Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How to Protect Your Credit Standing

A credit card is a payment card issued to users as a system of payment. It allows the cardholder to pay for goods and services based on the holder's promise to pay for them. The issuer of the card creates a revolving account and grants a line of credit to theconsumer . The modern credit card was the successor of a variety of merchant credit schemes 

If we talk about a couple of investment services, now it’s time to talk credit scores! Your credit score is a measure of your financial stability and a key component to approve your loan. So, naturally, we have to keep track of our score. So Credit Sesame is one of the brand names that are designed for credit monitoring. This site actually lets you monitor your credit score for free.

Credit Sesame uses complex algorithms to give you a gauge of your overall credit worthiness in their own, very unique credit score. Although it is not an F.I.C.O. score, it’s still worth tracking. Also, your score is updated every month for monthly tracking of your progress.

Credit Sesame is a free credit score and credit monitoring provider. Not the type of free that only lasts for a week or two but, free for life. Credit Sesame was created in 2010 as a free tool for consumers to monitor their credit reports. They provide various tools that allow you to track loans, payments, credit scores and more and, they never ask you for a credit card!

Credit Sesame Review

Credit Sesame is 100% free, they provide a way to see how much money you owe to whom and great finance management tools and you can get credit score update per month. Credit score provided is not the credit score that you’re looking for. There is a difference between the F.I.C.O. score and any score calculated by anyone else. Credit Sesamedoes their own calculations.

Credit Sesame is becoming so popular with monthly monitoring tools; you can watch your report for security and growth. It’s always good to keep track of your loans. If you haven’t done so in a while, you may be surprised when you open your Credit Sesame account. Their debt and loan analysis tool can help you to prioritize your debts and get them paid off faster!

Credit Sesame has tools that help you save money by reducing payments on loans. You can even customize the alerts so that you get an email when it’s time to save!

When you get to the website ModestMoney.com, you need to give them your social security number and answer a few security questions. Once you’ve answered the security questions, you will be taken to your dashboard which is very user friendly.

My Overall Thoughts about Credit Sesame Review on ModestMoney.com is that it is a great company that has come up with a great product. It provides us a platform that makes the lenders pays for your service through advertisement. The tools provided by Credit Sesame have helped consumers to take control of their financial stability and can definitely help you.

Monday, August 12, 2013

What Type of Retirement Account is Right for Me?

When starting their careers after school, new members of the “real world” are likely given some options to invest their money. This can be multiple different avenues, and many of them can help prepare for the future. If retirement is on a person's mind, they may want to look at a couple of choices to help strengthen their financial strategy.

We at World Financial Group know that individuals need to think about retirement starting at an early age. This can be a tricky process, but there are many options available to help people achieve their goals. Starting early is important, and it can prevent delays in a person's fiscal plan later on.

Planning for retirement necessary from the get-go

Everyone wants to retire comfortably, but there may be some issues on how a person will accomplish those goals. By setting a strict plan from the time a person is getting into the working world, it can improve the chances of retiring on time.

  • Start saving now – There is never a point where it is too early to start putting money away for retirement, and delaying this process can hurt the chances of getting it done. 
  • Know what is needed – Having set goals are only as good as the likelihood an individual can reach them. Saving a set amount and working to increase that level gradually may put the person in a better spot later on. 

Not all retirement accounts made equal

Young people need to look at a variety of retirement options, and considering these choices should be a long process. When finding the right type of plan, a person can adjust their strategy to ensure they are in the best position to save a sizable amount of money.

  • Roth IRA – One of the best aspects of having a Roth IRA is that all withdrawals of the account are without any tax penalty. There are still some tax contributions, but the money taken out belongs to the person who owns the policy. This policy also allows for withdrawals before a person retires without a penalty, which can be beneficial if the account holder needs the money. 
  • 401(k) – This policy allows for an individual to work with their employer in order to build their retirement savings. If account holders put a certain amount of their paychecks toward this account, they may be able to get their employers to match their contributions – thus providing a nice boost to their savings. 

These available options can help a person get the tools they need to retire successfully. However, these may be even better if a person combines them with other diversified savings plans such as a nest egg account and a college fun for any children they may have.

The Benefits of Mortgages for Boomers

Many home buyers are under the mistaken impression that they should try to purchase in cash. While cash-buying can certainly result in some benefits for home buyers, it also robs them of the chance to take advantage of the benefits of a home loan.

Even though most people may view mortgages as simply a debt that must be paid off, home loans come with their own advantages.


If a home buyer opts to only make a purchase in cash, their options dwindle considerably. Many properties may be out of their price range, narrowing their choices. Mortgage borrowers, however, have the freedom to choose the home of their dreams, not just the home they can pay for upfront.

Mortgages also give home buyers more flexibility in how they can pay off a home. Different payment plans can be selected, and if interest rates fall in the future, borrowers can refinance their loans to take advantage of the savings.


While paying for a home in cash may seem like a great way to prevent the risks associated with loans, it will also generally wipe out an individual's savings. This means that if another issue arises which requires financial assistance - medical treatment, college tuition, etc. - they will be at a disadvantage. A mortgage borrower, on the other hand, will be able to hang onto their cash in case such a situation occurs.

Additionally, many home buyers often forget that the costs of a home go beyond the purchase price. Closing costs must be accounted for, as well as things like maintenance and repair. Buying in cash can leave home buyers at a disadvantage when it comes to financing these things.


Mortgage interest is tax deductible, as is the interest on a home equity line of credit. In addition, borrowers can roll the costs of property taxes into their loan amount, making it easier to pay them as part of a monthly bill.


All debt is often lumped into the bad category, but there's a difference between good debt and bad debt. A high-quality mortgage qualifies as good debt on a person's credit report, and as long as they stay current on their loan, it can give a big boost to their score, making it easier to borrow money in the future and receive low interest rates on credit cards.


The greatest benefit of home loans is that they allow buyers to make a purchase sooner rather than later. Chances are cash buyers will have to put off homeownership for a long time in order to save up enough money. Depending on the market, waiting too long can make the cost of a home even more expensive, which in turn means having to wait even longer. Mortgage borrowers are able to finance a home purchase when they want to, giving them the freedom to make homeownership a reality.

The New Baseline - Why Oil Prices Won't Go Down

After a decade that saw
oil prices skyrocket, only to come suddenly crashing back down, it’s easy to wonder where the market might be heading in the next few years. Despite these fears, though, every indication suggests that oil prices aren't going to drop far from their current level ever again.

The Big Drop

If you were on planet Earth over the past few years, then you've felt the pinch of the Great Recession. But people investing in oil and gas took a bigger hit than many, with oil prices dropping from more than $145 per barrel in July 2008 to just more than $30 per barrel that December.

Since then, however, prices have climbed a bit more slowly than in the lead up to the crash, hovering around $100 per barrel. Now oil investors are asking, "What might cause the next crash?"

The New Normal

It's impossible to say for certain that there won't be another big drop in oil prices, since the commodity is so intimately tied to the global economy. The world took a hit at the start of 2010 when a massive earthquake and tsunami crippled Japan.

But it's important to at least understand one idea: $100 oil should be the expectation.

There will always be ups and downs, but the lead-up to 2008 was a clear bubble, and the crash in prices simply mirrored the huge shock to the global economy. But as a recent infographic demonstrates, the oil market has seen some fundamental changes that will keep prices well above the levels we saw at the low point of the recession.

  • Developing demand - In 2007, before the worst of the run-up in prices, the globe consumed around 85 million barrels of oil per day (bpd), according to numbers from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The U.S. alone made up nearly one-quarter of that, and Europe was another fifth. By 2012, American demand had actually fallen by more than 2 million bpd even after largely recovering from the Great Recession. European demand fell nearly as much. Yet, global consumption rose by nearly 3 million bpd, driven by growth in developing economies like China (2.7 million bpd), Saudi Arabia (844,000 bpd) and India (600,000 bpd). 
  • Rising costs - While China is certainly driving the demand end of the equation, there are pressures on the supply side as well. Many Americans have heard about how hydraulic fracturing - or fracking - has helped sparked a domestic energy boom, and wonder why that isn't leading to lower prices. The problem is that these techniques are driving production purely because of these high prices. Production costs for conventional oil deposits vary dramatically from region to region, but tend to range around $20 or $30 per barrel. For fracking, the break even point is often closer to $80 per barrel.
With conventional wells starting to slow down and more oil coming from expensive new sources, oil investments are increasingly protected by the fact that nobody in the industry can afford for prices to drop too far below $100 per barrel. That means it might take some patience to wait out economic dips, but if you're worried about oil selling for cheap, you're probably worried about nothing.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Six Ways to Save Money on Your Home Technology

Technology can easily become very expensive, but it does not have to. Here are six ways you can save money on your home technology.

1. Shop Around

One of the easiest and quickest ways to save money on home technology you are looking to buy is to simply shop around before you make your purchase. A gadget’s price can vary widely from store to store. Compare prices for both online and brick and mortar stores on the internet. One quick search could save you hundreds of dollars!

2. Shop Sales

Being patient can really pay off if you wait until your gadget is on sale before you buy it. Black Friday is the most well-known sale day for electronics, but it isn’t the only one. Cyber Monday, Black Friday’s online counterpart, happens the Monday after Thanksgiving. Good deals can also be found during Back to School time and Christmastime as well.

3. Take Advantage of Rewards Programs

Some stores offer incentives for you to shop with them. They may offer you a free product or a money saving coupon after you spend a certain dollar amount at their store. If there is a technology product you buy frequently, like printer cartridges, you can end up saving some real money this way. Of course, skipping buying new cartridges and just getting a printer cartridge refill is a good option too.

4. Buy Used or Refurbished

Another good option is buying your electronics used or refurbished. With so many people always looking to upgrade as soon as possible, it is completely possible to get a used phone or television that has not actually been used that much. If it is relatively new and still works well, why pay more?

5. Get Rid of Excess Features

Make sure you are not paying more than you should for features you don’t even use. If you mostly watch local channels, you may not need the top-of-the-line cable package. If you have a cell phone you use for all your calls, you may want to get rid of your landline. You may choose to buy the basic printer without the fax and scanner you have no use for.

6. Ignore the Joneses

One of the best ways to save on technology is simply to ignore the Joneses. Use your phone awhile longer instead of always having to have the latest and greatest upgrades right away. Take care of the electronics you have so they last. Buy last year’s model.

Using these six tips will ensure that you will have the technology you love without spending an arm and a leg to get it.

Is It Too Late For Life Insurance?

Life insurance is one of the most important purchases you can make, and can also be one of the most expensive. Perhaps you are young, or started working young, and could not afford life insurance or you didn’t think it was important at the time. Now you are a little older and seeing the need for life insurance. You might have a family and children now, and you want to make sure they are cared for and not left in financial need should anything happen to you. You might be thinking it’s too late for life insurance, but it is never too late to purchase life insurance. This article will discuss how elderly individuals can purchase life insurance, and will discuss the different options available to you. After reading this article, hopefully you will be better equipped with the knowledge of how to purchase life insurance, and you and your family can continue stress free.

When looking for a life insurance policy, it is important to sit down and think about your needs. You may want to consider your health issues or needs you currently have, the number of family members you have, your age, income, etc. There are several factors that impact the cost of life insurance, as well as help you determine what type of life insurance you will need. Make a list of what you want out of your life insurance policy and bring it when you speak to the representative.


There are two basic categories of life insurance: temporary and permanent. Temporary life insurance means that you are being protected for a specific amount of time, and the policy will only cover death expenses during that time, and nothing else. Permanent life insurance means that the policy increases in value over time, and you cannot cancel the policy. These policies are typically better for those starting young, as the price increases over time and with age, thus making is expensive for the elderly.

Insurance Representatives

The best way to obtain life insurance is to speak directly with the representative of the company you are interested in. It is a good idea to research several different companies and narrow down your choices. Research can be done online or with a family member with whom you trust to help you in your search. Once you narrow your choices down, you can then call, or have your family member call, and get more information over the phone or in a personal meeting. Make sure you ask all the questions you want to ask, that way you get all the information you need. Visiting life insurance brokerage general agencies will be helpful.

Although you may think it might be difficult to obtain life insurance when you are elderly, it is not as hard as it seems. Although health issues are a factor, there are policies available that offer coverage despite health risks and issues. Doing your research is an important piece to obtaining a life insurance policy.

About the Author
Ashley Parker is a caregiver for her mother, and she has researched several different policies for life insurance. She suggests taking a look at a local brokerage general agency for more ways to secure your family’s financial future. 

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