Sunday, September 9, 2018

On a Tight Budget, Are You? Here's How to Rock Your Content Marketing

How do you succeed in content marketing while squeezed for cash? Use the following tips to rock your content strategy without letting your budget slow you down.

Focus on Profitable Content Types

Ideally, you might want to publish content in a variety of formats to appeal to the largest audience possible. However, your tight budget means that you have to be more selective in your activities.

Find out what types of content resonate the most with your website visitors and focus on those to maximize your ROI. To do this, use a combination of analytics and trial and error data. Also, monitor your competitors to see what content formats they use.

As part of the process, calculate the time and money you must spend to create each type of content. When you find a format that consistently gets results that justifies its cost, stick with it. Such a focus will help you avoid wasting your resources while maximizing profitability.

Prioritize Quality Over Quantity

Do you have to publish a certain amount of content during a period of time? Such a practice may keep your website fresh, but it can lead to low-quality, “thin” content that fails to impress your visitors.

As a general rule, quality matters more than quantity. Still, you need to avoid over optimizing your content to control costs. After you reach a minimum quality level, additional efforts will have diminishing returns. 

Your limited budget means that you can’t afford to insist on total perfection. Using the 80/20 standard as a rule of thumb, the majority of your quality will come from a minimal amount of work.

Improve Your Efficiency

You may sometimes feel as though your limited resources will prohibit you from achieving the growth your business deserves. Rather than becoming discouraged, look for ways to do more with what you have.

For instance, you can save a lot of time by grouping similar tasks from multiple projects in batches that you complete in a single sitting. Rather than researching a topic for just one blog post, prepare a couple dozen topics before exiting your research mode.

Other ways to improve efficiency include outsourcing work to freelancers, repurposing outdated content, and optimizing your processes. Also, cloud-based software for time and project management can also help you work smarter rather than harder.

Take a Holistic Approach

Rather than focusing only on online marketing channels, create a wholesome marketing strategy that includes both online and offline tactics. By extending your reach via traditional methods, you can reduce your overall expenditures while increasing your ROI.

Try ordering business cards and passing them out at community events. Also, remember that printed media such as billboards, magazines and newspapers can help you achieve your goals. Other tactics, such as giving free public lectures at libraries and schools cost you nothing while establishing yourself as an industry and community leader.

By incorporating multiple channels in your strategy, you can create a synergy that extends the usefulness of your limited funds. For example, your printed business cards, books and flyers should include your URL and can boost your website traffic.

Utilize Free Content

Content creation takes time and, therefore, it costs money. However, you can find ways to get content for free that can dramatically extend the usefulness of your budget. Start by providing guest-blogging opportunities.

Rather than paying cash for content, you compensate your guest bloggers by giving them access to your audience. On the other hand, they can increase the authority of your brand while exposing it to some of their loyal followers.

To increase your access to free content, publish a page on your website that announces guest-blogging opportunities. Be sure to specify available topics and outline your quality requirements.

Always Deliver Value

You might feel pressured to reduce your quality standards in order to accommodate your small budget. Such an approach may reduce your production costs, but hurt you in other ways. To begin with, poor-quality content may not meet the needs of your shoppers and customers. Additionally, poor content can also damage your page rank in search engine results. 

Instead, if you emphasize quality over quantity, you can create content that meets the real-world needs of your audience. As time passes, people will begin to trust your site and brand to get the information they need.

In the end, your readers will begin to regard your brand as the natural choice when they get ready to buy. So, emphasize quality and see your content marketing budget accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

Build Content Libraries

Rather than discarding your research after using it, archive it on a shared folder on your server. As you build your content library, you will have tons of videos, articles, illustrations, templates and snippets at your fingertips.

After a while, you will have a huge repository of all the factual and creative content that covers all the topics you cover. Rather than designing and creating all your content from scratch, use items from your content library as building blocks.

In other words, you retain the value of your work by extending its usefulness well into the future. Meanwhile, you gain additional cost savings by speeding your content creation processes.

In summary, by taking an intentional approach, you can rock your content marketing operation. While emphasizing creativity, quality and efficiency, you can publish the content you need to grow your business without going broke.

Jasmine Williams covers the good and the bad of today's business and marketing. When she’s not being all serious and busy, she’s usually hunched over a book or dancing in the kitchen, trying hard to maintain rhythm, and delivering some fine cooking (her family says so). Tweet her @JazzyWilliams88

Friday, September 7, 2018

How Much Do Home Care Services Cost Patients?

Home care services can be useful to individuals who need assistance with basic daily activities. It doesn’t matter if an individual is elderly or if they have any kind of medical concern. 

This form of personalized help can do a lot for convenience and ease. People who are considering home care services can get insight by learning about typical expenses for patients.

Typical Home Care Costs

Costs that are associated with home care assistance services typically run the gamut. They usually cost patients anywhere between $18.00 and $20.00 per hour, however. People often compare home care and assisted living costs. 

Patients who have moderate home care requirements often pay less. Patients who require assistance that exceeds 40 hours weekly, though, often have to pay more.

Expenses and Location

Costs that are linked to home care assistance differ dramatically. One major component that influences these expenses is geography. Home care services are more expensive in certain parts of the United States. They’re markedly less expensive in other parts, too.

Expenses and Degree of Assistance

One other component substantially influences typical home care service costs. That’s the exact degree of care. There are some patients who are rather independent and who do not need as much hands-on attention from caregivers. 

There are others who require assistance that’s significantly more detail-oriented. Patients who have Alzheimer’s disease and dementia may be examples of individuals who require assistance that’s a lot more involved. The more involved home care services are, the costlier they become.

Expenses and Expert Attention

Patients who have more complex requirements often call for assistance from experts with strong backgrounds in their fields. If you’re looking for home care assistance services for a patient who has extremely specific requirements, you should expect costs to be higher. 

This is because you may have to cover expenses for professionals who have in-depth backgrounds in certain sectors of the healthcare umbrella. Paying for a caregiver who has dementia expertise may cost more.

Home care can be an enormous help to all kinds of individuals these days. Home care assistance services are in no way limited to older persons, either. People who are healing after major surgical procedures often turn to home care services. 

People who have disabilities often turn to these services as well. They can be advantageous for many reasons. They can help people remain their familiar and comforting homes. They can make people who are vulnerable and weak a lot less susceptible to all kinds of injuries, too.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Why Do Truly Effective Business Owners Tend to Outsource Their Books?

Have you ever wondered why it is that so many successful business owners all over the world tend to have several defining traits in common? You may well have noticed this while also wondering just how many of these traits there are. 

Finally, you may also have attempted to get to the very bottom of the mystery by trying to figure out just which of these traits are the most important ones. As it turns out, there really are several things that a successful business owner does that are worth looking at. 

One of them involves the way that they handle all of the tasks related to bookkeeping.

Bookkeeping is an Important Skill That Should Never Be Underestimated

One thing to keep in mind is that bookkeeping is a complex and very involved skill that should never be underestimated. This is a time consuming but very necessary practice that will keep your business out of legal trouble and safely in the black. 

If you don't have proper bookkeeping skills at your disposal, you need to find a team of experienced individuals that do. But you may not have the means to do so on your own. 

It may be ultimately more cost effective to outsource these skills so that they can be conducted on your behalf without causing you to lose focus on other issues.

Where Can You Go to Get Top Level Bookkeeping Skills for Your Business?

The question now becomes one of just where you can go to get the top notch bookkeeping skills you need for your business. The answer is revealed when you log on to the world wide web. 

This is the place where all of your competitors go to find the very best bookkeeping services. There is no reason why you shouldn't have access to the very same state of the art service that all of your rivals in the industry are currently enjoying. 

By doing business with a site like, you will be able to get your books in order while continuing to concentrate on your future plans.

What Benefits Will Come from Outsourcing Your Bookkeeping Services?

If you are wondering what kind of benefits you can expect from outsourcing your bookkeeping services, consider this. By doing so, you finally get a guarantee that your books are being handled in the correct fashion. 

Not every business owner is a wizard in the field of accounting. If you are the sole owner and proprietor of your business, you already have a million other tasks to deal with on a daily basis. It's easier than you think to let a small mistake suddenly grow into a huge one that will impact you in a negative manner at tax time.

It's best to avoid this situation. And you can do so by hiring a bookkeeping expert to handle all of your books. This way, you will be reliably informed of every error you make so that it can be quickly corrected. 

You won't face major penalties from the IRS for coming up short on what you owe to them. The sooner you acquire these handy and reliable services, the better for your business.

The Time for You to Outsource Your Bookkeeping Services is Now

If you really want to get the best deal on bookkeeping services, you are well advised to pay a visit to a great new site called This is the place where you can get the latest news on outsourcing all of your crucial bookkeeping services for a price that you can easily afford. 

It's also the place where you can go to finally free up many crucial hours of your time. Once you have done so, you can now use the extra time to concentrate on your plans for the present and future. Outsourcing your books means boosting your imagination.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

7 Key Challenges of Launching a Startup

It may seem daunting to know that 8 out of 10 startups will fail in the first 18 months, but it doesn't have to be. To begin with, many successful startups took a few tries to actually get right. 

Just because an initial startup may fail doesn't mean it doesn't provide valuable experience to get the second or third try up and running. Ultimately, all startups fail because they run out of money. 

What causes them to run out of money is the question. Here are 7 key challenges to launching a startup.

1. Expanding Too Quickly

When people think of growth, they often think of expansion. In truth, those are two very different things. In reality you often have to grow before you expand. Getting an order for 1,000 units of your new product may seem like a windfall, but not if you don't have the production facilities in place to handle an order that size. 

Suddenly having more clients than you can handle sounds ideal, but in reality it can be the death of your business. When you plant a seed, it can be months before you actually see growth. 

That doesn't mean the seed hasn't been busy beneath the surface planting roots that will support the expansion when it happens. Make sure you understand the difference between growth and expansion.

2. Having the Wrong Partners

No one individual can singlehandedly build a successful startup. They need partners that bring something to the table in the form of wisdom, experience, contacts, money or some combination of all. 

What you don't need, however, are partners that bring little to nothing to the table. Your best friend since high school might be your most loyal friend, but that doesn't make them a good business partner. 

Similarly, be careful who you allow to invest in your startup. Most investments come with strings - make sure you have a very clear understanding of what they are before taking any money.

3. Failure to Adequately Judge the Market

No matter what product or service you have to offer, you need someone to buy that product or service. You may find an area you think would be perfect for an upscale coffee shop, but that doesn't mean the residents of that area are going to buy your upscale coffee. 

Before you offer a product or service, you need to ensure there is a market for your product or service. If there isn't one, that doesn't mean all is lost, it simply means you will have to build one.

4. Failure to Build a Market

While you may actually hit on a product idea or service people are genuinely hungry for, it is rare. More often than not, you actually have to convince people they need the product or service you are offering. 

When Starbucks first started selling coffee in the 1970's it was unheard of to spend more than about 50 cents on a cup of coffee. Starbucks actually had to convince the entire world that a cup of coffee was something worth spending upwards of $4 on. They didn't walk into a ready-made market, they built one.

5. Lack of Security

The minute you actually invest something into turning an idea into a reality, you have something to protect. Whether that is your proprietary blend of spices, your manuscript or customer information, you have something that can be stolen. 

Anything that can be stolen needs to be protected or it can signal the end of your business. These days it is important for all businesses - from the smallest startup to the largest corporation - to invest heavily in cybersecurity. 

Small businesses are often in the greatest danger of being hacked because they think they are too small and insignificant to be worth hacking. They are generally wrong.

6. Lack of Proper Insurance

There are any number of catastrophes and cataclysms that can prematurely derail a startup. From fires, floods and other disasters to the death of a partner or investor to costly lawsuits, startups can suddenly find themselves stopped. 

Making sure you have the proper insurance is critical to any startup. In addition, you should always work with a reputable agent from a reputable carrier. It is also important to do periodic reviews of your insurance with your agent to make sure that your coverage is keeping pace with the changing needs of your startup.

7. Burnout

Building a startup into a full-fledged business is a marathon, not a sprint. The tasks involved in building a startup are never-ending and they can easily become overwhelming. 

Generally, the people that actually successfully shepherd a startup into a fully operational business pace themselves and don't lose sight of what is truly important. They take care to maintain their relationships, their physical health and even their outside activities. 

While it may take longer to build a successful company by going at a slower pace, you also give yourself a far better chance of actually seeing the finish line.

Wrapping Up

People who successfully guide a startup to a full-fledged business often seem to anticipate what is going to happen long before it ever does. That's because in one sense they do. 

While this list doesn't cover every potential pitfall of building a startup, the full list of things that can derail them is not actually that long. Savvy entrepreneurs make it their business to know every single thing that can go wrong and generally have a plan in place for dealing with it.

Jasmine Williams covers the good and the bad of today's business and marketing. When she’s not being all serious and busy, she’s usually hunched over a book or dancing in the kitchen, trying hard to maintain rhythm, and delivering some fine cooking (her family says so). Tweet her @JazzyWilliams88

Monday, September 3, 2018

Everything to Know About Third Party Car Insurance & Its Benefits


Are you planning to buy a car of your dreams? Congratulations that you will be able to cherish and fulfil your one of the dreams! However, while most of the car buyers go in the details of car size, facilities and beyond, many few care about car insurance.

Yes, if you plan to purchase a car in India, you need to know that there are two types of car insurance plans such as third party and comprehensive car insurance. One is legally bound to at least avail a third party car insurance if not the comprehensive car insurance.

Let’s talk about the concept and benefits of the third party car insurance in this short post.

What is third party car insurance?

A third party car insurance is a mandatory car insurance policy that one needs to avail as it’s a must as per the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988. A third party car insurance is a scheme which shields the driver or the car. It protects against any legal liability, property, and financial loss, medical expense cover due to an injury or death of any third party due to the impact of your vehicle.

Thus, if your car hits any third party, property, or injures someone even leading to his/her death, the third party car insurance company offers compensation to them. In short, you need not provide anything out of your pocket and hit loss.

The beneficiary of the policy is none other than the third party and not you

What are the benefits of the third party car insurance?

Offers financial assistance and legal cover – As discussed earlier , since a third party car insurance offers legal cover and financial assistance to any damage to self or property of a third party, it helps you take care of the burden.

Provides you peace of mind – When you are aware that the legal and financial burden of anything happening to the third party is taken care of by the insurance company, you can take a sigh of relief. 

Thus, you can just focus on relief from stress due to an accident rather than worrying about the unexpected expenses.

The dead easy process to avail a third party car insurance – You can easily procure or renew a third party car insurance as you can also do that online without issues. You can also compare many policies online and then decide one matching your needs and affordability.

Comes affordable – The third party car insurance comes affordable and does not pinch your pockets. What’s more, the benefits that it offers in the term of the legal and financial coverage is nothing in comparison to what you pay for it.

Round the clock availability – Compared to some conventional policies that are available only offline, the third party car insurance is accessible online and 24/7 on all days of the year from any location. Hence, the glitch-free mobility and accessibility of this scheme make it quite popular among car buyers.

The Bottom Line

There is no denying the fact that the kind of legal and financial assistance that it offers laced with the peace of mind makes it a must-have in today’s time.
With the number of vehicles on the road increasing and accidents too, it’s smart to avail a third party car insurance. 

If you are not sure which third party car insurance will be good for you, you can compare all plans or take help from a known financial expert to help you!

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Elderly Expenses: How to Apply for Social Security

Expenses for elderly persons tend to increase the same as expenses for younger citizens. However, if you’re an elderly individual, you may be retired and living on a fixed income instead of working. This income doesn’t adjust for higher living costs. 

The social security program provides one way that you might be able to deal with rising costs and get help with your expenses. In many cases, you’ve already paid into this system all your working life.

Apply for Benefits Online

The government hosts an online portal that deals with its social security program, specifically. There are multiple pages that deal with social security depending on the specific part of the program for which you want to apply. 

You can use this page to apply for retirement benefits if you are at least 64 years and nine months old. The online process usually takes just a few minutes if you have all the information the electronic forms need.

Speak with an Attorney

A qualified legal professional may be able to help you navigate the waters of social security. This person can help you understand what the system is, how it operates, what benefits you are qualified to receive, how to sign up for the service, and how to manage your finances. 

Even if you are only thinking about signing up for benefits, it’s a good idea to talk to a professional social security attorney in the field. You may receive a consultation at no cost to you that can answer your questions and put any doubts to rest.

Know Your Eligibility Status

Parts of the social security program are based around an age requirement. However, other sections of the program can rely on additional factors for eligibility. 

You may meet certain requirements that make you a candidate for benefits under multiple sections of the program. It’s a good idea to research everything social security offers to the elderly and what other factors it uses to make any determinations. 

You don’t want to pass up any money to which you might be entitled to cover your expenses.

Send Your Forms by Post

If you do not want to deal with the online portal for social security, signing in to your account, or uploading various digital documents to the site, you can send in the appropriate forms and documentation via regular mail. 

In most cases, your local social security office will accept them and send them on if necessary. Again, a knowledgeable attorney can help you figure out which forms you need and what information the government wants from you.

These are just a few tips you can use to sign up for social security. Don’t let your expenses get the better of you when assistance is available.

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