Friday, May 31, 2013

The Advantages of Having a Courier Van Insurance Policy

A courier van is used for plenty of services. It may also be used to transfer goods from one location to the other. However, it is a fact that there are risks involved in the process. 

There is always risk of goods getting robbed or damaged in the process. Hence, goods owners always seem skeptical before hiring any van to transport goods from a location to another. 

To calm down nerves a courier van owner can always look up to the concept of courier van insurance. The process is same when compared to life insurance. A courier van owner pays monthly premiums and just in case there is an unforeseen destruction the insurance company is liable to pay for the damages incurred. 

However, insuring a courier van is no easy task. Since, they spend a major part of their time out there on the road, they are risk prone. Hence, only a few insurance companies take interest in sharing the risky burden. Therefore, the idea is to move through reputed brokers. The reputed names know the industry inside out. They can be trusted to scout through all the options available in the market and come up with something aimed at satisfying personal requirements. They will also see to that most of the issues such as thefts, accidents have been covered in the policy.

Now for the premium to be cheaper the courier van owner must look to be careful and drive carefully. If the accident ratio of any van is high, then there is a chance of the premium amount being higher. As a van owner if the van is insured then it is definitely a gain. More people will be comfortable sending goods on that particular van thinking that at any stage if there are causalities there is nothing to fear. They will not suffer financially.

The icing on the cake will be if a van owner can also have a furniture removal insurance cover in place. With more people relocating for varied reasons the removal business has defiantly got a boost. However, removing bulk items such as a Piano or a cupboard can get a tad risky. There may be damages while shifting or in transit. However, with insurance in place, the owner of the furniture can always rest in peace thinking that if there are any mishaps there will be adequate compensation. While this is the business angle there is a legal angle to the scheme of things.

The law states that every van that is on the road must be insured in accordance with the Road traffic act of 1988. Moreover, there is a need to be covered so that just in case a passerby has suffered due to the negligence of the driver then as a van owner one can thoroughly compensate that individual without burning his pocket. However, such coverage’s are entirely aimed at compensating any third person who may have suffered. But it does not cover any loss to the vehicle. This is exactly why a van owner must buy courier van insurance. It is aimed at covering the vehicle.

Other than satisfying customers the concept of vehicle insurance has plenty of other benefits even from the business angle. The foremost benefit is that the insurance claim will allow the owner to do the repair work quickly so that the vehicle is back on the road soon. Now before choosing insurance companies there are some other issues, which must be checked.

The track record of a company in regards to payment of claims must also be checked. If the need be one can always log into the website of the company and have a peek into the testimonials sections. It gives views of people who have worked with them. As a van owner locating the perfect company is now a lot easier. Things will defiantly be a lot smoother.

How to claim a Personal Injury Compensation

There has been a tremendous increase in the number of personal injury claims every year leading to a rise in compensation companies. The entire process is very complicated and leaves you wondering what to do next. 

You might have been unfortunate to meet with an accident without any fault of your own. In such a situation, you would not know who to speak to; therefore, we have put together a guide to help you in the complicated compensation claims.

The first question that comes to anyone’s mind is about claiming the compensation money at all. For your knowledge, compensation can be claimed for several reasons from end number of people. In case you have met with an accident in the last 3 years and the accident was not your fault then there is a good chance you can claim the compensation.

For instance, you have met with an accident while cycling. Now the question arises how to get cycling injury compensation . You can easily claim the compensation but it is very crucial to first identify the person who was responsible for your injury. If you were injured without any fault of yours then someone is definitely responsible for it. 

Sometimes it is not easy to ascertain who was actually at fault in a car accident. For instance, if you trip in the street and end up injury yourself then you can blame the poorly maintained public footpaths. However, there is no singular person responsible for this accident.

It is also imperative to support your claim with an evidence to stand a good chance of receiving your compensation amount. Ensure that you keep a record of the names of any witnesses and manage to get photographic evidence if possible. 

Nowadays everyone has a camera phone so getting photographic evidence should not be an impossible task. It is necessary to look for the right legal advice to claim your compensation too. Many legal companies exist out there, it is crucial for you to choose the right one. 

Try to look for a company that offers a No Win No Fee service and are experts in all types of injury claims. Choose a trustworthy company who is reliable and can provide you with the services you need.

You should also visit the compensation group. These groups have a team of highly skilled and experiences experts who are masters in compensation claims. The compensation groups are very reliable and its skilled solicitors make sure that you get 100% of your compensation and offer a no win any fee service. 

This way you can claim your compensation without any risk involved. They can also help you with rehabilitation and treatment of your injuries.Nowadays everyone asks you to claim for different things. This can become very overwhelming and result in confusion and missing out compensation amount you rightly deserve. 

In cases of an accident caused by road defects or poor signage you local municipal authority is responsible as it their duty to maintain the roads and you injury has been a result of their failure in repairing the defects on the road. If the injury is not due to your fault, you stand a high chance of reclaiming your compensation money.

Save on Summer Holiday Essentials

Elle (magazine)
Elle (magazine) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Although it is extremely tempting to go on a big spending spree as summer approaches, we recommend that you recycle your wardrobe this year before you purchase new items for yourself. This season, a lot of trends draw back on previous summer crazes which means you can save a lot of cash when you combine your old belongings with a few new purchases while keeping it low-cost all around. You’ll save some money that you can invest in other activities, such as your hobbies or your house! Here are some tips on how to save on summer holiday essentials.

1. Get with the monochrome trend

Though black and white might not the first colors that come to mind when you think of summer, the monochrome shade is in fact the hottest fashion trend this year. In the February issue of ELLE, they previewed some beautiful examples of this combination, and you can look at a few examples of them online here. The key to making this look work during sunny weather is to focus on the white items (to reflect the light and keep cool) and incorporate some darker shades into your look. So go through your drawers and select your favorite black and white items and combine them with a new garment, such as these beautiful white dresses.

2. Invest in some freshening gel or a makeup fixer

One of biggest challenges in the summer is keeping your makeup flawless, and instead of re-applying your makeup multiple times a day and consequently spending big money on your favorite brands, it’s much more economical to buy some high-quality freshening gels or fixers. You can purchase these from Nivea or MAC and they’ll help you freshen your makeup without having to remove and add new layers and they make your skin healthier. As a result - you’ll look great! You’ll cut down your cosmetics costs and look like a picture of health without the extra hassle.

3. Get creative

In the upcoming season, accessories will be all about loud colors and clashing colors. If you want to save on your holiday essentials but still want to keep up with the trends, why don’t you get creative? Our two top tips are buying your own shirts and dip-dyeing them in your favorite shades, or buying a blank tote bag (you can find these, very cheaply, at most markets and fashion stores near you) and cover them in florets. If you are not all about loud colors, then you can also opt for lavender colors: this is another one of the predicted big trends of the upcoming sunny days!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

When Financial Shortfalls Come Use Your Car for a Secured Loan

Loans (Photo credit: zingbot)
Financial shortfalls are common and can cause a great deal of stress. The rise in shortfalls has come from the current state of the economy and more and more people are looking for alternative ways to deal with their finances quickly. 

Logbook loans are not as well-known about as they should be; they can offer the perfect solution to those that need fast cash for a short-term financial shortfall. If something unexpected pops up, like an unforeseen bill or an appliance breakdown, logbook loans are the solution most people can depend on.

When you need money in a hurry it can put you in a difficult situation in that you might be tempted to take anything and everything you can get your hands on from the first person that offers assistance. This is the worst thing that you can possibly do; who’s to say this is the best option and that you won’t be charged extortionate interest rates? The key to covering a financial shortfall is to understand your options and how different types of loans can help. A loan secured on car is in a different league to alternative options such as payday loans.

So, how is a logbook loan different and beneficial for your financial shortfall?

Logbook loans are exactly what you would expect with the name itself explaining the process in the briefest and clearest form. You will take out a loan secured on your vehicle and give your vehicle’s logbook to the loan provider for the duration. One of the most appealing advantages of a loan secured on car is that you keep your vehicle and get on with your life as you know it. Your logbook will be returned to you as soon as you have finished making your repayments to the provider.

A loan secured on your vehicle can offer great advantages; they are much more flexible than alternative options and can be customised to meet your short-term needs. As long as you own your vehicle, have a steady income, and the ability to make the repayments; the loan can be developed to suit you specifically. 

Many companies that offer a loan secured on car will allow you to choose your repayment period to one that suits you, your income, and your ability to repay. This means that a loan of this type does not put as much pressure on your finances in future months with high repayments and interest. Logbook loans often offer lower interest rates as well because the loan is secured on your vehicle after all.

Logbook loans are growing in popularity at a very fast pace. They give you the ability to deal with any situation you are faced with without hassle. Plus, as the loan is secured, there are no credit checks! 

Everyone can utilise this type of loan when facing a financial shortfall without limits; as long as the criteria are met of course. So, make sure you get out there and see what options are available to you before you entrust any type of loan and know that help is at hand when you need it most.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Used Car Buyer's Checklist

In today’s financial climate everyone is after a good deal, but buying a used car can be a real minefield of potential hazards and problems, so by having your wits about you and by using this handy used car buyer’s checklist, you should be able to avoid buying a dud. Many of the typical problems people associate with used cars are easily dealt with. However, these hidden costs are often not taken into consideration when a motorists decides to buy, leaving them to overestimate the bargain they’ve received:


Not the most obvious thing to check, but tyres can actually be one of the most expensive parts to replace on any car. Making sure you buy a used car with good tyre depths left on all four wheels is essential – as having to replace four tyres will typically cost several hundred dollars. Couple that with the potential danger (and hence insurance costs) of driving a car which has bald tyres and it makes you realise why the rubber is so important!

Service history

The service history of any car is the only real way of making sure the car you’re buying has been looked after. Service intervals also show the car’s mileage, meaning you can check to see if it’s ever been clocked or if something is not quite right.

Remember, a service is essential to keep the car running smoothly. Don’t under-estimate the importance of a good service history.


Chances are you’ll want to take the car out for a test-drive before you buy, but one of the things many people forget to check is the condition of the brakes. The best thing to do is try a few emergency stops to ensure that: 1. The ABS is in fully working order and, 2. that the brakes actually stop the car as they should. New brakes all-round can cost an absolute fortune, so it’s best to make sure you don’t get caught short.


The car’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a very simple but often forgotten about way of confirming your car hasn’t been messed around with. If the VIN doesn’t match up to the number on the logbook, then walk away! There are too many horror stories to justify buying a car that doesn’t have matching VIN’s. 

Data check

An unbelievably simple way of finding out if the car has ever been stolen or written-off is the HPI data check. It takes 10 minutes and HPI will give you a detailed history report on that particular car – including information from the official sources like the Police and insurance companies. This is an absolute must do in today’s used car buying world!


If you’re in the market for a small hatchback then be aware of the car with all the sparkly bits. Teenage drivers and ‘boy-racers’ enjoy modifying their cars and if you don’t have an eye for mods then you could end up buying a 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa with an 1100w sub in the boot – something not everyone will appreciate.

If you’re unsure on what an original and unmodified version of the car you’re looking at is, then just take a picture along with you of one that hasn’t been ruined and compare. Aftermarket spoilers and skirts tend to be a warning sign.

Oil check

Checking the condition and level of the oil in the car’s engine is a basic but effective way of checking that the engine is in good condition. The engine oil is the life-blood of the engine; without it, you’re not going anywhere, so make sure it has been well-looked after and has plenty of oil to keep it humming along.

If you’re a novice, all you need to do is find a rag, lift the dipstick, take it out of the engine, wipe clean, dip it back in and lift it out once more and check that the oil level is somewhere between minimum and maximum – if it’s not, then you need to think about your potential purchase and if it’s worth it.

George is a writer at – check out their in depth guide to buying a used car for more tips (UK focus).

Monday, May 27, 2013

What Retiring Later Means for Your Investment Portfolio and Your Life

English: Brocastle Manor retirement complex A ...
English: Brocastle Manor retirement complex A new development of apartments and a retirement home on the Brocastle estate. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In case you're one of the rare 60-somethings who isn't close to retiring in this super awesome economy, then you've probably decided to forego retirement in lieu of another couple of years in the workforce. You're not alone. More and more people are working past 65 nowadays, deciding to push off the Golden Years for another couple of years or even decades. 

Thanks to this recession and the 2008/2009 stock market crash, many soon-to-be-retirees have lost their jobs and seen their finances in disarray. Hence, they now need to work longer just to support their lifestyle. If you're one of these people, I'm sorry to hear that. But what does postponing your retirement mean for your finances (investment portfolio) and your lifestyle? Is it all doom and gloom? The short answer is no. 

The long answer is a little more complicated than that. 

Think of this as opportunity

The Chinese word for crisis, as you might or might not know, literally translates into "danger" "opportunity". Courtesy of some 3000 year old philosopher who invented this word is a bit of wisdom. Behind every danger, there is opportunity. So instead of lamenting how the stock market crash wiped out half of your savings, think of this as your golden opportunity. 

Be glad that you are in the peak of your earning years - your paycheck could probably never be higher in this same type of economy (thanks to seniority). That means that you can plow all of your new savings into this market, and potentially buy stocks at very cheap prices! When the economy recovers, you'll make a killing! Like Warren Buffett says "buy when others are fearful". Thus, your retirement will be even better than it could have been without the opportunity to buy stocks in this poor economy. 

Now, if you've read my blog post before, you'd know that I think stocks are overpriced in the short term. But when the stock market correction does happen, that will be golden opportunity for anyone with the money to buy stocks. That's also why the rich-poor gap tends to widen. When the economy turns south, the poor are worse off than before. But the resilient will use this as an opportunity to bloom (financially) when the economy (and stock market) gets on track. 

Real Estate

Did you know that in the past year, more people joined the upper class than ever before? You're probably pretty shocked right now, because you'd think that everyone is dying and the world's coming to an end in this crappy economy. On the contrary, many of these new-found rich folks acquired their riches by investing in real estate, particularly rental real estate. 

Like I said before, this crappy economy is your golden opportunity. In your peak earning years, you have a huge advantage over youngsters - you're making more than they are, and in the right time too. Now is the best time to invest in real estate, with prices at rock bottom. 

On a side note, I'd like to share a story about investing in real estate rentals. 

The gist of the lesson is simple - go after commercial residential,  not residential. Here's why. 

A while back, I had a friend who rented a house out to these two young adults. At first, things were ok, as the couple paid the rent on time. But after a few months, things started going downhill real fast. It turns out that they did absolutely NO maintenance or cleaning on the house - it looked like a pig pen. Worse, the male was an alcoholic, meaning that there was a lot of domestic unrest and abuse going on. The couple had a child not because they loved children or had it by "accident", but because the government in their part of the country gives each family with a baby $2000 a month. 

Eventually, the government cut this funding, so the couple stopped paying, and because the law protects those who rent over the owners of the property, my friend couldn't even evict his tenants (they were getting rent for free!). What ended up happening was that there were reports of drug use in the house, the police raided the house and forced my friend's tenants to move. My friend got lucky. 

Case in point - in residential real estate law, the law protects those who rent. In commercial real estate law, the law protects the property owners. If you have A-holes for tenants - watch out. 

Stay Fit

Since you need to push back retirement now, it makes sense that you need to stay fit to live longer. There's no sense in buying a ton of stocks only to die 3 days before you retire because of a heart attack (obesity!). 

But if you think of it this way, by retiring later, you're essentially forced to stay fit (if you aren't already fit). Being fit can have a hugely positive impact on your life - you feel better, life is easier, you look better, and you live longer. When you're fit, you can do so many things that you could do before. Let's take myself as an example. Although I'm nowhere near retirement age (I'm only 27), I find that being "jacked" (as my friends like to say) has an insanely positive impact on my life - I can lift heavier things (more housework), I can enjoy more of life like extreme sports, and my girlfriend loves it :P. 

The Conclusion

So this recession isn't what we all wanted. I get that. No one wakes up and says "God, please get me fired today." But let's try to make the most of a bad situation  And you know the funny thing? A lot of times, by making the most of a bad situation we actually end up in a better situation than we would have been WITHOUT the "crisis" (danger, opportunity). 

Troy is an ex-entrepreneur and full time investor. He constantly scours the world, looking for great investment opportunities that will one day (hopefully) make him a centibillionaire  In addition, he likes to write about finance, investing, and trading (for all y'all traders out there). If you like this post, feel free to check out his blog.

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