Friday, July 26, 2013

How to Get a Loan with a Poor Credit Rating

Whether it was reckless spending that soon taught us a lesson, mismanagement of our repayments or a genuine inability to pay back what we had borrowed, at some point in our lives many of us will find ourselves with a poor credit rating. 

This however does not necessarily mean we can simply afford to forego borrowing any more money, nor that we would not be able to better manage a loan now and though getting a lender to agree to a deal might not be so easy, there are a number of things you can do to increase your likelihood of getting hold of the cash you need.

Expect rejections

Applying to one bank and then giving up upon rejection will get you nowhere. With a poor credit rating, you are immediately a candidate for refusal and should enter into talks expecting the worst while hoping for the best. 

Rejection from one institution does not mean that nowhere will accept your application; time and patience will be required.

Negotiate interest rates

While you still want to get the best interest rate you can possibly get a lender to agree to, you have to understand that the compromise for being accepted with a bad credit history is paying higher interest rates. 

Seeing you as a risky investment means that banks will want a bigger return on their money and as much as it might sting, you have to be willing to accept this if you want the loan application to be approved. 

Be wary of Payday loans

While you are more likely to be accepted for a payday loan, you are also more likely to find yourself in deeper financial trouble if you accept one. 

These short-term loans for small amounts of money are designed to tide you over between pay cheques but they come with huge interest rates and massive penalties should you not pay it off on time. 

So many consumers have found themselves crippled by such loans that there are even investigations underway as to how unfair they may truly be.

Keep it to a minimum

The more you ask for, the more likely a lender is to decline you if you have a bad credit history. Carefully working out the minimum amount you need to borrow and being sure to decline any extras such as Payment Protection Insurance that would boost payments and the investment will seem less risky to the lender, encouraging them to say yes.

Improve your rating

Perhaps the best way to increase your chance of a successful loan application is to actually improve your rating, 
repair your credit score fast thus making you seem like a safer investment. 

Paying off all other outstanding debts by being punctual and organised with repayments will soon help towards this. Another good tip is to lock away your credit card and try not to use it; as this way you will never exceed your limit or fall behind on payments, allowing your rating to gradually improve without actually doing anything.

Ask elsewhere

Banks may be the traditional source of money but other options are available. Borrowing from family and friends is a great way to get better interest rates and a more lenient repayment schedule. 

Just be sure to write up formal documentation outlining any agreement; the last thing you want is to lose loved ones over squabbles with money if things go wrong.

For Personal Needs Go For Personal Loans

Often it happens that we compromise with our needs and dreams, but now that time has gone. If you want then your bank will help you overcome this unwilling compromise. There are several kinds of personal loans available in the market for your personal requirements. Whether, it is a car loan or a house the bank offers you a short term or a long term loan.

Personal needs vary from person to person. It may so happen that you are in urgent need of money, but are unable to gather the amount at the moment. In such situations loans are the best option. It helps you to pay in instalments and also furnishes with the option of paying the principle amount when possible. Certain criteria are also to be followed while applying for a loan.

The medieval period people used to mortgage their property or any other particular asset when in need of money. When unable to do so they had to render the same to the money lender. People were exploited on such basis. Sometimes the forthcoming generations also had to endure this loan.

The best part about a loan is its flexibility. In terms of time, money etc. the loan system is the best. The one discussed here are about personal and car loan. A personal loan is the one which can be taken on any basis. The rate of interest is a little higher than all the usual loans.

This loan can be taken for fulfilling any need, say you need to renovate your house or want a new house or want a car. Therefore, it implies that the need is not specific but the amount is specific.

The basic requirement for applying for this kind of loan is a three year filed ITR, a salary receipt and an address proof. These three are the most basic and the most common one, but the specifications may vary from firm to firm.

However, for a car loan the system and the requirements are different. First thing or the point which differs is that this loan is specifically for a car. The next point is that the loan is given in the name of the seller and not for the buyer. The money is to be given in the form of instalments to the bank by the buyer. As soon as the loan is cleared legal papers are prepared which is a proof that the car now belongs to the buyers.

Well taking a loan is a very easy task, but it involves taking care of few points like there should not be any negligence at the time of EMI deposit or else the loan is supposed to be lapsed on account of lack of payment. There are several advantages of loan which can be studied when taken a deeper look.

The term loan is not new to people nowadays but there might be some confusion when it comes to applying or searching for a loan. Hence, for more information on personal loan or even car loan , you can refer the experts.

Preparing for the Future – Costs to Be Aware of

Life is full of surprises, many of which turn out to be financial. Even if you are an excellent budgeter there will probably be something that comes completely out of the blue that will knock you for six. 

Many experts suggest having at least nine months’ worth of income saved up for these unexpected and unplanned for costs. This is rather a huge amount and it’s not always possible. But you can prepare by being aware of some of the most common expenses that are rarely planned for.

Take a look over these expenses and try to find out a way of putting a little bit of money aside each month just in case they affect you in the future.

Presents and Gifts

It is quite astonishing how much money you can spend on buying gifts for others. You may have already planned ahead for special events such as Christmas and even set aside money for the birthdays of family and friends but what about when a friend has a baby, a christening, marriages, your children’s’ friends birthdays, retirements, new homes, or engagements. Life is full of times when gifts are given that fall outside of the usual routine.

Legal Bills

You may need to find the money to cover your legal bills. These can arise in all sorts of situations such as selling a home, illegal activity, suing someone and you should also consider the costs of making alterations to your will and testament, rental agreement or the Cost of gaining power of attorney. Legal bills can cost a small fortune so plan ahead and put money aside now.

Health Related Costs

Medical costs are another expense that can suddenly knock you for six. You may have to cover the cost of prescriptions, have surgery or diagnostic treatments or pay for long term care. Insurance is another expense as well as routine check-ups. It all costs money if you are unable to get the treatment for free or if you would prefer to use a private health care option.

Transportation Costs

Cars eat money when they are healthy and on the road let alone when they need attention. The work required to upkeep a care is constant. You will have service charges but also have to cover the costs of accidents, general wear and tear such as replacing brake pads and tires. If you have a car you will definitely benefit on building up some savings to dip into in the future. 

Losing a Job or Clients

There are not many careers out there that now guarantee that you will be in work for years to come. Finding yourself unemployed can be nerve-wracking. You should aim to have at least three months’ worth of wages saved up just in case the firm you work for closes down or needs to make some cut backs. If you are a freelancer you will also need to prepare for times when work slows down between contracts.

By saving you can at least work to soften the blow of unexpected expenses. Start saving now for a more comfortable future.

The author is a freelance copywriter with an interest in personal and business finance. His work has been frequently published on websites and blogs as well as in magazines over the past four years. Besides writing about finance he also has an interest in writing articles about small business start-ups.

5 Tips For choosing the Right IT Contractor Accountants

If you are someone interested in hiring an IT contractor accountant, but need a little guidance and tips for choosing the right IT contractor accountant for you, then this is the right article for you to be reading. Choosing the best
IT contractor accountants for you is vital because they will be handling your accounts that could save you both time and money. The right IT contractor accountant should have the knowledge and expertise when it comes to dealing with money and suggesting the best options for you. 

Continue to read on to find out about the 5 tips for choosing the right IT contractor accountants that will help you with your decision in choosing the best one for you. 

1. Choose someone with years of experience

You can’t just trust anybody when it comes to your accounts because as a freelance contractor your needs are unique. You should always trust an accountant that has the top qualifications in this area. Select an IT contractor accountant that has had many years of experience with dealing with freelance contractors like yourself. Look for a contractor accountancy firm that is trusted or better yet, ask around from a friend or other freelance contractors where they hired their IT contractor accountant. 

2. Ask for accreditations

This is always vital in any type of job because accreditations give proof of what a person has really studied and what licenses they possess. Always ask for accreditations when looking for a contractor accountant. It confirms their credibility, expertise, compliance and professionalism. Make sure they have the following accounting accreditations: AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians), ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accounts and CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants). Of course it does vary in every state so do some research about what your state credits.

3. Tailor their services to your needs

Every freelance contracting business is diverse to another one. Make sure you hire a contractor accountant that can tailor their services to exactly what you need. An example is, if you only need an accountant to process annual accounts for you, then hire an accountant that will do just that. You don’t need an accountant who can do everything for you because it might be costing you a lot more than you really will be using for their services. 

4. Carefully ask about fees

Don’t just hire a contractor accountant because they are cheap and affordable. Although some accountants don’t charge all too much compared to others and are still great at their services, it doesn’t mean that just because something is “expensive” it doesn’t mean that it is the best. Accounting fees should be fixed at a monthly fee and should cover all administrative dealings with tax authorities, PAYE administration and VAT registration. The contractor accountant should have a clear description of what is included in their service package. Do some research on fees of contractor accountants.

5. Always check for the small details

Be careful when it comes to small print. Make sure you know exactly what you are paying for and what services are included. Check for extra fees because you don’t want to be surprised with the extras you may be paying for. Keep a close eye on this tip before hiring someone. Be sure of what services you are getting right from the beginning.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Positive Attributes of Bridge Loans

Bridge loans are common types of loans used in the domestic, commercial as well as industrial sectors. The loan is usually a short term loan that is taken out pending an approval of a larger loan or closing a transaction hence the proceeds from the main loan or cash gains will be used to offset the short term loan. Typical names for bridge loans include swing loans or caveat loans which range in time periods of between 2 weeks to as long as 3 years. These loans will usually feature higher market interest rates as compared to ordinary loans. Notable benefits of the swing loans include the following:

Real Estate Deposit

Bridge loans are quite common in the real estate sector where a potential buyer will acquire the loan to put as deposit for the house and when the realtor manages to resell the house, the proceeds from the sale are used to offset the loan. Overtime a real estate agent will be able to built credit worthiness and will occasionally use the loans in most of his transactions.

Foreclosure Deals

A homeowner facing financial constraints such as risking losing a property will source for a caveat loan to remodel the house and upon selling the property; he will pay back the loan. The homeowner may also use the loan as a deposit for a cheaper property as he waits for the main property to be sold.

Construction Industry

Developers will also obtain bridge loans during the initial stages of construction when a property is yet to fully takeoff awaiting permit approval. Upon meeting all the requirements, the constructor will acquire a construction loan which will be used to offset the short term loan.

Continuity in Business

A delay in payment will also lead to a business to acquire the short term loan in order for the business to run smoothly as they await the pending payments. A business will also use bridge loans to fund an acquisition while waiting for the final settlements to be drafted and affected. 

How to Generate an Income with Your Smartphone

Nokia Lumia 900 Smartphone
Economic conditions around the world have made it so that people everywhere have to explore new and simple ways to make an income, sometimes without leaving their home. Fortunately, it’s possible to do just that by picking up your smartphone and downloading a few apps that are specially designed for moneymaking purposes.
High Rate of Usage in the USA and United Kingdom

In June of 2013, the Pew Research Center released the results of a study which found that 56 percent of adults in America now own a smartphone. The rate of popularity is very similar in the United Kingdom. The eMarketer website reported how through the end of 2013, it’s estimated there will be 30.9 million smartphone users there.

All about smartphones

Things to Do Before Getting Started

For years, there have been ways to make money through the Internet, ranging from completing surveys to performing website usability tests. Although many of those opportunities are legitimate, it is still necessary to be diligent and conduct adequate research before signing up for a moneymaking opportunity that seems to be a perfect fit. The same is true if you’re ready to make money with your smartphone.

Get started by asking people you trust if they have recommendations of apps to try, and also search for reviews online to get a broader perspective of whether or not something is worthwhile. You may also discover that designers of apps you use for work-related purposes have also produced platforms that make money.

After getting that information, dig deeper to find out more about your phone, such as details of the operating system and functionality. That will make it easier to find ways to make money that match well with the things your phone does best, plus the manner in which you’re comfortable using your device.

Read below to get details about particular moneymaking opportunities that exist. Although the possibilities are not exhaustive, they should give you a firm idea of what’s available and how the options could pad your bank account when money is short.

EasyShift: Earn Money for Things You Do Anyway

In many cases, generating income requires us to do things that are at least slightly inconvenient, or perhaps cumbersome. In contrast, an app called EasyShift seems to live up to the first part of its name by allowing users to make money for things they do regularly like going to the movies, shopping for groceries and ordering a cup of morning coffee. Payouts occur through PayPal after the accuracy of a finished task has been verified by the system. The app is optimized for Apple OS X 6.0 or later, and you can use it on an iPad as well.

CheckPoints: Get Rewarded for Shopping

Smartphone Bar Code Scanner
Shopping at your favorite stores no longer has to only be associated with spending money. Available for both the Android and Apple operating systems, the CheckPoints app encourages you to take your phone on the go, find particular products, and scan them into the system. It’s like a scavenger hunt for smartphone users! In time, it’s possible to earn points that you can eventually redeem for things including gift cards and airline miles.

Ipinion: Benefit from Speaking Your Mind

Many people greatly enjoy taking market research surveys, because they feel they’re a way to provide direct feedback about products used on a daily basis. It can also be especially rewarding to take a survey that tells marketers how to properly introduce a brand-new product to the market. By getting a chance to do that, you have even more potential influence than an early adopter, and could help to shape the future popularity of a product or service.
iPhone Apps - Shopping

The Ipinion app works on the Android operating system in conjunction with existing market research panels. If you aren’t already a member of the panels that participate with Ipinion, simply sign up with them and access content directly through the app. You’ll become familiar with a points system where one point is equal to one penny, and you’re eligible to start redeeming them once you’ve accumulated 500 points or more. Some of the things you could earn include cash or gift cards.

The possibilities described above are just a few examples of the dozens of possibilities that exist from moneymaking apps. The ones mentioned here are all free to try, so you have nothing to lose. At a conference in San Francisco this past June, the Apple Corporation announced that there are now more than 900,000 apps in Apple’s App Store. Add apps available for other operating systems to that number and clearly, if you’re willing to put forth a little effort and find apps that make sense with the ways you already use your smartphone, that trustworthy device could help you stay in touch with others and also boost your income.

Andrea Witherspoon works in the marketing division for a business mobile company, where you can compare mobile plans. You can follow her at @AndreaWTweets.

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