Sunday, August 11, 2013

Six Ways to Save Money on Your Home Technology

Technology can easily become very expensive, but it does not have to. Here are six ways you can save money on your home technology.

1. Shop Around

One of the easiest and quickest ways to save money on home technology you are looking to buy is to simply shop around before you make your purchase. A gadget’s price can vary widely from store to store. Compare prices for both online and brick and mortar stores on the internet. One quick search could save you hundreds of dollars!

2. Shop Sales

Being patient can really pay off if you wait until your gadget is on sale before you buy it. Black Friday is the most well-known sale day for electronics, but it isn’t the only one. Cyber Monday, Black Friday’s online counterpart, happens the Monday after Thanksgiving. Good deals can also be found during Back to School time and Christmastime as well.

3. Take Advantage of Rewards Programs

Some stores offer incentives for you to shop with them. They may offer you a free product or a money saving coupon after you spend a certain dollar amount at their store. If there is a technology product you buy frequently, like printer cartridges, you can end up saving some real money this way. Of course, skipping buying new cartridges and just getting a printer cartridge refill is a good option too.

4. Buy Used or Refurbished

Another good option is buying your electronics used or refurbished. With so many people always looking to upgrade as soon as possible, it is completely possible to get a used phone or television that has not actually been used that much. If it is relatively new and still works well, why pay more?

5. Get Rid of Excess Features

Make sure you are not paying more than you should for features you don’t even use. If you mostly watch local channels, you may not need the top-of-the-line cable package. If you have a cell phone you use for all your calls, you may want to get rid of your landline. You may choose to buy the basic printer without the fax and scanner you have no use for.

6. Ignore the Joneses

One of the best ways to save on technology is simply to ignore the Joneses. Use your phone awhile longer instead of always having to have the latest and greatest upgrades right away. Take care of the electronics you have so they last. Buy last year’s model.

Using these six tips will ensure that you will have the technology you love without spending an arm and a leg to get it.

Is It Too Late For Life Insurance?

Life insurance is one of the most important purchases you can make, and can also be one of the most expensive. Perhaps you are young, or started working young, and could not afford life insurance or you didn’t think it was important at the time. Now you are a little older and seeing the need for life insurance. You might have a family and children now, and you want to make sure they are cared for and not left in financial need should anything happen to you. You might be thinking it’s too late for life insurance, but it is never too late to purchase life insurance. This article will discuss how elderly individuals can purchase life insurance, and will discuss the different options available to you. After reading this article, hopefully you will be better equipped with the knowledge of how to purchase life insurance, and you and your family can continue stress free.

When looking for a life insurance policy, it is important to sit down and think about your needs. You may want to consider your health issues or needs you currently have, the number of family members you have, your age, income, etc. There are several factors that impact the cost of life insurance, as well as help you determine what type of life insurance you will need. Make a list of what you want out of your life insurance policy and bring it when you speak to the representative.


There are two basic categories of life insurance: temporary and permanent. Temporary life insurance means that you are being protected for a specific amount of time, and the policy will only cover death expenses during that time, and nothing else. Permanent life insurance means that the policy increases in value over time, and you cannot cancel the policy. These policies are typically better for those starting young, as the price increases over time and with age, thus making is expensive for the elderly.

Insurance Representatives

The best way to obtain life insurance is to speak directly with the representative of the company you are interested in. It is a good idea to research several different companies and narrow down your choices. Research can be done online or with a family member with whom you trust to help you in your search. Once you narrow your choices down, you can then call, or have your family member call, and get more information over the phone or in a personal meeting. Make sure you ask all the questions you want to ask, that way you get all the information you need. Visiting life insurance brokerage general agencies will be helpful.

Although you may think it might be difficult to obtain life insurance when you are elderly, it is not as hard as it seems. Although health issues are a factor, there are policies available that offer coverage despite health risks and issues. Doing your research is an important piece to obtaining a life insurance policy.

About the Author
Ashley Parker is a caregiver for her mother, and she has researched several different policies for life insurance. She suggests taking a look at a local brokerage general agency for more ways to secure your family’s financial future. 

Make Extra Money By Renting Out Your Static Caravan

English: The caravan park at Pease Bay A high ...
English: The caravan park at Pease Bay A high quality static caravan holiday home park in a secluded bay. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
From the early day of the package holiday, we all loved to save up and get away from it all on our “two weeks in the sun”. But against the background of the credit crunch and recent economic woes the financial landscape has changed and many of us simply can’t afford to holiday abroad any more.

Despite the unpredictability of our British summer, the undeniable cash savings of holidaying in the UK have driven a massive growth in the “staycation”.

A large chunk of this new holiday market is based around static caravans, usually a cheaper option than staying in a hotel or renting a house. With the added attraction for holiday makers, that the holiday parks the caravans are on usually have entertainment and facilities to hand right there.

Suddenly things look more and more attractive for static owner to start or increase the time that they rent out their caravan. As popularity is growing the financial benefits of renting out your static move from a way to try to offset the costs of your family holiday home, to a reasonable way to actually make some money from what can actually be a relatively low upfront cost.

Obviously for an owner moving into rental for the first time can be a little daunting. Although they will be used to the various site fees associated with static ownership, renting to others can throw up new issues and costs, such as specific rental insurance and regular gas and electrical safety checks.

There are a growing number of websites and forums where owners and potential owners can find information and advice, but a great starting point is the National Association of Caravan Owners website. You can find plenty of advice and information about costs and issues around the ownership and renting out. In particular you will want to look into insurance issues and they can help with quotes for that.

Borne out of a need for some kind of group or association representing the caravan owners themselves when dealing with park owners or manufacturers, the National Association of Caravan Owners are can provide support, information and even legal advice where required.

The obvious way to rent out your static, especially on some of the larger big company owned sites, is to rent via the park owners themselves. Obviously the services the parks provide and of course the charges they make (often they just take their cut from the payment the holiday makers make direct to them) vary and its essential to read any rental contracts before you sign and ensure you understand the costs and responsibilities on either side. This is an easy and reasonably hassle free way to rent, but is usually the most expensive method you can use.

In order to maximise your income you may decide to take on the role yourself and deal with all the renting and booking issues directly. With the advent of forums and websites it is now easier than ever to get set up online and start to make extra money from your caravan.

Getting a Business Loan - Is it a Good Idea?

In this day and age, where money is almost everything, one should always know how to spend it wisely. But try as you may, today's economy is at an unstable position. With people losing their jobs because of the recession, it is sometimes a wise investment to try your hand in business. Whether it's a big restaurant or a small kiosk that sells t-shirts, what's important is that you know how to handle it.

This is especially true for people who are on the ready to retire from work. While there is pension, it's usually a good move to invest in business once retirement is very near.

The trick into handling a business is to make decisions quickly and wisely. Oftentimes, people don't like to face a decision because they end up wasting too much time thinking about it. More often than not, people usually make the wrong move when they decide quickly.

One of the things that needs a quick yet wise decision is whether you need to get a business loan or not. A business loan can help you fix any financial issues that you might have with your current business. Business loans are usually in favor of people who are starting or already have a small business. Of course, a business loan is all but free; there are things that you need to think about before you decide to get a business loan.

First, the basics. A business loan can mean two things; it's either a small business loan or a business expansion loan. A small business loan, as the name suggests, is meant for small businesses while a business expansion is for people who are planning on expanding their services or products. Both business loans are meant to help people with certain financial issues, like debt financing, surety bonding and equity financing.

I know, the terms are too complicated so we'll avoid those for now and just focus entirely on business loans.

So, should you get a business loan then? That entirely depends on your situation. If your company has financial obligations that needs to be settled as soon as possible, then a business loan is feasible. Unless if you have any other options, then you may as well get a loan. However, you need to ask yourself if you have a good plan on how to spend the money. List your financial priorities down and only use your money for things that are very important for your business. Doing this will help in maintaining the financial integrity of your business. Remember that even borrowed money, if well-invested, can actually help you gain profit and the money you need to pay off your business loan.

Also, keep in mind that different loan companies have different methods. For example, All Business Loans, an online business loan company, allow tax deductible loans and that a good credit is not required. Opportunity Fund has no application fees, but requires a good credit history. This means that you should not have any current delinquencies, tax liens or open bankruptcies. There are hundreds of loan companies out there or in the Internet, so if ever you do need to get one, then get in line or get online.

So, is getting a business loan a good idea? It will be, if you use the money wisely.

About the Author:

Jessica Greenberg is an avid blogger from San Diego, California. When she's not busy writing blog posts for, she's usually in her bedroom, reading a novel or two.

Buying Local Movement: Is it Really Helping?

In 2010, Wal-Mart announced it would join the buy local movement by increasing their purchase of locally grown produce from farmers in areas where Wal-Mart stores are present. This is a giant leap for the buy local movement which has been around for decades but has received more media attention lately. As local economies struggle to rebuild, the buy local movement is meant to empower local economies and create self-sustaining areas around the globe. But is it really working and is it realistic?

What is the Buy Local Movement Exactly?

Some of you may have noticed a sticker in the window of your local Main Street shop which encourages you to buy local. The purpose of this initiative is to get consumers to buy food, products, and services from your local community. This allows local communities to keep consumerism within their local economy, reduce environmental effects of importing products, and help build a sense of community.

In some areas, co-ops have been developed to bring local farmers and product manufacturers to one location and allow them to reach local consumers. If you have ever shopped at a local farmers market, you have contributed to the buy local movement. This guarantees your money stays within your community and creates a local economy separate from the national economic climate.
Think Local, Buy Local

Is it Working?

In 2009, there were 6,132 farmer's markets nationwide. In 2010 this number increased to 7,175. Of the money spent by buying local, 73% was reinvested in the community versus the 10% from large chain stores. This shows that buying local does in fact work. Your dollars spent on farmer John's corn will eventually be spent at Suzie's hair salon or Patty's Ice Cream Parlor. Those who sell local are more likely to buy local, keeping the community economy thriving.
Benefits of Buying Local

Aside from the economic benefits of buying local, there are many health and quality benefits. 27% of the people who buy local do it for the freshness and taste of produce. 19% buy local for the confidence that they are buying a quality product and know where it comes from. And 15% of the people enjoy the sense of community they get from purchasing products and services from their neighbors rather than a faceless brand.

For those selling products and services, you will reap the rewards. On average, those local businesses that launch a "buy local" campaign find a 55% increase in customer loyalty and a 47% increase in new customers. Buying local is the trendy thing to do.

Getting Involved in Buying Local

There are many different ways to get involved in the movement. Whether you are a business owner or a consumer, you can still be proactive in increasing the buy local initiative in your community. You may have seen the advertisements in the windows, banners around town, or posters in your community center that shows the various local businesses that offer locally made or grown products. Shopping at these participating businesses will keep your money in your community.

If you are a small business owner, be sure you advertise your buy local spirit. Shop window displays, business cards, or even a stamp on your website should show you are participating in the buy local movement to entice local consumers to buy your product or services.
Buy Local vs. Fair Trade: Which is Better for Farmers?

On the other side of the buy local coin is fair trade. For many produce growers this is a method of increasing profit. In 2010, the fair trade sales reached $2 billion in the US, and $4 billion internationally. For farmers, there is more profit in fair trade as well as credit for harvests before they come in. This assures the farmer's success rather than hoping for sales locally.

The profitability alone is enticing enough for large growers to get involved in fair trade, especially in areas where local commerce is limited. However, for smaller farmers, there is a lot to be said about selling at the local grocer or farmer's market. Keeping the community economy strong, assuring better quality and taste, and creating a sense of community can drive any grower to the local market.
Farmers Market

Cost of Localization

There are many local farmer's markets where you can find a great deal on a bushel of corn. However, in Alaska, you may find it hard to find a good price on locally grown strawberries. The reason for this is simple, the care and equipment needed to keep produce safe from the climate can be costly. If you lived in Florida, you can walk outside and pick an orange for free, since it is a local product. In Nevada, you wouldn't have that option.

As nice as it would be to keep only locally grown produce in the grocery store, it is unrealistic if you are shopping on a budget. The end result of 100% locally grown produce is increased prices on "good" foods and consumers being drawn to the cheaper alternative, the "bad" foods. Fruits and vegetables which are high in nutrients will be cast aside for cheaper "fast foods". Growing outside of the natural limited regions can be a costly endeavor resulting in costly shopping.

There are many benefits to buying locally, and yet there is still a need for fair trade. Ideally if every major chain increased locally grown produce to 10%, we could still sustain local economies while keeping prices low on fair trade produce from regions where it is natural to grow. Complete localization is currently ineffective and costly, however, visit your local farmer's market and support your community as much as possible and perhaps in the future science will find a low cost way to grow strawberries in the Alaskan mountains.

Amy Chandler is an environmental blogger and small business owner who utilized to get her buy local signs made. Follow her on Twitter @DBPamy.

Using Your Car for Your Small Business: Implications on your Taxes

Rental Car
There are all kinds of rules and regulations when it comes to deducting expenses for business vehicles on your taxes. But let's assume that you're not the CEO of a large corporation with a fleet of company vehicles. 

You're a small business owner using your personal vehicle for business purposes, and you want to know what kinds of deductions you're entitled to. If you keep accurate records of your mileage and auto repairs, this can be one of the biggest business deductions you make, and you're entitled to it even if you don't use the car for business a hundred percent of the time. How do you do the math? There are some important things to consider before you write off vehicle expenses which can help you get the maximum amount of money back, as well as make the process easier in the future.

1. The Standard Mileage Rate

There are two ways to deduct business vehicle mileage on your tax return. You can go with the standard mileage rate, which varies from year to year - it's 56.5 cents a gallon for 2013. You might think this amount is rather high, and it is, because choosing the standard mileage rate means you won't make separate deductions for vehicle repairs, insurance. or depreciation. It's all included in that standard rate. 

The standard rate is preferable for most average, economical cars, and it's important to remember that you must choose the standard rate the first year you use your car for business or you'll be forced to deduct that car using the actual expense method on all future tax returns. 

After the first year, you can switch back and forth between the methods, depending on how much your vehicle expenses are during the year. Most people prefer the standard mileage rate because it's much easier and only requires you to keep track of your mileage, not every cost you incur in relation to your car. If you drive a relatively affordable vehicle, it will more than cover the cost.

2. The Actual Expense Method

There are many reasons why a business owner might choose to deduct their vehicle expenses using the actual expense method rather than the standard rate. The most common reason is the fuel economy of your car. If you drive an SUV or van for your business, the standard rate might actually afford you much less money than what you truly spent on gas and repairs. Another reason is if your vehicle went through a lot of wear and tear that year and you want to deduct more money for repairs and depreciation than usual. 

Also, cars for hire services like limo or taxi companies must use this method every year. Whatever the reason, filing with the actual expense method will require a lot more math and a lot more records. You may need the help of a good accountant to go through your receipts and decide the right amount of money to claim for mileage, depreciation, mechanical work, insurance, and registration fees. Most people don't deduct actual expenses every year unless they drive an unusually large or expensive vehicle, but you might need to use it for certain years, depending on your circumstances.

My rental car

3. Determining Your Business Percentage

If you have a car that you only use for business part of the time, finding out how much your deduction is can be a simple equation. You must keep track of your business miles throughout the year, and then multiply that by the standard mileage rate. To get the percentage of time you used your car for business, multiply the business miles by the actual miles. 

Some people think they can get away with claiming 100 percent of their vehicle use as business use, but the IRS can usually spot the difference. If you are audited, only an accurate mileage log will allow you to keep your deductions, including how much you spent on gas, for people filing using actual expenses. And only true business travel counts towards your business percentage, not commuting to an office, and not driving around with your company's phone number on your window. Making deliveries, meeting with clients, and even going to the post office can be considered business trips.

Figuring out business vehicle expenses can be a tricky business, which is why many small business owners need an accounting service to help them with this and other business aspects of their taxes. But once you get a handle on what you can write off and how, you might find that there are many rewards during tax season for small business, and deducting the cost of driving is one of the biggest. It's good to know the government can give you the help you need when you're trying to make your mark on the market.

Author Amy Thomson blogs for Check out her other articles at You can follow her on Twitter @VroomVroomAmy.

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