Friday, July 19, 2013

Getting Funds for Hiring a Lawyer

If you require legal assistance urgently, with filing a compensation claim for instance, you’ll either need to source a law firm that provides conditional feel agreements, essentially a ‘no win no fee’ arrangement, look at your options concerning legal aid, or raise the funds to hire a solicitor. Moreover, although you might think to yourself ‘Do I really need a solicitor?’ – don’t think that you can represent yourself alone. 

Before you start raising funds...

If you’re looking at filing a compensation claim – before you start selling your possessions – give some thought to your options regarding legal representation and the compensation claim you’re thinking about filing. Firstly, do you even have a claim? This is something to discuss with not one, but at least two, solicitors before you start getting your hopes up and begin raising the funds required to access legal representation, which if you pay for out of your own pocket could be extremely expensive, and due to the nature of filing such claims, somewhat risky.

Once you’ve discussed your case with at least two legal professionals and have established that you indeed have a claim, then start to look at your least expensive (free) options, and here in the UK that’s legal aid. This however, is no longer an option for most claimants because starting on 1st April 2013, legal aid is now only available in clinical negligence cases pertaining to childbirth, for example, where a child suffers a neurological injury that results in severe disabilities during pregnancy, during birth or during the postnatal period.

Raising the funds for legal representation

If you’ve no options remaining then you’ll need to raise the funds you require by other means, and you’ve actually got a few that are worth exploring further, and no, taking your valuables to the local pawnbroker’s isn’t one of these – there are much better ways to raise the funds you require for legal representation than losing your valuables. If you don’t think that the funds required for legal representation will exceed the limit on a credit card then this is an option – provided you’re still working and have a regular income coming in. If you’re paying for a solicitor’s services on an hourly basis then this is a realistic option, plus you won’t need to max out your credit card in most cases, you can simply put the bill on your card and pay it off each week or month, whatever’s more convenient for you.

A personal loan is also an option, provided that you won’t give in to temptation and spend it on something far more enjoyable – perhaps apply for a separate savings account to bank the funds in so as to keep it just for legal representation, like Mintons clinical negligence compensation claim assistance, charged on an hourly basis at competitive rates. Payday loans and similar products are also accessible and would serve the same purpose, though if at all possible apply for a personal loan with a competitive interest rate through a reputable lender, you’ll find that you repay a lot less in interest, plus their repayment frequency and term length options are also more competitive.

You’ll find that many law firms offer payment plans to make their legal services easier to afford to those who’d like to budget and pay back an agreed upon amount on a regular basis. If you can find a law firm that offers this arrangement and their services are reputable, then this might be the best option available to you, one that can help you avoid incurring debt to pay for legal representation, which is always advantageous.

About the Author:

Started in 1998, Mintons Solicitors is a law firm operating across the UK. To know more about Mintons clinical negligence claim services, you may visit their offices in Leeds.

7 Home Improvements That Don't Add Value to Your Investment

backyard swimming pool
backyard swimming pool (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Some home improvements add value to your home while others don't. The following home improvements aren't worth the upfront cost.

Installing A New Pool

A new pool looks great and is a welcomed retreat during the summer months, but it is very expensive to install. 

In-ground pools particularly cost tens of thousands of dollars to finish and this cost is rarely recovered from the sale of the home. 

Some buyers may not want a home that features a pool because of the time and money it would take to maintain it. Plus, there may be legal obligations to owning a pool, such as having insurance.

Building a Home Office

Another home improvement that doesn't add value to the home is the addition of a home office. Most home office renovations include new furniture, computer equipment, and re-wiring. 

This can cost thousands of dollars to complete and only about half of this would be recouped when the house is sold. Instead of investing in the equipment, set aside a room that is more like a study with access to the internet and phone.

Updating the Roof and Windows

Replacing the roof and windows is great home improvement that adds beauty and functionality to an older home. Improvements on this scale is not smart if you intend to sell soon. Consider only making these improvements if you intend to stay in your home for at least 20 years. 

If you intend to downsize as the children go out on their own or you are approaching retirement, it may be advantageous to upgrade the roof and windows just for piece of mind. 

If you're interested in buying a pre-owned home, it may be worth it to get the roof, windows, siding and gutters checked for any damages by Ohio Roofing Solutions. Having such a large expenditure out of the way while you are in your money earning years makes more sense. You do not want such a large cost occurring during retirement.

Adding a Sunroom

A sunroom is a nice addition to a home, but you would be better off building a deck. Both of these have a higher rate of return than a sunroom. The sunroom addition would increase the indoor square footage of the home, which would increase the value of the home, but not enough to cover the initial cost of the addition. 

If the potential buyer prefers a sunroom instead of a deck, it would be worth the investment to get the sale.

Remodeling the Master Bedroom

White Mid-Century Bed Frame

The master bedroom is an important selling point for most home buyers. Yet, a master bedroom upgrade doesn't reflect in the selling price of the home. 

Most master bedroom renovations utilize expensive materials, new electronics, and larger spaces. If you are lucky, you would get less than half of your investment back at the time of sale.

Installing a Backup Power Generator

One more home improvement to avoid if you are selling your home or flipping an investment is the addition of a backup power generator. It may be a handy home utility to have when the power is lost, but it doesn't help you sell the house immediately. 

A new home security system from an ADT authorized dealer such as would be a better investment.

Improving the Garage

If the house has a garage, it's best to keep it neat and clean, rather than remodel it. Most garages are large enough to house the car and some tools. 

Expanding it to accommodate another car is one home improvement that should be avoided. The extra space isn't a big selling point, and the cost of the expansion won't be recovered fully.

Adding Carpet

If you have hardwood floors, it's probably best to keep them and avoid wall to wall carpeting. The color and texture of the carpet are just two factors which would stop a buyer from purchasing the home. A better investment would be cleaning or buffing the existing hardwood floor.

Avoid these 7 home improvements that don't add value to your investment. Instead, consider improvements that are worth the cost such as kitchen remodeling, bathroom remodeling, and landscaping.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Top 5 Financial Issues To Address In 2013

There are many financial issues present in our world in the year 2013. Here are the top five financial issues that need to be addressed this year.

Health Care

Health care is a huge financial concern in 2013 as more and more people who are unemployed, underemployed, or self employed aren’t getting the health care they need, often because they can’t afford to obtain it on their own. Due to the rising cost of health insurance many employers cannot afford to offer it to their employees. Government programs designed to make healthcare more accessible to everyone are facing opposition from certain groups of people within society.

Credit Reform

Companies that offer credit are coming under fire for offering to people who either can’t afford it or abuse it. There is also an issue with companies not having standards they are forced to adhere to. Credit reporting companies are being criticized for not meeting certain standards anymore. This is causing a lot of tension when it comes to credit companies and people are calling for reform that, so far, is not happening.


While unemployment levels are dropping this year, it is only because people are so discouraged and disgusted with the job market that they have simply stopped trying to find a job in the first place. Some people blame politics for the lack of jobs while others say the lack of jobs could be fixed by each community doing what they can to create more jobs.


Many people are blaming financial problems on the government because government employees keep getting raises, meaning states have less money for other expenses. Some people blame the general public for voting for government officials that simply don’t care about individual people. It is believed that strong leadership could fix all the current financial problems America is facing. People are very frustrated at the way in which the government has dealt with the country’s financial problems.


The housing industry has suffered a lot in recent years and is now recovering, but the recovery process is going very slowly. Many people had to foreclose on their houses this year because of the actions from banks throughout the country. Financial experts are saying that the best way to deal with the housing crisis is for the banks to try to help people who have gone through foreclosure to get their houses back.

These five issues are the main issues we are facing as a nation in 2013. Each issue has been tackled separately but it has been a long and hard road to fix these issues. Most Americans are still not satisfied with the financial state of our country and many of them are blaming President Obama for this. Only time will tell how well we manage to clean up all these problems and help people out of their financial troubles. The government will have to play a part in making this happen.

Amanda Spencer is the mastermind behind this article. She recommends for high returns.

Looking for Part-Time Income?

Economic downturns, furloughs and sequesters have a lot of people looking to supplement their income to offset their losses in recent years. Fortunately, there are a number of options to get some extra income on the side, including options such as covered calls. Before you run to make extra money though, know that the first steps in financial freedom is always budgeting (try this method?) and living within your means (like this guy?). Do you need the newest iPad? Can you give yourself a raise by simply spending smarter? 
After taking an honest look at your own finances, you may decide you really do need extra income. Perhaps you want to fund a hobby, or you are one of the few lucky ones with extra time on your hands, or even want to find a different investment opportunity. Covered calls are one opportunity you can exercise in order to pull in extra income with investments you already have or can acquire.
What are Covered Calls?

Covered calls are an option one can sell on investments they already own. The option is to purchase the underlying investment at a strike price before a certain date. The hope for the seller of the covered call, is that the option is purchased and never exercised, allowing them to sell the option repeatedly to generate a consistent flow of income. This will happen if the underlying investment value remains below the strike price. If the investment value exceeds the strike price, you will be forced to sell the investment at the lower strike price, but you will keep the amount you sold the option for.
What do I need to start?

In order to start selling covered calls, you need to have investments. Certain investments will be better than others based on your expectations of their future performance. As stated above, investments you expect to remain constant in value, or to decline (and which you don't otherwise want to sell), are best investments for covered calls. Of course, the if the entire market agrees with you that the investment will not increase in value then no one will purchase your option to begin with, so obviously, you need to have an investment whose future is at least somewhat uncertain at the time of the option sale. Barring insider trading (which is illegal), predicting the future can be difficult, but also can be worth the rewards if you are willing to take the risks.
What are the risks?

The risks of covered calls are the same as with any option and with any stock investment. With the option itself, you put at risk only the difference between the increase in value of the stock and the strike price – thereby limiting the gain you can make if the price of the stock does increase. However, owning the underlying investment also presents a risk that is not eliminated by using covered calls. By owning the stock, you are risking the entire value of that stock, as you are when you invest in anything. Because the options are 'covered', that is, you own the underlying stock at the time of the option sale, you are limiting your risk as opposed to when the option is 'naked' where you will have to purchase the underlying stock at market price in order to sell it to the option buyer at the strike price if they exercise the option.
How do I get started?
There is a lot of information about covered calls available on the internet and in investment books. One such source is Compound Stock Earnings. Always remember, however, that options are bets on the future performance of the stock market and are not a guaranteed source of income. If you do choose to invest in covered calls, be sure you are using funds you don't necessarily need to survive (or retire) on.

Funeral Plans – A Matter of Life or Death

There are only two things certain in life: death and taxes. 

Despite this inevitability, though, millions of us still leave our finances to chance by avoiding the feelings of finality that the talk of death can bring. Indeed, surveys have shown that almost three quarters of over 50s have yet to make ANY plans for their funeral.

Sidestepping the issue, however, only serves to leave your family off-guard, both emotionally and financially, when it comes to organising a funeral service.

The very last thing anyone wants to do after bereavement is arrange transport, funeral music and flowers – and that’s before they’ve glanced at the list of costs involved.

Consequently, it pays to face up to the reality of your mortality now, giving you complete peace of mind that your funeral is covered, and avoiding a financial headache for your loved ones.

This is where a funeral plan is worth its weight in gold.

Of course, before you look around for a funeral plan, it’s important to realise there are many companies to choose from – but that doesn’t mean they’re all the same. 

The following services will all vary depending on what type of plan you opt for: 

  • The funeral director
  • Hearses and limousines
  • The coffin 
  • Crematorium costs 

Also, given that the average funeral now costs around £3,200 – with inflation on funerals running at around 7% the average cost of a funeral in 2020 will be more than £5,600 – sorting your funeral out at today’s prices means you could make significant savings as prices spiral.

A funeral plan offers easy funding options depending on how much you can afford to pay, and you get the funeral you want while relieving your family of the financial strain that a service can so often cause.

Finally, when you opt for a funeral plan, you can rest assured that your cash is protected and invested to ensure there will be sufficient funds available to carry out a funeral service that your loved ones will remember for all the right reasons.

How to Sell Your Business & Not Pay Commissions

What if you could eliminate the middleman when selling your business so that you take home all the value you can get? Many people who have sold business have had to part with a large chunk of cash when the sale is concluded: the middleman, the agent who finds a buyer, will demand a certain percentage as a means of payment. For Sale By Owner websites allow you to eliminate him. You are more involved in the sale of your business, but you will get a buyer faster and you will take all the cash home with you.

How FSFL websites work:

They are designed to give you the maximum exposure.

Once you find one that you think will do the job for you, you should register and become a member. You are faced with different pricing packages. The differences in pricing are determined by how long you want to list for. The shorter durations will ask for less but you have to pay again if by the time the listing period is over you donĂ¢€™t have a buyer. Larger amounts will buy you listings until your business is sold without ever having to pay a dime more.

  • After you have selected a package, you go ahead and list your business. This includes a thorough description of the business as well as the relevant documentation. You should also include photos to show what your premises look like and the kind of equipment that you have. The more information that you have on the listing, the better. Make sure though that you don't display information that can be used by your competitors and the person who eventually buys your business will have a hard time.
  • Your listing is then circulated to all the top websites in the country that attract people who are looking to buy business. In a short while, many more people will be able to see your business. Because the websites are created to attract targeted traffic, the people who will be looking at your website are serious prospects and this is what makes using FSFL websites a lot faster than any other way of selling a business.
  • A prospect comes through and you can then get into the negotiations with them. You will get a quicker sale if you make a fair demand for selling price. You should have an expert value the business so that you avoid long negotiations.

Tips to help you sell faster

  • Get all the necessary documentation ready. This includes your profit and loss books, your balance sheets, your stock position and any other documents that show the health of a business. Get a professional accountant to go back 2 financial years and collect all the necessary paperwork.
  • Create a transition plan for the new owner. It helps them understand things faster and get the business going. Be detailed and explain even the little things.
  • Let your employees know that they will be having a new owner. The earlier they know, the better. Get the new owner to meet them. Work to remove any anxiety they may have.

FSFL websites will work for you only if you have all the necessary information that a prospect needs to make a decision about your business so be prepared. To get more information on how to sell a business, go ahead and visit this website.

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