Thursday, July 25, 2013

5 Valuable Collectibles You Didn't Know You Had

As we all know there are lots of cool antiques out there that could be worth a lot of money. Each time we go to our parents’ home or grandparent’s room we just look at all their old stuff and think to ourselves; how much is that worth? 

We see a lot of people take their collectibles and other antiques to pawn shops or sell them on EBay to try and make some extra cash. Sometimes they are getting robbed and don’t know it or they are potentially making bank off something simple they never knew was worth money. If you have seen an episode of “Pawn Stars” you know exactly what I mean. So how can you tell if you have anything worthwhile in your parents’ basement or grandparents’ house? Here are a couple of items that have been a hot commodity lately. 

Musical Instruments

If your Grandpa or Father played a guitar back in his day or was part of a garage band odds are he has a couple instruments lying around the house. You might want to look into them and see if there are any classic or vintage guitars. Some classic Les Pauls and Gibsons have been known to sell well over 20,000 dollars. There are other instruments too like antique player pianos and grand pianos. If you happen to stumble across a player piano that has some old paper music sheets then you might want to get that restored and appraised.


These are something that most old timers have lying around somewhere in their house. Trunks, chest or anything of the sort that has been hand crafted might just make you singing all the way to the bank, especially if you have a treasure chest lying around the house. Those have been have been known to go for over 100,000 dollars. Move over retirement! 

Rare Money or Coins

This one is kind of simple because we see coin commercials all the time on television. Old money that is no longer in circulation could be worth a lot of money. For example if you have a US quarter that was printed in 1960 the starting price is worth $3-5 dollars. Sometimes you will see companies and restaurants offer free ice cream for coins like this. Let’s be honest though if someone is offering you free ice cream for a special kind of coin, it’s probably worth looking into.

Patches and Pins

If your parents went through a hippie stage or punk stage then there is a good chance that they have some patches or pins lying around the house from “the good ole days.” Take a look at them and see if they are salvageable. If they are near mint condition or better then there is a good chance that they can bring in a pretty penny or two. Odds are it would be worth more than what your parents paid for it. Or you could see if you have any old pins for trading that you might have gotten from Disneyland or other amusement parks. There are a lot of collectors out there that are willing to top notch for something simple like that. However, if you are interested in just getting some fun looking pins or customizable ones you can always check out for more information.

There are many ways to go about selling some of your collectibles or seeing if they are worth anything. You can take a picture of the item then upload it to Google images to see if there are any other results that look similar to it. You can also check out EBay or Amazon for some ideas on what they are going for. Who knows what you can find lying around your house.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Six Essential Functions of Contractor Accounting?

Accountants' Office
Accountants' Office (Photo credit: RobW_)
In the field of business and accounting, the function of accounting is diverse and holds a very important position in all kinds of business. Accounting is very important in all kinds of business and technology where one sells products as well as services. There are individual companies which have their own accountants at their disposal for managing their finances and accounts whereas there are companies who outsource accountants for doing their job. The role of a contractor accountant is important because an IT contractor deals with calculation of taxes which is an important part of revenue. The arrange information in such a way that offers improved consideration of possessions and legal responsibility. The companies who do not have professional accountants can hire outsourced people for their accounting purpose to keep accounts of their finance and accounts.

Contractor accounting has six major functions. They are as follows.

Help to save a business from financial losses

The services of contractor accounting helps a business from being saved from any kind of financial losses which a big company usually has to face because of feebly handled financial records and records. For that one needs to find an accountant that you can trust so that he can deal with all your finances in a transparent manner. One can also look online for contractor accounts as because there are various firms that offer contract accounting services online.

Helps a company to earn good amount of revenue

A contractor accounting helps a company to earn goo amount of revenue. If the accountant is reliable he can help the company to earn revenue with the help of good deals and transactions. Contractor accountants are knowledgeable and highly professional economic people who can productively manage all the credits as well as debits of the business accounts. They help to keep record of all the monetary inflow as well as outflow, they verify and audit all the balance sheets and provides reports to the finance department of the company, They also help to verify the balance sheet of the company, and the expenses and looses that a company has incurred in the previous months as well as current month. They help in calculation before tax filing.

Helps to manage all kinds of transactions in a systematic manner

Since contractor accounting is well skilled regarding all the accountancy laws and norms, he can help to manage all kinds of transactions in a smooth and systematic manner so that the company can smoothly deal with finance. A team of skilled and professional financial experts hired by the company can help to manage all financial deals smoothly. One can also seek for professional experts over the internet that can be hired on a contractual basis

They carry on their jobs diligently and effortlessly

A hired financial contractor accounting perform their job with absolute enthusiasm as well as obligation. Along with their knowledge and performance skills they also consist of updated and well equipped software’s which help to manage as well as record accounts well. This can be done only with the help of professional online contract accountants from Brookson.

Giving whole statement of accounts accurately and precisely

Contracting accountants can also give you a whole statement of your accounts in a very short span of time.They are available at affordable rates and can be thus hired by companies dealing with huge accounts. Accountants appreciate each feature of account handling and they comprehend how to deal with inadequately managed accounts. Contractor accountants also inform business about the associated payments with taxes as well as other monetary compulsions.

Streamlines the project operations

A good contractor accounting also helps to streamline the operations of a project by maintaining finance as well as the record of a company, thus making workflow smooth and convenient.


These are the various function of a contractor accounting in the world of business.

How to Find The Best Student Loan

Recent News: 

Amid the rise in student loan rates as of July 1st, it has become significantly more difficult to select a student loan that best suits your needs. The day your child receives his or her college acceptance letter is a day filled with joy and celebration, but the impending realization of having to cover the cost is daunting. Thinking about selecting a student loan is intimidating and it’s hard to know where to start. Accompanied by the many options out there, the recent rise in student loan rates has made selecting the best loan for you and your family even more difficult. 

On July 1st, the interest rates on federally subsidized Stafford loans doubled, soaring from 3.4 percent to 6.7 percent after Congress failed to reach a deal. Though lawmakers could potentially pass a bill to undo the damages, Congress has estimated an increase that will cost the average college student an additional $4,000. Currently, democrats have pushed to keep interest on Stafford loans low, believing that this will encourage students get a college education. On the flip side of the coin, Republicans have pushed to linking student loans to financial markets, rather than letting Congress set the federal lending rates. 

Recently, a coalition of Senate democrats and republicans have come to a tentative agreement with President Obama that would appeal the recent spike in interest rates on new federal loans for college students. There is a tentative agreement that will move the student loan rate to a market-based rate. If this new deal is not reached by the start of the upcoming school year, roughly 7.4 million students with federal Stafford loans could end up paying up to $4,000 more in interest rates for a four-year degree. Student Loans FindTheBest: Now more than ever, families are feeling the additional pressure and costs of sending a child to college. It is important to understand that there are resources out there to help families in selecting the best student loans. Here is a resource that will help you search for, compare, and select the best student loan for yourself, your son or your daughter.

It may also help to take a look at specific colleges and student loans by state to gain a better understanding of the market. Let’s start by taking a look at student loans offered in California. If you intend to study in a different state, you can access a specific state directory at the bottom righthand corner of the student loans resource page.

In addition to the student loan resources above, the college comparison below will help provide you with student loan data for your specific University. It will help provide you with information such as the percent of students who receive student loans, the total amount of student loan aid, the average amount of aid, and similar information involving federal loan aid.


Although the rise in student loan rates may create a stressful transition from high school to college, it is important to understand that there are resources out there to help you overcome this major decision. FindTheBest’s student loan resources will help provide you with expert data and reviews on student loans and will ensure that you find the best possible loan for your family’s needs

Where Can I Find Free Balance Transfer Credit Cards?

Today, I'm going to talk about balance transfer credit cards. And, I feel it's important because I see more and more articles talking about free balance transfer credit cards. 

I can't tell you how many emails I've received asking me where to get free balance transfer credit cards. Just in case you don't have much time to read here, I want to tell you the truth up front...

There is no such thing as a free balance transfer credit card! Allow me to explain...

What Are People Referring To As Free Balance Transfer Credit Cards?

There are 2 things that may cause consumers to want to associate the word free with balance transfer credit cards...

  • Promotional Interest Rates – Often times, balance transfer credit cards come with 0% promotional interest rates. The promotional interest rates generally last anywhere from 6 to 18 months and for the most part, the rates are quite harmless. However, 0% interest doesn't ever mean free! It just means no interest.
  • No Balance Transfer Fee – A couple years ago it was pretty easy to find a balance transfer credit card that came with 0% promotional interest rates and no fee to transfer. Unfortunately, it's not that easy these days. As a matter of fact, I comb the market often and I haven't found anything in the past year or two that was worth applying for and didn't come with a transfer fee. So, it's my assumption that the no balance transfer fee promotions have come and least for now!

Let's Get To Reality!

OK, I admit, promotional interest rates are fun and, if I could transfer a balance without paying a transfer, that would be pretty cool too. But, these simple perks don't mean that the credit card is free at all. 

This is the biggest problem with balance transfer credit cards. So many consumers fall under a false misconception that balance transfer credit cards are a magical card that make all of your debts completely free. That's just not true.

Think of it from the lender's point of view. Most of the lenders are publicly traded corporations with stock holders to report to! If not, I can assure you that they aren't in business to lose money! 

If lenders gave you a credit card with any sort of available credit for free, with no interest, annual fee, or any other fee, all the money available on that card would be tied up in you. You, a borrower that they stood absolutely no chance of making money on. If they give that deal to you, they have to give it to others that meet the same qualifications that you do. 

Now, they've got millions of investor dollars tied up in loans they can't make a penny on! That simply won't work.

For the concept of balance transfer credit cards to work, there has to be some way for lenders to report a profit to the stock holders that own them! So...

Where Does That Profit Come From?

That really depends on the lender and offer you are working with. Every balance transfer credit card out there comes with it's own, very unique set of terms and conditions. If you have a credit card, you will pay fees in some way if you carry a balance. 

To be sure of what fees you're going to find yourself paying, it's important that you compare the market and take the time to read the rates and fees section of the terms and conditions for any offer you're interested in.

Final Thoughts

Balance transfer credit cards are usually great offers. However, they aren't designed for everyone as no financial option truly is! That being said, before you ever apply for an offer, make sure to compare the market and find the best one for you. 

Also remember, that there is no such thing as a free balance transfer credit card so, expect to pay fees to carry a balance!

5 Signs Your Financial Advisor May Cheat You

Finance (Photo credit: Tax Credits)
The revelations of Allen Stanford and Bernie Madoff made us to carefully think about our financial advisors. It is quite unimaginable that your financial advisor will cheat on you; in reality, he or she is really capable of doing such. Nevertheless, it is not safe to generalize that all financial advisors are cheaters because there are a bunch of them who are honest and hard working people too. As a financial investor, you would not want to learn your lessons the hard way. If you have hired a financial advisor, you have to understand that you are still responsible for your financial stability in the future. Before hiring the services of a financial advisor, you should be wary of the possible signs that your financial advisor may cheat on you and ruin your economic future. 

· The Big Spender - You may want to do a little background check regarding the lifestyle of the financial advisor that you wish to hire. It was revealed that financial advisor Bernie Madoff lives an extravagant lifestyle. He owns several properties all over the world and he does not mind spending thousands of money for private jets. This is the first sign that you should look out for.

· The Philanthropist – Aside from luxurious lifestyle, your financial advisor could be hiding behind the mask of a good-hearted philanthropist.  Again, Bernie Madoff gave huge amounts of money in several foundations and even gave a donation to the Democratic Party. On the other hand, Allen Stanford donated money to various universities. It is okay to help other people if your financial advisor is using his/her own money, but it is totally a different story if he/she is using your money to make him look like a generous person.

· The Excuser – If your financial advisor never seems to run out of excuses for not fulfilling your requests, this is not a good sign. If you requested for a simple fund statement and it took him/her a long time to provide it to you, this is surely a red flag. You are in big trouble if there is a delay in giving you money. Your financial advisor must be doing something behind your back and you will not be happy about it.
· The Magician – You have to remember that your financial advisor can do some magic to make your books look better. Your financial advisor can make the losses disappear and make your books appear as if everything is okay with your investments. It is better to do your own investigations and verify your returns. Looking at the percentage of the returns is not enough, you should be able to see how much money you have made with your financial investments. You should not get fooled with the returns shown in your books because a little magic can be done.

· The Business Person – There is nothing wrong if you financial advisor is a business person, but if it involves cloudy business practices then it is not a good sign too. Find out if immediate family members are the ones in-charge of bookkeeping because they can easily conceal the truth. Both Madoff and Stanford got their partners involved in the business as their respective bookkeepers and they also helped in the recruitment of new investors.

Sometimes it helps to be a little paranoid especially when it comes to financial investments. Some people may think that investors are stupid for not seeing the signs that their financial advisors are cheating on them. It is not a case of stupidity, these investors were too trusting and did not get themselves involved with their investments. They have left the responsibility of monitoring the investments in the hands of their financial advisors. Unfortunately, some financial advisors would take full advantage of the trust given to them and would use the money of their clients. Caution and involvement are the some of the things that you have to keep in mind when hiring financial advisors.

Irina Carter contributes towards Short Term Loans website. She loves covering business and finance news. She likes doing web development and web design.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Four Solid Reasons to Go Back to School in Your 50's

There was once a time when society expected a certain order in life. People reserved specific ages in life for milestones. You were supposed to get an education, start a career, raise a family, and then plan for retirement. Unfortunately, life does not always work out in the form of a checklist. This does not mean you should give up on your dreams once you reach a certain age. Your 50’s could be an ideal time to continue your education. Here are four excellent reasons to go back to school after 50. 

Gain a Competitive Edge

The workplace can have an intensely competitive atmosphere. Every ambitious employee is vying for the same promotions and recognition. This can be more than a bit threatening, so a NJIT masters in database management will give you the edge you need. Regardless of your level of experience, there are younger, more aggressive co-workers with the same exact goals. Earning a degree after 50 puts you in a special category. Not only do you possess the skills, but you also have the knowledge to back them up. Employers will consider this extra effort when they are making decisions. 

Fewer Responsibilities

Children require a lot of attention. There are school assignments, ball games, and music recitals. Although these are wonderful experiences to share with your child, they often force parents to put their own goals on hold. Once you reach your 50’s the children are usually grown and out of the house. Even if you do not have children, most people are more established by this age. This can be the perfect time to advance your education and earn a degree. You will be able to focus on your work without as many distractions.

Networking Opportunities

Depending on your career, networking can be very important. It is a popular method to increase interest and stimulate company growth. However, as we become more settled, it can be difficult to meet new people. There are not as many opportunities. Going back to school can be a wonderful networking tool. It allows you to introduce yourself to a wide range of people that you would not ordinarily meet. 

Staying Sharp

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, people have fewer and fewer opportunities to use their brains. Our society has become so dependent on their devices that many struggle without them. Computers and cell phones provide an endless amount of information with a simple touch. Earning a degree allows older students the opportunity to test how well they are able to retain information. This may also give you an edge when dealing with younger counterparts because they were raised with this dependence, while you were not.

Today, many older adults have made the choice to return to school. College courses are much more flexible than in the past. There are accelerated programs, night classes, and online universities. More people have come to realize that a college education is a valuable asset at any age. In fact, there are several grants and scholarships available for non-traditional students. If a degree is part of your dream, age should not be a limitation.

Author Bio

Hannah Whittingly is a freelance writer from Arizona, and loves to write about business and economics. For those looking for more information on completely their education and getting an online masters in computer science, visit today.

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