Saturday, June 8, 2013

8 Tips to Business Travel on a Budget

When business travelers are on-the-go, there are three distinct expenses: transportation, dining, and accommodations. Here are tips to reduce costs in each of those three categories during business travel.

Saving on Transportation

Your business traveler is probably used to luxury and carefree cars. However, in this economy he or she can be expected to take a more cost-effective route to meetings and conferences.

Buy a Metro Card

Rather than splurge on a rental car for the week of travel, consider getting your business person a metro or subway card. If the city is safe like DC, then there is no reason not to take public transit. You can save hundreds of dollars by choosing metro and bus passes, and that's before insurance costs!

Carpool With Co-Workers

Consider sharing the cost of a rental van with another company. Both companies could save money, and the team would get better acquainted on the way.

Accrue Those Flyer Miles

Sign up to earn frequent flyer miles on every single credit card purchase. Here are some of the things your company could earn:

Everyone needs to eat, but it doesn't have to be a negative expense. Rather than stipend all meals for your traveler, make those occasions count.

Lunch Meetings

Your traveler should schedule a lunch meeting every day of his or her trip. This can be written-off, and is substantially less expensive than dinner meetings. Also, this saves on the amount companies have to stipend to travelers, too.

Team Meals

Rather than giving the team a company credit card you could arrange an open buffet for them at their hotel. Many hotels like the Stratosphere in Las Vegas are doing this for business travelers, so that they can eat all day for a reduced cost.

Accommodations Savings for Businesses

Accommodations are the biggest budgetary black hole for travelers. However, there are a few savings tips to leverage.

Make a Deal With Management

When you book a hotel call and ask for the manager. Explain to him or her how often your company will be in town, and ask for a frequent visitor discount. Be loyal to the hotel that offers you the best 'frequent flyer' deal. You could save a hundred dollars a week or more if the hotel values your business.

Examine Hidden Fees

While one hotel might seem cheaper at first blush, you should always Google their hidden fees. Some hotels charge $25 a night for parking, while others charge $10 a day for Internet service. Find out which hotel is really cheapest with a little research, and you could save hundreds each visit.

Continental Breakfast FTW!

Your traveling team can meet every morning over the free hotel continental breakfast and save as much as $20 a person on that meal. Many hotels offer this option if you call and ask for it, even if it's not advertised.

Take the time to save money on your next business trip. It could amount to more than a thousand dollars if you are visiting an expensive city like London or New York City.

5 Things You Can Do Each Week to Save Money

We would all like to have more money, but we generally think of it as the result of a raise or a new job. But there are many ways to increase your disposable income by saving it along the way. Then, earn even more by allowing interest to work for you.

1. Watch and Compare Sizes

You don't always get the best deal by purchasing the larger size package. If you look at the per-ounce amount on the things you buy, you might be surprised. True, in many cases buying the larger bag of something is more economical, but not always. The opposite is often true.

The 200-ounce bottle of Tide might be $3.25. But wait, the 100-ounce bottle costs only $1.50. It isn't always apparent when looking strictly at the price alone. Dig a little deeper. You could save a bit just by paying attention to the pricing. When combined with bigger savings, like you can find at Brian Ferdinand Liquid Holdings, you won't believe how much extra money you'll have in the bank.

2. Discounts

This is a great way to save money on things you need or regularly purchase. Many employers offer discounts on various items, such as fitness memberships, passes to community events, and cell phone programs. But be careful not to be duped into buying things you wouldn't normally buy just because it is discounted. Buying something you normally wouldn't because it is $20 instead of $30 just cost you $20.

3. Prescriptions and Glasses

You can save significantly by having you doctor write you a prescription for double your normal dosage. Take those pills and cut them in half. A prescription for 30 pills at 50 milligrams might cost $90. But the same prescription for 100-milligram pills will only cost around $10 more. You can see how quickly you will start saving.

Also, try purchasing your glasses online. These websites walk you through the measurements so the glasses will fit your face correctly. These glasses quite often cost a fraction of what you would pay locally for a similar pair. 

4. Coupons

Extreme couponers will buy groceries for a third the cost of their retail-shopping counterparts. But you don't have to go extreme to save money. Between mailers, coupon books, newspapers, and online options, there are many ways to save money at almost every restaurant, for almost every product, and for many services.

Online stores offer discounts using secret coupon codes found at several different sites. There are many deals and reductions available if you're willing to search a little.

5. Set Aside Money

Yes, save money by saving. This is actually a way to earn money by using the power of compounding interest. For example, if you were to take and put $20 a week (the money you save by using the tips above) into an interest bearing account at 5%, at the end of 10 years you would have $13,735. That's thousands of dollars earned by simply setting it aside and not touching it. Not a bad day's work.

There are so many ways you can save money, the secret is acting on a few and saving a little here and a little there. It adds up quickly.

4 Things You Should Consider Before Financing a Car

Good auto financing options differ from person to person. Not only do these options depend on your own financial situation and credit score, but they also are determined by the age of the car that you're looking to finance and the financial institution itself. Before you buy your next car, consider how these factors will impact your financing.

How Much Can You Afford to Pay Each Month?

Financing a car means you'll have monthly payments. Make sure you choose a car and financing option that fits into your budget. Do you think you can afford $500 a month, or is $300 closer to your range? The amount that you can afford will influence the kind of car that you buy, but almost anyone can find an affordable option. Also, keep in mind that most financial institutions won't grant an auto loan for less than $5000. 

How Large is Your Down Payment?

The more you can spend on a down payment now, the less money you have to borrow to purchase the car. That means paying more now could equal smaller monthly payments, which can come in handy during rough times.

Most lenders and finance offices will also give you better interest rates when you put down a significant amount of money. Someone with a $1,000 down payment might pay five percent interest. With a $5,000 down payment, that same person might pay closer to four percent. That single percentage point can add up to big savings over a few years.

Lower interest is attractive, but you shouldn't spend your entire savings on a down payment. What would you do if you lost your job or had unexpected expenses that made it difficult for you to repay the loan? A couple thousand dollars in savings could get you out of a difficult situation.

How Healthy is Your Credit?

Your credit rating will have a big impact on your finance options, so you should get a copy of your credit report before you start looking for a new car. If you have excellent credit, then you can expect lenders and dealerships to give you lower interest rates. That excellent score makes you an attractive customer, so they're willing to give you competitive rates.

If you have mediocre or bad credit, then you can expect to pay higher interest rates. That doesn't mean it's impossible to get financing. You can still get a bad credit auto loan, but it will cost a little more. 

How Long Will You Keep the Car?

Most people forget to think about how long they actually want their cars, but that's an important consideration when you plan to finance the vehicle. If you plan to drive the car for ten years, then you can probably live with a four-year loan. Then you'll have six years of payment-free driving.

If you only plan to drive the car for a couple years, though, you don't want a four-year loan. Then you'll have to worry about repaying the loan's balance before selling it for a new vehicle. Instead, you'll want to choose a shorter-term lease that helps you pay for the car quickly.

What other things do you think people should consider before financing a car? Have you ever found out too late that you made a mistake when getting a loan?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Are You Retired? Here are some great Investment Opportunities for you!

"A great person, Mike Philips, once said- Money will come to you when you are doing the right thing."

If you are retired or are retiring shortly, you can make use of many of the investment opportunities given below which are available to you at your disposal and which will ensure that you get just the right amount of financial security blanket after retiring. If you invest in any of these regularly, you can have your guardian angel protecting you financially when you are retired and facing the world without a job for the rest of your life.

The EPF or the Employee Provident Fund:

For employees working in establishments having employees more than twenty in number, it is compulsory for employees to deposit 12 per cent of the value of their Income (Basic wage, dearness allowance and the cash value of all food allowances given) in an EPF account. In addition to this contribution, even the employer contributes the same amount. The interest rates of such an account are decided from time to time by the Central Government. Furthermore, the balance of such an account is liable to be transferred in case you decide to switch jobs. You will not lose any of your investment. 

The VPF or the Voluntary Provident Fund:

Normally, the contribution of an employee is 12 per cent but he can increase this if he wants by opting for a voluntary provident fund scheme. The excess amount paid by him will be given interest at the same rate as the 12 per cent. The amount contributed to the Provident Fund is also exempted from tax.

The PPF or the Public Provident Fund:

This is another investing opportunity for those who are interested. This can be opened with any nationalized bank or a post office. One advantage that the previous scheme (VPF) has over this one (PPF) is that in the case for VPF, you do not need to wait in long lines at banks to fill out forms and to complete other formalities. All you have to do is inform your employer and the work is done. 

The NPS or the National Pension Scheme:

This is a relatively new pension based scheme which has been introduced by the Government. In this scheme, the investor can invest in three different schemes which will offer him a high return once he attains the age of seventy.

Using Fixed Deposits:

Another way to ensure a financially secure retired life is to start investing in fixed deposits. It is a safe and easy option. Just start by investing a small portion of your monthly income in fixed deposits which are preferably long term. Redeem them after retirement along with the high rate of interest that it gets you.

Try your hand at Equities:

A riskier, yet highly rewarding option, is to start investing in equities. These can provide you with the long term capital gains so needed in your old age. Creation of a diversified portfolio will help you get high returns and a security about your financial future.

Binary Options:

These are a relatively newer form of investment and involve investing your money in financial instruments called binary options. These offer high and quick rates of returns. You can also trade in them on a daily basis online and enjoy retirement while continuously surprising your spouse with the extra income from binary options earnings.

Role Of A Car Insurance And How To Minimize The Payments

Everyone knows that you are an expert driver. You drive cars smoothly without any trouble. You have driven on every street of the town and never had any trouble. You have managed to survive even on close encounters, so it’s proven that you are an experienced driver. As you are a role model to others when it comes to driving cars safely, you might think that you don't need any car insurance. Saved money can be utilized towards a useful cause. Isn't it?

Why you need insurance?

The fact is no one wants to get in an accident but disasters happen every day. Each year millions of accidents take place throughout the globe. So it is a wise idea to have vehicle insurance. If unfortunately any accident happens then your insurance will cover your vehicle damages and medical expense. Everyone inside the car will be covered. You will save lots of money. 

Benefits of car insurance:

There are many benefits of car insurance. Car insurance can protect your vehicle from natural calamities like, earthquake, hurricane, cyclone and from any man-made disaster. Sometime car cover can be so confusing to understand. Buyers should choose policy under the guidelines of the place they reside.

If your car is an investment then insurance protects the investment from lots of hazard factors. Auto covers are not just about your car, they are much more. Insurance can save you from paying large medical bills. Many car insurances are designed to give you full cover you need. During accident emergencies, car insurance can provide you cash that you need safeguarding your valuable belongings such as home and retirement funds and others.

When an accident happens, many tend to take quick loans from private companies at high interest rate to cover up the losses. If you have insurance then you don’t have to worry about anything as your insurance company will take care of everything you required after the accident to return into same status as you were before. 

Car insurance hunting:

There are endless insurance companies offering vehicle coverage. You can contact any one and have your car covered. Before you shop insurance for your car, you need to keep some points in your mind to minimize the cost. Only buy the insurance that is needed. For instance if you already have medical coverage then taking car insurance that covers medical bill is useless. 

Reduce your payments:

If you want to reduce car cover payments further then don’t go for car insurance that covers towing. Towing can be made easier at cheaper rate. Keep the deductible high to reduce payments. You can also avoid minor claims to reduce the payments.

Finally your driving record can reduce the payments further. People who have clean driving record or drive occasionally get rebates from the insurance company on their payments. You can negotiate with the company to minimize the insurance payments.

If you are searching for car insurance then you can delve into the online recourses. There are many online companies offering reliable vehicle insurances. Make sure that you understand each and everything before signing up with an insurance company to minimize your insurance payments.

Author Bio:
Austin Richard Is an I.T professional from pass certification. He is 9L0-412 certified. He is now getting prepared for 9L0-518 exam. He likes to write about Business, and Technology.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The World of Foreign Exchange

There is no language for money. Its associate is clearly and most prestigiously known as power. Imagine having a career where you get to predict the flow of money in the industrial market and the brownie points that you earn if your predictions fall out to be absolutely accurate. That is the world of foreign exchange. It is very simply the balance and value of the various world currencies in the business market and the determination as to which currency exudes the most sellers and thus takes away the prize.

The forex trade is not determined by any particular standards. The value of the currency involved is not set forth by any bank, or any group of industrialists or any country. It is solely determined by the buyers and the sellers thereby upholding the simple logistics of demand and supply. Therefore a career in forex trade is one of a multitude of opportunities and vistas. It is also of considerable risk since any form of business involves its own set of risks and losses. Here a few forex trading basics that can be helpful to any entrepreneur in the field to proceed smoothly and avoid any major pitfalls on the way.

  • One of the most basic points to be concerned with the forex trade is that you must treat it like your business and not like a hobby or a mode of gambling. You cannot treat this profession as a casino player banks on his cards and luck. The field requires research and know-how of the policies and factors that govern it. And therefore, it becomes central to be aware of all its aspects as you would consider before starting any other business venture.
  • Also the key principles into becoming a master of this game is not cater to a herd mentality. This field is about taking calculated risks and at the same time evolving and making the most of the profits. You cannot be a philanthropist if you want to venture into forex. You have to be a visionary with the end point of gathering and making the maximum of money which the trade is all about.
  • The next aspect to take into consideration to have a well-devised plan to make the right predicaments in the field. Every trader should be aware of the risks of loss involved but his plan should insure at least a double amount of profit or revenue if he succeeds in making a sound judgment. The emphasis of a well planned move is necessary as it helps the trader focus on the best trade setups on offer which can prove to be banking sites of investments which will only lead to an overall growth in business.
  • The role of size positioning and risks in the reward scenario is also a key part in determining a good trader from an over-dealer. Size positioning offers investments to be done according to the standings of the firm in relation to the current market scenario and it makes the trader absolutely aware of both the losses and profits that could be gained. It also provides the trader with a clear visual of where he stands in relation to the growth of his business and therefore, offers him room for further advancement.

Thus a career in forex is something that offers a smart way to gain money but it requires the trader to hone his skills to make the best of judgments that will prove extremely fruitful for the present and future of his business.

Bio: Ken is a foreign exchange analyst and has been dealing with the business in the field for nearly a decade now at He is one of the best in the biz and tries to capture the essence of good forex trading through his various tips and tricks on this matter. Also Ken is master in providing best Ava Fx reviews.

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