Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Save Money and Maintain Your Boiler Hardware

English: Boiler with pipes
English: Boiler with pipes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you are in any kind of business that requires a great deal of storage or hardware, then you owe it yourself to learn how to maintain your boiler. American Trainco is offering perhaps the best boiler maintenance class in the business.

If you are in need of a thorough tutorial of how to operate your boiler in a cost efficient way while still maximizing the amount of performance that you receive from it, then a training course from American Trainco will definitely get you on the right path. Right now they are offering a two day course on the three main aspects of boilers: operation, maintenance and safety. You can also take only one of the two days if you are so inclined.

You can also request in house training if you feel as though you do not want to leave the comfort of your own home. I personally took training at my work facilities because I wanted to see how the instructor would react to my setup rather than being able to spend his time on hypotheticals that had nothing to do with me. To my satisfaction, all of the techniques that he taught were completely applicable to my business and I was able to apply them immediately to great effect.

I cannot recommend this company more highly when it comes to giving you the knowledge that you need to save money and maintain your hardware and continue to get maximum performance from your boiler as well.

Medical Negligence Solicitors Can Help the Victims of Malpractice

English: PACIFIC OCEAN (Aug. 10, 2007) - Lt. C...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Medical malpractice is the result of a medical professional being negligent in the practice of medicine. Medical negligence is when a doctor does not comply with normal medical practices to keep a patient from harm. If a doctor does not follow normal medical practices, and the result is complications or serious injury, then the result is malpractice. 

How Does Medical Malpractice Effect the Elderly

Here are reasons seniors may need to file a medical malpractice lawsuit:

1.Wrong Medication Prescribed- You often hear of medical malpractice cases caused by someone given the wrong medication. You might be in a hospital and given too much of a medication, or you are given the wrong medication for your illness.   If you were ever prescribed the wrong medication and you became gravely ill, left handicapped, or die, you or your family can file a medical malpractice lawsuit.

2. Incorrect Diagnosis - If you go to a doctor for symptoms that you have, you expect to be given a correct diagnosis. If you are tested, but given the wrong diagnosis, you can file a lawsuit if the illness progressed and resulted in damage to your body.

3. Medical Equipment Failure- A medical device might not work properly, or give false signals. It might also not be properly cleaned, and the patient develops an infection and dies. A doctor or medical staff can be held responsible for any injuries resulting from defective equipment.

4. Wrongful Death - A wrongful death can occur from a doctor, or other health care professional acting in a way that goes against the standard of care that is guaranteed under a U.S. state or federal law. The same lawsuit can also be applied in the case of any doctor, who fails to act to an incident, and the patient dies as a result of the doctor's negligence.

What Should You Do if You Think You Are a Victim of Medical Malpractice?

First contact a medical malpractice attorney. They have free consultations, and you can tell them all the details of your case. They can inform you of your rights, and determine if your problem really is malpractice or not.
It always good to have separate discussions with several lawyers to get other opinions. If most of the attorneys believe you have enough evidence to file a medical malpractice suit, then it's time to choose the best attorney to help you with your case.
You should consider that medical lawsuits can take years to resolve. Even if you settle out of court, it can take a lot of time. Most people, who file a lawsuit, get worn down by all of the time it takes, and the amount it can cost them upfront.
Finally, over half of all medical malpractice suits that are filed are not successful. This is also something that needs to be considered before filing any lawsuit. In the end, use your judgment to determine what you really want to do. For more info see Pryers Solicitors.

European Patent Law

English: map of the European Patent Organisati...
English: map of the European Patent Organisation (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I just wanted to post up a fairly brief article where to start when trying to obtain a patent for a product or service. I also want to mention areas of European IP law that you should take into consideration when doing so.

Most, if not all Intellectual Property law firms will advise from the start in conducting patent searches in Europe. This involves looking at the online databases of the European Patent Office, which is a free service so it is well worth doing all you can here. The idea behind this is to research into other existing patents or applications that have been officially registered with the European Patent Office, one of the leading authorities in the field.

Carrying out such research can be quite enlightening in terms of judging the effectiveness and scale of patent you could potentially cover your product or service with.

It is important to know that patents can be enforced across a number of European states, so there is a very broad spectrum to take into consideration when applying for a patent, especially when you consider the sheer number of companies and business that are scattered across the continent. You can acquire a patent from national patent offices (i.e. UK Patent Office), or from a centralised patent prosecution process at the European Patent Office, as mentioned above.

If I were to go into full detail on every single area of legislation concerned with IP law then we’d all be sitting here squinting at the screen for the next few days. So if you want find out more detailed information on the topic get in contact with Withers and Rogers IP Law, either by email or phone.

You do not have to necessarily squat up on everything obviously, because there are professional law firms like Withers and Rogers that have the expertise already. However I would say, as with most things in life, it always helps to know at least a little bit about anything you’re involved in, as it may stand you in good stead throughout the process and potentially in the future as well.

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Do-It-Yourself Debt Management Plan

English: First 4 digits of a credit card
English: First 4 digits of a credit card (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Establishing your own debt management plan requires some time and energy, but it can be an effective and inexpensive solution to getting your finances under control. The following are some guidelines to help you get your plan up and running.

1) Figure out exactly how much your debt costs. To do this, you'll need to gather all the information you have about your debt and monthly finances, including your the total debt, interest rates, payments, living expenses, bills, and income, in one place, such as an Excel spreadsheet or other data management program. One of the easiest ways to get information about your debts is to check your credit report, which lists your complete credit history, including outstanding debts and those that have been paid. (Everyone is to a free annual credit report from the three major credit reporting bureaus -- TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax.) When you review your report, make sure you check for inaccuracies and false information since incorrect information could be hurting your credit score. Once you've determined how much money you're earning in ratio to how much your spending, you can determine a monthly debt payment that fits within your budget.

2) Understand how your credit cards work. To effectively reduce and eventually pay off all your credit card debts, you need to understand how the little pieces of plastic work. This means analyzing the terms of your card, including the annual percentage rate (also known as APR) and late fees, and your monthly billing statement. Once you have a grasp on how your card works and you can call your creditor and ask if they are willing to negotiate your rate. If the company values your business, it will likely try to work with you to establish a rate. If not, take your business to another company that will.

3) Prioritize your bills. Once you understand how your credit cards work, and you've examined your other debts, determine which ones you need to pay off first, such as those with high interest rates. By paying off these debts you will increase you credit score, which in turn will give you more leverage to negotiate the rates on other cards.

4) Create a budget. Determine how much money you need for your monthly living expenses and bills, and then track all your expenses to figure out exactly how much you're spending. Make sure to account for each and every transaction so you can get an accurate picture of your spending habits. Often, just seeing how much money you're spending each month can help you figure out where you can save money that can be put towards your debt. For instance, say you get a weekly manicure that costs $30. If you opted to go every other week or do you own nails, you could save up to $120 per month that can be put towards your debts.

5) Pay your bills on time. If you've been making your payments late, getting back on schedule is one of the most important parts of your debt management plan since numerous late payments can lead to a negative mark on your credit report. You should also always try to pay more than the minimum amount due -- otherwise the majority of your payments will likely going towards the interest that's collecting on the debt.

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Life Insurance - A Wise Investment Option

If you're looking for a way to grow your money, let's come out right away and say it: life insurance is not meant to be an investment vehicle and should not be treated otherwise. However, many people use it as a way to supplement their investments and savings, because they like some features about permanent life that cannot be found with other money market funds or investment options. 

So what is permanent life insurance? And what do you mean by permanent? Is there another temporary sort of life insurance? Well, permanent life insurance is insurance coverage that lasts the insured person until the event of death, no matter at what age they die. All permanent life insurance policies have a cash-value component to them, which is the important part that counts for an "investment" as we know it. And is there such a thing as temporary life insurance? Yes, term life is many time cheaper than permanent life but lasts only for a certain number of years. So if the insured person lives past this period, term life coverage ends. It works just like auto or home insurance: if your car is not insured at the time of an accident, don't expect the insurance company to bail you out.

Why do some people not like permanent life insurance? The primary argument against permanent life is its steep fees and commissions pocketed by agents that don't mind pushing their agendas on to you. It is also a rather inflexible investment option, costing a lot in surrender charges to pull out your money should you decide you need it earlier. These surrender charges can be steep well into your tenth year of the policy, which some people can find very putting off. It also grows at a snail's pace, keeping in mind some of the other money market funds that grow at faster paces, but with plenty of risk attached. However, more people are turning to permanent life as a wise investment option because of finicky markets and risky economic conditions. While we still don't advocate using permanent life solely as an investment decision, it works great in combination with other investment vehicles. 

What is really encouraging about some permanent life products like whole life is that they've grown at the very comfortable rate of 4% all throughout the stock market crash of 2008. This can be construed as a wise investment to some people, who compare these yield percentages to government bonds and are amazed by the stark comparisons. What's more is that permanent life a great investment option for older folks is the fact that they can leave behind their death benefit amount to their beneficiaries or a charity of their choice tax free. Yes, that's right, tax free! (Free of federal incomes taxes, we should add. Some estate tax laws may apply. There are several complications around taxation, especially if your beneficiary is receiving interest payments as well on the death benefit amount, but for that, we suggest you consult a seasoned life insurance agent or financial adviser you trust).

There are some things you should be wary about before buying a permanent life policy. You may not be able to afford life insurance premiums on permanent life if you're struggling with getting the bills paid. Don't be without any life insurance coverage though-- get life insurance quotes at least for a simple no-frills term policy on an aggregator website to see how much it costs. For healthy younger individuals, the cost is only as much as 5 lattes in the month from Starbucks, so you may be able to afford life insurance cover after all. Also, if you're the kind that ends up needing emergency money every few years for a new flat screen TV or a new gadget for the car every few months, remember not to dip into your whole life policy. You've just got to have additional money being left over for such extravagant exploits. You can also allow your policy to reach "Paid Up" status using PUAs or Paid Up Additions. In this payment model, your cash value will automatically pay for premiums with the the interest it is garnering every year. There are several kinds of permanent life policies you can choose from, so do your research well.

For some people though, permanent life is never a good solution, so talk to an adviser that can recommend financial tools based on your overall portfolio. You can be a disciplined investor using other tools and means too, so weigh the options and pick the savings tool that's right for you.

Author Bio- Pat Cassidy is an industry expert on life insurance and a regular contributor to articles on various social media platforms in the field of his expertise. Having extensive knowledge of the way life insurance companies work and the underwriting processes used to calculate life insurance quotes, Pat writes articles to help readers better understand their life insurance options.

How to Automate your Monthly Payments

Every month, significant cash flow leaves your bank account to cover your fixed expenses. Most households have at least a dozen different bills to that they are responsible for monthly, including car and home owner's insurance, car payments, mortgage payments, utility bills, cell phone bills, home technology (phone, internet, cable) bills, credit card payments, and more.

Bills may come out at different times throughout the month, and keeping track of them all can become complicated. If a payment is missed or late, there are consequences:
  • Interest charges and late fees
  • Poor credit rating
  • Cancelled services
In order to avoid these issues, there is the option of setting up bills with an automated payment option. There are different methods that this can be accomplished, for example:
  • Setting up payments through your online banking system - if you use online banking, you have the option to setup automatic bill payments to go to any payee. You simply need to have a copy of your bill to ensure payments are made to the right account. You can generally select the date the payment needs to come out, and make it a recurring activity for as many weeks or months as required. You do have access to remove or change an automated payment of this type at any time. Paying your car insurance online, or any other bill using this method protects you from missing any payments when they are due.
  • Setting up automatic payments with the vendor - some companies require that you setup automatic payments as part of the terms for providing you with a service. For example, your mortgage lender may require that you provide them with the details that allow them to withdrawal the payment amount from your checking account on a monthly basis. When you use this method, even if the amount of the bill changes, the full amount that is due will be withdrawn. There can occasionally be a charge for setting up payments through online banking, but having the vendor make the withdrawal does not typically come with additional fees.
  • Pay bills with USPS eBillPay - the US Postal Service provides a service that allows you to setup all bill payees online. The monthly payment amount does not need to be fixed each month, as provided the accounts are setup correctly, the system facilitates the process of issuing payment. The USPS system can also generate e-bills. While vendors can also supply  e-bills, this service ensures everything comes from one place. The only catch is there is a service charge. The first 6-months are free provided you need to make less than 20 monthly payments, but after that it is $6 per month for up to 20 payments.
Your financial standing is important, and using these automated payment options can ensure that your bills are paid in full and on time.

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