Saturday, June 22, 2013

5 Great Ways Pinterest Can Improve Your Career

English: Red Pinterest logo
One of the key elements of building your own career is to start connecting with people, start advertising your skills and to make a good impression to others. The social media is one of the medium that is most commonly used for advertising. This advertising scheme using the social media network is not only exclusive for internet marketers but also to professional individuals as well. Using the social media can become a powerful tool that you can use in helping to boost your career and doing the same is not merely limited in advertising your career through text but through images as well. 

Pinterest makes it possible for any professional to improve their career by using its platform for advertising their work, more primarily their skills in designing and other visual portfolio. Pinterest is a social media network which unique feature is the virtual pin board that allows people to pin or post images which is an opportunity to promote the visual presentation of your brand, career or profession. If you aim to promote your career using Pinterest, here are 5 great ways to help you take the right directions. 

1. Showcase your specialty or professional industry

Using Pinterest is a great opportunity to show enticing images that will showcase your specialty or professional career. If you are a professional wedding organizer for instance, you can certainly post the images of the events to which you organized and pin them on your virtual board for everyone to see. If you are a chef, you can take a picture of your master recipes and make people start liking your mouth watering menus. Web designers can post the websites that they have designed while artists could also pin the photos of their masterpieces of artwork. Because photos are worth a thousand words, you can always showcase your brand and specialization that is within your profession in order to boost your career using Pinterest and make your specialty known to the public. 

2. Highlight your customers with due recognition

Pinterest (Photo credit: stevegarfield)

Pinterest can help boost your career when you try to recognize your customers in your Pinterest account. Try to recognize your loyal customers by pinning their photos, their website or anything related to them that will give due recognition for contracting your services. This way, you are building your customers’ loyalty and make them repeat buyers or customers in the future. Customers always like the feeling of being recognized, therefore you should exert effort to make them feel important and appreciated and they will likely patronize your services which is a step of building your career reputation. 

3. Use Pinterest to hunt for a job

You can use Pinterest to promote your portfolio and professional career in landing your dream job. By creating your own personal brand that will highlight your accomplishments and creations by showcasing them on your pin board. Choose the most appropriate videos, photos and articles to pin on your Pinterest pin board that will highlight your skills and talents. You can use this as a reference to support your professional career in order to land your dream job. If you are fortunate enough, someone may find your Pinterest profile very interesting and might offer you a job that fits your qualifications. 

4. Make your Pinterest board a good resource for similar career industry

Nonprofit Pinterest Advocacy - AARF
 (Photo credit: colleengreene)

Users of Pinterest can pin images or re-pin the other user’s photos or pinned items on their own virtual pin board. You can start improving your career and allow it to gain a momentum by working out to make your own pin board a resource of information that is related to your line of profession. You can always be on search for related news and updates about your professional career and provide that valuable information to your own pin board for others to find and re-pin on their pin board as well. You gain more popularity for people who belong to the same work industry as yours and you can start building your own professional brand and career by becoming an authority about your specific career field. 

5. Connect with other Pinterest users who belong to a similar profession as yours

You need to stay connected with people who have the same profession as yours. The more people you can get to become your own network of friends, the more exposure your Pinterest profile gets. As you use your Pinterest account as an extension of your portfolio to showcase your skills and talents, the more people will likely start noticing you. It is essential to be able to connect with professionals who could give you tips on how to prosper in your career and who may be able to vouch for you with a good word of recommendation. Pinterest is a good place to start making friends with people who share the same interest as yours and to professionals who are already successful in similar career industry as yours.

About the Author:

The guest post is written by Mackenzie, finance and business writer and guest blogger for 4 years already. She is proficient at webdesign, internet marketing and guest blogging. She runs the website  Accountancy Services and she loves covering the articles on various blog sites.

5 Ways a Bad Credit Score Can Hurt Your Career Growth

Do you know how good your credit score is? According to Statistic Brain, only 35% of Americans checked their credit file at all last year, and the national average has plummeted to just 691. Despite that, 90% believe that they have a low or average level of debt - but does it really matter? 

Your credit score doesn't just decide if you can finance that new leather sofa, or if you'll get a good rate on your mortgage application. It can have a big impact on your everyday life, too, and having a bad credit score can even stop you being able to get promoted, or even get a job in the first place. So why does it matter, and what can you do about it?

You Can't Get A Job

According to Forbes, 6 in 10 employers now check the credit of their potential new hires. Failing the check can mean kissing goodbye to the job, even if you excelled at interview. Good credit shows the employer that you're a more responsible person. If your job will involved handling money, valuable items or locking up, it's even more likely to signal the end of the road. Financial gurus like Mark Weinberger are perfect to emulate when looking to get your finances on the right track. 

You Can't Get A Phone Contract

Most jobs will require you to be contactable, which means carrying a phone around with you. The best deals on handsets and air time are offered to contract customers who can afford bigger monthly payments: with poor credit, you are likely to be offered a higher rate, or be rejected completely. A pay-as-you-go phone can seem a good solution, but you are charged much more, so keep calls and texts to a minimum and make sure you've always got credit.

You Can't Get Insured

Whether it's getting to work in the morning or driving around as part of your job, chances are you'll need a vehicle. Not a problem if you can get a good finance deal, and some cheap insurance; but terrible if your credit is shot, or if the company can't insure you on a company car. If transport is essential, your only option is to join a car sharing scheme, or show your bosses that you've researched public transport and don't need to drive.

You Can't Move

Sometimes the best opportunities require sacrifice: including relocating. While the best companies will offer a relocation package and try to help you get on your feet, that's not normally an option unless you already work for the company, and they won't help with contracts. If your credit would stop you from renting or buying a new place, you may have to pass up the promotions and opportunities until its better. 

Solving The Problem

So what can you do if you find your credit score holding you back? Be honest. When you give permission for the check, mention any CCJs, DMPs or finance management. Offer an explanation if you have one, and show how you are trustworthy and reliable.If your credit history doesn't come as a surprise, you are much more likely to get the job.

Credit scores has a much larger impact on our lives than many people believe, so make sure that you aren't receiving the brunt of it for your past financial mistakes. 

Manage your Money to Improve your Lifestyle

To make your living standard higher and to fulfill all your desires and needs the first thing you require to do is to manage your finance properly. Now money is something that should be used in a proper manner if you wish to improve your lifestyle. The first thing you need to do list your house and business expenses. 

By following this procedure you can save some money by eradicating the dissipate desires. It is essential for an individual to understand the concept of credit toil and mortgages; this will help the person to stay away from debts and other legal problems. If you wish to know more about economics, than there are several websites that provide complete information on budget planning.

Now the user should be very careful while providing personal information to these online firms. Here for planning or managing your budget you need to provide the account details. Therefore before relying on any of these budget sites it is necessary to do some homework and look out for an accurate one, as there are chances of getting cheated. Now the links which are genuine will charge some amount for the services provided, once the payment is done, software will be provided to the user. 

This software will allow the user to manage his/her personal funds, credit cards and bank accounts. If an individual prefers using a free site than he/she will get limited information plus the user will not get wide-ranging support and help. Users of the budget calculators and planners can have a regular check on their expenditures and savings. They can observe all their transactions this will give them a clear picture of how and where the money is being used. 

Once you are clear about the money saving concept, you can live a good and a high profiled lifestyle. Now if you are running a business the basic things that are be taken for consideration are set up a book to manage your credit stipulations and maintain the bank account to record of all financial transactions. By using online budget software you can easily manage all your financial transactions without assistance.

Now if you want to have a good control on your hard earnings apart from the above mentioned remedies, you must also try to eradicate few unusual activities. This may spoil your health and you can disturb your budget by spending more on medical treatment. If you are not concerned about your health then you can waste all your money on medicines and treatment. 

There are many ways to come out of this trouble like you can look out for a good health insurance plan and invest a handful of your income on any good and liable insurance scheme. This will protect you and your family from unexpected trouble. 

To stop misuse of money you can give up some unusual habits like drinking or smoking.The price of cigarettes has risen dramatically over the past few years. Government taxes on cigarettes are exorbitant. If you total how much you would spend on cigarettes per week, you would then see how much your smoking vice is costing you per year. For smokers, insurance policies are also more expensive. A good idea would be to replace regular cigarettes with electronic cigarettes which cost less and also doesn't contain toxins and harmful chemicals, the major cause of lung cancer.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Turn Your Bad Purchases in Cash

Have you come to the conclusion that you may have a tad of an online shopping addiction? Do not worry; you are not alone…not by a long shot. There are millions of Americans who tend to splurge a little with their online purchases. What’s even worse than looking at your bank statement, which provides documentation of your little splurges, is realizing all those items you just “had to have” aren't even being used! Don't feel ashamed or embarrassed if this has happened to you, and the great news is… there’s a way out!

If your online little splurge items are starting to get a little dust on them or even taking up space in your home, well then perhaps it is time to say goodbye! Don’t get discouraged just yet; you can make a significant profit on your items. From clothes, electronics, jewelry, furniture, or even miscellaneous products…there is a buyer out there for it all, just have to find the right one. What better place to start then where you started your buying spree yourself…online!

The online market is outlandishly vast in regards to shopping and/or buying items. If you are looking to sell some of your old or “old-new” pieces, this can be an extremely lucrative market. Selling jewelry for cash is extremely popular and there are companies and websites galore that will gladly buy your unwanted items…remember to be careful and do your research on the company. 

If you want to get the most buck for your bling, take a look at Now if you are trying to sell electronics or even designer clothing, don’t forget about online sites like and watch your items fly off your shelves and money fly into your pocket. 

Whatever you’re looking to sell, there is always a buyer out there, it just may take a little extra time finding the right one for you.

Great Way of Saving Money on Your Car Insurance

A car crash on Jagtvej in Copenhagen, Denmark.
A car crash on Jagtvej in Copenhagen, Denmark. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Have you ever wondered if you could save money on your car insurance? Well, you may think it's not possible, but the truth is that it is, and this offer is one step closer to you if you're reading this. 

Co-operative Car insurance provides you with this amazing opportunity to save up to £156 on your premiums. Co-operative Car insurance is from among the leading UK car insurance companies. Go to Co-operative Car insurance to see how many unique offers they have, and thanks to which you can save money and spend them on anything else that is on your mind. Their various package offers meet the needs of a great variety of clients like you, and nobody ends up being disappointed. 

On the contrary, clients prefer Co-operative Car insurance and rely on their professional approach for help and advice as well. With many promo codes, offers , discounts, savings packages they are irresistible for everyone owning a car and desiring to just hit the road without worrying too much about the details.On top of all that, you can check also My Voucher Codes for even more amazing and unbeatable offers, that can cover almost all spheres of life. You can browse by category depending on your special needs, look for something particular, check out the top 50 offers, that our clients prefer the most, and many more options. 

Saving money has never been so easy to achieve. Anytime you need to purchase a gift for a family member or a friend, or you need an insurance renewal, or you're looking for a vacation package you could find that at any moment you can get a discount or savings plan from My Voucher Codes. 

Spend time to check their offers and discounts, promo codes, etc, and pick your best choice, you will not regret it and will be amazed how quickly you can save money and spend them on family vacation trips, quality time with your children and spouse, surprising colleagues at work for their birthdays, and many more special occasions. With the above offer by Co-operative Car insurance you may be sure that any future accident, car break or any small or large incident will be covered by the company and your family will be in safe hands, and your money expenses will be fully covered. And even more – you will have saved money by picking their brilliant offer.

7 Rules to Better Manage Your Money

 Every game has rules; managing and saving money are no different. Rules are a good thing; they set boundaries and keep people out of trouble, provided the rules are followed. By adding the rules that follow in this article, you can bet that your financial situation will improve. Here are 7 rules to to manage your money more wisely.

1. Needs vs. Wants 

If we all limited ourselves to our true needs, most of our money problems would disappear. After all, we don't really need much: food, water, shelter, and some company. At the same time, there are a variety of ways to satisfy those needs. For example, we can choose to eat beans every night or we can have a steak. There's also a difference between a tent and a $5 million home. 

Most material things in this world are entirely optional, and most of us have limited resources. Make sure you're not buying more than you need.

2. Don't spend new money 

New money is a raise or a financial windfall. You were already surviving without that money so don't expand your lifestyle to accommodate your new income. In general, we are not miserable because we don't have a new car or a bigger house; we are miserable because we can't pay our bills on time. Invest all the increases in your income and someday you can buy all the stuff you want. 

3. There is always an opportunity cost. 

Every decision has a cost, even if it's just the loss of other options. Buying a new car means the money for the car payments can't be used for something else. Going to college can cost four years of income. Always look at what you're giving up and decide if it's worth it. 

4. It's all about supply and demand

Consider that our income is largely determined by supply and demand. A brain surgeon makes a lot of money because when her skills are needed, the demand is extremely high. There are also relatively few people with her skill set. If you're easy to replace, your income is probably not as great as you would like. Always look for ways to make yourself irreplaceable. 

5. Understand risk. 

T-bills don't pay very well because the risk is minimal, perhaps next to zero. Stocks, on the other hand, pay much better on the average. However, stocks are more risky, too. Always consider the risk to your money and compare that with the expected return. Ask yourself, "Is the return I'm likely to get worth the risk?"

6. Understand the time value of money. 

Would you receive $100 today or $100 in 5 years? It is far better to receive $100 today. You could invest it or save it and start earning interest. Be sure to consider the time horizon for your investments. Here is some more information on the time value of money. The math can get complicated, but don't give up! 

7. Compound interest is an amazing thing. 

If you invested a single penny and were able to double it every day, in a month you would have over $10 million! The key is to leave your investments alone; don't take the money out and spend it. You'll be surprised just how quickly it can grow if you can just leave it alone. 

Anyone that keeps these 7 rules in mind will be handsomely rewarded in the future. If you're not already following all the rules, pick one and start today. Add a new rule each month until you're fully up to speed. Your bank account will thank you.

Melissa Wood contributes as an editor at Obsessed with finding small ways to save money every day, she enjoys sharing her frugal lifestyle to the MoneyWise Blog. Read more about Melissa on her Google+ page.

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