Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Easiest And Fastest Way to Collect Medical Debts

Are you at the point where your accounts receivables have taken over your business? Using a medical collection company may be the answer. While you are attending your clients and bringing in more business, let a collection company step in to handle collecting unpaid bills. It is a fact of business that you will encounter patients who never pay their bills, or who are late paying their bills. It can become a cumbersome business to maintain awareness of your overdue accounts. 

That’s where a medical collection company can intervene and help. First, they can focus on your accounts receivables only. That is their business, and it does not interfere with the daily routine of running your company. Second, they understand it is important they maintain your reputation and your relationship with your patients while recovering your unpaid accounts. Third, having a company deal with your outstanding accounts sends a message to your clients and patients that you are serious about your unpaid balances. It sets a precedent for future balances owed.

When attempting to collect unpaid accounts, time and resources are spent focusing on collection of outstanding balances. Hiring a collection company to recover these unpaid medical bills frees you up to generate more income and divert resources to another part of your business. A collection company can give you a guide on how and when to collect on unpaid balances. This means there is a set time to collect, which will take the guesswork out of when to go after your outstanding bills.

There are also a variety of other collection services available to you, such as commercial collections, consumer collections and judgment collections. Commercial collection services offer businesses outside the medical industry solutions to their aging account receivables problems. These services can work alongside your in-house collections department or can be used as an outsourced solution. Consumer collections are services through which unpaid accounts can be managed by an outside agency to collect unpaid balances from individual consumers. Judgment collection services assist to enforce judgment collections. While judicial judgments are assumed automatically collected, it is not always true.

When you have reached a point in your business growth where a large percentage of it is spent chasing after clients who have not paid their balances, a collection company may be the solution you need. Their services will save you time, resources and manpower and allow you to make additional revenue and promote growth for your business. Let a medical collection company assist you so you can start focusing your attention where it is needed – on your business!

Author Bio:
Debbie Trandell blogs about the debt recovery industry and the prevalence of debts going unpaid in the medical world. Through research and personal experiences, Debbie highly recommends the services of the Summit Account Resolution collection agency that can be found at

Tips on Finding the Right International Tax Accountant

It is critical to find the correct international tax accountant who will meet your tax obligations properly, provide great tax planning and avoid tax audits. This article, written by an international tax accountant in Toronto, provides useful guidelines on finding knowledgeable and experienced international tax expert.

1. Examine Your Needs

In order to find the right tax accountant, it is important to know which country’s tax laws will need to be complied with and what kind of services you require. Do you need to hire an international tax accountant in Toronto, Canada or in a different part of the world? Do you need an accountant to simply prepare your tax returns or do you need someone that is specialized in a specific area such as self-employed individuals, small businesses, and real estate? Given that different tax accountants have expertise in different tax fields, it is crucial that you select a tax accountant who will be best suitable for you. When you are aware of the services that you require, embark on your hunt. Get hold of reliable recommendations and create a list of prospective accountants. 

2. Enquire About Their Tax Field of Expertise

When considering potential accountants, you should inquire questions in-depth. It is crucial that you spend enough time and effort in selecting a tax accountant. Find out whether the services provided by the accountant fulfill your needs and whether they have the qualifications and experience necessary to accomplish the task effectively. It is important that you hire someone who is specialized in the area you need help with and has a lot of experience working with your kind of business or individuals in similar tax situations as you

3. Verify References

In order to ensure you obtain the right professional, you should always contact the references provided by the potential accountant. Speaking with a few of the candidate’s references, such as current clients, will generally able you to determine aptness of the candidate with a high degree of precision. The time and effort put into verifying the references will be rewarding in the long run.

4. Personal Relationship with the Accountant

When taking a tax accountant into service, think about whether you are comfortable with and trust this individual as they will be working with important financial data. As well, confirm if the candidate communicates well with you and completely answers all your questions. Easy and transparent communication is a must between the accountant and client!

5. Accounting Fees

Obtain an approximate fee for the services to be provided from the remaining candidates. Compare the different quotes and choose the accountant who has the qualifications and experience to accomplish the job effectively within your set budget!

Please visit to read more articles about international tax written by an accountant in Toronto.

About the Author

Allan Madan, CPA, CA, is an international tax accountant located in Toronto, Canada. Allan helps his clients with tax compliance, foreign reporting, withholding tax and inbound and outbound tax planning.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Buying a House? Before the Down Payment, Here’s the Lowdown

If you’re in the market for a new house, you've obviously gotten wind of the upturn in the American real estate market. What just a couple of years ago might have taken an inconceivable amount of risk is now finally not only for the daredevils: with the housing bubble now firmly in our rearview mirror, becoming a homeowner is a definite possibility... if you’re ready, that is.

Pre-Purchase Step 1: Know Your Facts

The Internet is full of tips-and-tricks articles about what to look out for when buying a home and more articles emerge daily that can shed light on the subject of financing your goal of a dream home. In a market still prone to out-of-the-blue sea changes, be sure to read up on the status of mortgage rates, home price hikes, and so on. 

Then, narrow your focus and hone in on the trends in evidence throughout the actual neighborhood you’re trying to buy into: find out how much houses have been going for in the past few months, so as to lower your bid against the asking price accordingly. Also, consider the quality of the schools in the vicinity of your desired school, as these kinds of details will drive your property price up in case you ever want to sell.

Pre-Purchase Step 2: If You Intend to Flip It...

… think again. Since the real estate market crashed, the Fed has been helping it rebound and we are now seeing the first signs of progress. It was slow to reach this stage, but, as it’s now being reported, the demand for houses is inching itself up to not only healthier levels, but as close to a full recovery as one can expect at this stage. As things are looking up and a so-called seller’s market is even gaining ground, the prices for real estate are nevertheless significantly lower than they were in 2007. It might actually be the right time to consider shelling out the pretty penny required for a new home - that doesn't mean that you’re guaranteed to get a return on your investment should you decide to sell in even a few month’s time...

Pre-Purchase Step 3: Enlist the Help of a Professional Lender

With some outlets tentatively putting the word of a new bubble in the making, you’re probably in a bit of a hurry to get a bid in. It’s not, however, advisable that you go through this list at full pelt and gallop toward your dream-home finish line. Skipping steps or rushing through the procedure won’t save you time - to the contrary, it can only cause you more hassle in the long run. 

A professional agent is uniquely placed to treat you fairly and take the time to explain all that’s needed for you to make an informed choice. A lender’s role is also of paramount importance: seek one out for pre-approval as soon as possible. Given the right lender, you will be counseled on how to go about the buying process, you will be informed of the price range you can actually afford (commonly 2 ½ times your yearly salary) and you will get an appraisal of both your financial history and the house you’re planning on buying.

All of this is to say, simply put, caveat emptor! For most prospective homeowners out there, this will probably be the most important purchase of their lives. The thing to remember, though, is that it needn't also be the most taxing one, on your finances or your state of mind.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Evaluating Structured Settlement Offers

Structured settlements are a monthly or weekly payment that is given to those after a settlement by an insurance company. These payments guarantee an income over the life of the contract. However, this type of settlement does not work for everyone and many decide to sell their settlements in return for a lump sum. Shopping around for the best deal is always advised, but how do you choose the best buyout offer?

Will the buyout alleviate your financial problem?

The reason behind many selling structured settlements is due to financial necessity such as; paying off credit cards, debt, college fees or a mortgage. It is important to remember however that you will always make a loss on the amount received, as the lump sum will be lower than the overall amount due and is subject to federal and state tax. So it is worth considering how much money you need? Will the money received cover and address these needs? If unsure, consult a structured settlement payment calculator which will help you decide if it is worth selling your settlement or looking for another option.

Furthermore, can you navigate your financial future without the payments from your structured settlement? If you depend on your monthly income to maintain financial security, it may be too valuable to sacrifice as cash. Look at your current expenses to determine your reliability on the current regular payments before agreeing to a payout. Your financial future is important and should be carefully guarded!

Do you understand the buyout agreement?

Selling your structured settlements is not a complicated process, however, there is certain terminology which is used that you should familiarize yourself with and make sure that you understand. Reviewing the details of your agreement with the financial buyers is advised and if you are unsure, do not hesitate to ask questions or consult an attorney for clarification. After all, it is your money and you should feel totally comfortable with the process before signing the dotted line. 

Do you feel bullied?

This touches on the last point, but taking your time really is key when evaluating buyout offers. If the company you contact tries to rush you in to a decision or you feel pressured in to accepting the cash for structured settlements, say no. Such tactics are known as a ‘hard sell’ and are common among the more unscrupulous structured settlement payment buyers. Do not let yourself get pressured or bullied in to making a hasty decision. Take your time to carefully consider all your options.

Are you dealing with a trustworthy company?

Take the time to do your homework and thoroughly research the company that makes you an offer. The first place to always check is the Better Business Bureau which has a directory of all the registered companies. Do not just check they are registered; look at their reviews and ratings too. Do they have any complaints? Are they reputable? Many companies have been known to offer higher-than-expected amount of money to customers and have later failed to honor their agreement. It is worth checking for these problems before moving forward and signing the agreement. You wouldn’t hand a total stranger your wallet, so why would you hand over your money to a company you know nothing about?

Author Biography
Mark Long is a reputable and well-respected financial advisor who specialises in selling structured settlements and annuity. He has recently partnered with an online finance website to provide advice for those looking to receive cash for structured settlements.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Could Trading Be a Viable Option to Plan for Retirement?

Retirement is a fact of life for most working people, because there is going to be a time in your life when you will want to, or have to, leave your position of employment. It used to be traditional for companies to provide suitable pension plans for their employees, so that they had an income that paid them enough to live on in their old age. Also, there was a time when a state pension and other social security benefits were there as a safety net for those people who did not have their own private or company pension provision. However, with cutbacks in social security becoming more severe, coupled with the ever rising cost of living, social security benefits are no longer enough to cover the cost of living, for a lot of people. 

Making Personal Arrangements

The only other option is for people to make their own arrangements to ensure that they have enough money to give them a certain level of financial support, when they do retire. The range of options that are open to those people who are looking to make their own retirement plans can seem a little daunting at first glance, that is why it is important that you speak to a financial advisor who can help you find a financial plan that suits your situation.

Of course, you could simply keep working, and this could help, however, there is going to be a time when, depending on your job, you are going to reach an age where you are no longer able to perform your tasks with the necessary speed and competence. 

Investing In Your Future

When it comes to investing for your retirement, any financial advisor worth his salt is going to advise you to spread your investment across more than one scheme. This is good advice, because if you have all your money in just one scheme, and that scheme tanks, then you are going to lose most, if not all of your investment.

The one financial scheme that most financial advisors will tell you to invest in is stocks, as you can divide your portfolio across a number of different stock options. Stocks have the potential to offer big returns, however, they are also considered to be high risk, so it is important to get options trading education, from your financial advisor. Bonds are also an option; however, although these are very low risk, the payouts are going to be less than you would expect to receive from stocks.

Different financial advisors will give you different advice about how much of a percentage you should invest in stocks and bonds. However, most will advise you to keep your stock investment close to your age, so if you are 35 years old, you should be looking at using 35 percent of your portfolio, so when the time comes to retire, 65 to 70 percent of your portfolio should be invested.

So to summarise, investing in options trading to provide you with an income in your retirement is a risky option, but it is the option that is going to give you the best financial return on your investment. So long as you invest in stocks across a number of companies, then you should avoid losing all of your investment should a financial crisis take place. If you are thinking about investing in stocks in order to provide an income in your retirement, then you need to speak to a financial advisor at the earliest opportunity.

Liam Ball is a finance expert who enjoys blogging about financial topics. He is a regular contributor to a number of finance blogs all over the world.

Managing a Mortgage: Tips for the Big Payments in Life

A mortgage is a large commitment for any family. It is important to manage a mortgage and the money in the household responsibly. This will help when attempting to finance other large purchases in future. Several tips will help families to manage a mortgage, and prepare for other big payments in the future. 

Create a Detailed Budget

The most important part of managing a mortgage and preparing for other large purchases is to create a detailed budget. The budget should include everyday expenses like groceries, and gas and utility payments. It should also include taxes, financing fees, and savings for an emergency fund. A detailed budget allows the family to see the exact state of finances at any given point, and it can indicate when it is necessary to cut back on spending before debt grows out of control. One household budget also helps to save for future purchases.

Pay Down Principal If Possible

The principal on a mortgage or any loan is the amount borrowed without interest. The amortization of many mortgages sees homeowners paying large amounts of interest for years before the principal starts to drop significantly. Homeowners should attempt to make additional payments each month to reduce the principal only. This actually lowers the total amount of interest that has to be paid over time. It also shortens the term of the loan.

Avoid Late or Missed Payments

It is important to avoid late or missed payments on a mortgage or any loan. Late payments can negatively affect credit, making it harder to finance other large purchases like a car. They can even incur fees from lenders that increase the amount of money owed each month. One way to avoid this is through a short-term loan. Dallas short term loans provide a fast way to make mortgage payments if there is an emergency, or if a paycheck is late. The short-term loan can prevent a bank from ruining personal credit, and can also help to avoid costly fees from mortgage lenders.


Families who are consistently having trouble making mortgage or other loan payments will want to look at refinancing. Refinancing has the potential to lower monthly costs for the remainder of the mortgage. The drawback is that the overall amount of money paid to the bank increases and could come with extra fees. Refinancing can help if the mortgage seems unsustainable.

Anyone managing a mortgage or other expense should make every effort to stay in communication with the lender. Communicating regularly and staying informed about the state of the mortgage is an essential part of management. A good relationship with the lender could help if problems occur in the future.

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