Tuesday, January 9, 2018

4 Websites to Keep Your Finances and Budget Organized in 2018

Budgeting is essential in anyone’s life. From having money to pay rent or mortgage payments each month, to allocating funds to pay credit cards, and of course daily expenditures, you have to budget accordingly. 

If you need help setting and maintaining your budget, there are several sites/apps you can use to assist you. These are a few which can help you get your spending under control, and possibly even start to save a bit each month.


It is not only one of the top apps on the Apple-store, it is convenient and easy to use as well. 

It offers features like SMS text if you are close to monthly expenditures, or are considering making a purchase which isn’t within your budget. This is ideal for over-spenders or compulsive shoppers.

Your Wealth

Online calculators, budgeting tools, and professional expert-advice, you have all the financial planning tools and guidance you need, to keep you on track. There is also a money-borrowing hub to help you find lower interest rates and the best repayment terms. 

A simple to use tool which will keep you on track, and help you allocate monthly funds to avoid over spending.

Money Vista 

This site uses a “life chart” to help you at different phases of your life. Depending on age, spending habits, earnings, and what you want to do in life (plan for a trip, pricey purchase, save, etc.), the life-chart will help you get there. 

It is easy to use and will help you maintain your budget accordingly if you need to keep your financial spending under control.


More and more small business owners have started to use chargify because it is a great way to keep on track with all of your payments. It allows you to automatically send out invoices if they are recurring. There are loads of other brilliant things you can use. If you would like to know more about chargify visit topbusinessalternatives.com.

Most individuals need help with financing and budgeting but not all can afford a professional financial planner to help them. These online budgeting tools are easy to use, convenient, and highly-affordable. No matter where you are in life, these are simple tools you can utilise to help you track spending/saving.

Time to Take Charge of Your Money

The new year is a great time. It's the time when it's OK to move on from the mistakes of the past. The slate is wiped clean and you have another chance to get it right. Why not try some of these websites and apps to see if you can get your finacial lives organized. There's no better time than now to get started.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

3 Unavoidable Expenses That You Can Turn into Long-Term Savings

There are many costs associated with property ownership that are simply unavoidable. For some expenses, you may be able to delay them for a few days or weeks in some cases, but they will eventually need to be addressed. 

The good news is that some of these expenses could actually help you to save money over the long-term. These are some of the unavoidable expenses that you could be faced with over the years and that could help you to save money when all things are considered.

HVAC System Expenses

HVAC repair issues can arise out of the blue, and they may require your immediate attention if you want to maintain a comfortable climate inside your building. Hiring a professional service like Dalton Heating & Air Conditioning, however, could save you money on energy costs over the next few months or longer. 

A poorly maintained system, after all, could run more frequently or longer than usual. This could unnecessarily inflate costs. Some repair issues are so significant that the entire system needs to be replaced. 

If this is the case for your property, you could choose a more energy efficient model that has a lengthy warranty to potentially save a tremendous amount of money over time.

Plumbing Service Costs

Many plumbing issues can result in unnecessary water waste. Some could even cause water damage and mold growth, and these are very expensive types of damage to repair. 

A simple plumbing service at the first sign of an issue could eliminate unnecessary water costs and could help you to keep your property well-maintained. You could even schedule a plumbing check-up or inspection to determine if you have any hidden leaks or other issues that need to be addressed.

The Guttering System

Another repair issue that could lead to cost savings over time is the guttering system on the building. Gutters collect rain from the roof and channel it down and away from the property in a planned manner. 

When gutters are not properly maintained, the water can fall straight down off the roof. When water is not properly channeled away from the foundation, it could cause erosion and foundation damage. 

In some cases, the rain could puddle up and flow upward under the shingles. This could cause a roof leak. Your attention to your property’s gutters can eliminate these potentially expensive costs.

While no property owners wants to deal with unexpected repair issues, your attention to these issues could benefit the property over the long run. When faced with a repair issue, focus on the long-term benefits associated with making repairs as needed.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Is Your Fixed Deposit Making You Wealthier?

Yogesh Shugani, the Jabalpur resident, has invested in a bank’s fixed deposit and was earning 6.95% FD interest rates. He had saved some money, and that’s why to make his money grow, he chose an FD over a bank’s recurring deposit while opting for investment.

However, once six months passed, he analyzed his investment and found that his bank was offering him lower fixed deposit interest rate profits when compared to his friend’s FD account with a private company which was fetching him around 8%.

Thus, he quickly realized his mistake and closed his bank’s FD account and initiated an FD with a non-banking finance company (NBFC) and is a happy man.

If you are the one like Yogesh who is not happy with his/her current fixed deposit scheme, you can open an FD account with a leading non-banking finance company (NBFC) and make the most of it.

Let’s provide you some amazing features of a company fixed deposit scheme that will not only let your investment earn more but even avail other benefits.

Avail a higher fixed deposit interest rate profits

When compared to banks, non-banking finance companies offer a healthy return on FD interest rate of up to 8%. Thus, the immediate benefit is that you get to make your investment grow faster facilitate your goals better. 

You also get the facility to apply for a cumulative as well as non-cumulative FD. Monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly interest profits are given in a non-cumulative FD type while a non-cumulative type lets you earn more as the interest profits are calculated on a compounding basis.

You get an easy access

An online fixed deposit scheme with a leading non-banking finance company lets you have an online assessment of your account. It makes applying for an FD as well as managing and tracking of the fixed deposit accounts dead easy. 

Yes, once you have filled the online form, the lender calls you and schedule a meeting to pick the required documents and the cheque.

Tenor flexibility

Did not liked an FD account that you just opened? You can close it and open a new one instantly. Service providers offer investors with a flexible tenor facility. 

It means that you are free to select a tenor which suits you best. As a result, you get the freedom to apply for an FD account with a tenor ranging between 1 and 5 years. 

The higher the tenor, the higher the interest payout and that’s why you should choose a tenor accordingly if you want a fat FD income to follow.

Senior citizen fixed deposit

Financial institutions offer the highest fixed deposit interest rate to senior citizens. Yes, if you are a senior citizen, you can expect to gain the highest 8.10% FD interest rate gains. 

If you want to renew it or reinvest it after the maturity, you can expect a further 0.10% raise in your income.

FDs are insured

While other high-risk investments such as mutual funds do not offer assurance to the invested money, an FD account with an NBFC does. 

Yes, fixed deposits have insurance worth Rs.1 lakh on your sum of investment. Thus, it means that your invested money is in safe hands.

The Bottom Line

If you are looking to let your fixed deposits return you with a fabulous return, you can open an FD account with one of the leading non-banking finance company and get started. All the best!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

How to Secure a Surety Bond as a Small Business

A surety bond can benefit small businesses such as construction companies or other contractors by widening their opportunities. 

The surety bond is basically an insurance policy issued to guarantee a client certain compensation if you fail to meet the terms of an agreement. It’s usually expected in state or government contracts, but many other organizations or individuals may request one. 

If you are asked to provide a surety bond, here are some tips on securing one through an agency like Zuma Insurance.

Decide What Kind of Bond You Need

What kind of bond you need depends on what industry you’re in and what kind of obligations the client expects you to honor. 

For government agencies, sometimes a certain type of bond is needed to gain a license. Usually the client will tell you what’s expected as part of the agreement or proposal. 

A general Small Business Service Surety Bond may be sufficient, or a Performance and Payout Surety Bond for stipulated conditions. A bidder’s bond may be required just to bid on certain contracts, or additional policies such as CA concrete contractors insurance.

Bond Costs

You also need to know how much coverage the requesting party, or obligee, is expecting to cover their risk. The actual cost of the bond to you is usually between two and 10 percent of the total coverage, so you’ll need to make sure your profit margin more than covers the bond’s cost. 

This cost will be calculated by the bond issuer based on risk factors such as your credit score, history, and current financial obligations. 

Some insurers will expect you to have 10 percent of the bond’s value in capital funds, or may limit the amount to 10 or 15 times your business equity.

Where to Look

One great source for obtaining bonds is the Small Business Administration. They will charge a fee for their assistance, but it’s only 0.729 percent of the total contract value.

If you can find more than one insurer that provides the type of bond you need, you’ll be able to compare to get the best rates and “bonding capacity”, or cap limit. 

For a sole proprietorship, a bond may be dependent on your personal credit score more than your business credit, with scores as low 550 occasionally accepted. 

The exact terms usually vary from one insurer to another and include other business factors, as well, such as years of experience and financial history. 

You can also apply for and obtain surety bonds from companies operating online. Make sure the issuer is licensed to provide bonds.

When looking for a surety bond, be sure you have all the information and references requested. Approving your bond may take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

What is IOTA Crypto Currency All About?

It is a digital currency. It is mean for online purposes and is also in the digital form. IOTA is a digital asset and is used as an investment. You can buy this currency and in return, you will get profit as the value of cryptocurrency increases the value of your coins will also be increased and with this, you will be able to earn more and more. 

The value of cryptocurrency increases each coming year so it also serves the purpose of the asset. You must be thinking that why people are buying it more and more than obviously where they are getting more profit and seeing the increment in their initial savings they will buy this digital currency more.


Transactions that occur through the utilization and exchange of those altcoins are independent from formal banking systems, and therefore could make tax evasion simpler for individuals. 

Since charting taxable income is based on what a recipient reports to the revenue service, it becomes very difficult to account fully for transactions made using existing cryptocurrencies, a mode of exchange that is complex and impossible to track.

Systems of anonymity that most cryptocurrencies offer may also serve as less complicated methods to launder money. 

Rather than laundering money via an intricate net of financial actors and offshore bank accounts, laundering money through altcoins can be performed through anonymous transactions.

Fewer chances of loss

There are many people who want to invest their money in some trustworthy place but are scared of loses then it is the best option for them to invest their money in a trustworthy place and from where the chances of loss are less.

Online transaction

IOTA is very useful for the online transactions. You can buy and sell it online while sitting at home and doing nothing. 

There are endless benefits of cryptocurrency and buying it is easier and affordable for most people which will be difficult in the near future.

Benefits of IOTA

The best thing about this cryptocurrency is that there is no transaction fee so it is free to make any transaction from your account. And another important thing about it is that there are fewer chances of fraud as there is no such way of fraud in it and is a very secure form of currency. 

The only thing which can be worse is that if someone hacks your account but the hacking account is not easy when there is a large no of security in it. 

But on the other hand the thing that you need to give attention is in the coin market and if you have your own coins then you should be conscious of the global coin markets.

IOTA market capital

IOTA market capital is 10,231,089,633 and its market price is $3.68 which is really very affordable and will help you to make a start from a small amount. This encourages you to start your investment from a small level and will take you to the big amount.

As the value of cryptocurrency here is always an increase so there are fewer chances of loss and will motivate you to make more investments. Iota gives people a great opportunity for investment and to make its value more. 

It is just like a gold one you buy it and it starts increasing its value then obviously you will be earning by sitting home and making the value of your asset more by doing nothing.

Last verdict

Buying IOTA is the best way of investing your money at the right place. And encourage the fewer income people also to invest. 

Here chances of loss are less so it is the best time to buy a cryptocurrency. Follow this link for more information www.coinmarkets.net/currencies/iota/

Thursday, December 28, 2017

4 Ways Families Can Save Cash on Regular Home Repairs

Home repairs can become costly very quickly, which is why making a plan and scouting out ways to save money ahead of time is a good idea. Check out this list to learn some ways to save money on your next home repair.

Make a Budget and a Plan

Most people groan at the idea of making a budget, but having a clearly laid out plan at the start of a renovation project can help you prioritize spending and anticipate all the costs. 

While it wouldn’t seem like it, making a plan does save money. Unexpected purchases can eat into finances heavily. Anticipating potential costs allows homeowners time to shop around for deals, consider all their options, and set aside the needed funds for the upcoming repair project.

Don’t Forget Upkeep

Minor repairs are much more affordable than major renovations. Taking time to make minor repairs as needed can save thousands of dollars in the long haul. 

For example, make sure bathroom fixtures are properly sealed with caulk so that water doesn’t seep into cracks and cause major mold and rot which is costly to repair. Other small repairs that can save you money include doing plumbing repairs, such as taking care of leaky faucets to avoid high utility bills. 

Other things, like inspecting and possibly replacing your sump pump so your home doesn’t flood in the next big storm are also good ideas. Make sure to also regularly replace HVAC filters so your system doesn’t suffer damage.

Shop Around

Don’t be afraid to ask multiple contractors for quotes or check out the pricing of supplies from multiple vendors. The first price you come across might not be the best price. 

Also make sure that if you are hiring a contractor the prices you are comparing include labor, parts, and potential warranties. A great quote won’t pay off if it leaves out a long list of hidden costs.

Look for Tax Cuts

You may find that the IRS will offer tax cuts for home repairs. Talk with an accountant and track your spending to see what home repair costs you can claim on your taxes. This is especially true for energy efficient updates. 

If you can anticipate potential rebates ahead of time this will help you to budget and make repair choices that give you the most bang for your buck.

Home ownership can be costly, but thinking creatively and planning ahead can lessen those costs and make owning a home an affordable and enjoyable experience. 

These tips are a starting point to thinking outside the box to save costs. Making repairs can be stressful, but are also a great opportunity to increase the value and efficiency of your home.

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