When it comes to the labour market there are many opportunities for companies that can provide the staff a business might need on a temporary, contract or permanent basis. There are a few pitfalls as well that you need to consider. Plenty of people who are in full time employment also register with a recruitment agency just in case a better opportunity comes along. There are unemployed people who do likewise believing that a privately run company with contacts is more likely to find them new employment than the government exchanges.
Some others are available for short term contracts in specialised employment and a fourth element are people available for temporary work which comes up in holiday time but also to cover enforced or paid absences within a company. The opportunities are there for someone with contacts and the determination to build up even more.

Cash flow issues
It is not all plain sailing if you run a recruitment agency and are responsible for paying everyone on your books yet find yourself waiting for your clients to pay you. Your biggest client could be your slowest payer and that will inevitably cause you cash flow problems, which you need to solve. Without a planned and accurate cash flow you can go out of business quickly.
Much depends on whether you specialise. If you have many weekly paid contractors on your books yet get paid monthly, then that alone needs to be taken into account when you are preparing your forecasts and cash flows. One obvious answer is to factor your invoices so that you receive 90% of the invoice total immediately and the balance when it has been paid.
Factoring an answer
The factoring company specialises in credit control and will take over that function from you, and will likely be more effective. There are fees involved and you can decide whether you want to pay a smaller fee and do your own credit control, but it is hardly ever worth it.
It may complicate things but there is an argument that you may want to do some of your own invoicing and collection because you are assured prompt payment and it has always happened in the past. You perhaps think it is not worth the trouble for the saving you would make.
Reduce your administration
You can decide to actually use third party services for everything relating to your payroll including the statutory returns to the taxman, the payments to everyone, and all the paperwork that is involved. If you go further and actually outsource your invoicing, you can get the VAT returns done every quarter as well. It is something that would certainly reduce your own administration.
If you are able to concentrate your energies on finding more clients and placing more people then your turnover will increase. That is surely your area of expertise? Knowing you can leave many of the administrative and financial problems to a specialist is reassuring and one less worry for you on a daily basis.
Recruitment factoring allows you to identify your financial commitments and meet your liabilities on time, even if some of your clients are not so responsible.