Saturday, March 30, 2013

Adjusting to Life After Retirement

Retirement (Photo credit: Tax Credits)
You reach over to turn off your alarm and reluctantly drag yourself out of bed, only to realize that you didn’t need to wake up at an ungodly hour anymore just to get to work. Retired. Maybe the word hasn’t sunk in yet. Maybe you need time to adjust to the changes that come with retirement, like turning off your alarm clock on a permanent basis. While the alarm clock is just a trivial matter, there are other more important things you need to remember during the transition into retirement. 

Money isn’t Limitless

People often think that when they retire, they can do whatever and that includes throwing money around and splurging on a brand new sports car. Living life to the fullest doesn’t mean living it recklessly. Just because you’re retired, doesn’t mean you have an endless supply of money to burn. Yes, you may have money saved up for retirement, but if you spend it like there is no tomorrow, you just might find yourself living on a hand-to-mouth existence, worse off than when you had a job. Make sure you spend your money wisely so you can live comfortably till then end of your days. 

Investment is a Good Idea

Since you are no longer employed, you will have to rely on your pension to get by. Live life fully but remember to live within your budget. If you need a little extra, you can supplement your funds by investing in ventures that will help you earn passive income. You can look at some common options for investments and choose from them. If you are looking for something else, there is a wide variety of choices available if you search through the internet. You can also purchase a franchise if you like but it can be costly so the better option would be starting your own business and start small.

It’s Never Too Late to Start a Hobby

If you were once a workaholic, facing retirement is going to be a challenge. With little or nothing to do but relax, you might find yourself dying of boredom in no time at all. To keep busy, why don’t you get a new hobby? Plant an organic garden or learn to play golf. If you used to love writing but eschewed it in favor of corporate success, now would be a good time to pick up a pen and start writing that novel you have been dreaming about since forever. If you’re good enough, you just might find a way to turn this hobby into a money-making venture. 

Life is Unpredictable

You never know what tomorrow brings. That is why you need to make sure you are prepared for whatever circumstances that may come your way. This includes preparing legal documents like living wills, health proxies and powers of attorney. Dying is something we don’t like to think about but it is inevitable and most times, it comes when you least expect it, too. It’s better to be prepared than to leave your heirs battling over who will inherit all because a will was never made. You will need to consult an attorney for this but if you’re worried about high fees, there are prepaid legal plans available that have an affordable monthly fee, where you can still enjoy a wide range of benefits. Make sure your finances are protected and that your family’s future will be ensured even when you are no longer around.

About the Author: 

Based in San Diego California, Tiffany Matthews is a professional writer with over 5 years of professional writing experience.. She believes in the importance of saving up for retirement, even if it’s still a long way off. Tiffany also blogs about travel, fashion, and anything under the sun at, a group blog that she shares with her good friends. In her free time, she likes to travel, read fantasy books, and watch movies. You can find her on Twitter as @TiffyCat87.

Five reasons you should use a mortgage broker

Loans (Photo credit: zingbot)
When it comes time to shop for a home loan, individuals and families are not always sure where to start. Should they start looking for a home first and then worry about financing? When should they start looking into a home loan? In order to make the process a little easier, many potential homeowners are looking to mortgage brokers for advice and assistance. They want guidance from someone experienced in the industry. There are five major reasons to consider mortgage brokers when searching for the perfect home loan.

Saving Time Searching for a Home Loan

There are so many different lenders to choose from and shopping around can take days or even weeks. Once a consumer has all of the different information from the lender, it isn't always easy to make comparisons to determine which one is offering the best deal. One might require less closing costs but provide a higher interest rate.

Mortgage brokers save individuals time. The brokers know about all of the available loans, lenders and programs available. These professionals can do all the legwork and research in order to provide the client with a few of the best options available. There is no need for the customer to make multiple phone calls or visit several different locations. 


Mortgage brokers focus on one type of loan. They don't research car loans or debt consolidation loans. Because of this, they keep up with the latest information revolving around a mortgage. Banks work with a variety of different loans and a variety of different customers. Instead of specializing, banks attempt to offer many different products to help the most customers. Customers benefit from the focus that mortgage brokers have and the time they invest in researching home loans only.

Large Network of Lenders

With so many lenders working with mortgage brokers, there is a lot of competition to get a person's home loan. It is possible for a broker to get multiple offers for the same loan with different lenders attempting to provide the best deal. The more lenders a mortgage broker works with, the better options their client will have when it comes to a home loan.

One on One Attention for Customers

Getting financial advice from mortgage brokers tends to be easy because of the one on one attention that customers receive. A broker takes the time to research the best option for each potential homeowner. There is less of a chance that a person will get lost in the shuffle when it comes to a mortgage broker when compared to working directly with a lender or banker. 

Motivated to Find the Best Deal

Finally, one of the most important reasons to use a mortgage broker centers on the fact that they are motivated to provide customers with the best deal. If they can't provide a loan that a family can live with, they don't get paid. In order to help the customer and ensure that the loan works out, a broker keeps an eye on the process.

Dane Smith has been presenting financial solutions to readers for the past 10 years. He strives to take financial advice from mortgage brokers and turn it into clear and understandable steps that any potential homeowner can use.

Budgeting 101: Simple Steps to Budget Money as a Senior

Personal Budget Plan
Personal Budget Plan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Spending money is as simple as breathing. Let’s admit it, we can spend thousands of bucks in just one day! That is, if you have no financial issues. But if you are on the verge of tightening your belt, budgeting becomes a part of your to-do list. When you are an elderly person, you might think budgeting is hard simply because you are at your golden age. Yes, it seems a big challenge; but in reality, there are so many techniques you can execute to make the most of every single penny in your pocket. 

Here are 4 simple ways to help you in your monthly budget. 

● List Down Sources of Money - As a senior, obviously, you no longer have monthly salary to expect from a full-time job. However, you will have other sources of income by this time. Make a list of all these sources, such as monthly pension, social security check and part-time job (if applicable). Remember to note down ALL, which means everything or every way in which you gain income is included. Get sum of these income generating sources. From this, you will get an idea of how much money available for you in a month. 

● Create a List of Expenses - On a separate sheet, make a list of all the expenses you need to have. For household expenses, it usually includes utility bills, consumable grocery, telephone service, cable TV, Internet service and house rent (if you are renting). If you own your home, add the property tax in your list. In the event that you pay your taxes once a year or twice a year, break the tax fee into monthly figure. Many seniors consider property taxes as additional burden to financial status. Other expenses include mortgages and medicines. Calculate all these expenses and get the total amount. Deduct the total expenses to the monthly available money. 

● Set Aside Money for Savings - After subtracting your total expenses from your monthly income, you will get a remaining amount of money. If you get zero or negative remaining balance, it is a difficult situation. As much as possible, set aside money for your savings. Saving money is a clever technique just in case you will need extra cash in the future. Who knows, you much need emergency fund for your home repair or car maintenance. So each month, make it a habit to put at least a small amount of bucks in your saving account. You can either open a savings account in a bank or have it in your piggy bank. 

● Look for Medical Aid Programs - At times, medical bills take up huge amount of money from your budget. For seniors with health issues, having medicine maintenance is often neglected to lessen expenses. Yes, this is very risky to the health. And so, to minimize expenses without compromising your health, look for health programs that can help you finance your medicines. There are many NGO’s (non-government organizations) and government sectors offering medical assistance. Some programs can aid you in paying for your medications or other health-care bills, and can sponsor you in buying alert systems such as medical guardian

Budgeting can sometimes make your head spin. That is why, it is essential to take into account a few techniques to guide you. Otherwise, you will end up miscalculating your money and getting broke. Once you get used to these strategies, you can allocate your money effortlessly.

Friday, March 29, 2013

From a Girl's Perspective - Valuable Business Lessons I Got from my old Volkswagen Beetle

English: 1973 Volkswagen Beetle photographed a...
English: 1973 Volkswagen Beetle photographed at the 2008 Hudson Auto Show. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I grew up as an independent individual. No, my parents aren't divorced and I did not run away from home. My folks have decided to raise me up with little assistance coming from them, so that I can learn the good and the bad that life has to offer. While I do remember the frustrating times when I had to do some menial and odd jobs to get some extra cash for certain things. One of those things happen to be my old Volkswagen Beetle. 

Funny that I should mention that car. It's no longer mine; I sold it off when I moved out from my parent's house. This was years ago. I don't even remember how much money I got out from the old vehicle, but what I do remember are the lessons I learned while I was out earning every single dollar just to buy that car. And from a business perspective, it taught me a lot of things too. 

When I saw that car while checking a used cars warehouse, I knew that the car should be mine. It's original colour was yellow, but when I told my dad about it, he was quite skeptical. He said that these types of cars were not that durable and had constant engine problems. Of course, I knew that he was just bluffing; it's his way of saying "If you want the vehicle, then you know what to do!" 

And that I did.
Research - The first business lesson I got from that old Beetle was to research everything about the vehicle, starting from its perks all the way to its failures. I even researched about online title loan for fast cash! I have to understand the type of vehicle that I am going to use my money for. It is my money and I earned hard to get it, so I should never waste my money on something that I might end up regretting in the end, right? 

Sadly, I've seen a lot of business owners jump right into a particular business or system without researching. Usually, these people end up losing a great deal of money because of a failed business. Even worse, they end up filing for bankruptcy. 

Do It Yourself - The second lesson I got from my old vehicle is to always do everything myself. When it comes to simple maintenance, like cleaning or changing oil, I'd do it on my own. In business, it pays to be involved with your company once in awhile. Just like a well-oiled vehicle or machine, you learn the ins and outs of the trade and you co-exist with your employees and your clientele. You learn what needs improvement for your business and the things that you need to remove. 

It sounds so simple, isn't it? Unfortunately, it's not. A lot of business owners change their attitude once business starts to prosper. They leave everything to the manager while going on a vacation to Hawaii or to Fiji. Unless your manager is really competent, there's no way he/she is going to repeat exactly what you want him/her to do, so it's quite important to run the business yourself. 

Frugality - No, it's not a Mortal Kombat move. It means being frugal. When I finally got my Beetle, the first thing that rushed in my mind is to customize the car to whatever I like. So, lists of car parts and custom paint jobs filled my notebook. By the time I realized it, the total amount was so horrifying that I immediately tore off that particular page in my notebook into little pieces.

Well, it's a good thing that I did not have the money. Otherwise, I would've gone and spent it all. 

The business lesson here is to be frugal. Even though you're business is running great, you should really find the time to invest in another business opportunity. If not, then save your money in the bank for later use. Don't spend all your money on things that are not really needed. 

Well, that's it for now. While I already have a new car, I will never forget my old Beetle. Thank you, my most cherished possession. I hope you're doing fine. Thanks for all the lessons you've taught me. It sure helped me out a lot, especially during these times of economic depression. 

About the Author: 
Jessica Greenberg is an avid blogger from San Diego, California. During her free time, she prefers to stay at home and update her blog along with a hot cup of coffee.

A 4 Step Guide for Individuals to Manage their Finances

Finance (Photo credit: Tax Credits)
Financial management is one of the most complex things that one ever comes across. The most difficult part about this is that one needs to change their policies with the fluctuating market conditions and also keep a close eye on the impending threats on the market in order to stay safe from any financial crunch. There are however a few things that are quite common yet effective in helping an individual to manage their finances in the best possible way. 

Start with a proper plan

Starting with a proper plan and then implementing it is an important factor. You need to make sure that you do not miss out on the basics. Make it a point that you note down each and every thing regarding your finances. Be it a new source of income or a new expense make sure that you list each and every thing. That would help you to keep a tab of all the vital aspects. Often it is found that individuals fail to locate the expenses that they have made. 

Budget – a pivotal step

A budget is definitely a pivotal step in order to manage your finances in a safe way. By formulating a budget you will be able to take control on things. Experts opine that many individuals do not usually list the expenses they need to incur or the money that they have earned from any source; hence they lose all kind of control on the transactions. With a proper budget you will be able to priories and differentiate the important expenses from the not so important ones. 

Spending Carefully

Spending money carefully is also another important thing that should be mastered by all individuals. In the backdrop of such a fragile economic condition where the prices of things go up all of a sudden one needs to be careful and ensure that they spend on the necessities in the first place and then spend on the luxuries. 

Investing like a pro

A proper investment is all the more important than all the other things mentioned above. The above mentioned steps will help you to save money but this is going to help you in making more money. Hence this is more important than those. Now you need to make a thorough research in order to find out which investment plan will work for you. There are so many ways in which you can invest your money but choosing the correct one is very important. A wrong investment plan can however wreck your financial career. Always try to invest in things that have an appreciating value as that would help you to get better ROI over a shorter period of time. Real estate for example is a good avenue to invest your money.

These are some of the essential things that must be remembered while making formulating a proper financial plan. Young professionals should be extra careful as they have a tendency of splurging more money in luxury items. It is always a better idea to make your own house before you purchase your own car.

Author’s Bio: Adil Kaya has been writing on finance and related topics for over a couple of years now. His articles are a good source of information for the readers. He also possesses a great deal of knowledge on the ways to find Follow his posts for more details on such topics.

What Is Needed For Retirement

Retirement (Photo credit: Tax Credits)
People should start to think about their retirement needs even at an early age. Before retirement people should be financially prepared. Some people think that it is not necessary to start planning for retirement at an early age. But will find out that retirement will sneak up on you and you will find yourself completely unprepared. So the question of how do I prepare for retirement and how much money will I need to retire remains unanswered. 

How Much Money Will I Need

Many soon to be retirees are more concerned about how much money they will be needed come retirement age. There is no set amount of money that a person should have in order to retire. What you will need depends on what your plans are once retirement comes about. You will need to decide if you want to make any large purchases such as an RV, If you plan on becoming the world traveler and making many trips, or if you just plan on staying in your home and enjoying the life of rest and relaxation.

Not only will you need to figure out what your plans on but also what your day-to-day living expenses will be. Even though you will be retired you will still have your continuing needs. 

Ongoing Debts And Expenses

Another issue to consider when you are trying to figure out how much to set aside for retirement is how much debt you have. You will need to take into consideration how much if anything you still owe on your automobile loans, credit cards or even your mortgage loan. By calculating how much your monthly payments are and how much longer you will have on these payments you can be sure of an approximate amount of money that you will need every month.

Do not forget that you will also have the other monthly expenses to add into your monthly budget as well. These expenses should include any of your ongoing bills such as insurance, utility bills, grocery bills, fuel, as well as any other expense you may have during the month. By including all of these expenses in your monthly budget you should be able to figure out how much money you will need to live on. 

Healthcare Expenses

Unfortunately when a person is getting close to retirement age the cost of their healthcare will be increasing. After all the older you get the more healthcare needs you will have. It is important to have your healthcare needs taken care of for your future. You would not want to have a major healthcare issue that would take up your entire retirement savings. This could cause you to face some serious money problems later down the road.

Finding your retirement could be a very stressful time in your life that can involve many different decisions that need to be met. It is important to be sure you consider all of your expenses as well as any other expenses that you may think can arise. Once you decide on how much it will take to fund your retirement you can figure out the best time for you to retirement and live the life of rest and relaxation.

Author Bio
This article is contributed by Janice Thompson. She is a financial journalist. She says success comes to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. She gives excellent financial tips on debt, credit card, personal loans for bad credit, insurance and advice on her blog.

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