Friday, May 10, 2013

The Retirement Savings Crisis - Infographic

It's terrible how ill prepared most of us are for retirement. It's not like we don't know it's going to happen. We have more than half of our lives to get ready for it. Sadly, some of those that did prepare have had their savings taken out by the current economic problems. 

If the government really wanted to do something about this they should have a method to start the preparation for retirement when we are born. At birth we give children a Social Security card, why not a retirement account also. Why wait to start something important like that 25 years later? What's your take?

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Common Credit Score Myths Debunked

Credit Scores
Credit Scores (Photo credit: i am real estate photographer)
Ahh myths...they are fun but, when they are about financial stability, they can cause quite the stir! With credit scores being more important today than ever before, it is no surprise that myths have started to form as the result of lack of knowledge about this topic. The truth is, most schools don't teach kids about credit cards and credit scores. When it's time to fend for ourselves financially, we try to just learn as we go. In this process, we often times take suggestions offered up by friends when the truth is, they know no more about the topic than we do. Well, today, I am writing this article to debunk the most common credit score myths! 

Myth #1: Will Checking My Credit Score Harm My Credit Scores?

Over time, I've been told by several people that if I check my credit score, it will harm my credit score. The truth is, this is definitely a myth. How is it that you would be able to manage your credit if your score went down every time you went to check it! Although, this myth does have a reasonable explanation. When consumers apply for loans, their credit is checked. As a result of this check, the credit score will be decreased. However, the decreases are small and consumers would have to apply for a few loans at a time to notice any huge changes. The bottom line is, negative changes as the result of a credit check only happen if the check is requested by a third party for the purpose of issuing credit. 

Myth #2: Is Closing My Credit Card A Bad Idea?

It is a widely thought idea that closing a credit card is a bad idea. But, is this always the case? This idea is a MYTH! Although it's not always a good idea to close a credit card, it's not always necessarily a bad idea either. There are many factors that determine your credit score. One of the factors is the average amount of time your credit cards have been opened. Therefore, every time you open a new credit card, the average time goes down and it causes a minor ding. But, if you open a new credit card and find out it's not something you enjoy, it's probably a good idea to close it, considering you have other accounts that have been opened for a while. As a matter of fact, in this case, it shouldn't do the slightest bit of damage and may have a positive impact. 

Myth #3: Are Lenders Willing To Help Consumers Through Rough Times?

It is a common misconception that lenders are evil corporations that don't care about us little guys. Without us little guys, the credit card companies would have absolutely nothing. So, even if they don't care about anything but the bottom line, it's in their best interest to help us out from time to time. As a matter of fact, many lenders have opened up financial hardship departments to provide a helping hand when needed. Learn more about credit card hardship programs here in an article I recently wrote for Top Finance Blog! 

Final Thoughts

When it comes to something so incredibly important as your credit score, it's important to believe nothing you hear without research. The truth is, if you are afraid to check your credit score, it's unlikely that you will build an excellent one. If you don't understand how closing a credit card may or may not change your score, it will be hard to manage reasonable amounts of debt and lines of credit. Finally, if you are afraid to ask your lender for assistance in the midst of hard times, you will find harder times to come in most financial hardship situations. This is why doing your research is so important!

About The Author, Joshua Rodriguez

This article was written by Joshua Rodriguez, proud owner and founder of CNA Finance and avid personal finance writer. This article was inspired by Joshua's most recent work, “How Long Does It Take To Improve Your Credit Score”. Join the discussion about credit scores or any personal finance topic of your choice on Google+!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

3 Inexpensive Ways to Update Your Home's Curb Appeal

Some people fail to realize the importance of curb appeal for their houses. Curb appeal helps your house look more attractive, especially if you are selling your home.

Creating a nice curb appeal for your house lays out the welcome mat for not only buyers but visitors as well to your house. Unlike other house repairs and maintenance jobs, creating your home’s curb appeal doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg.

Here are 3 inexpensive ways to update your home’s curb appeal on a tight budget.

Clean up

One simple way to make your curb attractive is to clean up your yard. The first thing people tend to notice is your yard. Is your lawn mowed? Do you have weeds growing so high it’s obvious? Do you have leaves all over the yard? Is there a lot of debris in the yard? 

Just spending an hour or two cleaning up the yard can go a long way in making your curb appealing.

To clean your yard, you need the basic lawn mower, rack, and trash bag to dispose of leaves and debris. These items are easily found at most hardware or home repair stores. For more information about, visit the site.

Do you have pets that stay outside? Some dogs because of their breed will cause havoc in your yard. You can keep the pet from damaging your yard by training them, keeping them in a certain area of the yard, buying a dog house, or keeping them inside the house. If you have a huge weed problem, apply weed killer to the yard, driveway and sidewalk.


Add some plants to your porch or place them alongside the sidewalk of your house. Plants make your house attractive. Make sure you take care of the plants.

Water them and make sure they are getting enough sunlight. Dead plants and poorly taken care of plants will not help bring about curb appeal to your house.

Plant flowers in your yard and on the curb, if there’s grass located there. Flowers definitely beautify your curb. Plants are not expensive at all.

You can also mix up the type of plants to add to the attraction and variety. If you are missing a lot of grass in your yard, apply a grass pod to help grow the grass or plant artificial grass in your yard.

In addition to plants, you could fly a flag from your front yard to show your patriotism. You can easily find the flagpole parts you need online in order to get this set up and a flag flying in no time.


Touch up your porch and curb with paint. Unlike painting the entire house, painting parts of the curb is very cheap. All you need is a can of paint and a paintbrush. If you want to add more of a touch-up, paint the trim areas of the porch.


You can add to your curb appeal with lights. Solar lights are not expensive and they help save energy and money. You can place the solar bulbs alongside the curb, driveway, or walkway.

Most of these inexpensive ways to enhance your curb appeal will actually take the focus off of your curb. When these things are not added, your curb is more noticeable. However, if your yard is well-maintained, plants and flowers are blooming, lights are lit, and the curb is painted, people will tend to focus on everything, including your curb.

Ashley has written several career-related articles for various websites for more than 2 years. She loves to travel and write. She suggests Coupon Codes for money saving discount coupons.

Reasons Why You Should Seek the Help of a Factoring Agency

There are many businesses today that face cash flow problems. In most cases, this is caused by customers who delay making their payments. Some customers don't pay for your services until weeks after they were supposed to. This can be very inconvenient for you, and you might not even be able to accept new clients because you lack the operational budget. This is where the importance of hiring a factoring company comes in. Here are some of the top reasons why you need to hire a factoring agency. 

Recruitment factoring is very important when it comes to attaining business success 

Increased cash flow

Every business relies on the health of their cash flow. If there is an interruption in the cash flow, a business may remain stagnant, or worse, regress from its current level. With the help of a factoring agency, though, you will not only have a consistent cash flow, but you will also have essential funding just when you need it the most. 

Sustained operations

You cannot operate without money, and this is the main reason why you need an operating budget. This might include your office equipment, office materials, payroll, monthly expenses such as electric and water bills, transportation, and a lot more. By selling your invoice to a factoring agency, you will be able acquire the money needed to continue your operations. 


The agency that you hire will meet with your clients, as they will be the ones who will collect the money owed to you. If you choose the right recruitment factoring agency, they have trained personnel who are highly professional and courteous when dealing with your customers. They will not offend your customers and will give them a pleasurable experience during the collection period. 

No more stress

Not all customers are good payers. Some of them might have problems with their payment methods. Sometimes you have to deal with difficult customers, or even non-paying clients. You do not have to worry about these situations anymore, though, because once you sell your invoice to the factoring agency you also hand them the responsibility to collect the money. So, instead of you worrying about whether a customer will pay or not, it is now the problem of the factoring agency. 

Expand business scope

Most businesses are not able to expand their market because of insufficient funds. Some may even find it very hard to increase their reach because of delayed payments from clients. Thankfully, factoring agencies are here to help you. They will give you the funds needed to expand your business and will continue to support you throughout the process by ensuring that you have a consistent and continuous cash flow. 

Increase business opportunities

When you have more money at hand, you have better business opportunities. Just like what was already mentioned, slow cash flow can impede company growth, but if your cash flow is healthy you can ensure that your company will head in the right direction.

These are just some of the reasons why you should seek the help of factoring agencies. They can give you additional support to make sure that you attain business success. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Cutting the Cost of Health Cover for the Over 50s

English: Debeka insurance company in Koblenz D...
English: Debeka insurance company in Koblenz Deutsch: Die Debeka Hauptverwaltung in Koblenz (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
As we get older and inevitably wiser, it becomes increasingly important to think about the health risks associated with the ageing process. This could include a healthier diet, more exercise or thinking about private health cover.

The various benefits of private healthcare are a lot more attractive in later life. Being able to choose the date of treatment, eliminate waiting times and have an en suite single room are significant advantages compared to standard healthcare on the NHS.

However, these convenient privileges come at a price and the cost of private healthcare is one of the biggest drawbacks. According to a story published by the Telegraph in January 2013, the average health insurance premium has increased by 66% in the past decade to around £135 a month. In times of economic hardship, this is often considered to be an unnecessary expense.

Nevertheless, it is still possible to find affordable and cost-effective health cover for those over 50.


Comprehensively researching what private health policies are available will ensure you find the right cover for your own individual situation. Healthcare providers and insurance companies are sure to have a wide range of options and various levels of treatment available.

Price comparison websites are a good tool to discover what levels of cover are to be had for the price you’re willing to pay. Make sure the prices quoted are applicable for your age, as premiums tend to get higher for older individuals.

Specialist providers

The best deals are likely to come from companies and providers that specialize in cover for people over 50. Their healthcare and treatment is also likely to be more suitable for an older generation.

In order to attract customers, they may have introductory offers or special rates, so shop around before making a decision. Even though big companies have a stranglehold on the market, more specialized smaller providers may be able to offer cheaper solutions. Sometimes this will include treatment overseas, but the provider will pay for travel, accommodation and post-treatment rehabilitation in the UK.

Consider inclusions and exclusions

Although you want to be covered for every eventuality, excluding certain treatment from your policy could save you money. Before you worry about not having cover, the NHS treats certain conditions including cancer and heart diseases as a priority.

There is still no way of completely covering yourself against every negative health occurrence, as you may be the victim of incorrect diagnosis or treatment. However, medical negligence lawyers are there to fight for deserved compensation and damages should such a thing happen to you.

Seek advice from insurance broker

If you're unsure about the levels of cover and what to find the best deal possible, you can also seek the advice of an independent adviser through the Association of Medical Insurance Intermediaries.

A professional who is well experienced in the insurance industry will be able to find the best type of cover for your own situation. However, they are likely to recommend AMII approved members, so be sure you are given information about all the healthcare providers available.

CMC Forex Trading: To Give a Boost Your Income

Gone are the days when people were restricted to only mutual funds and stock market trading. These days, there are various trading ways available to choose from and among all, Forex trading is one of the most popular ones… Not only businessmen and office goers but also students have shown interest in this trading. 

According to students, it is best way to earning while learning and for businessmen and office goers, this is the best way to boost their income. Whatever the mottos from Forex trading, it is essential know what exactly it is, how it works, risks, advantages and disadvantages. Without having a good knowledge about this trading, it is simply foolishness to jump into it. Take your time to learn about CMC Forex trading to make it one of the most profitable investments. 

CMC Markets is a UK based financial derivatives dealer offering trading in Contract for Difference, Spread Betting and Foreign Exchange across world markets. CMC is active in Australia, Singapore, Europe and UK… In 1996, CMC launched Forex trading and declared as the first financial derivative for Forex Trading over the internet. 

Forex Trading is also known as the Foreign Exchange Market and FX where the trading of currencies takes place. It is one of the largest liquid markets with an average traded value of more than $1.9 trillion per day. It is a green signal that how profitable the FX market could be and encouraging for many to invest in it… The trading is available 5 days in a week but is open 24x7 hours in major cities like NYC, Hong Kong and Sydney… So it could be the best opportunities for people who are busy the whole day in their office but feel comfortable to trade at midnight… 

Forex trading takes place completely via computer. It is a least volatile investment vehicle that requires you to keep patience to earn more… You cannot be rich in a day from FX. Here you buy a foreign currency with a hope that it will give good returns if you sell it when the price of the currency goes higher than the purchased price of it. Generally, investors use leverage to earn more from FX. The investment needs your alertness to gain profit from it. 

Today, many people have gained enough profit from speculating with brands such as CMC. Now, the time has come up when you think of investing in this trading.

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