1) Never Stop Investing
It is a good idea to always be on the lookout for that next great investment opportunity. Whether you want to buy an income property, purchase gold bullion or invest in a business, you should always be looking to put your money where it will continue to grow for you.
2) Get A Part-Time Job
After retirement, you may loathe the thought of going back to work. The good news is that you have the flexibility to choose a job that interests you. Instead of working because you have to, you have the time to work as a bartender, on the golf course or at the body shop because you want to and its a great way to make money while getting out of the house.
3) Meet With A Financial Planner Regularly
Your financial planner is your best friend. He or she will show you how to responsibly manage your money in ways that will allow you to live your life without fear of going broke.
4) Maximize Social Security Benefits
Do you suffer from pain or soreness due to years of physical labor? If so, you may want to meet with Harris Federal, a federal disability attorney to see if you can start collecting social security disability checks without having to sacrifice money in the future.5) Look For Ways To Reduce Your Tax Burden
Each dollar that you don't send to the government is a dollar that you keep in your bank account. Therefore, it is in your best interest to find ways to lower your tax burden whenever possible. An easy way to do this, if you are under age 70, is to keep your money in your retirement account to avoid paying taxes on accrued interest.
Once you retire, you won't have the large paycheck and health benefits that your employer has provided for you. This means that you have to think of ways to provide for yourself for the next 20 to 30 years.