Wednesday, July 3, 2013

So…Where Does All of Your Tax Money Go To?

Filing your tax returns is never fun business, especially when you don’t really understand where your money goes. For the most part, Americans know that their tax dollars help the government pay for infrastructure such as roads and defense for the country. But exactly how much of their money goes towards these purchases? Nowadays, the answer can be found with the click of a button. As promised in the State of the Union, you can now visit the White House website and input your income tax details to see how the Federal government is spending your money.

So exactly how does the government spend the income tax of an average American family which makes $50,000 per year and consists of two parents and a child? Here is a listing of the departments that the government pays for with income tax payments:

National Defense - 24.64%

The primary job of a government is to protect its citizens, so it is not surprising that defense swallows nearly a quarter of the average family’s income tax. This includes the massive 10.26% that is currently being spent on ongoing operations in places like Afghanistan. While many see defense as a necessary big-budget item, others complain that America overspends: the US spends more on defense than the next 19 countries combined!

National budget estimates for 2013:

Health Care - 22.45%

Medicaid and Medicare make up most of the healthcare category which provides cheap health insurance for the elderly, the disabled and those receiving a low income. A small fraction of the health care budget is also spent on health research and disease control which helps to maintain a good quality of public health for all those in the United States.

More info about healthcare spending in the US:

Job and Family Security - 17.26%

The Job and Family Security section of your federal income tax receipt makes up most of the welfare which covers a wide array of safety-net programs. The largest item within this bracket however is actually retirement and disability benefits for federal military and civilian employees. These benefits ensure that everybody from soldiers to teachers has enough money to retire and live contently. This is followed by food and nutrition assistance (including SNAP, formerly known as food stamps) at 3.89% and unemployment insurance at 0.99%.

Breakdown of Job and Family Security section and other sections:

Net Interest - 8.01%

The government currently spends more on running the country than it receives back in taxes, meaning that the federal government currently runs a deficit in the borrowed. As you are probably aware from credit card bills or your mortgage, interest can be killer and there is no exception when it comes to sovereign debt. In the case of the US, 8.02% of the average family’s tax money is spent just on servicing the interest on loans the US government has taken out. 

More info about the Net Interest paid by the government:

Education and Job Training - 3.30%

Considering that education is supposed to be the silver bullet, a surprisingly small amount of tax money is spent on maintaining K-12 education, college financial aid and job training from federal income tax. This department also provides training and positions for those who have disabilities. This number can be seen as misrepresentation however, as some state taxes also go towards funding education.

Breakdown of Education and Job Training section and other sections:

Veterans Benefits - 4.53%

Veterans benefits is probably the one section of government spending that requires no squabbling, as looking after those who have served their country is seen by many as a duty and not as an option. In fact, many are arguing for spending on veterans benefits to be slightly included so as to quicken the process of veterans receiving their benefits, as currently the Department of Veterans Affairs does not use a computer filing system and therefore many needy veterans must wait months (if not years) to receive their due.

More information and detailed breakdown on Veteran Benefits:

Natural Resources, Energy and Environment - 2.05%

Most of the energy and environment budget is spent on energy and environment concerns that most of us take for granted: reducing pollution, managing the nation’s water and undertaking conservation of our nation’s forests and protected areas. This section does contain some items that can be controversial: from the funding of renewable energy projects at one end and to the funding of oil pipelines at the other.

Breakdown of Natural Resources, Energy and Environment section and other sections:

International Affairs - 1.72%

Most Americans think a much greater proportion of the federal budget is spent on international affairs than actual is with a tiny 0.8% of tax payers’ money being spent on development and humanitarian assistance. The figure for international affairs also includes the 0.5% that is spent on the essential components of foreign affairs like funding embassies and America’s participation in international organizations.

Detailed breakdown of the spending:

Science, Space and Technology Programs - 1.06%

Just over 1% of your tax bill is spent supporting scientific research, with that money roughly being split evenly between NASA and the National Science Foundation. As well as funding big ticket items like shuttle missions and probes, money invested in science in the US pays back dividends in all kinds of unusual ways. For example, the Internet was pioneered by NSF back in the late seventies.
Detailed breakdown of this sector and other sectors as well:

Additional Programs - 14.99%

The remaining items on the itemized federal tax receipt are small-ticket items that nevertheless are essential to the running of the USA, including the cost of law enforcement, response to natural disasters, and Additional Government Programs which includes the cost of running federal government and paying congressmen, senators and the President.

Author bio: This article was written by Simon a blogger, content manager, financial expert. He is a financially conscious guy with a Msc. in International Economics. He is a longtime contributor to various financial, accounting, taxation blogs among others the authoritative taxation and accounting blog of the Wallace&Associates APC Los Angeles a tax consulting services company.

How to Ask for and Get a Raise

Everyone knows that part of getting the most out of your money is to control your expenses. By managing the money that is leaving your household you can be certain that you are buying the things your family needs before you spend money on things your family simply wants. What people often forget to focus on, though, is the income side of the family finance equation. Reaching your full earning potential is just as important as controlling your expenses

So how do you reach your full earning potential? The first step is to confirm that you are currently receiving fair payment for the work you perform. During the tough economic situation of the past few years, many people have not received a raise for some time. Perhaps you felt lucky to have a job at all.

If it has been awhile since you reviewed your salary, it may be time to approach your boss about a raise. Before you knock on his door, though, take a look at the following tips to ensure that your request is granted. 

  • Know what you're worth. Take advantage of the internet’s resources to determine what your peers are earning in your city or region. Being able to show your boss concrete proof that you're being underpaid makes it much easier to ask for more money. 
  • List situations where you have gone above and beyond what was expected of you. Have you taken on new duties since your last raise? Be sure to detail those new responsibilities during your conversation with your boss. Did you come to the rescue during a crunch time at work? Make sure you point that out, too. 
  • Give examples of ways that you help the company be more successful. Perhaps you have brought in several new clients to your company. Or maybe you've developed a new filing system that saves time. Be prepared to regale your boss with tales of your achievements since your last raise. If you're afraid that you'll forget them when you're actually in the boss’ office, write down a few notes to keep you on topic. 
  • Avoid citing the length of time since your last raise. It can be very tempting to request a raise simply because you haven’t received one in a great deal of time. Don’t give in to the temptation. You don’t want your employer to think that you expect a raise just because you work for him. You’re much more likely to be successful if you stick to showing him objective ways you contribute to the company. 
  • Don’t give ultimatums unless you’re prepared to follow through with them. Many people think that the easiest way to get a raise is to mention that you’re prepared to look for another job if you don’t get a raise. Or, even worse, to threaten that you already have a new job offer. Unless you really are ready to look for a new job or have that job offer, don’t issue ultimatums. Your boss just might end up wishing you good luck on your new endeavors and leave you with no income at all. 

Life Insurance Options for the Over 50's

Even though you may not be officially considered a senior yet, it is still never too early to consider planning for your family’s future. It is still very possible to obtain life insurance even if you are fifty years of age or older, and there are a few particular implications to consider if you are thinking of doing so.
  • It is clear that there will be plenty of grief upon your death, but there will also be a significant amount of costs involved.
Our mortality is an uncomfortable thing to talk about, but it is a reality that we all face. Therefore, life insurance can provide you and your family with a better sense of security for the future. It will be easier for your family to move on with their lives knowing that they have coverage in the case of your death. Having a good insurance plan can keep everyone protected during these hard times. This is especially useful considering how expensive funeral and estate taxes can be.
  • Signing up for life insurance becomes increasingly complicated as we age. 
For senior citizens, obtaining life insurance is not quite the same as it is for younger people. Understandable, our bodies become more vulnerable to illness as we age, and life insurance companies take this factor into account and charge premiums depending on your age and health.
  • Insurance may also be open for mortgage coverage. 
Sometimes a mortgage might not be paid off until well after you retire. Therefore, a life insurance policy that covers your mortgage may be open to you if you are over fifty. This helps to ensure that your spouse or significant other doesn't lose the family home upon your death.
  • Insurance may also be open to pay for your child's education. 
You can take in a term life insurance policy to cover the expense associated with a child's college or higher education. This may work well if you are looking to find a policy that would benefit your children or others in your family.
  • You can find lower insurance premiums by having a healthier lifestyle. 
People who live healthy and positive lifestyles are more likely to get better rates on their insurance policies or to even be accepted in the first place. This is generally due to the fact that a healthier lifestyle tends to improve life expectancy. In fact, getting a policy just might be the key to actually improving your lifestyle and giving you the best possible form of protection.
  • Tax deductible policies are also available. 
You can find policies that are tax deductible, meaning that you may end up taking the premiums and having them cover some of the costs of your taxes. This should be particularly helpful for you in your older age as you become more likely to have less money to use as income, thus keeping the financial burden of taxes from being worse at your age.

You should strongly consider a life insurance policy if you are to protect your family and your loved ones. Even if you are at least fifty years of age, you can still benefit from a policy. Be sure to contact an expert as soon as you can because it's often better for you to get your insurance plans organized and in place early so you won't miss a thing.

Considering getting life insurance even at 50 or older can be a wise decision because it can involve a good deal of coverage for all kinds of expenses upon death. Wealth Smart can assist you with finding insurance if you are in this age group.

Mortgage Approvals Rise Thanks to UK Lending Schemes

Loans (Photo credit: zingbot)
Mortgage approvals are on the rise in the UK, particularly for first-time home buyers. The increased number of approvals indicates resurgence in consumer confidence, along with an increased availability of products. Since most of the approvals were attributed to first-time home buyers, much of the credit for the increase can be attributed to government lending schemes, such as Funding for Lending, the NewBuy, and the Help to Buy schemes. 

These schemes have made it easier for people to enter the housing market due to a variety of incentives. Furthermore, because so many of the mortgage approvals are driven by high loan-to-value borrowers (meaning those borrowers putting forward a low deposit in relation to the size of the mortgage), many are further crediting this high LTV rate to the mortgage thaw instigated by the government lending schemes. We will look at why consumers are getting back into the property market, and specifically at how the government funding schemes are fueling the increased demand.

Higher Mortgage Approvals

After the 2008 financial crisis, mortgages became much more difficult to get. Many banks were warier about who they lent money to in an effort to avert another financial disaster. At the same time, property prices continued to rise. As a result, homebuyers were stuck: they could no longer qualify for mortgages, and even if they could, they couldn’t afford the payments on those mortgages. The housing market stalled, as did the economy.

Lending Schemes

The government’s lending schemes were designed to overcome this predicament. The three main lending schemes, Funding for Lending, the NewBuy, and Help to Buy, all have their own unique structures and regulations, but they all share the same purpose: to make mortgages easier for people to afford. The Funding for Lending scheme in particular has helped fuel much of the increased approval rate. 

Under the Funding for Lending scheme, cheaper funds are delivered to lenders, thereby mitigating the risk those lenders take on by approving mortgages for borrowers with smaller than average deposits. Likewise, the NewBuy and Help to Buy schemes work on a similar basis, with the government either paying the lender a certain portion of the property’s value, or contributing a portion to the borrower’s deposit. As a result, mortgage rates are being driven down, and first-time home buyers no longer need to save up for years on end in order to make a deposit on a home. In some cases, the government may even contribute up to half of a borrower’s deposit.

The housing market is a huge driver of the economy, and without people buying houses, the economy fails to grow. News that mortgage approvals are on the rise are encouraging not just for first-time homebuyers, but for all UK consumers. The increase in mortgage approvals, however, is due to more than market forces; it is largely driven by government lending schemes that mitigate the risks of lending for lenders, while decreasing the overall deposits borrowers have to put forward. While it is unclear if mortgage approvals can continue to rise without such government assistance, this current news is certainly encouraging for the foreseeable economic future.

Harry Davis is a former bank teller. He still likes to keep up with money matters, and then posts his findings for others to read. You can learn about the financial planning service at

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Finding the Best Mortgage Rates

Finding the perfect house may be difficult, but choosing the right mortgage loan can prove to be even more challenging, especially for first-time borrowers  While the mortgage process may seem daunting, finding a knowledgeable broker can conveniently simplify and expedite the process. A mortgage broker will help you navigate the mortgage system and will match your financial needs with a suitable mortgage from a selection of lenders. The key is choosing the right broker. Similarly, choosing the right mortgage lender can be an overwhelming and frustrating process. By understanding some simple mortgage terms, knowing the right questions to ask, and comparing mortgage quotes from multiple companies can better enable you to find the best mortgage loan possible for your particular financial situation. 

To narrow down your search for the best mortgage rates, brokers, and lenders, this article will highlight three tools that will help simplify your search for the best mortgage loan available. 

Brokers vs Lenders 

To start, it is important to identify the difference between a mortgage broker and a mortgage lender. Many people do not understand and often confuse the difference between the two parties. Essentially, a mortgage broker is a loan provider who serves as a liaison between you and mortgage lenders. A mortgage broker offers the loan product of various lenders, while a mortgage lender provides the actual loan money. Many lenders, though not all, are associated with banks. As a loan seeker, you can either apply for a mortgage at the bank you use for your checking and savings accounts, or you can shop around to see which lenders offer the best interest rates and terms. 

Mortgage brokers do not loan money, instead, they work with you to help you find appropriately-matched mortgage loans. Typically, a mortgage broker will learn about your particular financial situation and then shop around for the best loans from lenders offering the particular type of loan you need. Brokers usually work with numerous lenders, attempting to match the right lender with your profile. Since they have so many lenders from which to choose, brokers are more likely to find loans for borrowers with special needs, such as bad credit, than individual lenders. It is beneficial to explore all your options and to meet with multiple mortgage brokers and lenders so you can determine where you would be best served. 

How to Find the Best Brokers 

To find the best broker it is important to get specific. Anyone seeking a loan has a different loan purpose, be it commercial or residential. This key information can be a factor in deciding which broker to work with. Similarly, when seeking help from a broker you should research each type of mortgage to see which is right for you. Each one has its own set of pros and cons, and choosing one that first your financial situation can help create better plans for the future. Check out the tool below to help you search for the right mortgage broker:

How to Find the Best Lenders 

To find the best lender it is important to assess loan type, mortgage loan programs, closing costs, and company reputation. Researching the necessary loan type is important for both brokers and lenders as explained above. There are several types of loans to choose from such as adjustable rate, fixed rate, home equity loans, and hybrids. Mortgage loan programs are typically overlooked, but they can offer you special deals or lower rates. Closing costs and reputation should be factors in your decision as working with a company that has excellent personnel and has been in business for years could seek to benefit you. You must also ensure that you will be paying reasonable closing costs, which are various fees charged by those involved with home sale. Check out the tool below to help you search for the right mortgage lender:

How to Save on Your Mortgage Payments 

For most homeowners, a mortgage payment accounts for about 30 percent of their monthly income. If you’re determined to stick with your budget, take time to trim some of those housing expenses. You can free up some extra cash each month by reducing your monthly mortgage payment and then reconfiguring your budget to better manage your household’s monthly expenses. It may be helpful to make a large lump sum payment to pay down your mortgage, shop around for better rates, extend the life of the loan, or ask your lender about the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). These steps and these tools will help you narrow down the search for the best rates, brokers, and lenders when seeking a mortgage loan.

4 Convenient Purchases You May Not Have Thought Of Making Online

Millions of people buy products online in the 21st century. Everything from deodorant to planes can be bought without ever leaving the questionable comfort of your computer chair. On the other hand, many products are still mainly purchased in brick and mortar stores, and have yet to take off online. However, there are hundreds of automotive products that you may not have thought of purchasing online, and for one reason or another people always feel the need to head to a store to purchase them. Let's take a look at some items that can conveniently be bought online.

1. Windshield Washer Fluid

Most people don't bother to refill the fluids in their car, and instead rely on a mechanic to do it for them when they find themselves visiting one. In certain climates where precipitation is plentiful however, drivers can find themselves running out of fluid much quicker than anticipated. Ordering windshield fluid online is much quicker than traveling to a store, and often cheaper as well. And no need to hire a mechanic when the fluid arrives, the process of refilling is as easy as pouring a glass of water.

2. GPS Units

Magellan Blazer12 GPS Receiver.

Why let luxury car owners have all the fun? Manufacturers such as Garmin and Nuvi offer their standalone GPS units online, and one can compare hundreds of models versus the few that are often on display at electronic stores. Ordering online also guarantees your unit will have the most up-to-date maps, compared to one which may have been sitting in a showroom for months. Installation is simple as well: just stick or clip the unit onto your windshield or dashboard.

3. Touch Up Paint

Over time, every car develops dings, dents, and chips. No matter how safe you are, simply driving a car results in minor blemishes. Instead of paying someone a costly fee to fix these, why not order a bottle of Touch-Up paint and take matters into your own hands? Most cost less than ten dollars, and will save you hundreds compared to the alternative.

4. Tires

Off-road tire

Almost every driver purchases tires from their local mechanic or automotive shop. Surprisingly however, they can be purchased online, and often at a much lower price.

Manufacturers such as Carlisle sell tires online which are delivered in days, and can be installed with a little online research and some elbow grease. Carlisle tires online even offers ATV and trailer tires, which are even simpler to install.

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