Monday, October 8, 2018

Insurance Guide for a Person Aged 50 Years – What Should You Include and Exclude?

Do you think your retirement is approaching? If answered yes, it’s high time you should review your health insurance policy to make sure you stay covered during your golden years. It is not that health insurance is something that that you need during your retired life as it is important during several stages of life. 

Health insurance fills the health insurance gaps which are often not covered by Medicare. Nevertheless, health insurance actually gets more and more important when people get older as after 50 years of age, there are several chronic illnesses which start developing and which also need immediate medical help.

While there are several health insurance companies like iSelect which are there to offer you the best health insurance policies in the market, it is still imperative that you compare and contrast the rates before choosing the final one. Here are few things to consider.

What should you ask yourself on health insurance since you’ve crossed 50?

Here are few questions on health insurance that you should ask yourself whenever you cross 50 years of age.

Is it necessary to alter the type of policy?

In case you own a private health policy already, you may have a family or couple policy which gives higher priorities to few treatments which were more vital for you previously. Nevertheless, if you’re still considering moving towards health insurance during your 50s, you will again require setting new priorities all over again.

Do I require any other kind of medical services?

Previously you had insurance for teeth issues but now it seems more important to have coverage on hip replacement, cataract removal, cardiac surgery and other things. You should ensure giving a close look to your health policy.

How should I make sure I get full coverage?

You might be eligible for Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card after crossing 65, this can help slash off the costs of prescription medicines and services. This insurance will make sure you stay protected in later years.

What are the services to watch out for in a policy?

Hospital coverage: When we say hospital coverage, we mean all the basics like shared or private room, public or private hospital, fees for intensive care unit, ambulance expense coverage pathology, x-rays and pharmaceuticals as well. It shouldn’t include those treatments which you will most likely never need like reproductive or obstetrics services or non-cosmetic eye surgery or transplanting of organs. 

Extra coverage: This extra coverage includes ancillary services which you will need, like for example dental, optical, physiotherapy, podiatry and other services. Similarly, here too, they shouldn’t include any services which you will never need like vaccinations during travel or gym membership fees. The benefit limits should remain individual.

Therefore, once you reach 50 years of age, you have to make sure you take the best insurance decisions so that you don’t have to suffer later on due to lack of funds during an emergency leading to medical debt.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Making Your Retirement Affordable with Vaping
While vaping has primarily been adopted by younger generations, it’s actually older, long-time smokers who stand to benefit most by switching to vaping. The costs of smoking tend to grow as smokers age, and as the adverse health effects manifest more strongly. 

More importantly, older smokers are often those who have tried and failed to quit multiple times in the past, and who are unlikely to quit in order to reduce health risks and healthcare costs.

Reducing healthcare costs

Since vaping is still relatively new, and involves the consumption of nicotine, it’s still classified as tobacco usage as far as health insurers are concerned. Some insurers, however, have indicated that vaping may be reclassified in the coming years. 

Despite this, older smokers stand to save thousands of dollars per year simply by limiting their risks of developing expensive health problems, and potentially reversing existing ones. This is because vaping effectively eliminates most of the ongoing health risks associated with smoking. 

While the exact health effects can’t be fully understood in the decade that vaping has been studied, it has been established to result in health outcomes that are 90% better than those of active smokers within that time frame.

Cutting down on expensive medications

Cigarette smoke weakens the immune system, reduces blood oxygen levels, causes erectile dysfunction, and raises the risk of diabetes. All of these require expensive medications to manage that people planning for retirement often don’t anticipate or budget for. 

For an unprepared retiree, this medical bill alone can turn what should have been a comfortable retirement into a difficult experience. Fortunately, all of these are issues that are not associated with vaping, and that quitting smoking can alleviate in a matter of months.

Preventing expensive treatment costs

Beyond the chronic and relatively minor costs of smoking lurk truly major medical expenses. Heart attack, stroke, and cancer result in expensive treatments, rehabilitation costs, and potentially a drastically reduced quality of life. Fortunately, it’s not a future that smokers need to resign themselves to. 

Within 1 year of switching, a former smoker’s risk of developing coronary heart disease drops by 59%. After 10 years, the risk of developing lung cancer is cut in half compared to continuing smokers, and the risk of stroke is reduced to that of a non-smoker.

Direct savings

While the most significant savings are to be found in preventing and reversing smoking-related health problems, vaping also offers significant direct savings. Compared to a typical pack-a-day smoker in the United States, a typical vaper with the same level of nicotine usage will save approximately $1000 dollars per year. That’s because vaping devices are reusable, and e liquids are comparatively affordable.

Simply by switching to vaping, a current smoker can improve their health and directly reduce their healthcare costs by several thousand dollars per year. When the long term preventive benefits are factored in as well, those savings often jump to over $10,000 per year. For many retirees, that comes to nearly as much as their social security check.

Ashley Wilson is a former smoker and vaper who writes about the topic on a daily basis for the vape shop at which she now works. Check out the website to learn more, and to start your journey after cigarettes.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

4 Overlooked Estate Planning Moves

When people think about estate planning, they typically think about drafting a Will and passing on property or money to family or other loved ones. However, preparing for the future may involve other areas you may not have considered.

Increased life spans, new technology and rising costs could mean making plans beyond deciding who will get what. Here are four estate planning steps that are often overlooked, but which can have a big impact on you and your family:

Make a plan for your future medical care

Our health naturally deteriorates as we age, but accidents and sudden illness can also greatly impact one’s quality of life. Planning for future medical care could help you maintain a measure of control during some worst-case scenarios.

One way to plan for future care is through an advance directive. This is a legal document where you can record preferences and instructions for medical care and grant another person power of attorney to make decisions on your behalf if you’re unable to do so for yourself. 

An advance directive can help guide your family and doctors through important decisions that could impact your quality of life.

Think about your digital assets

As our lives increasingly move online, having an end-of-life plan for our digital presence and files is becoming more important. Loved ones may need to access your computer or email to find important information, such as financial statements. They might also want to close certain accounts to help prevent fraud or to aid with the grieving process.

Many sites make it easy for family members to access online information or close accounts, but some do not. Taking steps now could help this process go as smooth as possible when the time comes. This may include things such as keeping a secure record of important usernames or regularly backing up documents saved to your computer and other devices.

Consider burial costs

The price of a funeral can be expensive. In many countries it can even cost in the tens of thousands of dollars. The burden of this expense could be tough for your loved ones to shoulder, especially since families often need to come up with funeral money on short notice.

With this in mind, you may want to familiarise yourself with the costs of funerals in your area. Knowing the average costs of burial fees, coffins and flowers could help you factor the expense of a funeral into your estate planning. 

You might decide to set aside money specifically for the service, or look into other ways to pay, such as taking out a funeral insurance policy.

Share your funeral wishes.

Planning a loved one’s funeral can be difficult for reasons beyond the cost. Often, family members have no idea what the deceased would have wanted. Discussing any funeral wishes you may have with family could help remove some of the guesswork.

If you have any strong preferences or general thoughts about your own funeral, sharing these with your family could help them honour your wishes. This might include things like preferring cremation, wanting an eco-friendly burial or requesting a favourite song be played at the service. You might also consider writing down your funeral wishes and giving a copy to a trusted family member or friend for when the time comes.

Planning for an uncertain future may not be fun, but it could help your family better cope with their loss. Making a plan to address medical issues, digital information and your funeral may be important. The more consideration given to these subjects now, the easier it might be for your family to close out your final business and say goodbye.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Want To Reduce Your Health Insurance Premium? Here’s How

Have a correct sum health insurance at correct age. It’s critical to have the correct amount protected – you should keep your health, age, and wage as a top priority while acquiring a health insurance cover; purchasing abundance or deficient coverage can prompt significant issues. 

In the event that you are over-insured then there will be a higher health insurance premium outgo. Then again, on the off chance that you are under-guaranteed then you may need to pay additional from your pocket. 

One likewise needs to observe expansion while considering paying a health insurance premium – for example, a ten lakh policy today would be lacking five-to-ten years down the line.The major factors are:

Decide on willful co-payment

In the event that you are young and healthy, you can pick a high willful sum and get a concession on premium rates from the back up plan. As the likelihood of falling sick is less when young, it’s an incredible method to get moderate premium rates from the health insurance companies. 

You can select high willful sum when you are young, healthy, and have an enduring stream of wage; it’s an extraordinary method to limit premium cost. Co-installment is the part of claim that must be first paid by the policyholder at the season of a settlement, which can be additionally isolated as mandatory and willful.

Buy insurance on the web

You ought to consider purchasing a health insurance policy on the web, as there are extensive rebates accessible on premiums. Online health insurance strategies are nearly less expensive that those sold by operators specifically, as the insurance organization doesn’t need to pay a commission to specialists, and the advantage is straightforwardly passed on to the purchaser. In addition, purchasing a health insurance policy online is both problem free and helpful for the client.

Choose a more drawn out tenure

Health insurance approaches are required to be reestablished each year, in any case, some health insurance organizations offer strategies that have a term time of a few years. There are advantages of picking a more drawn out tenure health insurance policy as one gets critical rebates on premium.

Select a Family Floater policy

While picking a health insurance plan, it’s basic to consider the coverage prerequisites of your family also. One can profit rebates while choosing a family floater policy, as the general premium is partitioned among all safeguarded relatives. 

Since premium is charged based on coverage, health insurance organizations additionally allow you to modify your coverage includes according to your requirements.

No claim benefit plans

In the event that there is a zero claim in the earlier year, the greater part of the insurance organizations give a no claim reward. Subsequently it’s critical to check with the insurance organization whether they offer a no claim reward. One can utilize a no claim reward to get additional coverage without paying the extra premium.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

Your lifestyle decides your health. You are less inclined to illnesses and infections on the off chance that you endeavor to live healthily. This is featured by numerous health insurance organizations that offer unique premium rebates for the same.

The Bottom Line

There are a few elements influencing everything with regards to choosing the premium of your health insurance cover – ‘age’ stays one of the conspicuous elements. As age expands so do the premium of health insurance companies. 

Subsequently, one should buy a insurance policy at the earliest opportunity to profit the advantages of a lower premium. Thus, by breaking down the coverage and its highlights, you can spare your well deserved cash. Straightforward tips will help diminish your health insurance premium.

Author Bio: Sidharth Kapoor is a well known financial insurance advisor with the abilities to keep a track and predict the market trends with the utmost accuracy.He has done PGDBM in finance. He has worked on different financial sectors dealing with the entire range of Insurance like health Insurance,life insurance,personal accident insurance and also contribute as a writer at insuranceoverview blog more. He is also an expert in writing many finance related articles and blogs.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

How Much Does it Cost to Upgrade Your Patio Doors?

Patio doors can open up your home to an entirely new space during good weather. Your patio, deck or backyard can be used as a comfortable and airy room during parties, for relaxation and by your energetic children. 

Your patio doors should protect you from the elements and from possible prowlers. They should also help to insulate your home and should be easy to use for whatever size space you have. 

Here are five ways that you can determine how much it will cost to upgrade your doors to a new style.

What Type of Frame Have You Chosen?

Wood is by far the most expensive material used for a patio door frame, but it can be truly beautiful, especially in traditional homes. Fiberglass is a bit cheaper but is incredibly durable. Budget-friendly frame options include aluminum and vinyl. However, keep in mind that these materials may not last for many years.

What Style of Doors Do You Want?

One of the largest costs comes from the style of door that you have chosen. The two-panel gliding door is the most frequent choice and is by far the cheapest, costing $1,000 to $2,600. Sliding doors with more than two panels will cost far more. French doors keep the traditional look and open on hinges. 

They typically come at similar prices. Bi-fold doors for a kitchen are particularly popular because they save space while also allowing you to open your home to the outdoors. Telescoping doors may cost up to $5,000 but are the best options in extremely limited spaces.

Are You Using Specialty Glass?

Obviously, custom designs cost the most. Consider whether you want or need special thermal glass, impact-resistant glass or decorative glass. You may also want to consider adding built-in blinds to your doors.

How Much Does Installation Cost?

Installation can cost from a few hundred dollars to $1,400 depending on where you live, how large the patio doors are and how much work will have to be done to prepare the area. Very large or custom-built doors generally require more labor.

Are You Just Ordering a Replacement?

If you are just ordering a simple replacement part, you will see the lowest costs. Glass replacement may cost only $1,000 or less while new rollers for sliding doors will only cost $40 or so. Knobs and screens can also be added for a fraction of the cost of installing an entirely new door.

The cost of the materials and the installation will vary dramatically based on the variables that you choose. 

Of course, it is always wisest to choose the higher quality door over the lower-quality one, which could let in cold air during the winter and hot air during the summer and that may not offer you the level of protection you want. Additionally, keep in mind that where you live in the country may also affect your final cost.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

An Investor’s Guide to ULIPs and ELSS

Choosing between Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIPs) and Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) through SIP can seem confusing, as both are investment options that offer the benefit of tax deduction under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. 

It is essential to know the difference between SIP and ULIP since you can opt to invest in an ELSS scheme through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) route. 

The choice between the two should be based on your individual financial goals, risk appetite and investment horizon. Before making a decision, let us delve deeper and decode these two products.

What is ELSS?

Equity Linked Diversified Schemes or ELSS is primarily an equity diversified mutual fund scheme that invests in stocks from various sectors and of different market capitalisations. 

You need to lock in your investments for three years in an ELSS. You can claim up to Rs. 1.5 lakhs as a tax deduction against your investment in an ELSS.

What is a ULIP?

A ULIP is an insurance cum investment product, where one part of your investment is directed to give you a sum assured, upon maturity while the remaining is invested in securities such as equity, debt, money market depending upon your preference. 

You need to lock in your investment in a ULIP for five years. Here’s the guide how to choose ulip plan that you can follow to know more things before invest. 

During this timeframe, however, you can choose to switch from equity to debt or hybrid, in case there is a change in your investment objective. You can also claim a deduction of up to Rs. 1.5 lakhs on your investment in a ULIP.

What you should know before investing in ULIPs vs ELSS

Specific factors that make ULIPs a unique investment product are as follows: ULIPs offer you the power of insurance or a security cover along with investment benefits.

Initially, the premium you pay for a ULIP is used for various charges towards life insurance such as mortality charges, fees towards fund management and administration expenses.

Post deductions the remaining premium is divided between providing you a life cover and buying fund units for investment. 

What you should know before investing in ELSS vs ULIP. Certain factors that differentiate ELSS from other investment products are as follows:

ELSS is the only mutual fund product that offers tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

It has the shortest lock-in period of three years as compared to other tax savings products that come with a lock-in of five years and more.

You can invest in ELSS through a SIP throughout the year, to avoid last-minute tax planning woes.

Since it is an equity-diversified scheme, you can continue to invest in it post the lock-in of three years.

ELSS schemes invest in equities. Thus, the risk involved in ELSS investment is higher as compared to other tax savings instruments, but the returns are potentially higher as well.

Differences between ULIPs and ELSS:

1- Essential feature:

ULIP: Insurance cum investment product that can help you in long-term wealth creation

ELSS: Pure investment product that aids in long-term wealth creation

2- Tax benefits:

ULIP - Annual premium amount is eligible for Tax deduction under Section 80C. Policy pay-outs (death benefits) are exempted under Section 10 D of the Income Tax Act.

ELSS - The amount invested annually in ELSS is eligible for tax deduction under section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

The invested amount in ELSS falls under EEE category. This means it is exempt from taxes at the time of investment, taxes at the time of investment, accumulation and withdrawal

3- Applicable charges:

ULIP - Multiple charges are applicable on ELSS. These include mortality charges, premium allocation charges and administration charges. However, it is not very easy to access information about the premium breakup.

ELSS - Fund management charges and exit load (if you redeem your units before maturity), are explicitly specified in the scheme information document, before investing.

4- Liquidity:

ULIP - ULIPs have a lock-in of 5 years.

ELSS - ELSS has a lock-in of three years.

To read the difference between ULIPs and SIPs, click here.

Which one should you choose?

Both investment products have unique features and are long-term in nature; hence, choose your option purely on your investment objective. However, along these two schemes you have one more choice to invest, i.e: sip. 

You may follow this guide to know more about how to invest in sip. For instance, if your aim is to invest in a single product that takes care of your insurance and investment needs, then ULIPs can be the ideal choice. 

On the other hand, if you wish to compartmentalise insurance and investments and are looking merely for a tax savings product, an ELSS fits the bill.

Bajaj Finserv can help fulfil all your insurance and investment needs. With attractive investment options offered in a convenient and hassle-free manner, you can save on cost, time and effort. 

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