Friday, March 15, 2013

4 Budgeting Lessons Families Can Learn from Federal Spending

clip_image001Family budgets don't work like federal budgets. Still, the average person can learn from the successes and failures of the federal government. These stand out as 4 lessons that we should all learn.

Don't Buy Things You Can't Afford

Everyone knows, or should know, that you can't buy things you can't afford. A big line of credit does not mean it makes sense to spend money that you don't have. Chances are, if you don't have enough money now, you won't have it tomorrow.

Now, the government does this all the time. When you don't include two wars in your budget, you build a huge fence along the Mexican border, and you keep entitlements at about the same level year after year even though you don't have as much money coming in, you end up with a $16 trillion dollar deficit. And growing.

Learn from this. If you can't afford a Ferrari, buy a Corolla. If you can't afford a house, rent an apartment. There are smarter ways to spend money. You just might not like them as much.

Know When to Limit Subsidies

Subsidies are great for certain things. Federal subsidies, for instance, were instrumental in developing the Internet and countless medical breakthroughs that have improved the lives of millions. Even early subsidies to oil companies made sense. When an industry doesn't have the ability to generate profit yet, subsidies let the government give new companies a little push towards success.

It's similar as you giving your child an allowance. The allowance is basically a subsidy. Sure, it's a lot smaller, but it works in similar ways.

The problem is that the government, like some parents, never learn when to let subsidies expire. Once your kid gets old enough to earn a living, you don't need to give her a weekly allowance anymore. That would be like the government giving the oil industry $20 billion a year even though the top five oil companies made $375 million in profits per day in 2011.

Wait, that happened? You don't need a masters in public administration to see why that doesn't work.

Stop Relying on Fossil Fuels


Fossil fuels are considerably more expensive than you think. You might get a stress headache while pumping $5 per gallon gas into your car, but you're not even thinking about the tax dollars that were used to pay the subsidy mentioned above.

The fact of the matter is that the country and its people need to rely less on fossil fuels. Riding a bike not only uses less money, it contributes to your health, which will become increasingly important as healthcare costs continue to skyrocket.


More Money or Less Spending: You Have to Decide

The government and families face a similar choice: they can either make more money or spend less money. For the government, making more money means raising taxes. For your family, that means getting a higher-paying job or picking up extra hours.

For the government, spending less money means cutting programs, staying out of wars, and limiting subsidies. For families, it means living within your means by setting a budget and sticking to it, even if it means you don't get all of the things you want.

What other lessons do you think families could learn from the federal government?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Top Five Ways of Avoiding Financial Scams And Abuse In 2013

Finance (Photo credit: Tax Credits)
All of us, irrespective of gender or age, are vulnerable to financial scams and abuse. And interestingly most of the time we are not even aware that we are being victimized by an imposter. However, all of us must take some stern steps to avoid such mistreatment. Let us start our discussion with a brief discussion on what is financial abuse.

What Is Financial Abuse and Scams?

Financial abuse is subtle form of fraudulent activity that is mainly perpetrated by someone on whom you trust blindly. It can be your financial advisor, tax consultant or even a near relative who has access to your earning as well as bank account details. They might access your account and steal or invest a negligible amount of money without your permission. When such actions are taken by a person on whom you have full trust, it is called financial abuse and scams. However, it is extremely difficult for the victim to understand that he or she is being exploited as the perpetrators always chose such victims who would not realize that is being mistreated or will not be able to protest.

The Target Group

It is generally seen that swindlers target the older persons for falling prey to their scam. Research conducted in this regard show that the old people are generally much more confident and optimistic when it comes to taking financial and other decisions. Moreover, it is also seen that their ability to analyze things quickly also declines to quite an extent. Thus, they are the target audience of the cheats. Therefore, all of us and specially the older people need to take certain solid steps to protect themselves.

Here are top five ways whereby financial scams and abuse can be avoided:

Share Your Bank Statements

According to Burton Copeland, While sharing the accounts details with one person is not a good idea, sharing it with many close associates and professionals can be beneficial. Make an effort to forward the e-statements to your old friends, grandchildren and your advisors as they will be able to detect the frauds or misappropriation, odd transactions or latest investments from your account which you might have overlooked. However, make sure you are circulating it among your close knit circle only as these documents are really important.

Acquaintance Is Important

Most of us seek the aid of many specialists to look after our finance. Therefore, you have a team of tax consultants, investment advisors and real estate advisors working for you. It will be a good idea to introduce them with each other as this decrease the chance of any fraudulent activity in your account. Since all of them would want to maintain a cordial relation with you for their future business, you will be hinted about any financial abuse by any one of them. However, if too many advisors are trying to convince you for a particular financial product, then you should make extra effort to review the product before buying it.

Beware of Promise of High Return

If an investor is promising you unbelievable return from a particular investment, then you definitely smell danger. Always remember that if the investment is genuine, then the return from it will be less but steady. So do not fall prey to such lucrative offers made by the investors or any other persons.

Avoid ‘Pocket Littering’

We always carry with ourselves some valuable and sensitive information so that we can access them easily. For example, the passwords or the ping numbers are stored in our cell phone or computers or wallets. Crooks can use this sensitive information to access your accounts and perform some illegal activities. Therefore, if you are using computer or mobile phone for accessing your accounts, then make sure to log out of the account and not let any other person know your password. Moreover, it is best to keep these vital numbers at your home only.

Do Not Take Decision in Haste

Another important measure that can safeguard you from financial fraud is not taking decision in haste. If an investor is pressurizing you to sign a deal quickly, then it indicates that he is actually trying to stop you from reviewing all the aspects of the investments. So be very conscious to avoid such problems. Moreover, all lawful financial products come with a detailed brochure stating all the terms and conditions. If there isn’t sufficient disclosure, then it is not a good idea to make such investment.

By taking these steps, you can avoid financial scams and abuse. It is a matter of being a bit more careful and cautious and does not involve any excess expenditure. So do not let any other person fool you with your hard earned money.

Car Financing Options for Retired People

English: Car Dealer, Eastern Avenue, Gants Hill
English: Car Dealer, Eastern Avenue, Gants Hill (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Most seniors who have been through car buying experiences in the past feel that some types of torture could be preferable to going through this process again. If the old clunker appears to be gasping out its last breath, however, it may be time to think through the financing options available and prepare for the car buying process in advance in order to make it easier. Basically, seniors have three options from which to choose if they have need of a new vehicle: buying with cash, financing the cost, or signing a lease agreement. The following information may be helpful to those trying to make the best decision concerning these choices: 

Paying the Entire Amount 

Seniors who have savings stashed back for a rainy day may find that using these funds to pay for a new car is actually cost effective. Interest rates are at record lows so the money saved from buying a car outright and not paying any interest could actually be more than the interest rate paid on any some savings accounts. Of course, if the dealership is offering deals that include payments with no interest added, it may be better to keep the money in savings and take a bit longer to pay for the car. 

Financing the Price 

Most retired people, concerned about keeping enough in their nest egg for emergencies or health problems, choose to make payments on a new car. When choosing this option, it is important to negotiate not only the price of the car, but also the terms of the loan. Seniors with a great credit score should get the best interest rates on the market so always know these rates before going to the dealership. It is also wise to check other financing options before signing on the dotted line. Sometimes credit unions and banks can beat the interest rates offered by the dealership, and people who negotiate with available cash often get a better bargain on the price of the vehicle. 

Signing a Lease 

Although leasing sometimes gets a bad rap, it may actually be the best choice for many seniors, especially those who are retired and live near family. Leasing takes away the need to worry about repairs because the car is always under warranty. Most cars can be leased with very little cash exchanged upfront, and most leasing agreements give the driver at least 12,000 miles per year before any penalties apply. Monthly payments on a leased vehicle, compared to those that must be made when the car is purchased, are almost always lower. 

It is important to know that whether a car is bought with cash or financed for several years, the owner will actually have some equity in the vehicle when he decides to upgrade to a newer model. This is not true of leased vehicles; however, many retired people will find the ease and convenience of leasing a car more than makes up for the resulting lack of equity. Impulse buying may be fun for some seniors, but when it comes to obtaining a new vehicle, planning and information can sweeten any deal. 

Melanie Lewis writes for a site that offers advice on automobile loans and has tips on things to consider before purchasing a new vehicle.

5 Easy, Fun Ways to Save Money on Groceries

Vegetables in a grocery store, Paris, France.
Vegetables in a grocery store, Paris, France. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When trying to find ways to save money, you may feel intimidated or unsure of what you should do. However, if you find easy and fun ways to save money on your groceries, you are more likely to follow through on your intentions. Below you will find simple and entertaining ways to save money on groceries that your family needs. 

#1 Grow a Garden

Growing a garden is a fun hobby for many families. In fact, a backyard garden is a task everyone, even little kids, can take part in. It is also a great way to save money on groceries. When you are planning your backyard garden, think about the type of produce you commonly buy from the grocery store, and plant the most common produce your family consumes in your garden. Doing this will ensure nothing in your garden goes to waste, and you will not have to spend money at the grocery store on these items either.

#2 Cook from Scratch

It is much cheaper to buy ingredients than it is to buy processed or prepared meals. To cut down on your grocery bill, learn to cook from scratch. Often times when you buy ingredients, the item will last for a long time. This means that the next time you need a particular item, you will already have it. Before you know it, you will have a pantry full of ingredients that will make cooking from scratch simple. It will also help you save a great deal of money on your grocery bill.

#3 Use Coupons and Store Cards

When you are planning your weekly or bi-weekly shopping trip, make sure to look over all local store flyers, and to use coupons whenever possible. Make sure you only use coupons to buy items that your family will actually use. In addition to coupons and shopping sales, it is also helpful to get a loyalty card at your favorite grocery store or stores. Loyalty cards often give shoppers access to special deals and promotions that aren't accessible to shoppers without a loyalty card.

#4 Shop the Perimeter of the Grocery Store

The least expensive, and the healthiest, food in the grocery store is located along the perimeter of the center aisles. To save the most money, do the majority of your grocery shopping from the perimeter of the store. When you do venture into the center aisles, make sure it is only to buy items that you need, items that are on sale or items that you have coupons for. 

#5 Trade Brand Names in For Generics

If you have a favorite brand name product, you may not have to give it up completely in order to save money. However, it may be in your best interest to trade your more expensive brand name product for a similar, more affordable, product. For example, if you always buy your kids expensive brand name cereal, consider buying a store brand cereal that offers the same flavors. If you would like a healthier option, you can opt for oatmeal or a less expensive cereal substitute as well.

Following the above tips will allow you to save money at the grocery store, and have fun doing it. Think of every trip to the grocery store as a personal challenge to save as much money as possible without sacrificing the things your family needs or wants.

Kara Fielder is a working mom with two kids who understands the importance of frugal living. She enjoys sharing her tips and tricks on how to save money by blogging regularly for a variety of websites. Click for money-saving codes and coupons at

Home Loans Possible With the Right Company

Heritage Home Loans has been one of the most successful and reputable home loans companies in the wake of the housing and banking crises of the past few years. With the continued volatility that the federal spending cuts are sure to bring, getting a home loan will continue to be difficult for people without the right connections. 

However, Heritage Home Loans has built up a reputation for helping people precisely when they need it most. With programs for all would be homebuyers in all kinds of financial situations, Heritage Home Loans can easily create financial leverage for a first time homebuyer without much credit or an underwater homeowner who needs to refinance. 

The customer service of the company is also without compare within the industry. Customers of Heritage Home Loans tend to remain loyal because of the human connection that they receive from the company, which has a policy to help any customer who is in need of assistance before simply delegating their account to the foreclosure pile. 

If you are looking for a home loan company that has your best interests at heart, then you owe it to yourself to try the experts at Heritage Home Loan. They will be sure to have both the financing and the answers that you need in order to progress forward in your endeavors.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Five Ways Technology Marketing Can Improve Your Sales Targets

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase
Despite the downturn, businesses are still investing increasing amounts of time and money into the digital marketing arena. A raft of new technology means that communicating with consumers is more exciting than ever, with touchscreen tablets and smartphones leading the way. 

Technology also continues to make advances in the field of business-to-business marketing with technology marketing companies providing software designed to enhance the sales and marketing function. 

Use a CRM system 

A customer relationship management system can be a powerful tool when it comes to marketing your business and can increase both productivity and profits. CRM systems enable users to build up and maintain detailed customer profiles, which in turn can be used to develop sales and marketing strategies based upon specific needs. Marketing automation takes this concept one step further and delivers personalized content in response to consumer's online behavior. 

Be social, not antisocial 

Unless you have been living under a rock recently, your business will be utilizing platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to communicate with consumers. With more and more brands vying for attention, you need to ensure your social media messages are engaging and aligned with your marketing strategy.

Be aware that boastful status updates are likely to encourage customers to hit delete and it is bad form to follow people on Twitter on the off chance they will follow you back. On the other hand, requesting feedback can be a successful way to engage with existing and prospective customers on social media platforms. 

Search engine listings

In order to be found, your website needs to be indexed by major search engines such as Google and Yahoo. There is software available that will automatically submit your URL, website name, keywords and description to popular search engines, bringing more traffic to your website. 

E-mail marketing

OK, so e-mail marketing may not be new, but it continues to lead the way as a cost-effective marketing tool, particularly for small businesses. You can build you own e-mail database from existing contacts and use your website to capture new data. Ensure you offer an incentive for signing up and make sure your e-mails contain valuable, relevant information or genuine special offers. 

Mobile technology

The use of smartphones continues to grow rapidly and this looks set to threaten the humble PC. As millions switch to mobile phones to connect to the internet, send e-mails and access applications, businesses that ignore the mobile marketing platform do so at their peril. Mobile technology can also change the way organisations conduct business as employees have access to company data 24 hours a day from wherever they are.

The digitally connected world paves the way for exciting technology advances that offer businesses an increasing number of marketing opportunities. However, increased competition and an uncertain economy mean businesses must seek innovative ways to gain a competitive edge.

Everyone would be wise to remember that traditional marketing techniques can still be valuable in the digital age and often the most successful campaigns take elements from both the old and new.

Louise Smith is a digital marketing consultant. She has been writing for websites and printed media for over ten years. Louise uses sources such as technology marketing to research developments in the industry.

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