Saturday, July 13, 2013

Want to Get A Loan with Bad Credit? Here are 3 Simple Steps!

Loans (Photo credit: zingbot)
So you have taken a number of loans in the past years in order to manage all those daily expenses and pay off those huge medical bills and utility bills. With such credit crunch and price hikes, it becomes next to impossible to manage all the expenses; and after that, there are always emergencies for which you need to arrange the money somehow. In a situation like this, taking loans is the only solution. Since getting traditional credits from banks or other sources becomes a little difficult as it involves a huge time and the process, too, is time consuming, it is preferable to opt for loans with bad credits from personal lenders. If you are not too sure how to get a loan with a bad credit, here are some simple tips - 

  • Apply to Credit Unions - Credit unions are similar in nature to banks but these are owned by people who have something in common, like they must be working in the same industry or they should live in the same geographical location. These are non-profit organizations that pass along its earnings to the members in form of higher customer service and lower fees. Research online a bit to find the credit unions in your locality and give them a call to discuss if you can get a personal finance. Make sure you compare the loans from a number of different institutions in order to ensure that you are getting the best possible loan, with lowest possible interest rates.
  • Use a home equity credit - If you have a home or a similar property like that, which can be kept as collateral, you can use that in order to get the loan. Well, it is of course a bit dangerous to keep your house as collateral since it will be seized by the lender, if you fail to pay off the debt in a timely manner. But then if you have a reliable source of steady income, and if you are disciplined enough to pay down an equity line thoroughly, it is really a cheap option to consider.
  • Try to get a peer to peer finance – If you can't manage a credit from the sources, mentioned above, you can try to get a credit of considerable amount from this platform. This is a means of getting cheap bad credit loans from a particular individual directly instead of an institution.

4 Challenges to Take on After Retirement

retirement (Photo credit: 401(K) 2013)
You're finally there! You've been working tirelessly for decades, at a nine to five job, because you had to. Now it's time to retire and you can finally do what you've always wanted to do. Take a look at these four challenging things you can have fun doing in retirement.

Travel the World

There's no better time than retirement to travel the world because you don't have to worry about being back on a certain date to get back to work. You finally get the opportunity to see all the places you want to see, whether that is a trip to Egypt, Africa, Europe, or the Caribbean. Depending on how well you saved money for retirement, you can travel for most of the year. 

  • Go on a cruise 
  • Take a tour with a travel group 
  • Take a road trip with several stops 
  • Visit every state or every continent 

Take Some Classes

Learning doesn't have to stop just because you've reached retirement. As a matter of fact, it is one of the best times to learn because you can devote your full attention to learning something. Is there something you always wished you could do? Well, take a look at the classes at your community college or find other opportunities in your area to take classes. 

  • Learn to decorate cakes 
  • Learn how to be a good photographer 
  • Get that degree you've always wanted 
  • Learn some new dance moves 

Start a Business

Are you one of those people that will never truly retire? If you like to work and want to be your own boss, starting a business in your retirement will help you continue to stay busy. Plus, it will help you out financially if you didn't start saving for retirement early enough. According to Entrepreneurship Monitor, 18 percent of startups are made by people who are 55 or older and 7.9 percent are 65 or older. That's no surprise since older people have more business experience and know what it takes to be successful. The best businesses for retirement are those that are fun and rewarding. 

  • Start a restaurant with gen2 cooking equipment
  • Tutor children 
  • Become a travel agent 
  • Provide consulting services with your years of expertise 

Spend Time on a Hobby

Some people never have the time to learn a hobby until they retire. There just isn't enough time in the day to go to work, take care of your kids, and handle all your other responsibilities. So, retirement is a great time to learn a hobby because you are finally able to stay at home. The best hobbies are those that keep your mind active. 

  • Start a blog 
  • Learn how to paint 
  • Sew or knit for your grandkids 
  • Start a collection 

These are just a few of the challenges you can take on after you retire from your job. There are many more things you can do, too. What do you want to accomplish in retirement? Leave a comment.

New Technologies Keeping You Organized With Your Finances

Finance (Photo credit: Tax Credits)
It is very important to make use of accurate systems in financial management since this is the only way you can achieve financial freedom. A proper system can in its most basic sense, be compared to a car engine; a car may look sleek and have the perfect color, but it cannot take you anywhere if the engine is malfunctioning. Likewise, you may be making millions, but if you do not employ the right system of finance management, what you earn will be just about meaningless --it will not help you get where you want. Keep in mind that when it comes to finances, it can never be too early or too late to get things in good standing. 

Five applications that can help you take effective control of your finance 

Credit Karma 

This is very useful software that helps you gain access to your credit scores and also facilitates credit monitoring. Credit scores essentially represent how well or not you utilize your credit, and a high score always works to your advantage. It's thus important to continuously work toward achieving and maintaining those high numbers and credit karma can help you make your way there. However accessibility of this application is limited to an iPhone. 

Sometimes you may just need to get a visual representation of how your finances are adding up, and can help facilitate that. With this application, you can compare your credit card debts with the cash you have in hand, so that you can subsequently determine how to settle the debt. It also helps you see how much you spend based on the budget you have set. 


If you need a reliable way through which to keep all your receipts, this application makes a good alternative. You can use it to get your credit cards and receipts linked so that they are easily reachable from one spot. This will make you stay on top of your expenses so that you make your payments on time. 


Financisto is an android application that enables for a user to control multiple accounts. If you are an international business person, it can be a very helpful application since it enables you to manage numerous currencies. In addition it makes possible for you to move money into different accounts, so that you have the cash exactly where it's needed. You can also create back-up data which you can then save in Google drive or drop box. 

Nickel Tracker 

If you experience difficulty in sticking to the amount you have put down on your monthly or weekly budget, nickel tracker can enable you to take charge of the matter. The application sends you an alert when you are almost reaching your budget limits, and this helps ensure that you do not overspend. 

The availability of advanced technology has contributed to the easy access of such applications; it's certainly a good way to keep track of every coin and doing it the right way can greatly help you take control of your financial life. 

With a good system in place, you can figure out where to direct more of your resources, and also determine what you have achieved so you get to establish the amount of extra effort to put in. The advantage of these applications is that they can be easily accessed no matter your location, and they are also easy to use, as long as you make use of a compatible gadget. The fact that they are free is just a bonus since you do not have to worry about incurring extra running costs. Technology is undoubtedly one really efficient process in the management of finance. 

Author Bio 
Joshua Turner is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to business. In this article, he describes a few organizational technologies for finances and aims to encourage further study with a UAB online bachelors in MIS.

Friday, July 12, 2013

When Business Matters - Is it Better Not to Include Relatives in a Business?

I have several friends who have their own businesses. Some of these friends of mine come from really big families and it is already expected for my friends to help their relatives by giving them jobs. While I think it's a great idea to help your family, there are a few exceptions though. One of my friends complains that her nephew does nothing but slack off during working hours. My friend felt that just because they're relatives, he can just slack off and not work properly. This friend of mine has loads of problems already and she felt that if her nephew does not change his ways, she will have to fire him. And when this does happen, I'm pretty sure their relationship will get ugly in the future.

This made me think deeply. I do have plans of building my own business and there will be a time when I will have to employ some of my own relatives as a way of helping them or to save costs in employment. However, I surely don't want to experience the kind of problem that my friend had. Is there a way for business owners to not have any problems with their relatives working for them?

Recognizing their Roles

When getting relatives as an employee, they have to remember one thing; that they're working for you and that you are paying their salaries. They will have to understand that you have to work hard for their salary and that you're willing to deduct their salaries if they don't show up for work. Besides, you have a business to run and slackers are definitely not allowed in the company, even if they're relatives. The fact that you're a relative to them makes them feel that they can do whatever they want, since you'll just turn a blind eye to their mistakes. Make sure that this does not happen.

Mistakes will always be mistakes

This rule is especially true in a business setting. Whatever mistakes that an employee has committed, there should be a disciplinary action - most especially if the employee is a relative. I remember one particular story where one California car title loans employee made a mistake during work time. Of course, this particular employee is the cousin of the company owners, so she did not do anything about the problem. That is, until the owner of loan company noticed that something was wrong because of a customer complaint.

The lesson here is to make the relative/employee realize that you mean business. And business needs utter dedication and hard work. Period.

Recognition goes a long way

Recognizing your employees for a good job done is one way of thanking them for working their hardest. Some managers or business owners no longer appreciate their working relatives because of the fact that they are expected to work properly. This makes them feel under appreciated and will start slacking off.

While it's incredibly hard to become a good manager and a good family relative, you will have to learn that while having a good relationship with either a nephew, a niece, a brother, a sister, or a relative is important, your business should always come first. It will be unfair to the rest of your workforce, especially if they're the ones working the hardest.

About the Author:
Jessica Greenberg is an avid blogger from San Diego, California.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Discover it for Students' Credit Card - Review Update

Discover has played a significant role in introducing students to the essentials of finance. Since the development of Discover it® for Students, it has become clear that the bank is venturing into student borrowing. Basically, the cards specifications resemble those of full-featured credit cards. 

Lets dig deep into what the bank has for students.

To begin with, no one will deny the fact that student credits cards have for a long time earned bad reputations. For instance, they are notoriously known for locking students into high- APR and low credit line accounts that have minimal benefits. Without dwelling much on the problems that college students have faced, Discover it® for Students have come to the rescue of students. 

The credit card brings an experience that will definitely add meaning to ever student's life. It matches those dream credit cards that can only be obtained once an individual has spent some time in a professional work. The card has countless benefits which can only be understood better once a student acquires the cards.

What benefits does Discover it for students have?

First of all, there is the unlimited 1% cash back rebate on the entire purchases. This enables you to pile up your rewards which are redeemable as statement credits. Redemption can also be done on That is not all, there are quarterly promotions which can boost your rebates up to 5% on all purchases in rotating categories which includes movie theatres, restaurants, gas stations, and various departmental stores.Generally, the program is meant to better the life of every college student. 

There are several good things that it has to offer. Apart from what has already been explained, you need not forget the fact Discover's web portal has other things in store for you. For instance, by booking travel plans through the web portal, you will be able to earn bigger rebates. Oh! Did I mention? Shopping online through Discover's web portal will also earn you some rebates. Definitely, you won't like to miss that.

The Discover it® for Students card cannot be compared with other credit cards. Its features are superior to several other cards that can be obtained in the market. While other student credits cards rely on benefits that expand over time, the discover it card incorporates various privileges beginning from day one. In fact, the arrangements that the bank has will make you wonder why such a bank has decided to be so nice. However, you need not question their offer. It is real and it is meant for you. Take your chance. The bank believes that you are able to run your financial life and even if you face challenges, the challenges are common to everyone since they are no attached to specific age groups.

Actually, you have every reason to embrace this new development since everything has been taken care of. In case you miss a minimum monthly payment for the first time, Discover will waive you the late penalty. In addition, your APR will not translate to a higher penalty rate. This is a unique feature that you will hardly get from other banks.

Another feature is that the card is an amazing travel companion. You will not have to crash your budget citing reasons like transaction fees and lack of merchants. The card comes with no over-limit fee and therefore you are free to spend a little more that what you have planned. The credit card also has flexible payment options. This is meant to ensure that you don't miss even a single deadline. Provided that you submit your payment in the correct date, you will not be eligible to pay late payment fees.

Other benefits

On signing up, there are other benefits that will be enjoyed. Provided that you make your first purchase within the first 3 months of opening the account, you will earn a promotional award of $20. The promotional bonus is an addition to the cash back bonus that is enjoyed on all purchases.

Simply put, the Discover it for students comes with the following benefits:

  • No annual maintenance fees 
  • No transaction charges 
  • No over-limit fees 
  • It has no APR hikes in case of late payments 
  • No late fee is charged on the first late payment.

In short, Discover it® for Students aims to smoothen and simplify the relations between card issuers and card holders.

How to Find the Best Health Insurance Plan

Choosing the proper health insurance plan has become a huge decision for many families. There used to be limited types of service, but since then, we’ve been surrounded by numerous choices.

Finding the best plan for you and your family is enough to make you diagnose yourself and avoid hospital care at all costs. Today, you need to know all the options available to you, what each of the options offers you, and of course, whether you can afford it or not.

In this article, we will examine the factors you should consider when selecting the best health insurance plan for your family and the Medigap policy plans that many struggles with.

For starters, let’s search for and compare hospitals and urgent care in your area. This step can help give you a solid baseline for selecting your health insurance plan based on the difference in cost associated with not owning a plan.

Compare Available Plans Keep in mind that you have no one-size-fits-all health insurance coverage. To find the coverage you need and to avoid the costs of paying for what you don’t, there are several questions and factors you must consider before signing the dotted line.

You are responsible for thoroughly understanding the plan you selected and following its guidelines. Various plans are available, and it is sometimes hard to begin to understand each of them. 

To start, let’s take a look at a comparison tool that helps you search for and compare health insurance plans available to you and your family.

What to Consider When Selecting a Plan

1. Budget verse Need

a. Your Needs.

Finding the marriage between your budget and need can be a tough factor to weigh. The needs of an individual in their twenties are far different from those of a family of four. 

Again, these needs are vastly different for baby boomers entering retirement. Because the needs of your family will vary based on the age and health of each individual, you must identify the coverage you need and assess whether you can afford it.

b. Your Budget.

It is important to look at both what you need and what your bank account will afford you. For those operating under a low financial ceiling, it is important to pay close attention to where your health care dollars are going. 

You should consider the following questions: How often do you visit the doctor? How high of a monthly premium can you afford? Will you be able to meet your deductible in order to qualify for full coverage?

2. Identify the must-haves

It is relatively impossible to foresee a sudden illness or injury. However, some medical costs must be anticipated. For example, an obvious cost is maternity coverage if you’re starting a family. 

Not all policies offer maternity coverage. Therefore, it is important to understand and break down each policy option. 

If your family has a history of heart disease, selecting a plan that covers the cost of cardiac screening tests and cholesterol-lowering drugs may make sense.

3. Medicare Supplement verse Health Insurance

It is important to know what a Medigap policy is. A Medigap policy is health insurance that fills the gaps in your Original Medicare coverage by helping you pay for coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles for Medicare-covered services. 

Medigap policies will also cover benefits that Original Medicare does not cover. If you simply need to fill the “holes” in your current coverage plan, you should consider choosing a Medicare Supplement Plan. See the resource below if this applies to you:

4. Don’t Overbuy

Would you consider buying a luxury car with a monthly mortgage payment as big as your mortgage? There’s not much point in making a purchase that your budget simply cannot handle. 

If you’re young and healthy, you should consider choosing a policy with a high deductible. A deductible starting at $1000 will likely cost you less per month, allowing you to save money in the long run.

5. Health Care Reform and Affordable Care Act

There are many reforms and bills that are currently being discussed in the healthcare industry. These discussions can broaden the population that receives health care coverage through insurance and expand the number of healthcare providers consumers may choose from.

These reforms improve access to health care specialists, improve the quality of care, and help decrease the cost of health care for citizens. It is important to update yourself with the latest news as it will help your search in choosing the best insurance plan possible.


When deciding what health insurance plan to buy, it is important to assess all the above factors. It can be a very stressful process, and it is important that you know exactly what you were paying in your old plan, what you actually need, and if it is worth your while to seek out a 

Medigap policy.

Depending on your age, health, family history, and size of your family, your decision will more than likely be different. 

The tools provided in this article and the factors outlined for you will help simplify your search for a health insurance plan and allow you to find and compare the best insurance policies that fit your needs.

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