Sunday, August 25, 2013

Quick Loan Advice Pros and Cons of Log book Loans

If you don’t own property and you suffer with a poor credit rating it can often be very difficult to obtain credit. Some people choose to opt for payday loans or their doorstep alternative, but these solutions can leave the lendee with truly extortionate rates of interest. Thanks to a new wave of logbook loan companies, this is now becoming less of a problem. 
This guide will tell you all you need to know about logbook loans, including both their pros and cons retrospectively. 

So What Is A Logbook Loan Anyway?

Basically, a logbook loan covers any type of credit issued against the value of a motor vehicle. You can generally apply online and receive a decision in minutes, which certainly saves a considerable amount of precious time and effort. Mobile Moneys logbook loan service is currently the most popular option around, and many people choose to opt for it every month.

Tell Me About The Pros

With a logbook loan the benefits are endless. Usually credit checks are not performed, allowing people with less than desirable credit scores to receive the cash they need in troublesome times. Also, once an application has been processed and accepted, logbook loan companies will usually be in a position to release the money instantly, meaning you could have cash in your pocket on the very same day - a truly useful tool for those unforeseen emergencies.

Because logbook loan companies don’t usually perform credit checks, proof of employment is often needed to process a successful application, although even this can sometimes be avoided. Repayment schedules can also spread over a much longer time period than their payday or doorstep counterparts allow, meaning that monthly bills can work out to be considerably less.

Okay, So What About The Cons?

As with any form of credit, certain risks are involved with taking out a logbook loan - mainly the possibility of default. If you miss a payment with logbook loan companies, you risk losing your car, so this is something seriously worth bearing in mind. Although this is the worst case scenario, if you default, expect collectors to take this very seriously. Obviously most lenders will allow you some leeway, but if you’re not certain you can make the repayments, don’t take out the loan.

Interest rates can be well over 300%, so the more time it takes you to pay the loan off, the more money it will end up costing you, but if you have no other option, you really have no other choice. Be sure to read the contract carefully, paying special attention to the small print, and never take out any loan without first working out how much you will end up paying back.

So there you go, thats the lowdown on logbook loans. Depending on your personal financial situation, this solution could be perfect for you, but be careful as some lenders will purposely avoid telling you the final repayment amount, and if you haven’t worked it out for yourself, you could well be in for a nasty shock come payday.

Five Tips To Saving Money On Your Daily Needs

Being able to save money, in any fashion, can make you feel protected and secure, especially in shaky financial times. The easy part is the planning, because anyone can fantasize about building that nest egg. The hard part is the actual doing, because when the reality of cutting corners actually hits, you may begin to doubt your plan of action. The good news is, you can do this, it will just take some strategizing, and some iron willpower.

Dumping The Luxuries

One reason that many people wind up spending way more money than they need to is because of all the luxuries that they honestly believe they cannot live without. If you are serious about saving money every month, you will have to draw some lines, painful though they may be. To start, see if you can downsize to a basic plan on the following: internet, cable and phone. Some companies offer reduced price plans, as well as ways to bundle all three onto one bill, for less money per month. Miss the movies? Watch them online for less.

Develop Some Shopping Tactics

One of the biggest expenses in any household budget is groceries. As has been done by many generations before you, you will have to become familiar with your local markets, and their sale days. A sale day is usually mid-week, and will be the beginning date of that week’s sale list. Any stock that is listed as being on sale will be available on the first day, but may not be the rest of the week. Find out what will be on sale, and then see if there are any coupons available for them. You can get them off the internet and out of newspapers. Combine all of this with store reward cards, and you will rack up some considerable savings on things you buy on a regular basis.

Speaking Of Cards

There was a time when the reward cards offered by the major chains only gave you a discount on your total bill when shopping there. Those times have definitely changed for the better! Possessing those cards can now earn you discounts and freebies at other stores, simply by continuing to be a loyal customer. For example, one major chain of grocery stores offers their customers a discount on their next gasoline purchase at a participating petroleum chain, if they spend X dollars on groceries. Combining discounts is a wonderful way to save money on a daily basis.


While you are surfing the internet, looking for coupons, check out some of the ads you will see touting freebies on a lot of the coupon sites. You can get everything these days from free samples to full size product packages, simply by registering your email address with these websites. Some of them are for consumer survey sites, while others are sites connected to the manufacturers themselves. With the freebies sent in the mail, you will also receive even more coupons to use on your next shopping trip.

Bring It

And, then, there is the timeless method of saving a few bucks a week: bring it from home! Pack a lunch, bring your own coffee, each and every work day, simple as that. On average, this will save you 8 to 10 dollars a day, depending on how much coffee you would have, or where you would go to eat.

About Author: Alisa Martin is a proficient author and writes articles on Finance. She regularly contributes for the website

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Financial Loans Even With A Bad Credit History

In this financial world we all are bound with daily expenses. Our job gives us a regular paycheck by which we lead our daily life. But sometimes it becomes difficult to make both ends meet when we require urgent cash in the middle of the month. Urgencies like medical treatment, accidental car repairs, urgent grocery bills and late payment of credit cards do not come planned. 

And thus people fall in a dilemma where they need urgent cash to meet such financial requirements. This leads to borrowing money from various sources such as friends and relatives. But one tries to avoid such financial transactions from relatives. The best option here lies is the source of quick loans available in the market today.

If you have a bad credit history and are worried about getting a loan, you can get a loan easily through no credit check loans available in the market. It helps you to get a loan even if you have a bad credit rating. The eligibility for such a loan is very simple. You just need to be 18 years of age with a regular job and should have an active bank account to show financial transactions. The loan amount borrowed for such loan ranges from £100 to £1,500. The repayment of no credit check loans ranges from 7 to 30 days depending on your next payday. It helps you to make the repayment at your next payday.

No credit check loans can be searched and applied online. You can search for the right lender over the internet and then apply for no credit check loans online by just filling up an online form. Once you submit the online form you receive a verification call for the documents you have submitted. Once they are satisfied the loan is approved and you receive the cash in your given bank account within a day.

No credit check online saves you a lot of money as there is no fees required for processing the loan. The main advantage for such loan is that your credit history is not checked upon for approval of the loan. Also if you have collateral against the loan you can save a lot on the rate of interest. But if you do not have collateral against the loan amount you have to pay higher rate of interest as the lender has to borrow money as his own risk. But always remember to make the repayment on time because if you fail there can be undue circumstances of paying higher interest rates.

Thus if you have a bad credit history and you need cash in the middle of the month, you have the best option to apply for no credit check loans online. It helps a lot to improve your credit rating if you can make the repayment on time and enjoy other financial benefits in future financial market.

5 Tips for Setting yourself up for Retirement

We often hear stories about pensioners who have so little money that they have to eat dog food to survive. Often this is because circumstances have not worked in their favour, and the fact is that in life there are no guarantees. Having said that there are ways that you can do your best to ensure that you have prepared adequately for when you retire. Here are 5 tips for setting yourself up for retirement.

Have a plan

Just going through life without worrying about the future might work for some, but often it can be a case of the squirrel who did not collect enough nuts for the winter. Thinking into the future, and planning ahead is the best way to ensure that you have set in place a plan that will serve you when you retire from work.

Educate yourself about investment

An investment in your future is well worth the money. There are lots of different courses available for people to learn how to best manage their retirement plan so that they can get the most out of life when they retire. The money that you pay now for information about investing will be money that you have invested into your own future.

Live to your means

There is no point in spending a lot of money to keep up with the Jones’s as this is something that will not bear fruit for you in the future. The money that you waste now in buying ‘things’ to give the illusion of wealth will be money that you don’t have later on when you really need it to live. Having a credit card that you use to buy frivolous purchases could end up being a debt that you are still dragging along behind you later in life. If you are good at saving money but have it too accessible then you might find yourself spending it on things that you don’t need, so put it into a term deposit or investment and make it work for you.

Own Your Own Home

Owning your own home is a really important part of having something to show for yourself in your retirement. When you make each monthly payment it builds to your equity automatically which will work for your future. You can arrange to have your final mortgage payment just before you retire so that you know you will not have any debt as you move into this stage of life.

Use Common Sense

When making investments, use common sense, and most importantly seek help. If you receive dodgy emails asking for your bank details, use your common sense and ask if it is kocher. Asking for help with making decisions about your money will ensure that you are always working with the knowledge of experience that others have already gained. This will help you to maximise what you have, and prepare you better for enjoying your retirement. Meredon Consulting have a lot of experience with maximising retirement plans, so give them a call if you have any questions.

Five Ways To Save Money On Your Utility Bills

English: Series of air conditioners at UNC-CH.
English: Series of air conditioners at UNC-CH. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
No matter how strong, or how weak, the economy is, the one constant seems to be the constant increases in utility costs. Every homeowner is always on the lookout for ways to save some money every month, and we will share with you some solid, effective ways to do so. Savings add up, month to month, and any changes made will soon pay for themselves.

Heating And Cooling

Heating and cooling a home is one of the biggest energy costs today, and actually one of the easiest to fix. The first thing to do is to have an inspector come out to check for possible leak points. The more air that escapes through ill fitting vents and gaps in walls or floors, the more dollars that get wasted on heating and cooling costs.

Shade trees behind, and on sides of the home will help reduce the need for high air conditioning costs in the summer. The added insulation from the sun’s rays will keep indoor temperatures down, and the AC kicking in less. Sealing the windows with plastic sheeting will do the same with heating in the winter.


Dimmer switches will help to reduce the amount of lighting needed to illuminate the home. The brighter the light, the more energy is expended. If you will only be occupying a smaller area, use task lighting like overhead track lights instead of lighting up the entire room. Switch out light bulbs for energy savers in every room that sees a lot of traffic. Design the placement of furniture to take advantage of natural lighting, near windows, whenever possible.

Using Home Electronics

Research has shown that 60 percent of the power that each piece of home electronics uses daily is eaten up by continually sitting on standby. Don’t just turn the volume down, or leave that green light blinking, turn it off completely. To be honest, plugging them all into a surge protector power strips will not only preserve them from storms, it will also make it easier to turn them all off at once.


Make sure that you keep all of the appliances in the home in good repair, especially items like hot water heaters, dishwashers, and washer-dryers. A machine like these that is damaged will work twice as hard to perform, using twice the energy. Upgrade to Energy Star rated appliances, if possible, which use less energy. With washers, dryers and dishwashers, consolidate loads whenever possible. If you have an appliance you no longer use, unplug it and take it away. One empty refrigerator alone will waste up to 160 dollars of energy costs.

Go On A Budget

A lot of municipal energy providers offer what is termed a ‘budget plan’ for cost conscious consumers. You will pay the same amount of money every month, regardless of what your meter says. On months that you do not use that much energy, the overage that you paid in will go into credit, which you can then use during months when you will need more energy, like summer.

About Author: Alisa Martin is a proficient author and writes articles on finance. She regularly contributes for the website

Five Tips To Saving Money On Your Next Holiday

When people want to go on holiday, the last thing they imagine that they want to experience is stress. Paying out some of the current high prices for travel packages would certainly push the old blood pressure up the charts! But how can someone save money on their next holiday, and still have a decent vacation?

Time To Hit The Internet

When searching for deals on holiday packages, the best place to begin your is the internet. Pick a location, and warm up your favorite search engine, and see what comes up. While looking, try to avoid limiting your choices to those offered by travel agencies, or even airlines. These days, you can find travel deals on all kinds of websites: coupon sites, discount deals, social networking sites, hotels, banks and even credit cards will often have unadvertised specials from time to time.

Book Early Save More

Some travel package deals will have some very specific requirements you will have to meet before you can reap the full benefits. One of the most common of these requirements is that you book within a certain period of time, usually between three to six months of your intended departure date. Even if you do not take advantage of a particular deal, it is just common sense to book a trip as early as you can. Not only will it save you money, it guarantees the booking, and may even allow you a change or refund should something happen.

Think About Getting The Band Back Together

Have some friends that you haven’t seen in awhile, but used to travel with in the past? Some of the best holiday deals are actually geared more towards groups these days, as opposed to individuals. This can be especially true for international packages, like those for countries like Portugal, China and Australia, just to name a few. Could mean the difference between saving a few hundred or a few thousand.

Plan Ahead On Packing

One of the fastest ways to create unexpected expenses while on holiday is to omit needed items from the packing. By doing this, you will wind up spending needed money unnecessarily, not to mention raising the aggravation level. Plan ahead, make a complete list, and check doublecheck it against what you packed before leaving. You will be glad you did.

Squirrel Away For That Next rainy Day

You never know when even the best planning can break down, due to circumstances beyond your control. Should you get trapped in one spot due to bad weather or missed connections, you don’t want to go broke having to pay for extra items that were not planned for, like additional meals or extra nights’ stays. To discount this, plan ahead by squirreling away a few dollars into a ‘just in case’ fund, that will be kept separate, and safe while you travel about. Just keep in mind that if you blow it, you will hate the results.

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