money could be working for you for years to come but invest in the wrong company and it could be wiped out in an instant. 

Foreign exchange 

The foreign exchange market, also known as the Forex, FX and currency market is the name given to the market trading in foreign currencies.
Forex Money for International Curency
Forex Money for International Curency (Photo credit:

Thanks to home computer programs and increased awareness of the Forex market, its popularity has grown massively over the last few years. In fact as of April 2010, average daily turnover in global foreign exchange markets was estimated at $3.98 trillion. 

To make money out of the Forex market, you have to buy and sell currency at the most opportune times. Exchange rates fluctuate constantly due to various factors; military action, natural disasters, and political activity all have an impact on market confidence and therefore the perceived value of currency. 

Trading in shares can be lucrative but risky 

Large companies can use this to their advantage by executing payments or purchases when currencies are at the right levels. Even the smallest change in rates can have a big impact on large transactions. 

Individuals can make money on a smaller scale by buying up one currency and then selling it when the exchange rates change. The margins are rarely massive, but it can give you a bit of extra cash in your pocket. 

Commodity trading 

Commodity trading refers to the trading of raw and primary products and the speculation on their values increasing or decreasing.
Raw and primary products include corn, milk, soybeans, sugar, precious metals and crude oil. Each product can only be traded in certain months of the year, so becoming familiar with the process is crucial before you start trading. 

Money can be made by speculating on crop performances. For example, if there is a bad crop of sugar the price of sugar will go up. So buying sugar before the price increase and then selling when it’s at its peak will give you a profit.

Geopolitical factors can also influence the commodities market. For example, political instability in the Middle East can drive up the cost of crude oil. Or military action in a coffee producing country could affect that year’s crop, also driving up the prices.

As with shares, commodity trading can be long term – buying a product at a low cost and waiting for the value to rise – or short term, where the products are sold high and then bought back lower. 

Dealing in commodities is like trying to predict the future 

Whether you invest money in shares, foreign currency or commodities, they all revolve around speculation, risk and luck. Outside factors can dramatically affect each market, changing the value of your investment over night.
So whichever market you decide to invest in, do your research, and study the market and most of all never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Tom Reynolds, financial analyst at currency brokers firm, Currency Index. He analyzes the changes in yields and financial markets on daily basis, creating predictions on how different financial risk will change in the future that helps the company to hedge its assets and secure their clients’ investments.

The Do’s and Don’ts When Applying for Your First Bad Credit Loan

Loans (Photo credit: zingbot)

While it may be quick and easy to apply for a bad credit loan, you’ll first want to slow down and cover your bases before you rush into this type of cash advance. Bad credit loans are great options for getting you out of a bind, but you need to approach them in a responsible way in order to avoid falling deeper into a financial crisis. Consider these top do’s and don’ts before applying for your first bad credit loan:

Do apply for an easy payday loan only if it’s an emergency situation. You should reserve bad credit loans for dire situations such as an urgent medical bill or a car repair.

Don’t apply for a bad credit loan for a frivolous purchase. Be smart about the loan and don’t use it to pay for a big screen TV or a trip to Las Vegas. Using a bad credit loan is this manner is one way you could end up digging yourself a financial hole.

Do be in reality that you can pay back the bad credit loan in short order.  You want to to make sure that you are able to pay back your loan on time so that you don’t incur any extra fees or interest. Whether you need to cut back on unnecessary spending or borrow money from a family member, consider these options before you take out a loan and make sure to stick to them.

Don’t take out another loan to cover this loan! This can lead to a vicious cycle of never ending loans, debts, fees, and interest. Consider consulting the Center for Responsible Lending for advice on avoiding an spiraling financial situation.

Don’t overlook the terms of the cash advance. Carefully read the terms of any loan agreement to find out the exact payment terms (such as due date) and figure out any fees associated with the loan. By design, you are expected to pay back the loan and any fees by the next pay day. Failure to pay back your loan on time could result in hefty fees, expensive interest, and potential headaches.

Don’t borrow more than you need. Although it may be tempting to borrow more, resist the urge and only apply for the exact amount you need. If you’re already in a desperate money situation, you don’t want to unnecessarily rack up more debt.

Do get a job. In many cases, you need to have a job to qualify for a bad credit loan. Without proof of employment or employment records you could be out of luck. But all hope is not lost, if you don’t have have a job, get one, any one!

A bad credit loan can be a lifesaver in an emergency money situation, but you need to understand the penalties associated with failure to meet payment deadlines. Follow these do’s and don’ts to prevent yourself from creating an even bigger personal monetary issue.

ChloeMulliner is the Editor for , an industry leading authority site on credit related consumer services, personal loan options for people with fair, poor and bad credit, payday loans, emergency cash advances, credit cards and more.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Debtor Finance: What is it and What is it for?

Finance (Photo credit: Tax Credits)
Debtor finance is a very useful tool which may help you business develop, literally you business will get a loan against your outcome. You will be able to get the fast loans within 24-48 hours and those loans are designed for developing your working capital and they simplify your business process. 

Why is it so convenient?

Usually businesses are begun with the working capital and for getting the capital it is almost always necessary to get a credit to start your business out. The credit must be paid within 60-90 days. Debtor finance can help you with your working capital, literally to free it up, and with keeping your budget in line. Moreover, while appealing to the debtor finance a real estate security is not necessary like in conventional financing. 

The kinds of debtor finance

The debtor finance may be divided into two subcategories: confidential and disclosed. The first one means that your business finances are not notified to your client base. They make just payments for your company. The second one is about that the notification will be transferred to your clients where there will be an explanation that you have got a loan and in this case your customers will make their payments directly to the financier. 


The ordinary time line lasts 90 days. If you do not pay back within those 90 days the financier will recourse the invoice that is supposed to mean that in 90 days your company will get the credit liability again. There is an extra recourse period which lasts 120 days and during this period of time you will be able to gain more financial freedom. As it has been mentioned a real estate security is not required.

Who can obtain it?

There are no definite criteria for obtaining the debtor finance tool. Still the businesses that are connected with selling goods and services use those online loans no credit check more often. Moreover, you should have a strong client base for getting the debtor finance, nevertheless it does not depend on the credibility of your business but it does depend on the credibility of your clients. A strong and tight relationship with your clients is highly appreciated for being eligible for a debtor finance tool.

How to Use the Internet for Self-Publishing Your Books and Make Money

English: A Picture of a eBook Español: Foto de...
English: A Picture of a eBook  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There has never been a more exciting time to consider writing and earning from a book!
Gone are the days of mailing a manuscript to a publishing house and waiting for months to get a response. Thanks to the huge success of Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing platform and many more self-publishing services, it's possible to publish a book and start making money in next to no time.

How it used to be

Prior to the digital publishing explosion, many authors who were rejected by traditional publishers made the decision to collaborate with a "vanity publisher" instead. It typically cost each of these writers thousands of dollars to have their books edited and published by these so-called publishers. A large portion of the fee went towards the purchase of a pre-determined number of books that the authors were then responsible to try to sell themselves.

How Internet Can Help

Now, writers can utilize print-on-demand services offered by sites such as or to print their books as needed, or in small quantities. These merchants typically offer additional assisted self-publishing services (individually or in different packages) such as:
  • Cover Design
  • Editing
  • Formatting
  • eBook Publishing
  • Promotional Materials
  • Book Fairs
  • and more…
That’s the reason that we can see more self-published books being released as compared to their traditionally published counterparts. According to a rough estimate, more than half of the total numbers of books released are self-published. These numbers represent astounding figures, which is wonderful news for writers and authors of all genres.

The Advantages of Self-Publishing

In addition to the speed at which a book can hit the virtual shelves (print books can take up to 2 years before they are actually available) there are many advantages to self-publishing. They include but are not limited to:
  • Total control of content. There is no specific word count to adhere to, no need to make unwanted editorial changes and writers have the option to add elements such as numerous photos and interactive links.
  • Total price control and a higher per book profit margin. Books sold online typically net the author a royalty of 30-70% per book. Traditionally published titles typically net the author a royalty of 5-25% per book, minus agent commissions.
  • Ability to retain exclusive rights to content. This includes movie rights, foreign language rights, television rights and digital book rights.
  • Total control of promotional efforts. This includes everything from creating a blog and/or Facebook page, tweeting about a book, joining general author forums and forums relating to the subject of the book, giving away free books for review, book fairs and more.
  • World-wide readership. In the past, many traditionally published writers considered themselves lucky to have their books displayed in stores in their local area. However, publishing with the help of the Internet allows authors to promote to a global audience.
  • Indefinite availability, regardless of sporadic sales. The majority of brick and mortar bookstores remove books that aren't selling well, after a period of four months.
Whether an author decides to publish completely on his or her own or work with an online company that offers self-publishing assistance, there are many options to choose from. Before making a final decision in regard to this type of outsourcing, it is crucial to research each vendor, and go through the reviews, to ascertain what will be the best service for the job?

Is it the real deal?

Well-known authors who have recently taken advantage of self-publishing and the Internet include J.K. Rowling, who exclusively markets the digital versions of her books from her website Pottermore, Catherine Cookson, and Deepak Chopra.

Of course, like any other accomplishment in life, successful self-publishing holds no guarantees. Many authors sell a few copies of their book and then simply decide not to pursue it further. However, with patience and due diligence many individuals manage to generate a reasonable, if not insanely big income from their writing efforts. There's absolutely no reason you can't do the same.

In particular, authors who take the time to learn all that they can about publishing and marketing their own work will generally prosper the most. But given the wonderful marketing opportunities offered by internet in general, and social media to be precise, there’s no reason why you cannot earn substantial profits by writing and self-publishing books.

This is a guest post by Farah from

The Best Methods to Teach Your Grandchildren to Save Money

Too many people in society today live beyond their means. The economy has left people who had a good job trying to juggle their finances while earning a lower wage. People need to learn a new way of making ends meet. As a grandparent, you can help your grandchildren learn to save money. 

Tiny Feet Change the World

Creating a generation of savers can help protect your grandchildren against a future financial crisis. When the economy was growing rapidly, banks were willing to lend money and credit cards were easy to obtain. This led individuals to believe that they could obtain anything they wanted without having to work for it.

Changing the way people think about money and how to handle it can help your grandchildren understand that even if they want something they don’t necessarily have to have it. Sometimes it is important to save for a desired item, while other possessions are out of reach. 

No Longer a Disposable Society

For many years people would replace broken items instead of repairing them. The state of the economy made certain goods inexpensive, and repairs often cost more than buying a new product. With the decrease in wages and increase in prices, goods are often too expensive to replace.

It is important to teach grandchildren the benefits of repairing certain products. Cars are often expensive to replace but can be repaired. With the wide variety of resellers of auto parts, a person can find replacement parts for many different vehicles online and replace them on their own. Whether a person is looking for Ford Mustang parts, Chevrolet parts or foreign auto parts, repairing a car can often be cost effective.

Open a Savings Account

A good way to help teach your grandchildren to save is to open a savings account in their name. If your grandchildren are still minors, you can be custodian of the account. Many banks offer special programs for young children to make saving a fun prospect. If you start them while they are young, saving money may become a habit as they age. 

Reward them for Saving

Positive reinforcement is often a good way to encourage specific behavior. If your grandchildren save consistently you may want to offer a reward for their thrifty ways. Another idea is to set a monetary goal. When your grandchild reaches a specific amount in their savings account you can give them a gift, take them out for a meal, or even let them spend some of their money.

Grandparents are good role models for their grandchildren. If they see that you make saving money a priority they will be more apt to become savers. Encouraging them by open a savings account for them will allow them to have a good vehicle to save money. Rewarding your grandchildren when they save will help reinforce this behavior and create a potential saver.

This is no longer a disposable society, and people need to learn that they can’t buy everything they want. Instructing grandchildren in the benefits of saving will help them when they become adults and are providing for their children and grandchildren.

Adrienne is a blogger with an interest in personal finance. When she’s not blogging, you might find her practicing her French, whipping up some recipes she found on Pinterest, or obsessing over vintage postcards and stamps.

Are Payday Loans Really a Bad Choice?

Loans (Photo credit: zingbot)

We all have heard horror stories of friends and family taking out short term payday loans and ending worse off in doing so. But are payday loans really so inherently-evil and problematic for borrowers? Is borrowing a short term loan with no financial guidance from the lenders more of a problem than the actual loan itself? I would argue and say yes it is, and that lenders need to provide better and clearer information on the loan itself along with the repayment schedule for the financially illiterate.

Arguable, it’s even more likely that you’ll fall into the bank overdraft trap which is seemingly harmless, given how you can do so without any prior warning at all – it’s not like you have to visit your bank’s website first and request to borrow money from them, as this is something included automatically with most current accounts.

Emergency Borrowing When You Need It

Emergency lending is sometimes necessary – to generate some cash you need to dip in for emergencies, or unexpected accidents that are inevitable around the home. For example people taking out fast payday loans to fix a broken boiler in the middle of winter. Its quick cash when they need it and the companies based in the U.K and U.S providing them with these short term loans on average only make around a 9% profit margin per loan according to the government run Consumer Focus UK. This does not accurately reflect the negative public image attached with payday loans.

Wonga is one of Britain’s fastest growing payday loan lenders, and they argue that unplanned overdrafts can have up to 53,000,000% APR which, for short term borrowing, is a colossal jump up from a payday loan’s relatively-small 4214%. Not only does this highlight the risk of dipping into your overdraft, but it raises a more important and often-missed question – why for so long have we relied on our overdrafts when the APR can be so ridiculously inflated and not be complained  about as publicly as we do with  payday lenders?

A Negative Public Image - Dispelled

So why then do the general public shudder at the phrase ‘payday loan’ and bow in defeat to the banks?  It’s quite simple; a payday loan gone wrong receives more exposure through the press and media in comparison to someone who is dipping in and out of an unplanned overdraft and incurring higher costs – banks just don’t get the same reputation as “loan sharks” because they offer lots of other services. Word of mouth hatred for payday loans spreads seamlessly like wildfire through society as a whole. Compare this experience to someone who is financially organised and able to pay it back without any problems - we never hear about good payday loan experiences. The irresponsible use of these loans by members of the public who should never have taken a payday loan in the first place is the very reason the public views them to be somehow dishonest and misleading.

Payday loans are professional and readily available to people on a short term basis. If you are financially prepared and meet your repayment schedule, then there is nothing for you to worry about. You cannot be excluded from a payday loan regardless of any financial scores or assessments that would otherwise restrict you from the main stream credit world.

Making Your Own Mind Up

Consider why payday loans receive such negative press, and who is making these accusations; when you start seeing the patterns of people borrowing to pay for cars, widescreen TV’s and to pay off credit cards, you will begin to understand that the negative press associated with a payday loan is unjust.

Perhaps symptomatic of this irresponsible use of payday loans is the average age group involved – 33.2% of 18-24 year olds have, at some point taken out a payday loan according to the site Open Wonga. So even if this age group tends to have lower incomes, they also haven’t yet developed, arguably, a sense of financial responsibility. Payday loans are like any other good – there is clearly a demand for short-term lending, so it seems wrong to blame companies taking advantage of this. Whilst the government could just ban loans over a certain APR, given the tiny actual profit margins of the involved firms, the market would die off instantly, and many more people would be left with broken down cars, flooded living rooms and frosty temperatures with broken-down boilers. A lender naturally is not incentivized to give money to someone who will not pay it back, so perhaps the media is being unduly harsh on this popular industry that really does provide a useful service – it’s a classic case of buyer beware.

Daniel Hilsden is a personal finance journalist. He provides audiences with ways to cut their spending and blogs on a regular basis for Payday Angels – a company which reviews loan companies, like Payday Express, to make sure you know exactly how much it will cost and what the conditions are, if you’re looking for short-term borrowing in the UK.

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