Thursday, February 14, 2013

Save Money by Staying on Top of Your Bills

Every month those official looking envelopes keep rolling into your mailbox demanding money for the services and purchases that we have received. Nobody likes to look at them, and we certainly hate to part with our money. But you can really pile on the debt and get into a lot of credit trouble if you don't keep up with your bills.

Who has the time to deal with bills?

It can be a real hassle sitting down and writing a check out each month to pay the car note, the water bill and all the other creditors that keep sniping at us for the money we owe them, but not dealing with it can come with lots of bigger hassles. Try taking out a loan or getting store credit when your credit score shows that you tend not to make payments on time. Sometimes you can even have trouble renting a new house or apartment if the landlord does a credit check. But there are ways that you can stay on top of those bills and turn your situation into a positive one rather than a negative one.

Time for an attitude adjustment!

The first thing to think about is your attitude. When you think about how much you hate paying bills, are you really being fair to the creditor. They just want what they are owed for whatever they have provided. Wouldn't you? Are you enjoying whatever it is that you bought or service your received? That money isn't yours. When you can think about it in the right light, that you are enjoying the benefits of having been extended the credit, it can make it easier to sit and write the check or send the money online.

Start developing good habits now.

Come up with a regular routine for paying your bills. One of the reasons we let bills pile up is that we say we will get to them later. All too often later never comes, at least not until the collection agencies start ringing our phones on a regular basis. Develop a strategy that works best for you for paying bills and stick to it. One way might be to pay every bill as soon as it comes in, whether that is in the mail or in your email inbox. With this strategy, you get into the habit of dropping whatever you are doing and breaking out the credit card or check book and making a payment right then and there. This way you know all your bills got paid.

Do it once, enjoy the rest of the month!

Another strategy is to pay all your bills on the same day. This works for a lot of people because they don't want to have to think about bills every day or week. The one catch with this method is that you have to keep in mind the due dates of your various accounts and make sure you pick a day that won't make you late on some of your payments. This will probably mean that you will have to make some payments before a bill even comes in, so you'll have to have your account information somewhere. This is a great way for getting into a regular routine without letting bills take up all of your time. For example, you know that on the 3rd of the month you always pay your bills. So you don't have to worry about missing a payment, or forgetting, because you'll always have something to remind you.

Try automatic payments!

Another option that many people find convenient, especially those who are busy or who tend to be forgetful, is to have bill payments automatically deducted from your checking account. What's great is that most banks provide this service and some even offer discounts if you sign up for bill pay services. The one drawback to this method is that you want to make sure you always have enough money in your account to cover those bills. You don't want to be surprised that your account is suddenly in the negative and your car note hasn't even been paid yet.

So, you see, there are lots of ways to make sure you can keep those creditors at bay and hold on to your own sanity. Who needs the stress? Find a way to stay on top of your bills, and you will be able to breathe easier every day.

Author Bio: Darren Carter is currently a resident blogger at covering topics such as budgeting and personal finance as well as commenting on the recent banking scandals.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Be Proactive By Taking Travel Cover Before You Board on a Flight!

Most of the people get very excited whenever there is travelling involved, business or holiday. At anytime, there are options to explore newer avenues of business along with the place as well when in a new destination. However, in excitement if people decide to forgo one of the most basic needs of travel insurance, it is more than just a blunder. At many times while travelling, it is the prime requisite to travel well-covered but it is not the only benefit you are getting. It depends upon which package you take, for how long and for how many people, individual or combined (in case of family or travelling business colleagues / partners). 

Here we will be focusing on the benefit one gets by getting family travel insurance.

In the event of Cancellation 

Let us start with the first and most basic positive outcome that comes with having this special cover. Due to any reason like some mishap in home or destination country or with the family or travel partners, you might have to cancel the whole trip. As a result, money put in getting the flight / charter bookings, accommodation reservations, transportation, etc will go waste. Exactly at this point, you save few hundred-thousand dollars by getting a suitable travel cover. Just don’t forget to know about the exclusions of your policy. 

Belongings’ Concern 

There is no question of not having any baggage while on a business or family trip. What happens if they get stolen or lost? You get reimbursed (partially if not fully because of the overall limits to the amount) with the insurance. The limit will be decided on the basis of what all the items were there in your bag are and how you have made the claim. There always remains the issue of saving receipts if you want the reimbursement. 

On the wrong side of Law 

You or your family members or another person accompanying you might never have thought of getting entangled in litigation's on a stranger land but sometimes things just happen. Having travel insurance might safeguard everyone under the cover from (some if not whole of) the cost involved in legal battles you will have to become a part of consequentially. 

Health Insurance- An Added Advantage 

Standard health insurances generally exclude travelling from the policy while giving cover only in the home country. So, in case you fall ill or get injured during flight or on reaching the destination, if you have taken this consideration, your health is also covered under the insurance coveting travel. Contacting your travel consultants is highly suggested so that you take care of all the aspects of such cover. 

The Entrance of Third party in the Scene 

Here, being subjected to any kind of claim is the main concern. In case someone or his property gets damaged by you (even if accidently), you are faced with claims that you have to deal with, like it or not. So, being prepared with liability insurance as a part of the cover you will use while travelling is the best way. Being proactive never hurts. 
All the above reasons are sufficient to convince anyone for getting a cover whenever on a go. Are you? 

About the author: 
Marie Ballu is an active blogger who is fond of sharing her views on insurance to help people secure their precious items. She has also presented many guest posts on travel insurance for family, ski travel insurance and much more.

How do Litigation Funding Companies Choose Cases?

Litigation funding has increased in popularity in recent years. Many big businesses that have chosen to take another company to court have turned to this option, as it can assist them in getting the funding that is required to sustain the case.

What is litigation funding?

It is a funding method which is also often referred to as third party funding. It can provide companies with funding for cases. Most litigation funding companies only accept cases when presented through a solicitor, which can be easy to arrange.

When businesses choose to take a claim to court but they don't have the necessary funds to do so, a litigation funding company could prove to be a viable option. The business would not need to pay anything in the first instance and would only seek to recoup the loan should the case win.

How much do litigation funding companies recoup?

This all depends on the third party funding company in question. Some ask for their initial investment back plus a Return on Investment (ROI) of around 30% of the damages that have been awarded. Others ask for the investment plus an amount equal to three times this amount as their ROI.

What kind of cases do third party funders take on?

In order to take on a case, third party funders must go through extensive due diligence procedures first.

If a case is accepted, it must:
  • Be of high value (some third party funding companies will only accept cases with a value of more than £5m)
  • Be strong enough to win
  • The defendant has to be able to pay for the case

Also, commercial law is the main sector for litigation funding at the moment, as this can provide funders with the best ROI. There is of course increased risk with funding cases which are of higher value, but the potential returns can be worth this.

At the moment, smaller cases of lesser financial merit are not taken on as there is no real market for them. However, there is some speculation over whether the recent introduction of Alternative Business Structures (ABS) could change this.

What is the future of third party funding?

Litigation funding has steadily increased in popularity over the years and has also seen success in the USA and Australia. Australia has a quite similar system to the UK’s, whereas the USA has some differences.

It is thought that, as law firms begin to familiarise themselves with the third party funding market, it will become more commonplace and an increased number of big businesses will choose to use it.

This article was provided by Aurora Johnson on behalf of Vannin Capital, a litigation funding company working within the commercial sector. You can visit to find out more.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

3 Clever Ways to Make Your Business Look Large and In Charge

Business Sign X
 (Photo credits:
There are many good reasons why you may want your business to look larger than it actually is and if you can manage to pull off this trick, you will probably be able to gain extra turnover through increased sales activity. Here are some ideas on how to achieve this goal. 

Consistent Branding 

The main aspect that you will notice with larger companies and especially multi-nationals is that they have very solid brand strategies. Consistent branding means that customers instantly recognize your logo and what the business does or what it stands for. You can copy that winning formula by ensuring that your logo, typefaces, fonts and brand colors are all consistent wherever your company name is visible. Using signage at your business premises is a great way of re-enforcing that message and brand image. Apple HQ uses a symbolic giant apple attached to the side of their building and you can follow that same principle of instantly making your company look larger and more professional by using consistent brand signage and even creating a logo that is visible on your building as well as on any company vehicles, marketing material etc. 

Digital Signage 

Using digital signage is not as expensive as many people think it is going to be and it is a great way of conveying a message to your customers who are on your business premises, whether it is a retail store or a trade warehouse. Using a digital sign means that you can change your message as often as you want to without having to print up new posters each time and it is a professional looking system that will tell your customers that you want their business and enable you to promote any special offers or limited time deals as well as conveying any standard message that you may want to get across. They are also very useful in enhancing your brand image by incorporating a log in the message and display whilst generally creating the impression that you are larger and more professional business who have thought about how to communicate in a modern way with their customers. 

Getting your Signage Right 

Every business large or small has a budget to work to, but if you are a small business competing against larger organizations you want the opportunity to compete on a level playing field whenever you can, and using signage in the right way is a great way of achieving this. First impressions count for so much and having a sign outside your business that is poorly designed, too small or simply fails to grab attention, then it is probably serving no viable marketing purpose other than telling people where you are. If you are going to advertise your business to the public try to work on getting your business noticed. A large but well proportioned sign with a professional looking logo and even a strong slogan or marketing message will count for a lot when you are seeking to make that all important first impression. Get you signage right and you will encourage customers to come to you and it will carry a strong message that you are in charge of your own destiny and want to give a good customer experience to anyone that walks through the door.

Scott Quinlan is a business branding consultant. His articles mainly appear on business and marketing blogs where he enjoys passing on his knowledge on the subject. Visit ImpactSigns to get more ideas for your business. 

The Logbook Loan: Quick and Convenient Solution to Borrow Money

Loan (Photo credit: Philip Taylor PT)

What is a Logbook Loan? 

Logbook loan is a mode of obtaining funds. In logbook loans, commoners can borrow funds from logbook loan companies to have instant cash which can be used as business capital, for business use, and for other personal purposes. 

How a Logbook Loan Aids People?

Logbook loan is distinct from other loans because your vehicle will have to serve as collateral. However, logbook loan companies merely rely on the logbook V5 and possession of vehicle documents as security. They do not take possession and ownership of the vehicle until the applicant defaulted in making their payments. Logbook loan companies provide for an easy and expedient process in availing the loan.

Gone are the necessity for background check and credit investigations. It is fairly common for people with bad credit or financial history to find loan application burdensome. Often than not, their loan applications get discarded. If not, they may avail of a loan, but with very high interest. Availing such a loan will only put your financial status at a risk. It’s more of a loss than a winning solution. This is what logbook loan is made for. Logbook loans give all applicants a chance to obtain some funds without asking so much in return. Logbook loans are the cheapest of all loans. Also, logbook loans can be helpful in regaining your financial stability and further attain a good credit standing.

Logbook loans are the perfect choice for people who are in need of immediate cash. Companies may grant a loan amounting to several thousand but with very little rate of interest. But it bears stressing that the amount of loan which can be granted depends on the value of your vehicle. Moreover, logbook loan companies do not look into the bad credit or financial history of the applicant. 

Spotting a Reliable Logbook Loan Company

Logbook loan is a novel concept. Hence, people are not yet familiar with logbook loan companies. If interested in applying for a logbook loan, choosing the right company matters. In finding the credible logbook loan company, consider online reviews and customer testimonials. They can be found online or in the company’s message boards. Take more effort looking for suspicious and negative comments. They may be helpful in letting you decide whether to take the loan or not. Another thing to consider is the company reputation. Also shop or inquire for company information, loan grants and payment schemes. 

Advantages of a Logbook Loan

  • A logbook loan is beneficial and convenient because it can be obtained in a definite and short period of time. This is a perfect loan option for commoners who are in need of instant money. 
  • In logbook loan applications, a bad credit or good credit is not the sole basis for granting the loan. In logbook loans, applicants are spared from stringent credit scrutiny. 
  • Logbook loans do not require applicants to place properties as collateral to the loan. Most logbook loan companies merely rely on the V5 document as security. 
  • Logbook loans also promises an easy and fast processing. Moreover, logbook loan companies do not charge unconscionable rates of interest. They provide minimal interest rates which applicants can easily pay off. 
  • Those who were granted with a logbook loan can choose from an array of reasonable payment options. There are installment schemes in monthly basis which is a fitting payment scheme even at financially difficult times. 

So, the next time that you will be in dire need of money and you have a car (but do not want to sell it), you can try availing for the Logbook loan. Who knows? This can be the best mode for you to borrow funds.

Author Bio:

Click 4 Logbook Loans is a leading UK price comparison provider for logbook loans site dedicated to bringing you the best possible deals from the top Log Book Loan providers in the UK. Click 4 log book loan helps you to get log book loan as quick as possible.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Step by Step Guide for Starting a Restaurant Business

English: This is actually Tom's Restaurant, NY...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It seems like new restaurants, fast food chains and coffeehouse are popping up constantly, and while there will always be a demand for restaurants and food business, it’s not so easy to launch a new one and make it into a profitable business. You might think that it’s as simple as renting a space, hiring chefs and servers, and purchasing equipment, but ask a few restaurants owners and they will tell you making money from the start isn’t quite a piece of cake. 
If you’re looking to start a restaurant, you must follow the guidelines given below, because overlooking any of these steps will seriously hinder your chances of making it big.   

Research & Niche Selection

Just like in any other business, you must avoid making decisions based solely on your own likes and dislikes. Your expertise and preferences will matter, but that shouldn’t be the only criterion for choosing your niche. You need to finalize the details after conducting a through market research. To decide between the many different types of restaurants (fast food or formal dining, for example) and what type of food you’ll serve (soup and sandwiches, pizza, diner food, Italian or Chinese, for example) you will have to decipher the demand, competition and location.  

Planning & Financing

Once you’ve chosen a niche, the next step is to set down a proper business plan. While planning, don’t let the excitement or unnecessary optimism affect your rational thinking. You will have to analyze all risks and opportunities with a balanced mind. Because you will have to arrange finances in advance, remember that regardless of the quality of your food and ambiance, it will take some time before your income statement starts to show some kind of profit, so you need to have the funds to survive that initial period.

Food & Equipment

One of the biggest expenditures in starting a restaurant will be the restaurant equipment like tables, chairs, cookware, bakeware, ranges, pizza ovens, grills, boilers, refrigerators, dinnerware, and the likes. Instead of trying to cut corners with used or low quality items, you should invest in high quality, commercial grade products and superior kitchen equipment. When people come to a restaurant, they want a dining experience far superior to their home dining routine. Having said that, décor or ambience will go far, but even more important is the food you serve. Focus on the taste, quality and cleanliness of the food that you’re going to serve.


The reason many restaurants fail to make it big, despite having excellent food and an inviting atmosphere, is because the owners aren’t really business-savvy, especially when it comes to marketing and promotions. Remember, you cannot rely solely on word-of-mouth marketing to attract new customers. You will have to implement aggressive marketing at least in the first few months to get your name out. Try to make the most of the Internet, especially social media or special deals websites to attract new customers. In addition, you can try inserting advertisements in local newspapers, magazines, or TV channels.

About the Author: Farah Mustansar writes on restaurant marketing and equipment related topics. 

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